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Her father-in-law is attracted to her.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 09/18/2004
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With the tide coming in, the sea was wild and exciting. But today, after seeing her coming out of the water in her wet salwar kameez, he had started feeling an excitement of a different kind. Ashamed at the tumescence fuelled by his own forbidden thoughts he had gone back into the sea. But that had given little respite. No matter how hard he tried, his growing hardness kept on rearing its head. He was almost in chest deep waters now and felt relieved that nobody could see what was happening to him.

"Shit!" He cursed himself. "How could he think of her like that?"

A wave caught him unawares and sent him reeling. He loved the feel of water all around him but today he felt a mild panic. As he surfaced again he looked around. There were shrieks and shout all around from joyous bathers. He kept on looking all around him.

"What am I searching for?" He wandered.

He knew it. "God, why am I doing this?" He covered his face with his hands. At least, he could obliterate himself from the rest of the world.

"It seems to be just out of control. No matter how hard I try the images keep coming back to me. How can I ever harbour such forbidden thought about her. It's like desiring your own daughter. God! Help me." He prayed.

Disgusted with himself, he started swimming deeper into the sea. Past the breaker line the sea was tranquil. He just kept on floating on his back. Far from the howling crowd, he felt relaxed. It was as if the sea was communicating with his soul. Immediately, he felt a stupor overcoming him. He closed his eyes enjoying the numbness.

His eyes closed shut – it started again. One by one the images started coming back. She was wading through the water back to the shore. He could see her from a distance. A tall and graceful figure walking towards him. Her wet clothes were sticking to her body and he could make out how she would look sans them. She came upto him running her hands through her wet hair.

Embarrassed, he looked away.

"Tired. Already?" She must be talking to him.

He looked up at her, shielding his eyes from the bright, but not unpleasant winter sun.

"No, just in for a break." He felt lump in his throat. Quickly, he turned his eyes back to the sea.

"God! That's an uninhibited exhibitionism." He thought.

"Brata is still in there. He is just like you...absolutely wild about the sea. Can go on for hours and hours. I love the sea too but not like you two. You sitting on the shore, that surprised me."

He looked up at her again. She was looking out into the sea, probably trying to locate her husband.

"No! Arun, no!" He could hear the voice of conscience. But he just couldn't desist himself from running his eyes over her body, so apparent in the clinging wet clothes. She had turned to get a better view into the sea and in the process had given him a better view. He had always thought her to be somewhat flat chested but now her breasts, though encased in the bra, appeared firm and shapely. The nipples were prominent even through the undergarment. Otherwise she had everything that a man would find desirable. A finely chiseled face with prominent cheek bones perched on a long neck. She was slim with high hips and long shapely legs. If only he could caress that magnificent body just for once.

"Just can't locate him." She said resignedly and turned back to him.

She had caught him by surprise and even though he quickly tore away his lustful gaze from her body it was not before she had noticed him watching her. But she said nothing. Picking up her towel from beside him, she wrapped it around herself and without even a word started walking towards the hotel.

Arun knew she had noticed him ogling her. She had responded by promptly distancing herself from him and protectively throwing the towel around her.

For a moment desire urged him to follow her. The elevator or their room...where he could embrace her without others knowing. However, sense prevailed upon him.

"Shit. How could I even think of her that way? I'm old enough to be her father." Arun wandered.

Dejected, Arun got up and went back to the sea. Floating on his back he was enjoying the tranquil sea. He started thinking about his work...the meeting of the Board of Directors that was just a month away.

"Shit!" He cursed himself. He was to retire in a couple of months and still he was so preoccupied with his office.

"I refuse to think of office while on vacation. It's time to relax" He resolved.

But the moment he closed his eyes, her sensual images started coming back. This time he did not fight the urge to recollect the way she looked in her wet clothes. After all he was a man and she a woman and physical attraction between the two sexes was absolutely natural, he started thinking. Of course, there are social laws and customs prohibiting a sexual relation between them but then laws and customs are made to be broken. So long as both wanted it, there's nothing that prevents them from getting into bed. That would involve taking a lot of precautions so that nobody else gets to know. Otherwise it will devastate the whole family...his sons, wife and even her. But then things can always be worked out. He was certainly not the only man on earth to develop carnal feelings for his daughter-in-law. In fact, its widespread enough to motivate authors like Alberto Moravia and Harold Robbins to write novels about it. Never in the past had he recognized the importance of paraplegics, the was he did today. This small and simple thing has effectively countered the muck usually associated with making love. No relationships were taboo any longer. It only required a will to break those imaginary mental restrictions.

"Oh God! If only she agrees." He prayed.

His hands gently started caressing his erection as he fantasized about what they could do together. There was a perfect fusion of reality and fantasy. He would take her into the sea and then start getting fresh with her. He could imagine her initial shock but soon he will have her excited enough that she will not be able to refuse his advances. Then he would take her back to their hotel room and get under the shower together. Gently he would soap her whole body, leaving no peaks and valleys untouched. By the time he would finish drying her with the towel, both of them would be excited enough and nothing, absolutely nothing could prevent them from enjoying the fruits of carnal pleasure. The first time will be normal sex, maybe doggy fashion. The variants will follow. In his excitement, he could think no longer. His erection was hard and huge now. As his fingers continued caressing his male hardness he came.

"Rupa, this is for you." He hissed, his secretion washed away by the sea.


She was sitting on the beach looking out into the sea. Suddenly the sea was not attracting her anymore. Her pulse hastened every time she tried to recollect memories of the morning. No doubt, he was behaving strange. She always knew him to be a straight person always exuberating confidence but today he appeared quite different. He seemed to be lost in his thoughts. At first, she had ignored it thinking that it had something to do with his office. But the way he had stared at her during their brief interlude at the beach was causing concerns. Stared at her?...who was she trying to kid? Ogling would have been a better description of the way he looked. She believed in her natural feminine instinct to be able to identify a man's intentions by the way he looked at her. Her instinct seldom failed her. Today, she fervently hoped that her instincts would fail. One thing for certain...something was going on in his mind. Her instincts warned her. The way he had stared at her left little to imagination.


At the lunch table, she looked even more alluring. She had put on a jeans and sleeveless vest and sat just opposite him. Arun was finding it difficult to keep his eyes off her. Every now and then he would look around to make sure that nobody was noticing him and then his sheepish eyes would be back on her. As his eyes wandered on her face, neck, arms and breasts his excitement mounted. A couple of times she had caught him looking at her but looking bewildered she had quickly shifted her gaze away. He could easily sense her uneasiness at being ogled by him.

Suddenly she pushed her plate away and got up.

"What's the matter?" His son Avinash asked.

"I feel too tired. I am going back to the room." She started walking out of the dining room.

Arun was finding if difficult to restrain himself.

The animal was encouraging him to go for her. "Go and grab her. She knows now."

With great effort Arun succeeded in warding off the animal.

At night, his excitement took away his sleep. He lay on the bed tossing from one side to the other.

"What's the matter?" Shiela had asked twice.

"Nothing in particular. I just can't sleep."

Lying in the dark, he went through his plans again and again. Tomorrow, they were to catch the early bus to Konark, spend the whole day there and then be back by the evening. He had to attract her to the sculptures and discuss them in intimate details. The rest would follow. But the first move would be to sit beside her in the bus. From then on he had to find the right opportunities.

"That won't be difficult." He thought before dosing off.

All of them

Next morning Arun sat on the sea facing corridor enjoying his morning cup of tea. Every now and then his wife Gita would come out of their room and henpeck him to get dressed. Arun didn't pay heed to her though, she always grew tense whenever they went out.

How would Gita know that he was in a different frame of mind today, he quipped. If she knew about his plans, hell will break loose.

Arun was too lost in his own thoughts to notice his younger son, Barun standing beside him.

"Baba, its time we left." He said aloud.

Arun looked up at him. "Oh yes." He smiled and got up. Barun went back to his room. They had two adjacent rooms, one for him and Gita and the other for Barun. Brata and Rupa had a room on the next floor. As Arun was about to enter his room his eyes fell on Brata hurriedly walking up to him.

"Baba, Rupa's not coming with us. She prefers to spend the day here and enjoy the sea. We had a fight over it but I couldn't change her decision." He was agitated.

For a moment Arun was dumbstruck. What was she up to? Had she sensed his intentions? He had carefully planned his moves only to be checkmated at the last moment.

"Why don't you ask your Mother to talk to her?" It was all that he could say.

While Brata and Gita discussed options, Arun went into the bathroom. Standing under the shower he desperately searched his next move. It suddenly occurred to him that all he had to do was drop out too. But how? Won't it look apparent?

When he came out, Gita already had a talk with Rupa but to no avail.

"I just don't understand what has happened to her?" Gita was concerned.

"Why do you make mountains out of molehills. May be, she prefers sea-bathing to a trip to Konark."

"At times she appears too adamant."

"May be that's how you feel. She has the liberty to decide what she wants. Its not that her likes and dislikes have to the same as yours or for that Brata's. If you ask me, I would also prefer to stay back and take rest. I have seen Konark so many times its no more interesting." Arun waited in breathless anticipation...the bombshell has been dropped. Will it be accepted?

"That's news to me." Gita appeared disgusted. "Till yesterday you were so eager to go to Konark and now I hear that you are not interested. I don't understand what's happening with you all."

Just then Brata came in.

"Now your father says he would also prefer to stay back." Gita was saying to Brata.

"What's happening?" Brata was exasperated.

"Nothing." Arun retorted. "I would prefer to stay back."

But through arguments and counter arguments Arun won his way through.

Back in his room after they had left, Arun contemplated his moves. Now every thing seemed to be fraught with danger. What if she refuses and creates a hue and cry over it? If the whole family gets to know how will he show his face. How could he do this to his son? Was it a risk worth taking?

The loud knock at the door almost made him jump.

"Who is it?" He asked.

"Room service." Came the reply.

In his tension he had forgotten about the tea he had ordered.


The tea was stimulating his thoughts again. Why did she stay back? Was it a fact that she wasn't feeling well or was that just an alibi? Even if she refused him, will she have the courage to speak to the others about it?

"You are so scared that you want to call it quits." The animal in him was being sarcastic. "Its true that your relationship with her will undergo a sea change after today but that is the way you want

it to be." The animal reasoned.

Just then the intercom started ringing. Slowly he picked it up.

"Hello" He started.

There was a brief pause and then her voice came on.

"Baba, how are you feeling now? Would you like a have a dip in the sea?" She spoke with ease.

"Of course." He replied trying desperately to calm down. "Are you ready?"

"I will be in the lobby in fifteen minutes. Is that fine?"

"That's fine." He replied and replaced the receiver. The time has come...

But things weren't turning out the away Arun would have preferred. She preferred to be part of crowd of sea bathers and no matter how hard he tried to convince her to move deeper, she refused to relent. It was as if she knew what he was up to.

"Its no use standing here. The sea is hardly enjoyable." He argued.

"I am not comfortable in waters deeper than this. Just go ahead if you so like." She replied.

He went ahead and started swimming towards deeper waters.

He returned back to the beach after a brief swim. He wanted to have another look at her while she came out of the waters. The thought of watching her in wet clothes was fuelling his excitement. Today, he intended to hide nothing from her...he would let his eyes move over her whole body even if she knew he was doing that.

Its now or never, he thought looking around. But she was still in the sea with the crowd of sea bathers. Did she know what he was upto? But then what difference would that make? She will get to know his intentions sooner or later. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as his eyes fell on her coming out of the water. He could feel his hormones flowing again. It was difficult to describe the feeling in words. May be he could capture these moments in his camcorder. There was something very erotic about the way she walked with the wet clothes sticking to her body. Maybe she looked even more alluring in her wet clothes than she would without clothes. As he looked around he found many others ogling her too.

"Shit!" He hissed. They don't have a right to do that.

She kept on standing beside him, her hands on her waist and looking out into the sea.

Slowly he let his eyes roam over her body. He could feel his growing erection. Her wet clothes clearly gave him an impression of what he could expect. Tall and slim with small yet shapely breasts, flat stomach, pert ass and long legs...what more can a man expect?

As their eyes met, he momentarily held her gaze and then deliberately let his stare drop down to her breasts. As he looked up into her eyes again she quickly shifted her gaze away. She was obviously embarrassed the way he was ogling her. The scent was there in his nostrils...the chase had started and there was no going back from here. She knew his intentions, now he had to make the decisive moves.

"I'm starving. Let's have a quick shower and then lunch." He looked up at her.

"Let's go." He started putting the towels back into the beach bag.

"But there's some problem with the bathroom. Just before I came out, the taps were dry. I just cannot wait for them to bring water in buckets." He waited for her response.

"You can use ours." She straightened up, the beach bag slung from her shoulders and started walking towards the hotel.

"But you would prefer to use the bathroom first. I just cannot wait that long."

"You can go in first." She replied.

"That doesn't help either. I will have to wait for you." A moment's silence and then he dropped the bomb. " Why don't we go in together. That will be much faster."

She kept on walking as if she had heard nothing.

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BuddySInghBuddySInghabout 2 months ago

Sounds so much like my dad and my eldest sister in law. Dad was just moving into his 50’s and she was 22 and just married. He had been a Col but was actually a great surgeon. My brother was young Captain and she was home as his was posted in the front border where families were not allowed. She was tall and really built well. Looked like Zeenat Aman but very voluptuous. My mom had teased him once when she came out of the family swimming pool in her 2 piece bating suite. She told him does he remember how wild he was when they had married. He gave her a cold stare and she laughed. she said she read his mind better than he could read himself.

Apparently, he had a whole week with her and they fucked like newly weds. She was tight and loved him being older as she had a daddy festish. She rode him, sucked his cock and swallowed him. He wrote that explicitly in his diary which I got hold of and hid. But read his exploits with my mom and several of their friends.

freethefreethealmost 5 years ago
Good one.

Slow to develop, but managed to keep the reader's attention.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
little girl no more.

my daughter started high school.she started looking at me with lust in her eyes.my wife noticed it also&she said girls now days want to have sex with their dads its the new generation.daughter and her mom were having a close talk.they were looking at me.i was in bed with my wife&my daughter came into the room naked.my wife told her get in bed with your dad I will tell you what to do.it was a wild night.we all sleep naked with eachother.my wife is teaching her how have bi sex.daughter really went for it.they yell&scream when they finish my daughter jumps me.she loves sex with me &her mom.daughter is going to have a great sex life she is going to have sex with men&women.she is going to have a wild life&have fun doing it.

Murderous_LilyMurderous_Lilyover 12 years ago

really liked it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
buildding-up the tempo

u have really built up the tempo as is the case in actual life. how a man builds up his eagerness stealthily and goes in for the kill. WELL REALLY GREAT WRITING u should really think of going commercial. meet some publishers and i definitely feel u could rake in the moooooooolah.




AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

that was really great erotic job , i enjoy and couldn't get enough of it .

keep going .

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

i love the slow build up. i hope there is more to come. it all sounds so real. keep up the good work .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Awesome - love u Rupa

Superb !!!!!! Both me and my wife absolutely loved the story .... however u havent completed it. Awesome buildup to the sexual tension... keep going !! Yeh dil maange more !!

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

I love this story but why didn't you finish it. I would have rated you a 5++++++++ for a hot orgasmic ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

One of your better story theme.This has plenty of seductive buildup which is the best part about erotica. So what happens next?

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
love it do it now


cilia8cilia8over 19 years ago

great story i hope there comes more

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