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Wife Sold at Auction Pt. 07

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Kristie continues to entertain her owner's guests.
14.5k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/03/2017
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Mike Adams -- 41 year old Husband of Kristie, Vice President of Software Company.

Kristie Adams -- 32 year old wife of Mike and sex slave to be auctioned

George -- Friend of Mike and Kristie from swinger club

Shane -- Friend of Mike and Kristie from swinger club

Heidi -- George's wife

Erica -- Personal secretary of Mike Adams

Paul -- Hotel Manager

Simon Cole -- Auction Winning bidder

Eric Cole -- Brother of Simon

Elizabeth or Liz -- Sister of Simon

Mary -- Household maid for Cole residence

Samuel Cook -- Retired Husband of Gloria

Gloria Cook -- Wife of Sam Cook

Harry Smelling -- Best friend of Simon Cole

Lisa Smelling -- Wife of Harry

Ben -- Employee of Simon Cole


Each year Mike fulfills a sex fantasy of his wife's for her birthday. This year he has decided to make her fantasy being sold as a sex slave at auction become reality for a weekend. With the help of a couple friends, ten individuals who are strangers to Mike and Kristie are invited to participate as bidders at the auction. As the story unfolds Kristie is sold on the auction block to a total stranger to be used as his sex slave for the entire weekend. As fantasy becomes reality, both husband and wife have concerns how the fantasy will end. Will their perfect marriage be damaged as a result of this weekend?

Part 7 continues in chapter 31 as Mike talks to Erica revealing and learning intimate details never before discussed between boss and sexy secretary. Meanwhile back at the party Kristie (aka Erica) continues to entertain the guests.

ATTENTION: This is a rather long multi-part story (over 100k words in 9 parts). I hope you like the story, but if you are not into long novel length stories, or are not willing to read the parts of the story in sequence, you are very likely not going to enjoy this story. This story flows from one part directly into the next with very little, if any recap of what has happened previously. This fantasy story is told from the perspective of various fictional characters. The character perspective changes, and when they do occur they almost always take place at the chapter breaks.

All activities described in this story are between consenting adults except for a brief rape scene in Chapter 36. All events, places and things described are FICTIONAL and purely fantasy. If a brief rape scene offends you, please do not read this story, or skip over Chapter 36 in part 8.

REMEMBER: This is fantasy. It is NOT real and yes, I realize many of the scenes are unrealistic...remember it is a fantasy.

Hopefully you have read the previous parts and enjoy the story as it continues...

Chapter 31 -- Discussion with Erica

I could not shake his concern that kept eating at me regarding Kristie's safety. After all this was a complex fantasy I had arranged for my wife, and this was longer in duration than any of her fantasies I had previously arranged for her birthday. I understood George and Stan vouched for the guy who won Kristie in the auction. His name is Simon Cole, but I was still worried about her being in her current situation with a man neither of us had ever met before last night. I was deep in thought when I looked up and saw my secretary's ultra-sexy nude body emerge from the kitchen carrying two glasses of wine.

Knowing full well she was, I teased Erica by asking, "Young lady, are you old enough to legally drink alcohol?"

Acting the part of a school girl, Erica looked shyly to the floor and said, "I don't know about alcohol Mr. Adams, but do you think I am old enough for you to put your cock in me?"

"Without any doubt you are old enough to fuck. It would be a crime to not fuck a cunt that feels as good as yours."

We both laughed and took a sip of the nice vintage of Riesling Erica had poured. As we devoured each other with our eyes, I touched my glass to Erica's and said, "To a beautiful woman who has been so helpful in getting me through the day." Erica smiled as together we took another sip.

"Erica, you have absolutely worn me out. You have drained my balls and left my cock limp."

"Mr. Adams, I think I can fix the limp cock problem if you will only give me a few minutes to work on it."

"I have no doubt that you are perfectly capable of doing that."

I could not get enough of her. I sat there holding her and caressing her skin. Her skin is so soft to the touch. I was playing with her nipples making them stand at attention. I grinned and dipped a finger in my wine then transferred it to her nipple. I leaned over and sucked Erica's nipple into my mouth. I told her, "This vintage has a much deeper robust taste with a strong hint of pink nipple when consumed in this manner. I do believe I have found my favorite way of drinking wine, but I will have to drink a couple cases like this in order to be sure."

She smiled and said, "Mr. Adams I am always eager to help you find alternative methods to improve life's little pleasures."

"My dear you are the best secretary I have ever had. You are always willing to do what it takes to make my life so much better. I want you to know I do appreciate your efforts. Maybe you should get a raise."

"The only raise I need right now is a raise of your cock so we can have more fun."

We both laughed, then I got serious and told her, "Honestly Erica, I really don't know what I would have done today had it not been for you. I woke up this morning and could hardly drag myself out of bed. I could not get Kristie off of my mind and if not for you I would have mopped around this house all day doing nothing but think about her. You truly are an angel of mercy with a wonderful sense of duty to your boss."

"Mr. Adams, you never told me why Mrs. Adams is out of town. I thought it was just a business trip or something, but you seem to be really worried about her. If you don't want to talk about it, I understand, but if you need someone to talk to, I am almost as good a listener as I am a fuck toy."

I loved her devotion. I gave her a grin and said, "Baby, you are so sweet. The issue with my wife is sort of personal and I just want you to know how much I really do appreciate all you do at the office as well as your exceptional efforts to please me. You go so far above and beyond your obligation to me, your boss, that I find it hard to properly express my feelings for you. I worry because I know we have crossed the line that should exist between boss and employee, but I hope we will be able to work together and keep our relationships, both professional and personal separate and intact."

"That means a lot to me, it really does. I am so lucky to have stumbled into this position as your personal secretary. To say I love my job is an understatement. As for a raise, that is sweet, but Mr. Adams I don't work for you for the money. Believe me when I say, I am not joking, my family is filthy rich and I have all the money I will ever need. I work to have something to do. I like working in an office where I can dress and be looked upon as a desirable woman. The icing on the cake is being around and working for you."

"That is nice of you to say. I am happy to hear you are financially stable. If you don't mind me asking, what does your family do?"

"Actually the money comes from my grandfather who made a fortune as the majority owner and CEO of a large oil company."

"Oh, I see. Who is he, maybe I know him?"

"I doubt that you do. He and my grandmother were killed in an accident several years ago. My mother and her two brothers inherited the family fortune. My Uncle, mom's oldest brother runs the company now. He is a super nice guy, and I love him so much. Since my father died, Uncle Simon has been like a father to me. He has always been there for mom and me. You may have head of my uncle. His name is Simon Cole."

I hope my face did not give away the shock I felt when she told me her Uncle's name. What are the odds her Uncle was most likely fucking Kristie as we sat her talking. I had to find out for sure. "So, your uncle is Simon Cole."

"Yes, do you know him?"

"I am not sure, but I may have met him once. Can you describe him?"

Erica began describing in detail from head to toe the man I had met Friday evening. The same man who bought my Kristie at the fantasy auction. I was speechless as she talked. Once I heard enough to know without a doubt Erica's Uncle Simon and Kristie's owner were two in the same, my ears shut down and I was not hearing the remainder of what Erica was saying.

"Mr. Adams, Mr. Adams, Mr. Adams, and then finally yelling at me, MR. ADAMS!"

Yelling my name snapped me out of my daze. "Yes, Baby, my mind drifted off. I am so sorry. You were saying..."

"I was telling you about the house my Uncle lives in. It is nothing short of a mansion, but my mother and uncles don't act like they have a bazillion dollars. My Uncle Eric is okay, but I like my Uncle Simon much better. And besides that, Uncle Simon is a girl's idea of the perfect man. He is so dreamy hot!"

"It is nice you two have such a good relationship and that he is such a nice guy."

"Mom has told me he is a little kinky when it comes to sex, but she says he really loves and respects women. She told me this, but I always thought it was strange because he is not married and I have never seen him have a serious girlfriend. I think he is too busy running the business and doesn't have time for women."

"Some men are like that. They get busy and let the finer pleasures in life slip away, but I bet if you only knew, your Uncle has some secrets of which you are not aware."

"You are probably right. I will share a secret with you, but it has to stay just between us, okay?"

"Sure honey, you know you can talk to me about anything."

"I know it is not right, but I think my mother and Uncle Simon are intimate or at least have been in the past."

"What makes you say that?"

"My family is a little strange, or so most people would think based on what most people consider normal."

"Go on..."

"You know this morning I told you I had been intimate with women, and with one in particular."


"Please don't think I am a sick pervert, but..."


"No, forget it. I am sorry. I should not have said anything."

"Erica, you have gone this far, get it out or my mind with try to put it together and I would rather know the truth. Besides that, I think I know what you are trying to tell me."

"Okay, but this is so embarrassing to admit to my boss."

"This weekend I believe we have moved far beyond the boss employee relationship, don't you?"

"I guess you are right. Well the woman I have had intimate contact with is the woman who taught me all I know about sex. Like you said, you probably already put it together. That person is my mom."

What she was telling me was as I had surmised, but it was still a bit of a shock. "Erica, I have no right to judge you and wouldn't even if I did. A lot of people have deep dark secrets they don't want others to see. If you want my honest opinion, I will share it with you."

"Yes, please I want to know what you think."

"My view on this is as long as you are both consenting adults, and nobody is getting hurt in the process, society should not have a say in whatever it is that makes both of you happy. Why should whatever happens between you and your mother be of any concern to society?"

"Really? I am so relieved you see it that way. I was afraid you would find me disgusting when you learned the truth." Smiling she continued, "I will tell you another secret, but this is not near as bad. Since I learned about sex and discovered how much fun cocks can be to play with, I have always had a fantasy that my Uncle Simon would take me in his arms, carry me to his bedroom and put his cock in me. I know it is perverted to want your own uncle to fuck you, but it is a fantasy of mine to feel his cock pump his cum in me. Having his baby would be the ultimate experience, but there are all kinds of complications with that. Just to have him fuck me would be enough. Do you still think I have all my mental faculties?"

"Erica, honey, your fantasy is not an uncommon one. You should know that. If what you say is accurate, your Uncle is a handsome male and has been a strong influence in you and your mother's lives. I think it is perfectly natural for you to have this attraction to him. Has he ever shown any signs he feels the same way toward you?"

"I am not sure. Mom says he is an affectionate man, so I am not sure if what I think I have detected is an Uncle's love for his niece or a male's lust to mate with a young fertile female."

Laughing I said, "Dear that is funny the way you explain the two extremes. You do know there is a spot between those two extremes. That is of a man who has such a strong attraction to a woman that he wants to take their relationship to the next level, regardless of their familial relationship. When a man holds a woman he loves in his arms and makes love to her, it is beautiful music. Some men experience their closest connection to a woman when they mark her with cum. It is similar to when a male animal in the wild urinates on bushes and the ground to mark his territory and warn other males of what is his. When a man places his cum deep in a female, he is in essence marking her as his, putting others on notice she belongs to him."

"Okay, I think I understand what you are saying. You mean there is a primal instinct to take and mark in some way that which he considers to belong to him."

"There is also a huge difference between making love and fucking. When a man and woman make love they are sharing the bond of love they have for each other. It is almost always done with a couple who are in love with each other and it is a very tender and intimate moment. It is also very likely your mother and you have experienced this intimacy, but without a cock. Fucking is totally different. This can be a man fucking a woman he pays to have sex with him or a lust filled moment when the need to release sexual energy is the desired outcome. A hard and fast fucking is usually very pleasurable to both the man and woman; however it is seldom an act of love making. Kristie and I make love frequently, but we fuck much more often. Does this make sense?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Good, I am glad, because sometimes I don't understand it myself."

Looking at her with a menacing scowl, I said, "Innocent little girl, would you like to be fucked?"

In her little girl falsetto voice looking down at the floor and acting shyly she said, "Mister, are you a dirty old man who just wants to put his big nasty thingy in little ole me?"

"Yes dear I am but I promise it will feel so good."

"Well then, I guess it is okay." She threw her arms around my neck kissing me. I lifted her into my arms and carried her up the stairs to the bed I share with my wife. As I lay her on the bed I could not help but think to myself that I had a strong desire for Kristie to be there right then so share this moment with Erica and me.

Chapter 32 -- The Party Gets Underway

Master placed me in a soft chair, after several minutes and several more kisses. I winced in pain as my poor abused bottom touched the seat of the chair. We both laughed. I saw Mistress Elizabeth and Lisa heading my way. They both hugged me and kissed me telling me how well they thought I had done. As promised they told me they wanted to get me cleaned up for the Party. With their help and the help of Mary they escorted me back to the master bedroom where my makeup was located.

They hurried to get my face washed and brush my hair. They applied my makeup and even put some facial power on my ass to mask some of the redness. They put a little rouge on my nipples. I had to admit they did a great job putting me back together. We were about to leave when I saw Mary with the tube of lubricant. Without either of us saying anything I walked to a chair and bent over the back. I looked back and asked, "Can Mistress Elizabeth please lubricate my ass for use by Master's guests?"

Mary smiled and handed the tube to Elizabeth who placed her hand on my back holding me over the chair as I felt Lisa gently spread my ass cheeks holding me open. The cool tip of the tube of lubricant felt good slipping into my ass. She squeezed the tube expelling the cool thick lubricant into my colon. This would make it so the men would not suffer friction burns on their cocks rubbing against my dry rectum as they enjoyed the use of my ass. I wanted them to enjoy using my ass and have an enjoyable evening filing me with their thick man milk.

Mary said, "Mr. Simon wants you to wear something extra." I looked at her with a questioning look on my face. I then saw her go to the duffel bag and open it. She looked in it and I cringed when I saw what she pulled out, it was a pair of nipple clamps connected by a chain. "He wants his slave wearing these tonight. We must get these clamped to your nipples."

Elizabeth smiled and said, "Here let me do it." She looked at Lisa and asked, "Would you like to get her nipples hard for me?"

"Sure, I would love to."

Maybe this would not be so bad after all. I felt Mrs. Smelling's fingers on one of my nipples as I watched her mouth close around the other. Soon both were hard little nubs. Proud of her quick effort, she said, "There you go Liz, clamp those hard little nipples and let's get moving."

The clamps closed very tight on each nipple. I was certain the only two ways for them to come off was for someone to have mercy on me and remove them or for someone to pull them off, which I knew would hurt like hell. They certainly were not going to fall off, considering how tight the spring was that held them clamped viciously to my nipples. Mistress Mary inspected the clamps, looped her finger around the chain connecting my nipples and gave a tug. I moaned at the pain. Seemingly satisfied the clamps were secure, she started pulling me out the room by my nipples saying, "We must hurry and get back to the party. Mr. Simon is anxious to show you off."

"Where are my shoes?"

"Here Liz, you take her and I will get her shoes," Mary said. "We need to get moving and get that sweet ass back to the party. Patience is not a virtue of a hard cock and balls full of sperm." Both Elizabeth and Lisa laughed and in unison said, "That is for damn sure!"

We hurried down the hallway with Mistress Elizabeth leading the way pulling me by my nipples. She said, "Honey, I am so envious of you. You are so sexy and pretty. I wish I had your natural beauty. Your pussy is exactly what I would like mine to look like. The way your lips do not protrude out is perfect. They are so neat and tidy. By the way, where did you get your clit pierced?"

"It was a little shop in San Diego that does tattoos and piercings." Stopping she looked at me and asked, "You live in San Diego?"

"Well not in San Diego, but just outside in the suburbs. You?"

"I sure do. If we can, I would like to keep our friendship after this is all over."

"What exactly is all this about?" asked Lisa. "Harry got a call from Simon and briefly told me about us going to a wild party at Simon's and I was to be horny and wear something nice and very sexy. That is all I knew coming here tonight. I have just been going with the flow."

I was doing my best to keep up with Elizabeth as she hurried back to the theater. She was keeping a pretty strong tension on my nipples. As I was walking fast, I answered, "It is my birthday fantasy. My husband arranged it for me."

"Birthday fantasy?" asked Lisa.

"Yes, he sets up one of my fantasies every year for my birthday. This year I was to be put up on an auction block and sold as a sex slave to the highest bidder."

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