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A Game of Truth or Dare

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A game of Truth or Dare becomes very real.
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Camping at the Lake and a Game of Truth or Dare

The Campbell family arrived at the cabin just before noon on Saturday. It was mid April and the weather was warm and sunny and so just right for swimming in the clear waters of Bluegill Lake which was about 25 yards from the front of the cabin. The temperature would drop later due to the altitude and time of the year. The cabin itself was not a luxury dwelling by any means. It was sturdily built with a tin roof and small front porch but the inside was just a bit above spartan in terms of amenities. There was a central area with a fireplace and a cast iron potbelly stove in one corner, an area for preparing food on one wall with a sink, propane stove and a small refrigerator sitting on the counter.

On either side were bedrooms with both bunk-beds and a Murphy bed that could be lowered from the wall for couples to cuddle in on those cold winter nights. All linens, blankets and pillows had to be brought from home. An old couch and two even older easy chairs sat in front of the fireplace. Down a short hall on the left was a storage room and a bathroom containing a sink, toilet and walk-in shower. Just past the bathroom a back door led out to a concrete patio that had a stone firepit in the center. The place was mainly used as a hunting cabin for those in William Campbell's company that liked to hunt the plentiful deer in the area but the Campbell family were not interested in hunting but instead came up here a few times a year just to relax for a weekend.

After unpacking, making the beds and having a lunch of sandwiches, chips and drinks, William and his son Lucas set off on a hike hoping to spot some game to photograph while mom, Trish, and her daughter, Haley, went swimming but quickly decided the April water was too cold and, instead, built a fire in the back patio fire pit and now sat in folding chairs with their beach towels wrapped around them for added warmth.

Trish was a curvy 39 year old with thick, auburn hair that usually hung down to her mid chest but was currently tied back in a ponytail. She was a bit heavier than in her younger days but still turned heads with her beauty and D cup breasts. She was always a hit at parties and gatherings because she had no problems showing off more than a bit of cleavage in the tight dresses she wore that accented her form. Well, a hit among the men anyway but some of the women too.

Haley was a beautiful girl in her own right, obviously resembling her lovely mom, having inherited her auburn hair which was just a bit lighter and a little shorter than Trish's. Haley was built more like a feminine version of her dad having gotten his long legs and lean muscles in the genetic mix. But, make no mistake, there was nothing masculine about Haley. She had a sleek figure, well proportioned, with C cup tits that served to accent her lines rather than distract from them.

No one could say what family traits Lucas and Haley had inherited since both William and Trish had both grown up in foster care all their lives. After they aged out of the system they stayed together, eventually marrying. Haley and Lucas, twins, fraternal obviously, came along soon afterwards and would be the only children they would have. Both of the twins had turned 18 in January and would soon graduate high school. Plans for both of them post graduation were still not fully settled but neither Trish nor William were goading them to make decisions about the rest of their lives preferring, instead, to let them think about things as long as they needed.

Both Trish and Haley sat close to the fire, propping their feet up on a couple of boxes to warm them. Trish sipped on a Jack and Coke from a plastic cup while Haley enjoyed a 7-up. Neither had been very talkative for awhile, preferring to enjoy the quiet and beauty that the woods around the cabin provided. Trish put her drink down beside her chair and reached into a tote bag close by. She took out a pack of cigarettes, removed one and lit it drawing the smoke in deeply then exhaling slowly as if reconnecting with an old friend.

"Mom!" Haley exclaimed. "I thought you quit."

Trish took another puff before answering. "I guess not totally, huh." She said with a smile.

Haley watched as her mom enjoyed her cigarette. Haley fidgeted in her chair as she kept her eyes on her mom.

"You're dying for one aren't you?" Said Trish.

"What? No!"

"I know you are. Your bedroom has that weird cherry smell as does your clothes when you've been out with the girls. I know what vape smells like."

Haley blushed in embarrassment and pulled her towel around her a bit more.

"Go ahead and have one if you want. But I'll tell you it's a lot different from vaping."

"Ok," said Haley as she got up and walked over to her mom and took a cigarette form the pack and held it steady in her lips while Trish lit it for her. She took a puff and exhaled the grey smoke without coughing even a little bit then returned to her chair.

"So it seems you do more than vape," said Trish with a sly smile.

"Well, I don't do it that much, only when..."

"You don't have to explain things. If you want to smoke that's your decision. If fact anything you want to do is now your decision. You and Lucas have reached that age where it's time to start making your own choices. Just try to make good ones."

"What is going on here?" asked William humorously. "Lucas and I go off for a nature walk and come back to find you've corrupted our daughter."

"It turns out she didn't need much corrupting. She's way too comfy with smoking and vaping."

"Really? Ah well," said William as he pulled up a folding chair and sat close to the cooler full of drinks they had brought along. Haley hesitated for a moment then continued her smoke.

Also 39, William was vice-president of a large project construction firm. He started in construction right after leaving foster care, earned his degree in business online as he worked and rose in the ranks of the company improving he and his family's life both socially and financially along the way. He was of average height with brown hair that showed some early gray and handsome in a rugged way with skin that showed the years of working outside. His body was lean from those times of hard, physical work and had stayed that way after getting into the business end of things. People thought he had to work out and exercise daily given his looks but the truth was he never so much as played a round of tennis or even pickleball.

Lucas was also lean but more muscular than his dad with sandy blonde hair that he was never able to fully control. He did not care for organized athletics but did go to a gym on a regular basis to lift weights and do cardio, his only reason being to stay healthy. Now he looked at his beautiful mother and sister both smoking cigarettes by the fire and had to admit it was kind of hot in an unhealthy way.

William reached in the cooler and pulled out a beer, popping the top and taking a swig. "Well, since we're corrupting our children, you want a beer son? I might have a couple of cigars in the car if you want one."

"Yes to the beer, no to the cigar," said Lucas.

William tossed him one and he opened it and took a drink. It obviously was not his first beer.

"Hey! What about me?" exclaimed Haley.

"You're already smoking. One vice at a time," said Trish.

"No fair!" said Haley.

"You want a beer?" said William.

"Ewww no!"

"What do we have in there besides Jack Daniels?" asked Trish.

"Tequila and margarita mix, assorted soft drinks."

"How about a weak Margarita for our corrupted daughter."

"You don't have to make it weak," said Haley. "I've drank before."

"Ohhhhhh!" exclaimed Trish, William and Lucas together.

"You were right Will. Our children have been pre-corrupted. We're just bringing it out with our poor parenting," said Trish.

"Come and make it yourself. Make it as strong as you want,"said William.

Haley grabbed a red plastic cup from a handy stack and scooped some ice from the cooler in it. She opened the bottle of tequila and poured a small amount in the cup then topped it off with the margarita mix and stirred it with her finger to mix it. She tasted it then added a bit more tequila and tasted again, finding it to her liking. She walked back over to where Trish sat and got another cigarette from the pack, lighting it herself this time, then returned to her chair. Lucas stared at his twin sister. He had never seen her smoking before and it seemed to stir something in him. In his world only bad girls smoked. William seemed unaffected by Haley's unexpected behavior.

"I only have one more pack so don't smoke them all," said Trish.


The family sat on the patio enjoying the drinks and the tranquility of the woods around them as the day slowly wound down. Lucas and his dad drank a couple more beers each while Trish made and drank one more Jack and Coke. Haley seemed to have found a good ratio of tequila to mix and had two more margaritas. Everyone noticed she had become more talkative and giggly as the evening came on. Her and her mom smoked two more cigarettes each before Trish put them back in the tote bag. William noticed Lucas watching them with a mixture of fascination and intensity. Then, unexpectedly, it began to rain. Slowly at first as usually happens then more drops fell, ending the family gathering on the patio. Trish and Haley grabbed their towels and tote bag and rushed inside leaving William and Lucas to gather up the cooler. Just as they all made it in inside the skies opened up and heavy rain pounded the cabin creating a roar as it hit the tin roof. It was just as well since it was dinner time anyway.

Haley called dibs on the shower as Trish fired up the propane stove and started preparing a delicious, rustic meal of pork chops, fried potatoes with onions and seasoned black beans. William started a fire in the fireplace leaving the pot belly stove cold for now. The night and rain had cooled off the cabin quite a bit but soon it was warm inside. They all could hear Haley's blow dryer coming from the bathroom and knew she would be done in around 15 minutes which fit in nicely with dinner being done and ready to serve. She came out looking all refreshed and beautiful wearing a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt. They all ate around the fire then Trish took a shower, dried her hair also and rejoined the family by the fire dressed in sweatpants and a baggy sweat shirt. Lucas thought his mom might mot be wearing a bra but sometimes it was hard to tell with tits her size. Somehow both of the women were still quite lovely even with the unfashionable but comfy clothes. William and Lucas wore their usual gym shorts and t-shirts.

"Another margarita Haley?" asked Trish.


Trish poured herself another Jack and Coke then made Haley's margarita adding a bit more tequila just to needle her daughter.

"Why don't we move the furniture back and bring out a couple of mattresses and blankets to sit on. I think it would warmer and more comfortable than this old rug." suggested Trish.

"Good idea," agreed William. He and Lucas pushed the old couch and chairs back while the girls dragged over the bunk bed mattresses and laid them lengthwise on the floor a bit back from the fireplace. They tossed the blankets loosely on the mattress then sat down, William and Lucas facing Haley and Trish respectively. Then the power went out in the cabin.

"Ahhhhh!" exclaimed the group as a whole although it really didn't matter since the lighting was minimal at best. Trish got up and got some candles from the storage room placed three of them around the living room and lit them giving the area soft light which, along with the fireplace flames, created a relaxed comfortable atmosphere.

"Nice," said Haley.

"Yeah," agreed her brother.

William glanced at Trish briefly. She acknowledged him with a sly smile then he spoke.

"So I guess we found out a bit more about each other today. Both of you have stepped out a little bit, Haley maybe a bit more but your mom and I both wanted you to understand that while we might frown upon some things, hard drugs being one just to let you know, we want you both to feel free to be honest with us about anything. As long as things you do don't have the potential to cause physical or mental damage or could result in jail time we won't lecture you or shake a finger in your faces or punish you. We know that you both have to lead your lives so feel free to do so. That being said your mom and I would like to know more about what's going on with you but anything you don't want to share is okay too. So we're going to play a little game where one of us asks a question and all of us raise our hand if it applies to us and share it with the others. Okay with every one?"

Lucas and Haley looked at one another then shrugged their shoulders in cautious agreement.

"Ok with me," said Lucas.

"Me too," agreed Haley.

"Ok then. Raise your hand if you've ever gotten a speeding ticket."

Everyone raised their hands smiling at one another as they did.

"Raise your hand if you didn't tell anyone about it," said Haley.

Trisha raised her hand sheepishly.

"Oh I know all about it," said William. "It was my company car so I got the notice."

"Oh good," said Trish as she took a drink from her cocktail.

"I'm next. Raise your hand if you've smoked weed more than once." said Lucas.

"Do gummies count?" said Haley.

"Yeah okay. Gummies count."

Trish and Haley raised their hands. William did not nor did Lucas.

"It seems the women are the drug fiends here," said William.

"I haven't smoked weed since I was 20 as your dad knows," said Trish.

Haley drank from her margarita. "You and dad have never smoked weed?"

Both the men shook their heads no. "My company does drug testing on a somewhat regular basis so I never did. I wanted to keep my job."

"I just don't like the smell. Besides I don't smoke anything. It's not good for your lungs," he said as he looked at Haley who gave him a sarcastic smile.

"My turn," said Trish. Raise your hand if you've seen more than one member of the opposite sex naked that wasn't family."

Everyone raised their hands.

"No fair. You and dad are older than us so you had more chances. Let's say five people," exclaimed Haley as she took another sip of her drink.

Everyone raised their hands again.

"What!" yelled Trish. "What kind of loose children are we raising here? Let's bump it up to ten."

All but Haley raised their hands. "Lucas!" she squealed in delight.

"A bunch of us went skinny dipping here at the lake last year," he said in clarification.

"Let's make it 15," said Haley.

This time only William and Trish raised their hands.


The parent's hands stayed up as they smiled at their children.

"35! 50!"

"Has it been 50?" asked William of Trish.

Trish thought for a moment. "Probably. Not many more then that though."

"Oh my god! How could you guys be married all these years and see so many people naked?" exclaimed Haley barely able to contain her glee.

"Was it a nudist colony?" asked Lucas as he leaned in to hear the answer.

"No it wasn't a nudist resort," answered William.

"But that would mean..." blurted Haley.

"It means your mom and I have had a lot of sex with other people."

Both Lucas and Haley were stunned to heart this. Their mouths hung wide open in disbelief.

"We're not in some sex club but we're okay with each other having sex with someone else in the right situation. We have to have known them for awhile. They have to feel the same way and, most importantly, we only do it together: no sneaking around and fucking someone without the other's knowledge. That would be cheating."

"Holy shit!" yelled Haley. Lucas said nothing although his face showed the impact of this revelation.

Haley grabbed up her margarita and finished it off in four gulps then sat the cup down. "Holy shit!" she said again, more softly this time.

"What do you feel about that, Luke?" asked William.

Lucas thought for a moment. "Wow! I! I did not expect to hear that."

"It's never affected our marriage in a bad way. We both are okay with it and, honestly, it's made our sex life great." explained his dad.

"New game." said Haley.

"I'm sorry honey. Is this one making you uncomfortable?" asked Trish.

"No, no. I want to hear more. But let's play truth or dare instead."

Everyone agreed that would be fine with them so Haley took it upon herself to start. "Okay Luke, truth or dare?"

Lucas hesitated for a moment. "Truth." he said playing it safe for now since his sister seemed to be acting a bit weird.

"Have you ever seen mom naked and what did you think about her?"

Lucas actually blushed. Everyone could see it even in the dim light. "I have seen her naked more than once and she is HOT!"

"Did you spy on her?" asked Haley as a follow-up.

"I did but I think mom knew and didn't care. I mean she left the bedroom door wide open. How could I miss her?"

"Yeah that's true," said Trish casually.

"Mom!" bleated Haley as she squirmed on the blanket.

"Alright mom, truth or dare?" said Lucas.


"What is dad really good at in bed?"

"Oh that tongue of his, oh my god the things he does with it. Ask Jenny Dawson next time you see her. She'll confirm it."

"Kevin's mom? Dad fucked Mrs. Dawson? My former English teacher? That would mean you and Kevin's dad..."

"Yep," Trish curtly replied.

"Holy shit! How am I going to look Kevin in the eye again?"

"I wouldn't worry about it son. Maybe he already knows."

"Oh fuck this it too much," said Lucas.

"Should we stop then?" asked William.

"No!" said Lucas and Haley together.

"My turn," said Trish. Truth or dare husband of mine?


"Who was the best fuck you ever had besides me of course?"

"Ohhh, that is such a tall bar to consider. Sylvia Adams is the one but a distant second to you my dear."

"I would have thought Louise Tibbets."

"She was quite good too but more noisy so maybe that's why you would think that."

"Holy fuck!" blurted Haley. We know all these people and mom fucked the husbands too. That is so fucking hot!" She fidgeted and squirmed on the mattress now as she grabbed the front of her shirt and shook it as if to cool herself off.

"Your turn. Truth or dare, sister?"

"Dare! No wait. Truth!"

"How many times have you gone all the way?"

"Five," she said. "But one of them was a girl. Two guys twice each."

"A girl, really? Who?"

"Cindy Tibbets. Talk about being good with a tongue."

All of them burst out laughing at Haley's comment. Haley blushed brightly as she put her hand up to her mouth in embarrassment.

"Well this will make the next time we see the Tibbets family interesting," said William. "We'll have to see how we can get Luke in the mix I bet Louise would be game, Cindy too."

"My turn. Mom, truth or dare?"

"Let's take this up a bit. Dare," she purred seductively.

"Kiss Luke on the mouth."

"What!" exclaimed Lucas. He looked to his mom then his dad who gave him a slight nod of approval.

"My son is a fine, well built handsome young man that any girl would want but he is my son." She then reached over to Lucas, pulled him in close and kissed him right on the lips for about three seconds. Lucas was stunned. Trish still held his head lightly in one hand as she looked him in the eyes and smiled.

"You call that a kiss! Give him a good one. Let's see some tongue action!" yelled Haley.

"Get up on your knees honey." Lucas shifted and got on his knees while Trish did the same so that they now faced one another more easily. Without hesitation She reached her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist and pulled him in. Their lips met and they kissed one another passionately, their tongues blatantly going in and out of each other's mouths. Haley watched her mother and brother continue to kiss in a most un-family way for almost a full minute. Her heart pounded in her chest and she felt herself rapidly becoming moist in her groin. She reached down and stroked herself through her shorts before thinking better of it and moving her hand away. Finally Trish and Lucas ended their kissing show and leaned back from one another but still embracing and smiling at one another.


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