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The Trolls

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I was just strolling along, whistling a lil' song.
When all of a sudden I was hit, with a 'One Bomb'

I looked about to see, who this could be
but they were well hidden, while I had been smitten'

The rumors roared around, this literary town
that Trolls could be found, doing the dirty down.

"Trolls?" I asked, a bit curiously
"They bomb ya, and then they leave?"

I had heard of ghost and goblins, leprechauns too,
Gremlins and some gargoyles, but trolls were something new!

Seems Trolls are more selective, of whom they will abuse
"Better not say nothing, or you will lite their fuse."

Of Faults I may have many, but one that I endear
Is that I live my life, without the feeling fear.

Monstrous Trolls with long talons, red eyes that glow?
Are they half a man or woman, who really knows?

Then I felt another, 'One Bomb' come in.
Like mischievous children, I shook my head and grin.

They're lower than the hind end, of a hyena
they scurry under rocks, to be hiding from Ya'

Waiting and watching, for their next victim
Never do they worry, that you might catch'em

Cause from they're smaller bodies, comes a smaller brain
Obviously they're actions, shows that they're insane.

Like the rats in New York, you could never drive them out
It does no good at all, to just sit and pout.

So I devised an armor, immunity you might say
To the 'One Bomb' Bombers, crazy crazy ways.

I removed ambition, it is the Shaolin way
Not to be bothered, by what people say.

Adhere to my Vow, to help troubled souls
To except these ghouls, know only as ...The Trolls.

Arthur's note:
Exceptance is the key tranquility
Poetry is an expression...a literary creation.
I see the yin and yang...of this Troll thing!
Once a pictures painted...words can not taint it.
If your minds at peace...with your masterpiece.
Put a helmet on...prepare for the bombs.

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LeBrozLeBrozalmost 19 years ago

This past month's never-ending troll attack has resurrected this {for the moment at least} onto the Poetry Top List. No wiser words were ever penned, Art. And these are words to bear in mind as the trolls have stolen control of the Poetry side of Lit's house; by mid-summer the Top List will be hilarious, with most poems no longer having a little red 'H'.

OhMissScarlettOhMissScarlettover 19 years ago

This totally made my day. Just brilliant.

LeBrozLeBrozover 19 years ago

Gotta love ya, Art.

These poor ol' trolls,

what rocks do hide them,

for these are not your casual readers?

I know their breed,

and the rocks that hide them,

but despite that,

their bombast and pretentious noise

should only earn them

sad pity for the terminally ill.

templemindedtemplemindedover 20 years ago

real cute art..only you would think of something like this.. you and that sword of love you anyway :)

impressiveimpressiveover 20 years ago
Thank you ...

... for writing this! Sticks & stones, eh? ~Imp

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