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Wife Exposed on Whitingham Lake Ch. 03

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Mature wife and a bikini cut.
2k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/27/2018
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This is based on true events enhanced a lot.

The Storm Over the Horizon

The next morning getting up to knocking on our door, the place we were staying had an in room breakfast special, I signed up for when I made reservations for the room. I had a pair of shorts on I wore to bed and my wife had on a little red nightie it came to her thighs. She looked good even just getting out of bed actually she was still sitting in bed when the young man came in to drop off our breakfast.

I had everything brought out onto the patio by the young man we will call him Troy. I had to persuade my wife to come out there also; she was becoming my shy modest wife again. I would Need to keep reinforcing she is a sexy being and most men would rather see her naked. She did come out to the Patio, it was sunny at the time and Troy was looking my lovely wife up and down noticing her nighty all but disappeared in the sun light and she was naked under it. My wife did not notice she was sitting for all intents and purposes naked on the patio with this young man staring at her, because the morning was so beautiful and she was intent on eating her breakfast so we can be on our way to the lake.

It was not until Troy mentioned there was a storm coming in sometime afternoon, this is when we notice the sky looked ominous and feeling the slight breeze also the leaves were turning up. Troy told us the lake gets very unpredictable when a storm comes in and is very dangerous, so we decided to look around the town in the morning and watch the weather. While talking with Troy my wife was trying to keep her short nighty under her bottom with no success it was too short. She gave up and we had the most wonderful view of her flower of life displayed when she unconscientiously spread her legs to get in a more comfortable position in the chair she was sitting in.

After breakfast my wife took a shower and dressed, she found a denim skirt it came to her knee, white blouse with buttons down the front and her bra and panties. She finished off the outfit, with comfortable shoes, for walking around in the town. Checking the boat and covering it to make sure the rain will run off the cover, we entered the truck for the 5 minute trip to town.

My wife gets nervous when I am by her side and she is shopping she can wander through a story for hours and not buy anything. I am the type of person who knows what I want before I go into a store. I shop because of necessity, not as a pass time, so I usually find a bench to sit on and people watch, which I was doing when the two older men we met last night walked by and spotted me sitting there on the bench. (Let's give the oldest man a name of Chet and the younger man Hank so I can tell this adventure easier.) They asked me why we were not boating today and I pointed to the sky. They said it was a good reason as it was starting to cloud up a little, but was still mostly sunny.

Both the men sat with me telling me they had a great time last night, then asked if I minded if they hung round with us today as they had a meeting at the Medical Clinic in town at 4 PM and had nothing to do till then. I didn't care, and then they told me they owned a business supplying medical supplies to clinics and hospitals in the area. .Chet told me he was a doctor, but lost his license to practice. He did not tell me why and I did not ask

The conversation came around to my wife and how much fun they had with us last night. Hank asked if I thought my wife wanted to make some more money. I said all depends on what they wanted her to do. Well they told me on the next block around the corner was a Barber Shop. Hank noticed they did bikini trims for the ladies and if my wife was game they would pay her four hundred dollars, if they could watch her get trimmed. I was stunned at how much gall these two men had to ask me if I would let my wife do this, but I also was horrified to realize I wanted to see this also. The two saw the look on my face and though I was ready to rough them up. They started to back pedal and do some damage control, by telling me it was just a thought, then going onto another subject. About 15 minutes later I said to them let's see if you can get her to go along with your proposal. It took them a minute to understand what I was saying then we all laughed and the game was on.

My wife came back while we were laughing she greeted Chet and Hank with a smile saying, "Hi guys".

My wife proceeded to tell me, "There is a great deal on diamonds at the jewelry store down the street. I have the money I made last night as a deposit, but I need a little more to purchase them. Can I buy them?"

Chet and Hank broke into the conversation saying, "We have a proposition for you and this may be a way you can get the diamonds not having to ask your husband for the extra cash for the purchase. We will pay you 400 dollars" Explaining about the Barber Shop giving my wife a bikini cut while they watched.

My wife turned red and said, "No way,"

They said, "We will double it."

My wife said, "Make it an even thousand and I will think about it."

They said "We will give you two thousand, but you will have to perform two adventures for the money. Your first adventure is having the bikini cut without panties. Then we will figure out something for later for your second adventure."

My wife's face turned red asking me, "Are you ok with me doing this?"

I told my wife, "It is up to you."

We put the bags she had in the truck, she entered the cab and removed her panties while the three of us watched. Hank asked for her panties, embarrassed she gave them to him and both men smiled when they saw how wet they were. She jumped out of the truck and we headed in the direction of the Barbers, my wife was holding onto me for dear life. I told her, she did not have to do this. She said she wanted the diamonds and knew we did not have the money for them, so she would work for them. Chet and Hank smiled when they heard this from her.

Following behind Chet and Hank we turned the corner and there was the Barber Shop and in the window, a sign saying women's bikini cut specialists with a price of 55 dollars. We walked in behind of the two older men and my wife hesitantly went up to the Barber who was sitting in the chair as there was no one in the shop at this time of day.

She asked him if the woman doing the bikini cuts was there. He said no and she was not due in for a few days, as she had some personal problems to deal with. I could see the panic in my wife's eyes. She would be losing the money for her diamonds. She asked if he could do a bikini cut for her. He looked at the three of us and asked if she was serious, we all said yes.

The Barber looked at us again and said OK come on in back here missy; we will take care of you. She stopped saying she wanted the 3 men to come back with her also. Astonished the Barber said fine come on; he went to the front door and locked it.

In the back room they had a Barber Chair with very narrow leg rests; it looked a little different than the ones in the front. The Barber told my wife, she should take off her skirt and sit in the chair. My wife asked if she could keep on the dress the barber said it was too tight, she would have to spread her legs more than the dress will allow, so she turned the skirt around and unbuttoned it, then pulled down the zipper and my wife was standing there with the shirt tail just barely covering her pubic area. He put a sheet on the seat and she sat down and put her feet on the foot rests as the barber told her, then he flipped lever and the seat slid forward and the leg rests parted thus spreading her for all to see. The barber was pleasantly surprised because usually the women wear some sort of covering over her vaginal area and they just trim to it.

The flustered Barber had a hard time trimming my wife's pubic hair he was shaking so much I was afraid he was going to Knick her with the scissors or the raiser. It took him a little while to calm down and it wasn't helping she was lubricating so much her excitement was running onto the paper he had on the barber chair. Her pheromones where running rampant in the room and everyone was becoming aware of excitement. The barber was becoming more confident as he used his fingers to hold her vaginal lips and sometimes his fingers would slip into my wife, while he was working on her. He was a man in his late fifties and enjoying handling a beautiful younger woman, we also were enjoying the show. I could see my wife squirming on the chair she was close to an orgasm. The barber told her she would have to stay still or he may cut her. She finally admitted that she was ready to orgasm.

Chet piped up and told my wife if she made herself orgasm in the chair he would give her 500 dollars more. My lovely humiliated wife opened her blouse so she could get her hand inside her bra and started to play with her nipples, then reached down and using three fingers inserted them in her vagina and rapidly pumped them in and out until she bucked up an met the downward thrust of her fingers. She let out a scream heard throughout the business district of the small town. My beautiful wife lay on the barber chair spread and exhausted. The barber finished his trimming on the sensitive vaginal lips of my wife giving her a very nice pubic do.

My wife sat in the chair still in the afterglow of her atomic orgasm still spread wide for us to admire her femininity and converse amount ourselves. After a while my wife started to come down to earth and getting into our conversation not mindful she was still totally exposed to us from her waist down. She stayed this way for another 20 minutes until we heard someone knocking on the door. My wife got out of the chair after we pulled the lever to put the chair back in the upright position and she put her skirt on while the barber went to unlock the door. Chet gave the Barber 100 dollars for his services.

The three of us walked out into the front of the barber shop with my wife and we ran right into Troy the young man serving us this morning. The barber introduced us to him as his son and he was very proud of Troy for making the honor roll at college. He just graduated with a bachelor's degree in the medical sciences and will be starting medical school in the fall on a full scholarship.

This gave Chet and Hank an idea of what the next adventure would be for my wife to earn the rest of the money they promised her.

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