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Bliss Of Helplessness

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Morning bliss with the one I belong to.
55 words
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Your early special morning touch, is the one that starts to wake me up.
In the bliss of morning dizziness, my eyelids still rest like those of a sleepy pupp.

Shy helplessness goes over me, knowing my man wants and will have me.
It happens once, it happens twice, he leads us both to paradise.

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GentleFlowerGentleFlower3 months agoAuthor

Thank you Satyr

satyr54satyr544 months ago

Very honest, simple and lovely. I enjoyed it. Would love to read more!

GentleManJim77GentleManJim77almost 2 years ago

Sensual words from a beautiful person. Lovely

SiberianfoxSiberianfoxabout 2 years ago

Simple and beautiful, meaningful and steamy haiku style poem. Loved it

Lord_MountjoyVLord_MountjoyVover 2 years ago

such a beautiful vignette

GentleFlowerGentleFlowerover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you Cleevedreams, I really appreciate it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I’ve come back to this poem. Simple but has so much depth and shows the potential of your inner woman

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