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Xena & Gabrielle Ch. 07

Story Info
Xena plays love-slave to Gabrielle's Amazon Queen.
9.5k words

Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/26/2008
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Author's Note: Welcome to the seventh chapter of the "true" story of Xena and Gabrielle. You will find this section extremely subtext-friendly. If two women showing their love for one another and having kinky sex is not your cup of tea, please find another story you'd like to read. This story will be submitted in several parts and is based off the series, yet the "history" has been changed somewhat to suit the purposes of this story. Not all sections will contain erotic sex scenes as there is a plot.

Also, I'd like to note that I do not own Xena: Warrior Princess, the series, or the characters and I will not be receiving any payment whatsoever for writing this story. It is intended for entertainment purposes only.

Dear readers, thank you for all your comments and encouragement! I appreciate it greatly.

After about three months of travels following Xena's latest fiasco with Caesar, she and Gabrielle arrived at an inn where Meg was working as a "serving girl." Meg could have been a twin to Xena with the same jet-black hair and gorgeous blue eyes. The only difference was in their voices and their very distinct mannerisms. "Hello, Meg," Gabrielle said to her with a cheerful smile. "How are you doing? Long time no see."

"Hi there, Gabby," said Meg with a big grin. "What are you and the Warrior Princess doing here... at the inn.... where I work?" Meg asked a bit suspiciously.

"Nothing in particular. We're just passing thru," said Gabrielle. "We didn't know you were... ummmmmmmm ... working here...."

"Well, the pay is good... and most of the guys aren't that bad... if ya know what I mean," said Meg with a wicked little giggle and a toss of her long black tresses.

Gabrielle smirked, her green eyes twinkling. "Yeah, well, I can guess whatcha mean."

"Hey, what's going on? Joxer said that you got married----," Meg began, but her sentence was interrupted by Xena as she came over to the long wooden table where Gabrielle and Meg were engrossed in conversation.

"Gabrielle, I got us some food and a room," Xena said with a dazzling smile to her little blond bard. She then looked over at Meg, giving her a half-grin as well.

"Meg, good to see you," said Xena, setting down a tall mug of ale for herself and a glass of chilled fruit juice for her love as she seated herself at the head of the table between both Meg and Gabrielle.

"Xena," Meg spoke with a nod. "I was just about to ask Gabrielle---," Meg said before once again being interrupted.

Xena waved away the questions. "No, no.... we are hot and tired from our travels. We've both been thru hell," said Xena quickly, knowing how upsetting Meg's inquiries would be for her little bard. Gabrielle had been rather uptight lately. Xena wanted to protect her as much as she possibly could.

"But Xena, Joxer-----," Meg tried to speak.

"How is Joxer, the Mighty? Haven't seen him in ............ well, months," said the Warrior Princess, wincing a bit, cause both she and Gabrielle knew quite well that they hadn't seen Joxer since the night of Gabrielle and Perdicus's wedding. It had been Joxer who had stood up with Perdicus and Xena who had stood up with Gabrielle at the wedding, considering that Joxer and Xena were both Gabrielle's best friends.

As if on cue, the door of the inn was thrown open and in strutted Joxer, looking ridiculous as ever in his make-shift armor which made strange clinking noises as he walked. "Meg! Hello, Beautiful!" he said in a gallant voice, sweeping Meg into his arms and kissing her thoroughly and enthusiastically.

Meg was visibly out of breath when she managed to tear her lips from Joxer's. "Joxer, I'm working!" she gasped, looking a bit annoyed, yet also overwhelmed by the passion in the wanna-be warrior's heated kiss. "And can't you see your friends are here?!"

That's when Joxer noticed Xena and Gabrielle who were both staring at him and Meg in great amusement. "Ohhh well, I didn't see you guys.... ummm well, what a surprise!" Joxer exclaimed, looking all perplexed because he had hit on Meg right in front of them. He pulled his hands away from Meg's ample bosoms he had been so lustfully fondling during their passionate kiss.

"Yeah, what a surprise alright," Xena chuckled, unable to wipe the huge grin off her face.

"Looks like you have been a busy man, Joxer," Gabrielle laughed, seeing Meg hanging onto Joxer like he was her own personal love-toy.

"You run along, honey," Joxer said, prying Meg's fingers from his body and giving her a small push toward the counter where the customers of the inn were being served drinks.

"Fine, but you behave yourself, big boy" Meg said as she looked at him and licked her lips. "You're MY man and no one else can have you."

Joxer gave a nervous little laugh but deposited a small kiss on the tip of Meg's nose as though to appease her. "Okay, pookie. Don't worry," he said, once again giving her nudge away from the table where both Xena and Gabrielle were seated.

Meg walked away to chat with a few of the other "working girls" as Joxer took a seat next to Xena and Gabrielle upon the same chair that Meg had previously occupied. "Can't believe you two are here," said Joxer with a silly grin on his face. "How are you, Gabrielle? What brings you two here? And where's Perdy----?"

Xena snapped her fingers before Joxer's face, immediately silencing his questions. "Joxer, we need to have a talk," she said with a little hiss. She reached across the table as she stood, laying a hand softly on Gabrielle's shoulder.

"Excuse us, Gabrielle. I need a few moments with Joxer...." Xena said, giving Gabrielle's shoulder a soft squeeze. She then grabbed Joxer by his make-shift tin breastplate and lead him unceremoniously outside. Out by the horse troughs, Xena began to speak.

"Joxer, Gabrielle has been thru a lot," Xena began with a heavy sigh. "That bitch-whore Callisto killed Perdicus on the morning after their wedding night. Gabrielle's husband is dead."

"Dead?" Joxer repeated. "Callisto killed him? On the day after the wedding? That bitch!"

"Yes, Gabrielle has been in a deep state of grief. She wants revenge.... and I promised her we will not rest until Callisto pays for her wicked deed...."

"Gabrielle's husband is dead? This means........ this means..... Gabrielle is a free woman again. I have a chance with her after all....... Yes..... YESSSSSSSS!" Joxer said as the little wheels in his brain began twisting and turning haphazardly.

"Not so fast! Joxer, I don't think she'll be interested in you."

"Well, yeah... not right away. She's in a state of mourning. But once she feels like herself again, she won't be able to resist me."

"Joxer, I don't think she's interested," Xena tried to tell him, giving him an infamous Xena-stare.

"She was just playing hard to get before. Once she realizes what a strong, handsome, virile man I am, it's just a matter of time before I help her heal her broken heart...."

"Joxer, Gabrielle is NOT fair game!" Xena bellowed, wanting to shout at the rooftops that Gabrielle was hers... and hers alone... but Gabrielle and she had an agreement to be discreet about their romance.... at least until their families knew.

"Okay, okay. Don't be so protective," Joxer grumbled. "I won't try anything.... I will give her time to deal with the loss of Perdicus."

"What about Meg?" Xena reminded, struggling with all her might not to lose it as Joxer insisted Gabrielle would eventually be his lover.

"Ohhh well, she's a great gal...." Joxer spoke. "But as you know, it's Gabby that has always had my heart."

Xena mumbled something under her breath that Joxer couldn't quite make out. "What was that, Xena?" he asked.

"Nothing," Xena shrugged. "Just be careful around Gabrielle. Don't talk about Perdicus much. I don't want her upset."

"Sure thing, Xena," promised Joxer as they reentered the inn.

Immediately, Joxer went up to Gabrielle and gave her a great big hug. "I'm so sorry, Gabby," he said, holding her tightly.

Gabrielle returned the hug, grateful for the kind words and Joxer's warm affection. "Thanks, Joxer," she said, giving him a small smile. "It really is good to see you again."

Xena reached for her mug of ale, taking a very long sip as she eyed Joxer wearily. It was gonna be a very long day as she had to watch Joxer staring all googly-eyed-eyed at "her" woman. She listened at the banter between her bard and the wanna-be warrior, Joxer. Ever now and then, Gabrielle would giggle at Joxer's silly attempts at conversation and Xena couldn't help but smile, glad to see Gabrielle so happy again after such tragic times.

After hours of conversation, food, and drink, Gabrielle announced to Xena she was tired and ready for bed. Xena took one last drink of ale, reached for Gabrielle's hand and lead her upstairs. Joxer watched them walk away together longingly. What he wouldn't do to be going off to bed with the lovely Gabrielle. Just then Meg came up, and plopped herself down on his lap. "Want some lovin', big boy?" she asked him, ruffling his dark-brown hair.

Joxer kissed her hungrily, putting all of his passion into the kiss as he kept thinking of Gabrielle. After the steamy kiss, he said, "Why don't we go upstairs?"


Gabrielle slipped out of her clothes and settled into bed in just her shift. She was soon joined in the bed by a very naked Warrior Princess. "You told Joxer all about Perdicus?" Gabrielle asked.

"Yes, I did."

"And Callisto?"

"I told him everything," Xena said as she settled Gabrielle into her arms, long blond hair pooling over her arm in the process. "Except for us.... I don't think he would have cared if I HAD told him."

"What do you mean?" Gabrielle asked quickly as she looked into Xena's eyes questioningly.

"He still wants you, Gabrielle. And now that Perdicus is out of the picture, he seems to think he's going to have a chance with you," Xena explained. "And even if I told him that you and I are........... how shall I put this?...... sharing a bedroll..... I don't think that would have stopped him from trying to pursue you. The man is totally obsessed with you."

Gabrielle gave a nervous little laugh. "Xena, that's silly! I have never had an interest in him. He's a great friend. But never have I...."

"I know, I know. And I reminded him that he has Meg... and he still said he wants you....... He's not gonna give up, Gabrielle. I might have to take action......."

"What are you gonna do? Beat him up?" Gabrielle laughed. "Kick him where it hurts?"

"No, I think I will just pull you into my arms and kiss you hard right in front of him...... then he will know that you are mine... and you are off-limits," said Xena, her eyes flashing danger.

Gabrielle looked at Xena in disbelief. "No, Xena. You can't do that. We had an agreement!" the bard gasped.

"I know, I know. For you, I won't. But believe me, Gabrielle, he's walking a fine line with me. A VERY fine line," Xena sighed in annoyance. "I can't wait to get out of this place. And away from him."

A beautiful smile came to Gabrielle's face. "Then I get to see Ephiny........ and all my Amazon sisters."

"Yes, I promised you some time with the Amazons," Xena said, lightly kissing the top of Gabrielle's head.

"Hopefully I will sleep better when we are there... in the Amazon village. No more nightmares," said Gabrielle as lately she had suffered from horrible nightmares which had repeated night after night. Most likely they were of Perdicus's brutal death, but she hadn't been able to remember them. She always awoke, crying and afraid. She would cling to Xena, and Xena would hold her, comforting and soothing Gabrielle with her touch.

"Yeah, I am looking forward to it," Xena said, a half-grin on her face.

"I know that grin. I KNOW what you are thinking about," Gabrielle giggled. Lately she had been too exhausted to make love. And Xena WAS hoping that some relaxing time with the Amazons might put Gabrielle's troubled mind at ease, making the passion between them hot and intense once again. She missed making sweet love to her little bard.

Xena once again kissed the top of Gabrielle's head, cuddling her close. "Get some sleep now, little one," she said with a heavy yawn. Joxer and Gabrielle's constant chattering had exhausted her. It wasn't long before she had fallen asleep, holding the one she loved. Gabrielle lay there, staring off into the darkness. She couldn't sleep. The nightmares were haunting her. If only she could remember....... but she always awakened, so afraid, but with no memory of what had frightened her. Finally, she too fell a dreamless sleep safe in the arms of her warrior.


At the Amazon village, everyone was ecstatic to see Gabrielle, and her stunning Champion, the beautiful Xena. Ephiny ran up and gave Gabrielle a huge hug. "We missed you, my Queen," Ephiny said, giving Gabrielle a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Ephiny, I'm not the Queen yet," Gabrielle reminded with a laugh, hugging Ephiny affectionately. Terrais had given Gabrielle her rite of caste and someday Gabrielle was destined to become the Queen of the Amazon nation. Terrais had given her such a priceless gift because Gabrielle had tried so bravely save her life. Now, Cyane was the Queen, because Gabrielle had presently relinquished her right to the throne. Her place was with Xena, having countless adventures together and fighting for the greater good. Someday Gabrielle hoped to be the Queen of the Amazon nation, but that time wasn't now.

"We heard you got married," Ephiny said.

"It's true. I did," Gabrielle spoke. "But it was all a big mistake. My place is with Xena."

Gabrielle looked at Xena, pride in her eyes. She then turned her attention back to Ephiny. "My husband was killed. But I knew the night of the wedding, I had made a mistake," Gabrielle spoke. Her heart was aching because of what had happened to Perdicus, but she did not regret that she was with Xena now. It's exactly where she belonged. Ephiny nodded as Gabrielle spoke, but she did not comment.

"What brings you and your champion here?" Ephiny asked.

"I missed all my sisters," Gabrielle said, embracing Ephiny and all the others she had so greatly missed. "Xena promised to bring me here for a visit. I need some peace... and some much-needed healing."

"And you shall get it, Gabrielle," Ephiny promised. "We will have a celebration and a great feast. We will dance the Dance of Friendship. You are our future queen and very well-loved. While you are here, you are royalty. Everyone, hail...... Queen Gabrielle."

Gabrielle's sisters fell to their feet, hailing her. Gabrielle blushed, although she was loving the royal treatment very much. Xena had to struggle not to roll her eyes. She could tell that Gabrielle was eating all this up. Gabrielle very much liked it when she was pampered or when someone made a fuss over her.

"Queen Gabrielle," the women said in unison, looking up at the beautiful blond young woman who had thrown herself upon Terrais at the same moment a deadly arrow had penetrated the once-future Queen, taking her life. Gabrielle was greatly loved here. She was royalty.

"You all must stand," Gabrielle insisted, helping Ephiny to her feet. She smiled at her honey-haired friend with the unruly curls. She was beautiful with dazzling hazel eyes and carmel-colored skin.

"You and Xena may have the hut of the Queen. Cyane is away at the moment. She will be back in a moon. Her guards have joined her on a journey. Top secret business involving the centaurs. While you are here, you will rule in her place."

"Wow, I never expected this," Gabrielle said, as she was lifted onto a litter and carried toward the royal chamber of the Queen.

Xena followed along behind, trying not to burst into laughter at the huge fuss everyone was making over Gabrielle. Carefully, Gabrielle was placed onto the Queen's throne and Xena came to stand at her side. A group of women stood there, just staring at Gabrielle, as though waiting for something.

"We await your orders, My Queen," Ephiny spoke up.

"Uhhhh.... you may leave now. Xena and I are fine," Gabrielle said a little nervously. She wasn't used to this queen-business and having people waiting on her hand and foot.

"Yes, my Queen. Good night," said Ephiny. The others turned and walked away after bowing to the Queen, but Ephiny rushed forward, giving Gabrielle another soft kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you're here, Gabrielle. Night, Xena," she said, giving Xena a quick smile.

"Ephiny," Xena acknowledged, watching as Ephiny left the hut. Only one girl remained. She was very young and barely dressed. Very slowly she approached the Queen's throne, kneeling at Gabrielle's feet.

"Queen Gabrielle, do you require my services tonight?" she asked softly, looking a bit afraid as she eyed Xena. She had never seen a more beautiful or tall woman in all her life.

"Service? What kind of service do you provide the Queen?" Gabrielle asked.

The young woman bit her lower lip, looking up at Queen Gabrielle and her beautiful champion Xena with her smoky amber eyes. Her voice trembled a little as she spoke softly. "I am the queen's servant girl. I sleep in her bed.... and I please her. I do anything she asks of me. Anything."

Gabrielle's head snapped up and she looked at Xena, her cheeks visibly turning a soft shade of red. "Ohhh myyyy," was all she could gasp as her beautiful mouth remained an "o."

She knew the Amazon women were very passionate, and men were not allowed in the village. The women were only to be with a man for the purpose of having a child and nothing more. Gabrielle knew instinctively that the women here in the village had relationships with one another, in fact, she knew of several here who were joined, but she had never personally heard any of the women discussing the personal or intimate details of their love lives. Hearing this was a bit much, even for Gabrielle who was very much involved with Xena.

"No... no..... well, no. I mean, ummmmmmmm... well, I am very flattered... but I won't be needing that service," Gabrielle spoke in a flustered voice, her eyes taking in the beauty of the servant girl before her. "Thank you..... but you won't be needed here tonight."

The young girl tried to argue, but Xena ushered her out. She nearly tossed the servant girl from the hut. "Run along now. I will be taking care of the Queens NEEDS," she said as she turned on her heel and returned to the hut. She then walked over to the throne, looking down at Gabrielle, a wild look about her as her dark hair flowed all around her face.

"You just got propositioned by an Amazon servant girl. First Joxer... now her!" gasped Xena, her blue eyes narrowing as she gazed at Gabrielle.

"Xena, forget Joxer, sheeshhhhhhhhh.... That is sooooo not happening! And that girl, by the Gods, she's nearly a child!"

"She's not much younger than you," said Xena, as she began to pace. She felt like a caged animal. They usually slept outside, under the stars, with the cool night air embracing them. She felt like a beast in a trap, and her flaring jealously wasn't helping matters in the slightest.

"Xena, I DO NOT want her. I only want you," Gabrielle reminded, standing up and going to Xena. "I am committed to you, don't you believe that?"

Xena sighed deeply, then drew Gabrielle into her arms, caressing the bard's long blond tresses with loving hands. "Yes, Gabrielle. I'm sorry I'm so uptight. I just never expected that even here you would break hearts. You're just so beautiful. I suppose I better get used to you catching so many eyes."

"Just so you remember that your eyes are the only ones I want to catch," Gabrielle said as she wrapped her arms around her warrior.

Xena lifted Gabrielle into her arms and carried her over to the raised dais which was the Queen's bed. She lay Gabrielle down among the thick furs, staring down at her love. "You have me, hook, line and sinker," she said softly, a tender caress capturing Gabrielle's cheek.

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