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Work The Problem Ch. 07

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Events build to a final conclusion across two worlds.
12.8k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/13/2017
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Click here for This Story: Furry, Anal, Rimming


Just as Arnold had predicted, the 'few months' needed to upgrade the portal's power sources was compressed down into a few weeks thanks to a truly unbelievable amount of resources that the entire world threw at the problem. Somehow the notion of humans trapped in another dimension made old political differences much less important. The entire Earth was united under the idea of 'our people are in trouble, and we're going to get them back'.

It still made no difference. Grace sat and clutched her hands together as the assembled staff and VIPs sat through another interminable charging sequence in Main Operations. There was another horribly long moment while they charged everything up and...still saw nothing. She didn't see so much as the tiniest spark from the center of the great machine.

After John and Arnold had gone through their various mutterings and pointing at graphs, General Gossett stepped up onto the dais next to the controls. As bad as Grace felt, General Gossett looked even worse. The soldier was still impeccably groomed, but the bags under his eyes betrayed the pressure he was under. After another whispered consultation with the two scientists, he turned and surveyed them all.

"We're still collating our data. There's an all-hands meeting in six hours."


Private Jack Rockatansky took the rifle from the rabbit-dude and eyed it with something close to lust while the furry guy talked.

"Now, what we've done is take some of your remaining 'fifty-cal' ammunition and reproduced it. We don't have that many ammunition factories, so we're having to re-tool one before we can really produce large quantities. But in the meantime we wanted a test weapon to fire our version of your ammo before we test them out in your machine guns."

"Makes sense," said Rockatansky distantly. He was used to getting handed weapons that were well-made but also clearly mass-produced. But this...the gun in his hands could only be described as art, with flowing clean lines and a meticulously crafted stock. It looked like a bespoke large hunting rifle. "You sized this for us?"

The cheerful rabbit-guy's name was Gunthar Smallburrow, and he was a gunsmith and machinist. He was the first lagomorph that Rockatansky had seen with actual muscles in his arms. Gunthar nodded at the private's question. "I figured it would be easier for you monkey-boys to test. I tried out an earlier test-article and, well..." He rubbed his furry shoulder as if in memory of a painful injury. "Now for this one I used our standard rifle template and made it larger to fit both you and the larger round. It's a bolt-action only, like our rifles. But I figured it would be better to just change one thing at a time."

Rockatansky looked up at the distant target. The two of them were at the firing range that had been set up near the defenses around Hadley's Farm, and they had set up their test at the longest range. At this distance, the man-sized card looked like a small white fleck. And this rifle only had iron sights and no scope, so even hitting the damn thing would take some doing.

The Ranger smiled. He was well-acknowledged to be the best shot in the platoon, so if he could get this to work he'd have bragging rights for months. He looked down and levered open the bolt. "There's no magazine, right?"

The gunsmith shook his head, his big eyes apologetic. "Like I said, I only wanted to test one thing at a time."

Rockatansky nodded and held out a hand. Gunthar put what looked like a perfectly cromulent fifty-caliber round into his hand. The private held the cartridge up and gave it a quick once-over. Apart from the lack of markings on its back, he'd be hard-pressed to tell that it came from somewhere other than a factory back home. He nodded his approval and loaded the round. He closed the bolt; its lever was just the right size, and the movement was smooth as silk. He got down into a prone shooter's position and placed the rifle barrel on the rest they'd set up. The rifle's metal was cool against his cheek as he set up the shot; he could just see the target's center. It was a small black dot that seemed to dance in the heat waves thrown up by the ground. Today was more-or-less windless, so at least he had that going for him.

The Ranger let out a breath and squeezed. The trigger action was as lovely as the rest of the weapon, with the 'glass rod breaking' feel that was so desired. He loaded and shot three more times, then they safed the rifle and trouped downrange to see how they'd done.

Rockatansky began chortling as they got close to the target. He could see four neat holes punched right around the center, grouped tight enough to lay a playing card over them. As Gunthar made notes the private looked down at the weapon.

"Oh, baby, where have you been all my life?" With a good scope on it this thing would give any sniper rifle back home a run for its money. "How much for it?"

Gunthar looked up from his note-taking. "Eh? Oh, you can keep using that if you like. I'll let them know the prototype rounds work well, and we can also see about making some mounted weapons in that caliber that our people can use."

Rockatansky was stunned at the gift. "No, wait, I gotta pay you for this. When our portal gets re-opened, I got a good chunk of change saved up."

The gunsmith laughed. "You're money's no good here, literally."

As the pair headed back to the other side of the range, Rockatansky saw a few of the new militia walk down from one of the berms. These guys were dressed in green/black and blue/black outfits, which meant they were from the cities of Hingbrook and Ecklam, respectively.

"Mornin', folks," he said to them pleasantly.

Most of them returned his friendly wave with an equally pleasant greeting, although there were a few in both militia that just gave curt nods in reply. It was the first really standoffish response that the Ranger had encountered, but he just shrugged it off. After all, they were still probably getting used to dealing with giant monkey-boys.


The weeks passed in a whirl for Ned. He'd been tasked with continuing to manufacture explosives 'just in case' the terror-birds tried something again. That took most of his time during the day, and at night he returned to the barracks and Holly's enthusiastic greeting. She'd been given her old job back, although a lot of her own time was getting eaten up in interviews with various reporters from all over the planet.

Eventually they decided that the barracks were not quite 'homey' enough. After her disappearance, Holly was declared 'missing, presumed dead', which meant her apartment had been let out to someone else. Fortunately Emma had moved her things into storage. It took some searching, but finally Holly and Ned found an apartment with ceilings tall enough to keep Ned from hitting his head everywhere. Unfortunately that apartment was on the top floor of its building, which in turn meant that they had to haul all of her stuff up four flights of stairs.

'They' turned out to be mostly 'Ned'. He couldn't resist it when Holly batted her big blue eyes and asked him to carry the heavy items. He was so strong, after all. Ned knew he was being manipulated but went through with it anyway. She didn't have that much furniture.

But now he was regretting his decision. He lay flat on the carpeted floor of their living room and felt the ache from his tired back muscles. Holly hummed happily as she unboxed some pictures and set them out. Eventually she came and stood over him with folded arms and a cheeky smile.

"Oh, come on. I thought you were supposed to be this big strong guy."

"Yeah, but I haven't had a decent workout in a few weeks. I've been too busy running around making stuff that goes boom. Plus I recall somebody short and furry saying something about having 'only a few boxes to carry'."

Holly rolled her eyes. "All right. Shirt off, turn over."


She made an imperious twirling motion with one finger. "Take your shirt off and turn over."

Ned raised an eyebrow but went ahead and did so. As he turned over he felt her big feet step up onto his back. Holly pressed one foot hard into one of his lats and then stepped up fully onto him before she started walking up and down his back. He had to admit that it felt pretty nice.

"Thanks. You know, there are massage places back home that charge extra for this," he mumbled into the carpet.

"I'll bet," she replied. "What other sorts of things do they charge for?"

"Heh, well if the place is disreputable they might also offer, well, you know."

Her voice was amused as she kept treading up and down his back. "Oh, but I don't know. Tell me."

He felt his face redden. Why the hell was he feeling so embarrassed all of a sudden? "They offer physical release."

"Ah, I see. How do they achieve that?"

He knew his ears were beet-red by now. "I've only heard about it, you know."

"Of course," she purred. Her toes began to knead his back. "But I'm just trying to learn more about you monkey-boys and your mysterious ways. What do these places offer, exactly?"

Ned sagged into the carpet in defeat. "They use their hands. Or sometimes their mouth, or their, um, breasts."

"I see. Now that I think about it, I should massage your front as well." There was a brief rustle, and then off to Ned's left he saw out of the corner of his eye Holly's dress fall to the floor. "Turn over, if you please."

She stepped off of him as he complied. Her now-naked form stepped up onto his abs, making him give a little gasp. She smirked and turned away, presenting him with the sight of her wonderfully pert ass and little powder-puff tail. It was a view he never got tired of. Her feet first kneaded his abs and then she stepped up to his pecs. He could now look straight up between her legs; her puffy little lower lips were already glistening with her excitement.

"Yes, you seem very tense, sir," said Holly as her strong toes clenched and relaxed. She brought one foot down to rest on his still-clothed crotch. "Especially here."

Ned began to reach down to undo his belt.

"Oh, no, sir," said Holly. "Allow me. You're so tired, after all."

She knelt on his chest and quickly unlaced his belt. Ned stroked her thighs, and in response Holly spread them and abruptly sat on his face. Ned took a deep breath in, reveling in her familiar musky scent before beginning to lap at her folds.

Holly shivered while she finished unbuttoning his fly and pulling him out. Her wonderfully soft paws stroked him once, then the furry little temptress pulled up her legs so that they were lying along Ned's chest and stomach. His mouth was now pinched between her thighs, and he could just barely reach her cunny. She shifted so that his mouth pulled away from her lower lips and his face was pressed right into her asscheeks.

"Don't worry about pleasing me for now," she said in the low voice that meant she was getting really randy. "I want to try something."

Ned gasped as he felt the velvety-soft touch of her feet on his member. Her strong toes gripped at each side of his shaft before she slowly stroked her feet up and down. Her footpads were smoother than he expected, and the combination of soft skin and softer fur on his cock made for an exquisite sensation.

"Do any of those 'disreputable' places do this?" Holly asked with a giggle. Ned moaned as she really got to work on him. With every up-stroke she brought her feet up to the very top and gave his cock-head a gentle squeeze before stroking back down. It was a slow, tortuous, and wonderful pumping that left Ned short of breath.

In a daze he brought his hands up to stroke her hips. He couldn't quite reach her cunny, but her crinkled rear entrance was pressing right against his nose so he tilted his head up and began to lick.

Holly gave a satisfied hum. "Mmmm. Very disreputable, sir. I like it." She began to move her feet fractionally faster.

Thus encouraged, Ned began licking harder. He felt her rear pucker spasm as he teased all around it, coating the sensitive skin with plenty of saliva before poking at the very center.

Holly gasped at the press of his tongue, and her foot-job picked up the pace. He felt her rectum quiver around him as his questing organ sank ever so slowly into her.

Ned stopped stroking her hips and instead reached up to grab her tits. Her nipples were hard under his palms as he used the leverage from his grip to press her down onto him. Holly whimpered as her feet pumped him ever faster. Ned's hips bucked a little as he instinctively thrust up into her feet. He was getting so close...

Holly's feet dropped away, making Ned moan into her ass.

"Don't worry, sir, I'll take care of you," said Holly. Ned took in a deep breath as she leaned forward and pulled herself off of his tongue. Before he could take another breath she had spun herself around and was pressing his swollen cock-head up against her spit-covered rear. Her vulva gaped lewdly at him as she panted and began to force herself downward. He stroked her shins in a daze, then realized what she was attempting.

"Holly, are you sure-' began Ned, then he threw his head back and cried out at the sensation of her tight sphincter opening around him. He gripped the carpet with his hands as he felt his glans sink slowly into her before finally popping past her anal ring and into her ass.

She paused as Ned tried to draw breath. Holly's vagina was always on the tight side, even after she'd gotten fully used to him. But her rectum was like a wonderfully soft vise clamped cruelly around the top of his shaft.

The rabbit patted his chest with one trembling paw. "You see, sir? We're full service." She began to move downward, inch by inch, slowly at first then faster as her rear became adjusted to his intruding pole. Ned stroked along her thighs towards her glistening vulva. Holly put a hand over herself and blocked his attempted touching.

"Relax, sir, I've got it." she said in a joyful tone.

"Just...ahh...just be careful," he gasped as her wonderful inner flesh stroked along him. He settled for resting a hand on each of her thighs as she sank ever downward. It felt like she would never reach bottom, and right now Ned wasn't sure if he wanted her to.

Ever so gently, her asscheeks settled onto his groin. He felt her little cotton-puff tail brush against his scrotum as Holly gave a satisfied moan. She put her hands on his thighs as she pushed herself back up, again with that same delicious slowness. She paused at the top, then thumped back down into Ned's groin with sudden speed. She smiled at Ned's grunt of surprise and then began to ride him.

Ned took advantage of her moving her hands to once more reach for her. This time she didn't stop him; as she rode, her face became more and more slack with lust as her guts were plowed by his organ. Her tongue hung out of one side of her mouth and dangled a little bit of drool.

Holly moaned as he stroked her cunny's lips and sought out her clit with a practiced thumb. His other thumb parted her lips and pressed into her. Her channel squeezed his thumb in the same way her rear squeezed his cock. Ned's brain was almost unraveling from her relentless assault. He was getting close again, and Holly's moaning was getting faster as well. Ned sought out her g-spot and pressed up, his other thumb stroking firmly over her clit.

She thrust down, literally bottoming out on him, just as she cried out and shook with her climax. The feel of her ass spasming around his cock was enough to give Ned the extra bit of sensation he needed, and he added his cries to hers as he spurted deep in her.

After a long, lovely moment, Holly's shaking subsided.

"You...okay?" asked Ned in between his own gasps. He felt like he'd been milked by a machine.

"I'm very good, sir," replied Holly. Her usual happy grin was back on her face.


Conrad's foot jittered while he smiled at one of the blue-and-black-clad members of the Ecklam City militia. The militia member was an older, gruffer male with the alliterative name of Theobald Townsend.

"So, ah, you're also guarding the farm now?" Conrad asked in a voice that he hoped sounded bright and cheerful.

"Yeah," replied Theobald. He shifted his rifle in front of him in a way that made it clear that Conrad was to not even think about going past him.

Conrad took a peek over the bigger rabbit's shoulder. He saw the now-familiar forms of the giant monkey-boys moving around the various berms and gun emplacements surrounding Hadley's Farm. But now there were also additional people, his people, clad in the uniforms of various city militias. It was quite a colorful-looking crowd, thought Conrad.

He then looked up at the large horn-like sirens mounted on poles around the farm. They were now everywhere, even in the city, and intended to give warning in case a portal was sighted. The powers-that-be had done a test or two, and Conrad shivered as he remembered the sirens' mournful wail that seemed designed to unsettle. Apparently the noise was based on something the monkey-boys called an 'air raid warning'.

His musing was interrupted by Theobald's unamused voice. "Why are you here?"

"Just waiting for someone," Conrad replied. "One of the newcomers, actually. She asked me to meet her here when she gets off duty."

"Newcomers?" Theobald's eyebrow rose. "You mean one of...them?"

Conrad let Theobald's insulting tone slide. "Yeah, her name's Marlene. Nice girl. I was gonna take her out tonight."


"Yeah, see, we met when..." Conrad saw a familiar muscular figure climb the berm towards them. "Ah, there she is! Hi, honey!"

Even though Marlene was short for a monkey-person, she still towered over Theobald as she walked past him. She gave the militia member a casual nod of greeting, one he returned with a neutral nod of his own. Then her face split into a happy smile as she turned to Conrad.

"Great, you made it!" Before Conrad could blink she'd grabbed him up in a big hug. The Ranger began to nibble playfully at his neck. "Grrr, you are too damned adorable, sweetie. I could eat you up right here and now."

Conrad's feet dangled as he returned her hug. He looked over and give Theobald a wink, which made the older rabbit's other eyebrow rise as well.

"So what'll it be?" asked Marlene cheerfully. She gave his ass a completely gratuitous squeeze before setting him back down.

"I know you wanted to hear our music, and there's a big outdoor concert in the town center tonight. No chance of bonking your head, either."

Marlene laughed. "I'd be down for that. We just gotta stop by the barracks so I can shower and change into my civvies. See ya, Theo."

Conrad gave Theobald a nod of his own as he took Marlene's hand.


General Gossett stood at the podium and grasped it like it was the one thing keeping him upright. The entire science team of the base had managed to squeeze into the small auditorium that they'd hastily set up for the press. The latter, of course, were not attending this meeting.

"We need to make sure you're all in the loop on this," he said, and looked them all in the eye in turn. "We're looking for ideas. This room holds the world's best and brightest, and if we're going to have any chance of reopening that damn portal we need options. So first up is Arnold and John."

The two men wheeled a whiteboard onto the stage and proceeded to talk while filling it with what looked like fancy spaghetti to Grace's eyes. While they filled it, they talked about barrier potentials between branes and other such terminology. Grace refrained from commenting on any of it; she knew just enough of the science behind it to realize how little she knew.

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