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Willingly Cuckolded for Love


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"Well, he does have some potential as a cocksucker," Phillip announced. Oddly, a compliment after all the criticism of my manhood warmed me. Phillip asked Laura, "Do you still have your wedding dress?"

"Yes," she answered, as I wondered why he'd ask such a question.

"And do you have white stockings?"

"I still have the thigh highs I wore then, I believe."

"And you have a video camera?" he asked, my eyes going big at the thought of such humiliation being caught on camera.

"Of course."

"Go get dressed in your wedding dress and stockings and bring down the camcorder," he ordered.

"Of course, Master," my wife agreed without hesitation.

My wife gone, I was now alone, in my own living room, sucking the cock of my wife's ex-boyfriend. Oddly, having his cock in my mouth was a turn-on based by the throbbing erection in my pants. Phillip asked me, "Do you like sucking my cock, Michael?"

The question surprised me and I didn't want to admit the truth, but I did. Taking his cock out of my mouth, which let me relax my jaw for a moment, my one word answer was, "Yes."

"Really?" he asked, his tone disappointed, "All I get is a yes. I give you the privilege to make your wife happy by becoming the cocksucker she wants you to be and to become the faggot you obviously are and all have to show your gratitude to me is yes."

His response was absurd and yet disappointing him suddenly was my biggest worry. Without even thinking, I stammered, "S-s-sorry. I love your cock in my mouth."

"You do, do you?" he pondered. "How much?"

"It-it-it is all I want to do right now," I admitted, realizing it was actually the truth, as I already missed the feeling of pleasing him.

"So you want to suck my cock?"

Attempting to impress him, which suddenly seemed important, I responded, "Yes, I want to suck your cock until you come down my throat."

"And you will swallow it all like a good little cocksucker?"

"Yes," I admitted, suddenly wanting nothing more, completely forgetting about my wife.

"So you want to be my faggot?" he questioned, continuing to push my boundaries.

I hated the word 'faggot' but wanting to please him, I agreed. "Yes, I want to be your faggot."

My wife's voice was the next I heard, again adding to my humiliation. "You want to be his faggot, Michael?" she questioned, although her tone was playful.

I looked over at my wife, seeing her in the same dress she wore when we married and committed ourselves to each other. Instead of saying 'I love you' or 'I do', the words I said this time were, "Yes, honey, I want to be your lover's faggot. I will do anything for you."

"Aaaaah, how quaint," Phillip quipped. "Before we do anything else, Laura could you go upstairs and get a dress and pantyhose or stockings for your faggot husband? He should be dressed nicely for this, don't you think?"

"Of course," my wife agreed, disappearing up the stairs.

Phillip explained, "These new wedding vows will revitalize your marriage, Michael. You are a cuckold, and now that you know this you must accept your proper place in the order of things. To make your wife happy you must allow her complete freedom to get her happiness however she sees fit."

Still on my knees, which were burning, I was speechless. Phillip shoved his cock back into my mouth and savagely fucked my face while he waited for my wife to return.

A couple of minutes later she did, with her a red cocktail dress and black stockings.

Phillip smiled and said, "Dress your cuckold, slut."

"Yes, Master." She obeyed, walking over to me and pulling me off my knees, Phillip's cock slipping out of my mouth. Without making eye contact, my wife hastily stripped me before pushing me onto the chair. Still she made no eye contact as she slid the black stockings up my legs, her face just inches from my erect cock. Once both stockings were on, she pulled me up and finally made eye contact. I saw in her eyes a flicker of guilt, but it faded just as quick as she grabbed the dress and put it on me like I was a Barbie doll.

Once dressed, Phillip mocked, "Aaaah, don't you look cute."

I was embarrassed yet again, now dressed as a girl, but it was only going to get worse. Phillip grabbed the camera and set it up on a tripod and ordered, "Crawl over to me faggot."

I briefly looked at my wife for support of some sort, but as expected I got none, just an icy glare that implied very clearly I was to do as I was told. I wanted to make my wife happy at all costs and I was about to learn exactly what 'at all costs' really entailed.

I crawled on all fours like a dog to Phillip and looked up from my humiliatingly submissive position. "Get my cock ready for your wife, cuck!"

Opening my mouth, I took his cock back between my lips. As I slowly sucked his cock, Phillip instructed, "Slut, get on all fours on the couch and get ready for your Master's cock."

"Yes, Master." A clearly excited Laura obeyed.

"Doesn't your husband look good on his knees with a cock in his mouth?" Phillip asked my wife.

"He looks like a perfect cocksucker, Master," Laura replied, my face burning with shame.

"Ready for my cock, slut?" Phillip asked.

"Oh God yes," Laura moaned, in a way I had never heard her moan for me. "I have thought about your cock every day since you last fucked me."

"I bet you have," Phillip chuckled, patting my head like I was a dog. "Faggot, I want you to put my cock in your wife for me. In doing so, you give your wife to me."

Every time I thought I had reached rock bottom, the bottom was pulled from underneath me. Yet I obeyed again, taking his cock out of my mouth and watching helplessly as he moved behind my beautiful wife, who was bent over submissively, eagerly waiting to be fucked by someone other than her husband.

He rubbed his cock up and down my wife's crack and snapped his fingers at me. I moved to him, grabbed his cock and let out a sigh.

Phillip asked, "Having second thoughts, faggot? You don't want me to fuck your slut wife?"

Laura snapped, "Shove Master's cock in me faggot!" Her nasty tone surprised me, another piece of me being ripped apart, yet I obeyed like the cuckold I had become, as I placed his cock at my wife's pussy and welcomed him inside. Instantly my wife got animated, as Phillip pushed forward and filled her completely. "Oh fuck, I missed your cock, Master. Fuck me, fuck my cunt."

Phillip began deep hard thrusts into my wife, as I watched his cock go in and out. I was jealous of the power he had over my wife and frustrated at my helplessness to give her what she really wanted on my own.

Phillip looked down at me and chuckled, "Slut, your hubby is watching pretty intently."

Laura turned around to look at me, but didn't say anything before turning back away and begging, "Oh fuck, Phillip, harder, pound me like you used to."

I just watched my wife being defiled by her ex-lover for fifteen minutes, her moans getting more animated until they turned into screams of pure ecstasy. "Aaaaah, yes, so good, so fucking good, harder, yes, Master, I'm comiiiiiiiing, fuck, yeeeeeeees."

I watched as her screams echoed the room and her body shook like I had never made her do. Phillip asked, while my wife's orgasm pulsed through her, "Can your faggot husband get you this wet?"

"No," she admitted, "only you can."

Phillip looked at me smugly as he continued plundering my wife's pussy before grunting, "Here comes my cum, slut."

My wife instinctively began bucking back on his cock and moaned again as her pussy walls were coated with his cum. One spent, he pulled out, grabbed my head and shoved my face into my wife's leaking cunt. "Clean her up, cuckold."

Having no choice, my face held firmly in her pussy, I licked and was surprised by the odd taste of my wife's cum mixed with Phillip's. At first I didn't like it, but as I lapped up more and more it became an acquired taste and I attempted to retrieve every last drop of both their cum.

Eventually, I was pulled back and my wife collapsed on the couch. Phillip ordered, "Go get us some drinks sissy."

"Yes, Master," I replied, thankful for a reprieve from the humiliation, a humiliation that had me horny as hell unfortunately.


When I returned, Phillip and Laura were cuddling on the couch like a married couple. This was more mortifying than everything I had done and witnessed before, because this wasn't sex, this was intimacy.

I handed each of them a drink and waited like a maid for my next order.

Laura looked up at me, her eyes soft now, giving me an apology telepathically. I gave the slightest of nods to imply it was ok.

Laura's hand was slowly stroking Phillip's cock, which was impressively still semi-hard after shooting two loads in my wife. Phillip leaned into my wife and whispered in her ear. Laura's face went red and she again gave me an apologetic look, even as she said, "He will do whatever you say, Master."

Phillip looked at me, "Is that true, faggot?"

I looked back to my wife, before turning back to Phillip and admitting, "Yes, Master."

"Yes, Master what?" he asked.

"I will do whatever you say," I admitted, not making eye contact.

"Get on all fours where I fucked your wife," he ordered, rubbing salt into an open wound, as my wife without instruction began sucking Phillip's cock, preparing him I assumed for her husband's sodomy.

I obeyed as he explained, "This time Laura can put my cock in my faggot."

I watched Laura bob up and down on his cock as I nervously awaited my fate. Once content he was ready, he stood up and went behind me. He asked Laura, "Did you get the lube?"

"I did, Master," she confirmed, going to her purse and returning with a small tube.

"Get him ready," he demanded.

Laura lifted up my dress and coated my ass with cold lube, surprising me by sliding a finger in and quickly finger-fucking my ass.

Phillip explained coldly, "The butt plug may have widened your man-cunt, but it can't completely prepare you for the real thing."

Laura moved to in front of me and whispered, her tone soft and sweet, the Laura I remembered before Phillip re-entered the picture, "Relax, baby, it will hurt at first, but when it gets good, it gets really good." She bit my ear, her hot breath getting me hot again, a distraction from the inevitable.

One more tug and she moved back to my ass and I felt his cock between my ass cheeks. Phillip asked, "Are you ready to watch your husband be sissified?"

"Fuck yeah," Laura returned, her slut persona returning in full force.

"Well, put it in for me," Phillip demanded.

Laura rubbed the cock up and down briefly before slowly penetrating me. I winced as his wide cock slowly split me open. I grabbed the couch for support as Phillip's cock slowly went deeper inside me. Laura returned to me and whispered soothingly, "Just relax, baby." She distracted me the best she could as she nibbled me ear and rubbed my chest.

Phillip grunted, "Fuck, your ass is tight, faggot. How does my cock feel in your ass?"

I whimpered, but wasn't lying when I admitted, "Good."

"I thought so," he chuckled, "I knew you were a faggot as soon as I saw your girly picture on Facebook. A real man would never have let his beautiful wife chat with me online."

Sadly, I knew everything he said was true. I was weak, a man who could not properly satisfy his wife. Laura moved away and I was surprised when I felt her lips wrapped around my cock.

As Phillip began slowly pumping in and out of my ass, he said, "Aaaaaaaah, your wife is so sweet, sucking your pathetic cock."

Suddenly the pain faded, my wife's lips on my cock distracting me. Slowly, the cock in my ass was bringing me pleasure and I began to moan.

"Faggot likes it, he really likes it," Phillip mocked, as his strokes became faster and this thrusts went deeper.

Girly sounds escaped my lips but I no longer cared. I wanted to be fucked. I begged, "Harder, Master, fuck my ass harder."

He obliged and soon he was pounding my ass, each thrust forward allowing me to accidentally fuck my wife's face. The thrusts went deeper and deeper and the next few minutes were a blur. Finally the double sensation was too much and I felt my balls boiling and I grunted depositing my load down my wife's throat.

"Did faggot just come getting ass-fucked?" Phillip questioned mockingly.

"Yeeees," I whimpered, my wife's lips still firmly wrapped around my cock.

He ravaged my ass for a couple of minutes before pulling out, flipping me around and shoving his cock in my mouth. Holding my head, he pumped his cock in my mouth, face fucking me ruthlessly, his balls bouncing off my chin. Without warning his cum shot in my mouth and I had no choice but to swallow every drop of his seed.

Eventually, he pulled out and said, "Laura, come with me to the master bedroom; faggot you can sleep in the spare bedroom."

Laura came over to me and whispered in my ear, "I love you Mike. I am so sorry for what I said, but in the heat of the moment I am a different person." She kissed my lips and gave me one last apologetic look before eagerly following Phillip. My ass burning, the aftertaste of cum in my mouth, I remained frozen on the couch. I was humiliated and mortified by the reality that I allowed it to happen and, worse, that I enjoyed every second of it. I enjoyed being forced to suck cock, I enjoyed watching my wife be pleased like I could never do and I enjoyed being fucked in the ass. Accepting my fate, I cleaned up the living room before going to the spare bedroom and wondering what was going to happen now.


Strangely, allowing my wife to fuck her ex and being fucked myself was the best thing that could have happened for our marriage. For the rest of the weekend Phillip fucked my wife repeatedly, sometimes with me in the room and sometimes not. I was fucked one more time before he left as well promising to return soon...that was eight months ago.

Coincidentally, Laura is eight months pregnant. I know what you are pathetic. But the truth is I could not have children due to a high school accident and we both desperately wanted children. The adoption wait was ridiculously long and thus the problem was solved in a very unconventional way.

For the past eight months Laura and I have lived a monogamous life, but I could tell lately my wife needed more. She was constantly horny and even though I pleased her to the best of my ability, I could tell in her eyes she craved more. She craved Phillip. I also missed the utter submission of sucking a cock or having a cock in my ass. Trying to kill two birds in one stone, I contacted Phillip who suggested I set up a gangbang for my wife. He e-mailed me a list of ten guys he knew from college who still lived in town. After bouncing back and forth between should I or shouldn't I, I grabbed my phone and started making the strangest call in my life...but that is a very different story.


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fredbrownfredbrown8 days ago

No, just no! You can be sub to your wife, you can be happy she fucks others, you even can be gay, but you can not allow an outsider to humiliate you and your Mistress. That exceeds my limits by several miles!

AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

Dude was worried to hurt the wife's ass, while she got DP'ed in the past! That was LAME

AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

This is such a great story. Def some good writing and gets me feelings all sorts.of ways

Leroi123Leroi1233 months ago

Wife is a betraying slut. I hate the bull's humiliation of her husband.

Jonn22Jonn226 months ago

I will never understand this whole cuckold thing letting another man control you but you got a thing about watching your wife get fucked that's one thing it's a little out there but it's one thing but letting another man humiliate you and treat you like a piece of shit and control your wife fuck that that dude is going to get his fucking ass whooped hard by the time I'm done with them he's not even going to have a dick to use cuz I'm going to beat him with an intimate fucking life and to that story huh

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I heard my wife say to her phone. Yes Carl I'm pretty sloppy at the moment. No I have not been thinking of you Bill thats me had just given me another wonderful love making. No I'm not interested in messing around with you. Now what do you need I'm busy fixing my family breakfast. By. Carl was her boss I walked into the kitchen. She looked at me. I gave her a hug and kiss. Then I said that better stop before I get involved. She said I know. That evening she filled me in on what happened. She had called a friend a coworker and had her set recorder in his office and hid a cellphone to record also. After Carl had done and said enough she grabbed the phone on the way out. He was threatening her that he would fire her. Guess who got fired. Big Black Carl. Don't know if he had a bbc. Lol. No need to know.

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