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Wife Exposed on Whitingham Lake Ch. 02

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Mature wife out dancing.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/27/2018
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Second part of the story, based on true events many years ago.

After we said are good-byes to the Fishermen we set out to find our domicile for the night. This before GPS was widely used, so we had to follow the directions we received from the receptionist at the hotel. When we found the hotel we realized it was an Inn, there are no children as guests, only gown-ups. It was a place you and your significance other go to, for some personal time together. We hit the jackpot with this place, our boat could be parked right outside our window, the windows were very large, the building was an old mansion, and they converted into an Inn. My wife loved the place when she saw it, she stayed in the truck while I registered, they asked if it was our wedding anniversary and I told them it wasn't, it would be in a few months, and they gave us a discount anyway for the room.

I backed the boat into a space in front of our room and unhooked it making sure I locked up the boat trailer, so it will be there the next day. I then went over to the truck and helped my wife out getting a very good view of her lovely flower of life. I think she did that on purpose, but I am not sure!

Escorting my wife to the room, I opened the door saying, "You can take a shower first while I brought the suitcases in."

She removed her cover up and padded nude to the shower area it could be seen from the bed, but not from outside. When she entered the shower I took her cover up and brought it outside, I brought in my overnight bag, and the case I packed for her inside the room.

While she was in the shower I opened the blinds to the room and also the drapes, finding a sliding door to a patio, on the side of the building facing a parking lot. There are a few bushes to make a semi private area with a table and chairs, this is where I brought her suitcase and I picked out the outfit, I wanted her to wear, laying it on the table. Our room was on a corner so we had a privacy fence on each side of the patio that was about 5' high, but you could look through the slats if you wanted to and see the other patios.

My wife finished her shower seeing my overnight bag and started calling me. "Where did you put my overnight bag?"

I told her, "It is out on the patio with me."

She was reluctant to come out there, asking me, "Bring me the clothes you want me to wear."

I told her, "You have to come out onto the patio. I have your clothes laid out for you here."

Realizing I was not going to bring her clothes in to her, she edged her way out onto the patio keeping a vigilant eye for anyone for anyone looking our way. She was paying more attention to trying to keep her modesty; it took her a while to see the outfit I picked out.

Going to the corner of the patio, she thought would give her the most cover; she curled up on a chair, with her legs crossed and an arm over her breast, with her other hand trying to cover her pubic area. Sometimes I don't understand women, she was nude for about 6 hours, on a lake with a few men ogling and telling her how pretty she was. She becomes modest in front of me.

Anyway she finally saw the outfit I had for her. It was a red dress made out of very thin material going half way between her crotch and her knee, when she was standing. The back swooped way down, so she could not wear a bra, the front had a few little buttons down to her pubic hair and I had a pair of very sheer red panties, although they were full briefs, for her to dress in, she thanked me for that small token modesty, I afforded her. To finish her outfit I had a pair of 3 inche heals for her.

My wife dressed and went back in to apply a little makeup and when she walked back into the room she was a knockout, as she really did not need makeup. When she walked past an area where the sun was shining, her outfit became transparent you could see her pubic hair and her vaginal lips even with the panties on, along with her areolas and nipples. I didn't tell her about this little wardrobe malfunction.

When she was ready we walked out hand and hand with a few of the people looking at my beautiful wife with a stunned expression on their faces, when she walked through a sunlit area. I opened the truck door for her and we were off to a place I was told about by a few of the men that I worked with that live near the lake.

It took about 15 minutes to arrive, but it was a nice place, bar type restaurant with people our age in attendance, a band starts at 9 PM, so I had the waiter seat us at a high top table toward the back of the room. I made sure my wife was facing the room and I was to her side watching her attempting to pull he dress down. By this time her nipples are starting to get rigid and her face is flushed denoting my sexy wife was getting excited. She was having trouble siting still and there were a two men with suits on, who were looking at her.

We ordered our dinner and when the waiter left, I unbuttoned the top button of her dress. She did not try to stop me; but wife said, "I will probably be naked before the night is over in this restaurant."

I agreed with her. See I always get the last word in my family "Yes Dear" The two men in business suits were watching us like hawks. When I unbuttoned the button of my wife's dress, they raised their glasses to us.

When the waiter brought our salads he noticed a button was undone on my wife's dress. He did not say anything to her but gave me a smile. When he left I reached over to unbutton another button, but my wife pushed my hand away. I though the game was over.

She told me, "I will do it, so it is not as noticeable as you reaching over to me. The men in suits are watching us." Pointing in the direction of the guys, they tipped their glasses to us again when she finished unbuttoning the next button. Now there was a hint of cleavage with this button undone and my wife's nipples and areola's were also more pronounced as testimony to her excited state.

The waiter came by and picked up the salad dishes and asked if we needed anything we said no. Even though I did not want her to unbutton another button on her dress she did anyway. Presently the view as becoming more impressive as my wife has large 38d breasts at the time, with very little sag to them. The men in the suits were really getting excited.

As the main course was served my wife, she didn't wait for the waiter to leave; she unbuttoned another button on the top of her dress, in front of him. He was shaken to see a woman do this in front of him, he told us later. The men in suits loved it though and now her breasts were showing, almost to her nipples. As my wife was eating, I could catch sight of one or the other of her areola and sometimes her nipples. Looking around I could see other men and some women, watching my wife's every move.

When the waiter came to take away our dishes, after we finished the main course, my wife unbuttoned her dress top one more button in front of him. He didn't have a reaction as he did the first time, when she was, finished he thanked her and asked if we wanted any desert. She said she was not going to unbutton any more buttons and I told him that we were going home for desert, after dancing a while. He was laughing as he left our table.

While waiting for the band to start, I worked my hand up my wife's leg under her dress to find her panties were soaked and clinging to her pussy lips.

"You are not help matters," my wife informed me as I manually manipulated her flower of life.

The band started playing, so my wife and I started to dance. The dress would ride up her legs as she danced, to the bottom of her panties; the men in the suits were watching her. After about 4 dances we sat down, the two men in suits came over, asking if they could sit with us. I said it was up to my wife. She looked at them smiled and told them they could. Both men were older than us maybe one was about 46 and the other was maybe 51 to our early 40s.

The younger of the two men asked, May I dance with your wife?

I told him, "It is OK with me. Ask her if she wanted to dance with you."

She said "yes".

They went to the dance floor, dancing to a fast tune. The next tune was a slow number and he really was holding her tight. After the dance she came back and sat down. They both went up and got us sodas and something to drink for them.

My wife telling me, "I could feel his erection rubbing against me when we were slow dancing."

I asked her, "Do you want to leave?"

She said, "Hell no, I am having too much fun."

I told her, "Go to the women's room and remove her panties, if you want to have more fun."

She said, "no".

I just let it go she was really exciting me the way she was dressed and dancing with the other man.

When the men came back the older man asked me, "May I dance with your wife?"

I told him, "Ask her, I am fine with you dancing with her."

She accepted and off they went to the dance floor, there were two fast dances, my wife was really getting into it. I could see her breasts and panties coming into view from where I was and I bet the younger man in the suit could see her exposure also. The next song was a slow one.

My wife and her partner were dancing like they were friends for a long time. It was really exciting me to see this man, my wife has known for less than an hour dancing with her with his hand on her bottom, bringing her dress up to show her sheer panties.

After the slow dance my wife and her partner came back to sit down with us. She slid in next to me, her dress was unbuttoned enough to see her entire breast from time to time as she moved. I looked down the reason for her exposure was two more buttons came undone while she was dancing. My wife started to button the two buttons, when the two older men asked her to leave them unbuttoned and they would give her 200 dollars apiece. She told them if they gave her 400 dollars apiece she would leave them unbuttoned. They pulled out 800 dollars and put it on the table and told her to undo 1 more button she could have the money.

Well my wife thought about it for at least 10 seconds and the button was unbuttoned. Now you could see both her areolas, when she was sitting straight and when she moved side to side one breast would be fully exposed. She said she had to go to the ladies room and the two older men said if she came back and put her panties on the high top they would give her another 800 dollars. She said if they gave her 1500 dollars her panties would be on the table and she ran to the ladies room without waiting for an answer.

When my wife came back the men had 1500 dollars on the high top table waiting for her. She was somewhat traumatized they had the money on the table and she was still not sure she wanted to be panty less in the presents of these two older men. As far as I was concerned this is the way I wanted her at the moment. In fact, I would have loved to see her standing there naked in front of these two near strangers.

A little about the two men in suits they owned a business, on a business trip in the area looking for some fun with a large amount of disposable cash at their disposal. They told us we looked like a fun loving couple and my wife really intrigued them. They were also surprised at her negotiation skills when they offered her money. She relieved them of their cash; making them think it was their decision.

My wife asked me, Do you really want me to remove my panties.

I said, "Yes, I really want you to be pantie less tonight."

She started to go to the ladies room. The two older men put another 500 on the high top and said, "We want to remove your panties here at the table".

She looked at me again and I nodded to her to go ahead. She slid into the booth with one man on each side. She lifted her butt, as each man hooked a thumb on each side of her panties and pulled them down. Both men received a good view the light brown pubic hair on her pubic area. She remained between the two men until I asked her to dance.

Grabbing her hand helping her out of the bench, she slid in front of the older of the two men. He so graciously helped her get out, putting his hand on her bare butt, while helping. A slow song playing as I put my hand on her bare butt, her bare breast against me. We requested a few more slow songs, seeing we were among about 6 other couples, they complied with our request. My wife danced 2 more dances with each of our older friends, then the band announced they were done playing for the night, it was 1 o'clock in the morning.

My wife with our two new friends all walked out together. Our two new friends had an arm around her on each side, her breasts were showing, as she walked to our truck, they helped her into the truck, getting a perfect view of her moist vaginal lips. They walked to their car and we followed them out of the parking lot. To our surprise they had a place next door to our hostel.

Seeing it was almost two AM, I had my wife remove her dress and walk to our room nude. Getting in the room, I left our lights on with the curtains open. Looking out toward our patio we could see the lights come on in another two rooms across the parking lot. It was the rooms for our friends with suits. When they saw our room, they waved and closed their lights to their rooms, so they could see better I bet. I had my wife get on the bed, which could be seen by them and had her spread her legs so that I could manually bring her off. She was so excited her vaginal lips were puffy and the slit was moist to the point of running down her crack. It took me no more than five minutes for her to have a mind blowing cum. She fell off to sleep and I figured that she deserved to rest as she really made me proud of her today. Tomorrow is another day and I will see how much further I could get her to go tomorrow.

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