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A Gift Bestowed

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Meeting his goddess.
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Matt Hegelson grew up a normal kid, he had two older sisters. Jane being the oldest was three years older and Meagan was a year older. He was raised by both parents until he was fourteen when his father died in a plane crash while on a business trip. His mother Melanie had taken the lost of his father very hard and Jane at the age of seventeen had to take responsibility for him and Meagan.

About three months after his fathers death a insurance agent representing the Airline showed up with a check for one million dollars. They quickly added it to the life insurance policy of five hundred thousand that their father had taken out. This came as a great financial relief for the family as his mother was a stay at home mom. Melanie eventually went to work at a clothing store to help with the day to day expenses. She had made sure to use the insurance money to pay off the house their cars and put aside for the kids college tuition.

Matt's father for his thirteenth birthday took him to see Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. Matt loved the movie beginning his joy of Greek Mythology if there was a movie about it he watched it, books he read them. The whole idea of everything being controlled by feuding gods completely got his interest, although all the incest in the stories made him uncomfortable. During his senior year his English teacher had them learn about Greek mythology which he was all to happy about unlike many of his classmates.

Being from Philadelphia and only forty miles from the Museum of Monsters Myth and Legends his class took a field trip to learn more. It wasn't his first visit but was happy to go anyways. His excitement was palpable as he was told many times to keep up with the rest of the class. When they came to the Greek Mythology exhibit he was lost in his own little world, eventually being left behind. What intrigued him the most was a new sculpture of the Goddess Pietho the Goddess of persuasion and charmed tongue. He was drawn to it like a moth to a flame, unable to break away from its beauty. Completely unaware of his actions he leaned over the security rope and kissed the sculpture on the lips. His ears where immediately filled with a voice of great pleasure.

"Matt Hegelson I am Pietho the goddess of persuasion and seduction. I would like to thank you for noticing my beauty as many over time have forgotten me. Much like Zeus and his brothers and sisters I too am born from Titans but due to their victory over Kronos and the other Titans I was relegated to the status of a minor Goddess meant to serve his daughter Aphrodite the Goddess of love and lust. I bid no ill will to Zeus but mine and her powers are mostly the same. Though she is still greatly remembered and I have almost completely been forgotten. I will appear again to you on your eighteenth birthday to bestow a gift to you. Until then I will watch over and protect you."

As suddenly as the voice came it faded away, eventually Matt was found unconscious on the floor.

When Matt came to he was laying in his bed. "How did I get home?" he wondered aloud. He leaned over looking at his alarm clock seeing it was 2:00 am. "What the hell?" he said startling his mother who was asleep beside his bed.

"Matt baby your awake!" she yelled extremely excited.

"Yeah mom, god how did I get home?" he asked. "The last thing I remembered I was at the museum looking at the new sculpture of the Goddess Pietho."

"Oh baby you came home in a daze and went straight to bed. You haven't woken since. I was so worried." she replied tears running down her face.

"Jezz mom calm down its not like I've been asleep for days." he said while wiping away her tears.

"That's just it you have been asleep for days, its Monday morning. I called Dr. Bivens over from across the street yesterday to check on you." she said starting to sob.

"Ok mom I'm sorry, everything is ok now." Matt said in a soft voice while holding her.

"I'm going to let your sisters know that your awake and ok, they've been so worried about you too especially Jane." his mother said standing to leave. "Are you hungry son?"

Smiling Matt said. "I'm Famished I think I could eat a horse."

"After I tell Your sisters I'll cook you some breakfast ok." she replied smiling. Matt could see that she was starting to feel better.

Naturally that day Matt was bombarded by his sisters and mothers attention. He was taken in to see Dr. Bivens again getting a clean bill of health. Eventually things went back to normal, Matt went back to school as did his sisters and his mother went back to work. All was good over the next few months, Matt was even having these fantastic wet dreams about the beautiful Goddess Pietho.

"Well little bro let me know tomorrow morning what you want for your birthday so I can get it." Jane said as she got up from the couch.

"I don't need anything Jane." came Matts reply.

"Nonsense there is no way I'm not getting my favorite brother a gift on his eighteenth birthday." Jane said smiling as she leaned over to give him a kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight Matty."

"Goodnight" Matt said turning to look at her he caught an eye full of her cleavage. His eyes bulged for a second before he looked away.

"Gross" Meagan said when she saw his reaction, embarrassing Matt.

"Sorry Matt sometimes I can't hide these things." Jane said as she cupped both of her breast.

"Its ok." Matt said trying not to look.

Standing up with a huff Meagan walked over and pushed Jane towards the hall, Jane laughing the whole way. Matt turned to what was happening and was greeted with the sight of Meagan's ass on display. Her nightgown was caught up above her waist showing her some what large ass only a pair of purple boy shorts hiding it. "You better not be looking at my ass perv." Meagan said over her shoulder causing Matt to dart his eyes away.

"Meagan leave Matt alone. It's not his fault he's surrounded by three beautiful women." Jane said as they entered the bedroom they shared.

"That doesn't excuse him for looking Jane." Meagan replied.

"Oh please your just mad cause he doesn't check you out as much as me." Jane teased sticking her tongue out at Meagan.

"Whatever?" Meagan replied throwing herself on her bed. Jane noticing her nightgown began laughing hysterically. "What are you laughing about?"

"Well after seeing your ass on display he might start paying more attention to you." Jane said.

"What?" Meagan shouted before looking at herself in the mirror. "Oh fuck."

"You cant blame him this time." Jane said watching Meagan pull down the back of her nightgown.

"Shut up Jane." Meagan said as she stuffed her head in her pillow completely embarrassed now.

"Goodnight Meagan." Jane said before turning off the light and getting into her bed.

Matt watched Tv for about another thirty minutes while waiting on his mother to get home from work. He hated that she had to work so late when she closed. It was already 10:45pm when she walked through the front door looking tired and worn out. Matt got up from his seat on the couch to welcome her home. "Hi mom." He said giving her a big hug.

"Hi baby you stayed up waiting for me again. I've told you you don't have to do that." his mother whispered in his ear as she returned his hug.

"And I've told you I'm always going to wait for you when you close." Matt stated as he released her.

"Well looks like your going to have to wait up for me tomorrow sweetie. Linda called in her father was put in the hospital so now I have to work a double shift." mom said looking into his eyes saddened. "I'm sorry I know its your birthday tomorrow promise I'll make it up to you. Now I'm tired and going to bed thank you again sweetie and goodnight." she said as she got on her toes to kiss him on his cheek.

"Goodnight mom." he replied as she walked to her room. Matt turned off the tv and went to bed falling asleep quickly.

Matt's eyes opened as he felt a sudden build up of energy in his body. He looked over the clock and saw that it was only 2:00am. Suddenly a fine mist began to leave his mouth, feared gripped him as he watched it collect at the foot of his bed. Fear turned to awe as the mist began to materialize in to the form of a woman. Not any ordinary woman but the body of what he knew was the Goddess Pietho.

He took in her beauty as she stood naked before him. Starting with her wavy brunette hair that seemed to move as if there was a slight breeze blowing through his room. Her eyes where green almost the color of emarelds, she had soft facial features yet she still came across as elegant too. As his eyes wondered over her body he noticed a light sprinkling of freckles across her shoulders and the top of her breast. Her skin tone was different from the perceived Mediterranean skin tone rather than skin that looked to be sun tanned it was pale almost porcelain. Her breast had perfect shape and they sat high on her chest. She had nipples like pencil erasers that looked to be at a state of arousal. Her belly was flat yet looked soft at the same time it lead down as her hips flared out as every woman's should and nestled in between her thighs was a patch of hair. In the middle of the hair were a pair of pink pussy lips that almost glistened in the dark. Her legs where flawless and long coming to a pair of perfect feet small and dainty. There was not a single imperfection on her body. Then he heard her voice again causing him to immediately go hard.

"Matt I have come to you as promised on your eighteenth birthday." the Goddess Pietho said as she climbed onto his bed on all fours slowly coming to be above him. The covers and his clothes disappeared leaving nothing between his hard dick and her moistened pussy lips.

"Oh god." Matt said swallowing hard.

"Close but I prefer to be called a Goddess." Pietho said smiling down on him. Matt was unable to respond as she reached down and guided his dick into her opening. He was soon overwhelmed with pleasure. He was not a virgin but this was different almost as if her warmth engulfed his whole body. She was wet but not to much just enough to let him slid in easily yet leave plenty friction as she rose up before taking him in again.

Finally Matt was able to pull himself from the other worldly pleasure and speak. "You were real? I began to think of you as nothing more than a dream."

"Of course I am real, when you kissed me I awakened from my fifteen hundred year sleep." Pietho spoke with such softness that it sent great pleasure through Matt causing him to moan. "I made sure to place myself inside you, that's why you slept for two days after hearing me. I then came to you in your dreams and gave you pleasure each night so you wouldn't forget me."

"That's why I continued to have the same dream every night." Matt stated between moans.

"Yes Matt I have watched over you and given you pleasure, just so at this moment I could come to you and bestow upon you a gift." Pietho said before rotating her hips and grinding her clit onto his hardness. "Mmmm now it is your turn to give me pleasure."

Pietho began to ride him hard it only took a moment and Matt's balls seized up and spasmed as he released his semen deep within the Goddess.

"Yes that's it." she hissed.

Breathing hard Matt spoke. "I can't believe it that was the most pleasure I've ever felt. I couldn't even hold back."

"It's ok Matt I received much pleasure from it too, besides no mortal can last long inside the body of a Goddess." Pietho soothed into his ear as she laid atop of him.

"I guess that would make sense." Matt laughingly replied.

"Matt it is time for me to bestow my gift. After doing so I will return to being mist and once again return inside of you." Pietho said as she kissed him lightly on the lips.

"What? Wait why?" Matt asked.

"After I give you your gift I will be weakened once again. This gift will not only give you powers almost the equivalent of the gods. As you get stronger so will I until I am strong enough to permanently leave your body and gather power myself. You will be able to communicate with me through thought when you are in great need of my knowledge. My time is now beginning to shorten I must hurry." Pietho said before kissing him again this time pushing her tongue into his mouth as her pussy squeezed and massaged his dick.

Suddenly there was this tingling in his dick as if his body was being filled through it. Becoming slightly frieghtened by this sensation Matt asked. "What is happening?"

"I have taken your bodily fluid and mixed it with mine and now I am returning them to you. This is how you will receive your gift." Pietho answered as soon as the tingling stopped she returned to mist and entered his body through his mouth.

In his head her last words echoed. "No one will be able to resist you."

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Anon_XAnon_X4 months ago

Minor nitpick: the goddess in question is spelled "Peitho" not "Pietho".

Source: Google & Wikipedia.

Bigjohn3636Bigjohn3636over 3 years ago


Please continue

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Thumbs up

Great job, I love stories like these. I would really appreciate being able to see where this story goes

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I want to say one thing!!!!!!

Yes, I've read over three hundred stories. I like the beginning of this one but where's the rest of it? What more is there? Great beginning but what else? Now, if you can't figure this out; I want MORE, period. Thank you.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
how old was Matt on his father's 13th birthday?

"Matt's father for his thirteenth birthday took him to see Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief . . "

please sir, may I have a comma?


ap2techap2techover 9 years ago

I also think you made a decent start but I live for mind control tales. As said before. please don't make him a power mad despot. A normal hormonal teenager will be fine.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
more of a prologue than a chapter

but you have our curiosity.

let's see where this is leading. hopefully it will be a bawdy romp with some fun for everyone. and, as others have mentioned, don't let it get negative and cruel. there is enough of that already.

how about some entertaining exploration and intrigue. please.

you have already set the stage with Jane and Meagan, just keep it fun for all of them, without becoming degrading.

C_frommnC_frommnover 9 years ago
Nice Start

Now that he has the Gift. It will be interesting to see if he keeps it in the Family or does he frustrate his sisters and mother and use it on others. like those who could help his family so Mom does'nt have to work. and maybe put the Sisters through college.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Off to a very interesting start, except you really need help with English. Suggest you find someone to review/correct your work before posting.

pimptasticlypimptasticlyover 9 years ago
Give the author a break!

It is a novel twist and well done, I look forward to seeing where it goes. Why not wait and see where it goes before all of the "doesn't belong here" crap.

wolf9696wolf9696over 9 years ago

Liked the start, just ... dont turn him into a heartless, unfeeling, power mad freak..:)

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Oh no

The author is building up a story. That's awful.

Seriously, though I can't wait for the continuation of the story. I really enjoyed the introduction!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Ok.... 2

I agree with the last post just as you were going for the MC part of the story it stops. It has possibilities but as of now it doesn't even belong in this section.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Too short. You are just now building up and then stop. There's no mind control.

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