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WSIM24B Ch. 01


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There were 'breaks' from the physical exercises, but those weren't for resting. We had sessions of old-fashioned classroom instruction.

As you can imagine, there was very little 'inter-gender fraternization'. We were just too exhausted. That's right: I was too tired to chat up women. I'm not blind - there were quite a few very attractive females, with exceptionally toned and athletic bodies. I just didn't have the energy to do more than look.

That first Saturday night, pretty well all of us simply collapsed. I had very little time to ponder the wisdom of accepting ISEC's offer before I fell asleep.

Some of my peers slept in. I couldn't blame them, but we'd been told that we had a test first thing Monday morning. Studying seemed wiser. I didn't want to find out if there were consequences for failing it.

Sunday night was a bit of a blessing. We actually had time to cook and enjoy a hot meal. There was a bit more conversation, and I had the opportunity to exchange glances with some of the hottest women.

I was right about the test. At the crack of dawn, we were taken on a 5K sprint, with rocks in our backpacks. Then we had our test. Those who failed were taken on another 5K sprint; those who passed were subjected to another session of classroom instruction.

The second week was just as rough as the first. Maybe we were just a little tougher by then. By that Saturday night, I was exhausted, but not quite ready to collapse in my bunk. Nothing but work and sleep is depressing; I was hoping for some recreation on top of the rest.

I wasn't alone. There were about ten people who didn't immediately file into the barracks to crash. There were some interesting options. Then the choice was taken from me.

A slender, dark-haired woman - I didn't even know her name - walked over to me. She had a really pretty face. I was about to open my mouth to say hello when she reached up and put her finger on my lips.

She smiled, and took my hand.

I let her lead. She took me away from the camp, down one of the paths we had run on several times. There was a little clearing, where some trainees before us had cut down trees and hauled out the lumber.

My silent girl led me into the centre of the clearing, and turned to face me. Once again, she put a finger to my lips. Then she stepped closer, and pulled my head down, so that our lips met.

It was actually quite a turn-on. I'd never fucked a woman without speaking to her before. I ran my hands over her body, over her thin t-shirt and track shorts. She had nothing on under them. She was very small-breasted, but she had a trim physique and her ass was a thing of beauty.

I slipped a hand into her shorts, and found nothing between my questing digits and her warm pussy. When I slid a finger between her lips, she moaned into my mouth.

She took the initiative again, peeling her shirt over her head, and then jerking her chin at me. We both stripped off our clothes, and laid them on the ground to create a sort of blanket. Silent girl knelt on our clothes, and beckoned to me with a crooked finger.

I knelt in front of her, resting back on my haunches so that I didn't tower over her. She kissed me again, and pressed her little titties into my chest. She also took hold of my dick, and began stroking it. I slipped a finger - and then a second - back inside her.

She got very turned on, very quickly. Soon enough, she was lying back, without releasing her grip on my cock, which she pulled towards her. She lay back, and I planted my flag in her. Neither of us had to worry about contraception or disease.

She was tight, though, and I worried that I might hurt her if I went at it too hard. But she took control again, by placing a hand on my chest, and pushing. I stopped thrusting immediately.

Silent Girl turned over, onto her hands and knees. She looked back at me over my shoulder, and smiled invitingly. There was that spectacular little ass, framing her wet and distended pussy lips. I took her up on that offer.

The difference in our heights was such that I couldn't quite get low enough to enter her properly. I solved that issue by lifting her up a few inches, and pulling her back to impale her on my dick. Her knees were off the ground. I wasn't so much thrusting into her as I was pulling her back onto my cock.

Silent Girl gurgled. It was the most noise she'd made so far. She was athletic enough to try and wrap her legs around my hips.

I may be a bit of an ass, but I'm a fairly courteous lover. I did my best to hang on so that she could get off. It had been a while for me, though. I plowed her hard, and spewed a massive load inside her.

On any other occasion, I would have cuddled a bit, and gone for seconds. But my silent partner was just as tired as I was, and a little more sensible. She picked up her clothes, handed me mine, and then led the way back to camp, stark naked.

Before we got close, she stopped and kissed me once more. She hadn't said a word.


They woke us up in the middle of the night to give us a test. A written test. I don't know whether the answers mattered, but they clearly wanted to keep us fatigued, and yet still on edge. It was a finely measured thing, I think; at a certain point you get to be just too damned tired to care.

We had combat training every second day. Unarmed combat, for the most part, but they soon began introducing improvised weapons, and then knives.

The pace was so gruelling that we lost several trainees that week. I don't know if they flunked out, or if they just quit. Silent Girl, unfortunately, was one of the casualties. I had been looking forward to a rematch with her, and was quite disappointed when she washed out of training.

That Saturday, at the end of our third week of training, there were ten trainees who lingered after the evening meal. They didn't seem as eager as the rest to go straight to bed.

One of them was Destiny. Not my destiny; Destiny was her new name (just as Thorn was mine). She was an imposing specimen: tall and superbly built, with flawless brown skin. She was muscular, too, with strong arms and powerful legs, but no combination of sports bra and t-shirt could hide the fact that she was also stacked.

I liked the way she walked. She had this slow, dignified pace, with just enough sway to her hips to catch my attention. She knew it, too. She caught me looking, once, and smiled over her shoulder.

Now she was waiting for something - or someone. Why not me? I walked over to her.

- "Gonna stay up for a bit, Destiny?"

- "Maybe." she said. "How 'bout you, Thorn?"

- "I could be persuaded."

She smiled. "You and me, then? You down?"

- "You know I am." I suggested a swim, so that we could 'freshen up' a bit - especially certain specific parts.

- "I like the way you think." she said.

It was a short walk to the beach. Destiny started stripping off her clothing before we were even halfway. She wasn't just imposing: she was downright impressive. I was stunned when she took off her bra. Her breasts were large, and incredibly firm - I could tell that before I'd even touched them. For one thing, they thrust out straight from her body, without a hint of sag, and then curved upwards ever so slightly, as if her dark brown nipples were tilting up towards the sun.

Destiny was proud of her body - and rightfully so. She let me ogle her a bit before suggesting that I should give her something to look at, too. I grinned at her and stripped down. She grinned back at me.

We waded out into the water, and then started to 'wash' each other. I might have paid a little too much attention to her fascinating breasts, but I eventually got to her clean-shaven pussy.

Back on dry land, we ended up in a side by side 69. It was fun, but I got the impression that we both really wanted to fuck. I lay back, and let her straddle me. Destiny's big tits swung over my face, and she let me latch on and suckle them for a while. But then she leaned back, swaying backwards and forwards on my dick. To my amazement, her nipples and areolae puffed up and stuck out even further.

I'd like to have lasted for an hour, but I gave a reasonable account of myself before blasting an enormous quantity of semen inside her.

We walked back to camp naked, with my hand on her ass and her hand on mine. She stopped just before we got there.

- "Got one more in you?" she asked.

We went behind the mess hall, where she bent over so that I could fuck her from behind and hold those incredible tits in my hands.

We got to bed a little later than most everybody else. But I spent most of my study time on Sunday with a smile on my face.


The remaining trainees began to split into two distinct groups. The majority were what I would call cave-dwellers. Some referred to themselves as 'Crashers', or 'the hunker down crew'. At the end of training on a Saturday, they would gulp down a hasty meal, and then immediately go to the barracks, lie down, and fall asleep.

They would study on Sunday, make better meals for themselves, and then go back to sleep. The goal, they argued, was to conserve every scrap of energy possible, because it was going to be needed.

That, it seemed to me, was an error. The cave-dwellers were cranky and irritable. More than a few had trouble sleeping, or difficulty concentrating on their studies. It didn't escape my notice that most of the dropouts or flame outs were trainees who subscribed to that approach. All work and no play, you know...

The rest of us - about a dozen - needed rest too. But we also wanted some form of recreation, a pleasant diversion that would give us something to look forward to as we struggled through our training. For some, it was conversation, or some kind of personal connection.

For others - including yours truly - it was sex. There wasn't really time for any kind of relationship, or even getting to know each other. But recreational sex lifted the spirits.

Other trainees jokingly (or scathingly) referred to us as the DTF squad, as in 'Down to Fuck'. I was looking forward to a rematch with Destiny; that alone brightened my outlook considerably. It did the same for her, too. I caught her smiling in my direction more than once.

We weren't reckless enough to try having sex from Monday to Saturday - we'd been warned that we were on call. It wouldn't look good to be caught fucking on the beach when the trainers staged a mock attack or woke everyone for a test.

I didn't get a chance for a repeat performance with Destiny. That was a shame, and I managed to find the opportunity to tell her so.

- "You're a treat." she said. "Maybe we'll see each other again." She gave me a nice kiss.

Our training ended - temporarily - on the 4th Saturday at Camp 3. We were all transferred to new locations, for what was called two weeks of light duties. I ended up driving a truck most of the time, ferrying supplies to and from the little airstrip where we'd landed.

There were six other trainees there: four males, and two cranky females. I drove, performed maintenance, and did inventories. Every evening, we were hooked into sleepread machines, to learn codes and ciphers, and common locations for surveillance cameras in urban areas, plus a new language or some computer hacking skills. That was very different from the camp, where we had no access to tablets or wrist comms.

Those two weeks were no holiday, but at least our battered bodies got a respite. I didn't stop feeling sore until the end of the first week. On the second Saturday, we were split up again. Another trainee and I got a ride on a truck headed for Camp 5, in the interior. There was a small lake, a number of well-worn trails through the jungle, and a single mountain that had to be 3,000 metres high. Somehow I just knew that we were going to become better acquainted with that mountain.

That night, there were only some 25 trainees in the camp. The rest, we were told, would be arriving the next day, because of a problem with their transport, or because they were coming from Camp 2, which was more than a day away.

A few of the cave-dwellers went to bed right after the evening meal, but there were far more people than usual staying up to socialize. I'll admit that I was scoping out the talent too. That was when I met Becca.

She was a short little bundle, blonde haired and blue eyed, with a very cute smile. She skipped over to stand in front of me - I mean, she literally skipped.

- "Hey!" she said. "I'm Becca."

- "Thorn. Pleased to meet you."

- "Me too. So, listen... are you one of those people who heads for their bunk at dark, or do you like to ... stay up a little later?" She was playing with the edges of her t-shirt as she said that, revealing a bit of her lightly tanned lower stomach.

- "Most of the best times in my life have come after dark." I said.

Her face lit up. "Oh, good!" I thought for a moment that she was going to clap her hands. "So, Thorn... would you like to see if we're ... compatible?"

- "Compatible?" I was pretty sure that she was suggesting that we go find a place to fuck. I'd just never heard it said that way.

She giggled. "Well, I know that you're gonna like me. I just wanna see if I like you, too."

- "So... like an audition?"

- "Yeah..." she said, with another big smile. "That's a good way to put it." She took my hand. "Come on - I know a spot. My pod was here last month."

I couldn't tell if Becca was putting on an act, or if she was always like this. How could she be a spy? She wouldn't have lasted ten seconds in a fight with Destiny. Then again, who would ever have suspected that this horny little nymph was a spy? Or that she was hiding a brain in her head?

There is no standard profile for spies, when it comes to appearance. It takes all kinds. Sometimes, the best place to hide is in plain sight. Or maybe she was just a gifted actress. Someone like the Captain I'd met had interviewed Becca - and here she was. She had to have had some of the qualities or skills they were looking for.

She led me along the lake shore, until we reached a little grassy spot with a crude bench and a nice view. The bench consisted of two tree stumps with a pair of wooden planks nailed onto them. Someone had thoughtfully sanded the planks so that there was less danger of catching a splinter.

Becca sat down on the bench, smiled, and lifted her t-shirt over her head. Then she looked to see my reaction, and smiled again.

Becca's breasts were wonderful. They weren't huge, but they looked large on her small frame. And she had lovely, mouth-watering puffy nipples. She let me look, obviously appreciating my reaction (no, I didn't drool).

She was a show-off. She tossed her shirt on the grass, and then quickly doffed her shorts. Standing there in her little panties, she raised her hands behind her head, to lift her already perfect tits just a little higher. Then she glanced at my shorts.

I'm no male stripper (although I once had an offer), but I took my clothes off slowly, letting her anticipation build. When I finally lowered my underwear, and she saw my erection (I'd been hard since she skipped over to me), Becca whistled.

- "Well, you pass the undressed rehearsal, at least."

She took off her panties, and held them up, as if to say 'What should I do with these?'.

Becca wasn't a great kisser, but then again we weren't here for a necking session. I put her on her back on the bench, and went down on her. She made a sound like 'Gleep!'.

After her first orgasm, she wanted to return the favour, but I'd been sitting on the back of a truck for most of the day. I sat on the bench, and sat her on my lap, so I could watch her face and play with her tits and nipples as she rode me.

The sap eventually began to rise, though. I put her back on the bench, legs spread wide, and gave her my best. She came again - loudly - before I erupted.

- "Pass..." she gasped. "You pass."

When she recovered her breath, Becca explained what she'd meant when she suggested that we should find out if we were 'compatible'.

- "That was awesome!" she said. "It was for you, too, right?"

I could've been a dick, and said 'I've had better', or something stupid like that. Truth was, I hadn't. Becca was a superb fuck. And she wanted to commit to me for the whole month that we would be in this camp.

"Some people kept switching." she said. "You know, one partner the second weekend, and a different match up the next. Feelings got hurt, and there was a fight... and some people were left high and dry when last week's lover went off with someone else. You know?

I didn't, but she was making sense. One of the best things about being part of the DTF crew was that sense of anticipation, of looking forward to Saturday evening. If I committed to Becca, the week would fly by that much faster.

Then I thought of Destiny. What if she arrived at our camp tomorrow?

- "What if you find someone better?' I asked.

Becca giggled, and hugged me, pressing her breasts and her puffy nipples against me. "Oh, Thorn... that's not gonna happen. You're awesome."

So was she. If Destiny did arrive tomorrow, I was going to have to explain to her that I was... in a relationship. Then I had a vision of spending Sundays with Becca as well.

- "You know, we could study together, too." I suggested.

- "If you want." she laughed. "I can think of a few things I'd rather be doing."

That was my first clue about Becca. The following day revealed that she was only being honest. I was studying, trying to get ahead. She worked with me for about an hour before she began to get frisky. She would lean over, pressing her tits against me. When that didn't distract me enough, she started rubbing my leg with her hand, a little higher at each pass, until she was basically stroking my cock though my pants.

- "Becca! I'm studying!"

- "I know." she said, breathing in my ear. "I'm just trying to get you to take a little break..."

- "Later, Becca."

- "C'mon, Thorn. I want to fool around more than once today. You know we won't be able to slip away again until next Saturday."

- "After lunch." I said.

- "Goody!"

She wanted to go swimming, first. I took her into the tall grass, where we would be out of sight, and put her on her hands and knees. Her ass wasn't her best feature, but I was happy to finger her from behind, and then grab her by the hips and pound her fast and hard.              The moment she reached a climax, I unloaded inside her. Then I went back to my studying.

Becca came back to find me. She was in a bit of a snit.

- "What was that?" she demanded.

- "You wanted to fool around. We did. I want to use as much of the remaining daylight for studying as I can. If you want to fuck again after dark, we can spend more time at it."              

- "Hmmph!" She stalked off in a huff, to meet some of the late arrivals. That was my second clue about Becca. I wasn't able to put them together, though.

After dinner, she took me down the lake shore in the opposite direction. There was a crude bench there, too, but it was occupied. Becca led me past them for about a hundred yards, into a patch of long, sweet-smelling green grass. She spread a blanket for us.

- "Where did you get that?" I asked.

- "Stole it."

She'd been swimming, naked, so I thought it only fair to go down on her, to make up a bit for having hit and run earlier that afternoon. Then we fucked in the missionary position until she flipped us over so that she could be on top.

I thought I'd done pretty well by her, but Becca was apparently hoping for seconds.

- "Time for bed." I said. "To sleep."

- "Aww..."

When we started training again at the crack of dawn, I realized that Becca was dead right about the anticipation aspect of our 'commitment'. I wasn't just hoping to get laid next Saturday; I was looking forward to another great encounter with my randy little fuck-bunny.

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