by EmilyMiller
This is a clever tale familiar to anyone who’s imagined they simply need touch, any touch, for the illusion of love to be real. There’s always another Friday night and if I just try harder…
Don’t like the way Matt’s treating her, but her acceptance of it fits the genre. Not all stories can be fairy tales. I’ll look up the band you referenced on YouTube. Meanwhile, this one’s a 5 from me.
Megan deserves better than Matt. Love the part where he licks her ass. I’m definitely enjoying your stories.
- it’s not the most uplifting of stories, but an element of truth to it Em
An unfortunate and sad slice of reality, well written.
I also appreciate you turning me on to Wolf Alice; really great band with and interesting variety of sounds and an amazing singer.
Great job as always Em.
And I was in such a good mood this morning. Powerful story. I wish Megan had some angry brothers. Lumberjacks, maybe.
Great! You succeed in communicating so much sadness, lack of self-esteem, loneliness and masochism...
IRL I knew a guy like Matt many years ago. Then he married a tough, hard-headed girl, who forced him to change his behaviour (mainly: bragging, a real gentleman is discreet)
IRL I knew a girl like Megan. Sad and... delusional. But. We each deserve... what we deserve. If Megan doesn't rise up, if she doesn't fight back, she will sink deeper and deeper. If and when she does rebel, then (later) she will deserve something different.
Don't leave us hanging! This narrative is too short! Tell us a follow-up, an unexpected unarmed sister, a plot twist! Please avoid the lumberjack brothers: everyone has to rebel on their own, even the more passive sisters! But Ben and Jerry can't get off so cheaply. Keep on publishing!
P.S. Thanks for Tess, Thomas Hardy was one of my favourite novelists, so far, from the madding crowd.
- I found it hard to write this much, but Ellie Rowsell majors in this vibe. It’s what her lyrics say to me. Not a happy thing, but not untrue either. Em
- I felt bad for Meghan too. Then she is - at the very least - somewhat complicit in her own situation.
I also meant to add I appreciate how your story (based I suppose on how you saw the song lyrics) didn't take a one sided approach.
Matt is am asshole, absolutely. And no excuses for his behavior. But Meghan isn't blameless here. She sees the problem clearly, yet refuses to acknowledge it.
As someone with self esteem issues, I understand and sympathize with her plight. But at some point we all need to discover our own self worth and realize it's worth fighting for.
- thanks for pointing that out. Meghan isn’t meant to be a blameless victim. Of course - as discussed at great length here - women can way too often be blameless victims. Here Meghan either contributes to or at least facilitates Matt’s behavior. Only she can stop doing that. Em
You tackled a challenging topic creatively using lyrical interpretation as a basis, and it was awesome. Very, very well done Em 👍
- thanks, hun. Never expected this one to fly with a general audience. Nice that some people get it 😊. Em
Sad situation, but sometimes people can't help themselves. I feel sorry for Meghan and hope that someday she realizes she can do better. I'd never want to be "cheaper than a hooker." She gets off on it. To each their own.
Still, well written. Just disturbing.
- thanks. It’s what the lyrics say to me. And no, it’s sadly not an uncommon situation. Em
I love Wolf Alice, and I love this song. Like that you mixed references to Blush and Fluffy (at least) in as well.
How depressing. I’m worried there’s a bit of an autobiographical component here, as well.
- the song lyrics are kinda depressing. Ellie Rowsell writes about difficult things soemtimes. Not really autobiographical (for once 😬). But I’ve know women like Megan - OK she is exaggerated for effect. But thank you for the comment. Em
Hi, Emily, this was well written and allowed the reader to really get into Megan’s head, feeling her need and her lack of self confidence. I was really hoping she’d turn a corner by the end; she may have but, unfortunately, it was probably the wrong one for her self esteem and her long-term happiness, though that matched the category I hadn’t noticed until the end. Great job.
- I was working within the confines of the song lyric, or at least my interpretation of it. Thanks for the kind feedback. 😊 Em
Don't know the song. Very depressing if a woman has so little self esteem and self worth.
Well written, hated the ending.
PS Nice to see an author who replies to comments
- it’s what the song suggested to me. Could be other interpretations, but Ellie Rowsell (the lead singer and primary musical influence) can get a bit dark. She’s very open about writing a real female experience. Emily
Well written. But my god how depressing. How about a part 2 where she meets a guy who helps her self asteem instead? Ashamed to be a man.
- the challenge was to bare a story on song lyrics - that was my interpretation - maybe Ellie Rowsell had something else in mind 🤷♀️ Emily
I was looking for a stroke story and somehow ended up reading this. Ouch. But well done. You got me to go read the song lyrics and, yeah, I see the connection. I bet you also like "Seventeen" by Sharon Van Etten. That's on a playlist I titled "Songs that bring tears to my eyes".
- yeah, not really a stroker. Just what teh song lyrics suggested to me. Glad you didn’t hate it. Emily