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A Girl Named Mitch Ch. 01


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"What did the coaches say?"

Mitch laughed. "The coaches said ask Spencer."

I gave her a feigned dirty look and stuck my tongue out at her. She just grinned at me, and I fluttered inside a little. Why did that happen? I shook it off.

Carrie gave me the real answer. "The coaches said drop shots, but my drop shot isn't great."

"I think it'll be fine. It won't need to be perfect. I haven't seen her come to net once. I doubt she's comfortable there." I thought for a moment, and they were both watching me. "Also take a little something off your shots."

"What!?" Both of my friends responded the same way at the same time.

"No, seriously. Look how fast she is at getting back to the middle. If you take something off and hit some more acute angles, she won't be able to do that. It'll open up the court, and she doesn't have the power to punish you for shorter shots. Be careful though, she'll try to cut that angle."

Mitch pointed at Carrie's tablet. "Why wouldn't she just take it up the line?"

I shook my head. "Too risky. This girl wants to hit to the big court."

We talked it over for several hours, and I gave her some other pointers, like to be more aggressive on her opponent's second serve, which was already something she was planning on attacking. All in all the time went far faster than I could have imagined.

We got to the hotel, and one of the assistant coaches paired us off and handed each pair a small white envelope with card keys.

"Okay ladies, go get settled in. Dinner at seven in conference room one."

I handed one of the keys to Mitch and began to wheel my beat up old carry-on sized suitcase toward the elevators while toting my tennis bag over my shoulder, while Mitch followed behind with her bag, an old, beat up army canvas duffel. Something about that just made me laugh.


"You, Michelle, are a trip."

"I can't have a fancy bag like that. I have a rep to think of." She grinned at me shaking my head. "It's one of my dad's from when he was in service. It's all part of my butch lesbian mystique."

"Yeah, but I know you're just a big softie."

"You take that to your grave, Cindy Spencer."

Her face was so serious, but I knew she was kidding. Funny. I wasn't usually good at reading people, but I was starting to be able to tell with Mitch. We slipped inside and Mitch closed the door behind us. I tossed my bag onto the nearer bed.

"So, are you planning to try to seduce me tonight?"

I was expecting some sort of smart aleck quip, but I didn't get one. She just shook her head. "No."

The sincerity of it surprised me and I looked at her. Was she sad? Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to tell her I was kidding, as Carrie knocked on our door at that moment, checking if we were headed down to dinner.

After eating we ended up in one of the upperclassmen's rooms watching a movie. I jumped onto one of the beds, and made room for Mitch to sit next to me, but she didn't, instead taking a chair on the other side of the room.

I was surprised at how hurt I was. When Mitch and I watched shows in her room, which was becoming a regular thing, we always sat together, sometimes under the same blanket. Maybe she didn't want people to know we'd become friends.

As the movie progressed I got the distinct impression that Mitch was doing her best to not look in my direction. Maybe I was just being overly sensitive. Finally, as lights out approached, we made our way back to our room.

"Do you want the bathroom first?"

I nodded. "Yeah, sure." Mitch's voice had been soft, very unlike her. "You okay?"

"I'm fine."

I may not have the highest E.Q. in the world, but I knew that wasn't true. "When I'm done we're going to talk." I grabbed my pajamas and headed into the little bathroom. I took my time brushing my teeth and putting my hair back into the braid I usually wore to bed. By the time I came back out Mitch was already changed and under her covers, facing the other way.

"I'm out, if you need it."

"I'm okay. Goodnight."

"Michelle?" I couldn't keep the hurt out of my voice. "Are you mad at me?"

She rolled over and looked at me. "I'd never do that to you. We're friends."

The thing I'd said when we'd first gotten to our room came back to me. "Mitch, I was kidding about the seducing thing. Is that why you didn't sit with me during the movie?"

"I thought it might make you uncomfortable, with everyone around. I know me being gay bothers you." Her voice was unusually quiet.

My jaw dropped open. "It does not!" Mitch just looked at me. "I mean, it doesn't anymore." I sat down on the edge of my bed. "You realize you're the first gay person I've ever known, right?"

"I doubt that."

"I mean, that I knew was gay, that lived out. And now you're my best friend. I'd say that's growth."

She smirked at me, playfulness returning to her eyes. "I'm your best friend?"

"I spend more time with you than anyone else, even Ethan. And I look forward to hanging out with you. So yeah, I think so."

"Damn it, Spencer, I'm touched."

My face turned stern. "What did I tell you about calling me by my last name?"

Mitch laughed. "Sorry, Cindy."

"I forgive you, Michelle."

I climbed into bed, lying on my side facing my friend. "Can I ask you a question?"


"Why Mitch? I mean, your parents did not call you Mitch when you were little."

That got a laugh. "No, they most decidedly did not." She shrugged. "When I was a kid I spent a lot of time outside with the neighborhood gang, playing ball, riding my bike, mostly with the boys. I was better than them at most sports, faster than all of them, and they always wanted me on their teams. I also kicked the ass of the ones who made fun of me for being a girl. One of them, Billy Stephens, had an old fashioned, honest-to-god tree house with a ladder and a 'No Girls Allowed' sign. So they decided to make me an honorary boy. But a boy couldn't have a name like Michelle, so they decided on "Mitch.'

"They kept calling me that, even at school. It started to stick with the other kids. I got teased a lot about being more of a boy than a girl anyway, so I just kind of went with it. Names lose their punch if you're not embarrassed by them. And here I am."

"Did you, I mean, have you ever wanted to be a boy?"

"Maybe a little when I was a kid, and I couldn't join certain teams, or got teased. Or when my aunts and uncles bought me dolls. But I'm good now. And I like having lady parts. They're a lot more fun. And it's easier to have kids."

That made me grin at her in disbelief. "You want kids?"

"Sure. Why wouldn't I?"

"I just figured you were planning on playing the field for the rest of your life. So many curious, so little time, remember?"

Her eyes and voice got thoughtful. "My parents met their first day of high school. Dad says he walked into his English class and there she was. He said she was glowing. He managed to work up the nerve to ask her to Homecoming, and they've been together ever since. They're so deeply in love it's scary."

"And you want that?"

Mitch nodded. "I don't know if it's even possible for most people. My dad always told me I'd know the one when I met her, but I'm not so sure."

I felt a tear sting my eye at the longing in Mitch's voice. I'd never even considered she could feel that way, and that wasn't the first time I'd sold her short. I needed to stop doing that. "C'mon, you're only nineteen. You'll find her. I know you will. You're going to make someone so happy someday."

"Thanks, Cindy." There was a note of pain in her voice, which made me sad.

We smiled at each other, but the moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. "You ladies in there?"

We answered in unison. "Yeah, Coach."

"Okay. Lights out, get some sleep."

We heard footsteps move away, and Mitch climbed out of bed. "I probably should use the bathroom." She did, turning out the lights when she finished. She was wearing a tank top and boxer shorts, her long legs and powerful shoulders bare. She was incredible.

She climbed onto her mattress, pulling the covers around herself. "G'night, Cindy."

"Goodnight, Michelle."



Thanks for reading rating and commenting! Also, a big thanks to Ash_legend and Rileyworks for helping edit. I always feel honored when you take time to comment, and they keep me going. And if you have any questions or more direct comments, please send me feedback.

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THBGatoTHBGato18 days ago

Back for my fourth or fifth re-reading and realised I had somehow neglected to vote or comment on this part. How rude of me! Making amends now.

This is so wonderful JC, Thank you, thank you, thank you for having the patience and commitment to slowly, slowly ease Cindy and us through her tentative awakening. It's so lovely how you don't rush this. Because so often it isn't a sudden thing. So often it takes time. That's what makes this so real and so moving.

SweetBaybeeGirlSweetBaybeeGirl2 months ago

I really really like it!

I’ve been looking for a good butch-femme romance for a while now. I finally found it! I just love your characters, so real to me. I can’t wait to see more of them!


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Back for a second read and loving it. Your writing is wonderful!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Not my usual type of story, gave it a try.

Loved it! Very well done, going to the next part.

telecomtomtelecomtom4 months ago

A really good start to what I perceive to be a wonderful story.

SweetBaybeeGirlSweetBaybeeGirl4 months ago

Finally found a butch-femme love story! I haven’t read it all yet but I love it already!


galadriel_fangaladriel_fan5 months ago

I enjoy the insight into competitive tennis. Maybe it’s completely BS, but rings true.

I loved this the first time I read it and am possibly liking it even more this time.

SilverFoxMulletSilverFoxMullet7 months ago

Excellent story. The whole series drives me through so many emotions. This is one of those go-back-and-read-it-again things.

NovemberComingFireNovemberComingFire7 months ago

Really well written. I’m a little sad that Mitch is such a stereotype and Spence is a selfish twat. Other than that it’s a really good story so far.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I'm reading this again because I was wanting to read a story that makes me nervous and laugh and cry and this is it. And I wanted to read it before I reread The Tennis Star again, as they are intertwined. Both are absolutely the best. The character of Mitch is cleverly constructed and well-developed, as she slowly "courts" (not seduces) Cindy to see her as the gentle caring person she really is under all but butch bluster. Very sweet and captivating.

PurplefizzPurplefizz9 months ago

Another second time reader here, just as good as the first time round with the exception that there are details that I missed the first time round that I’m picking up on now, great story!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I too am reading A Girl Named Mitch the second time, or maybe its the third, I don't know. I just know it is one of my favorites because of the constant tension between Mitch and Cindy. It's palpably painful as they begin to open themselves to each other. The tennis context is fun too. Can't wait to immerse myself in Chap. 2.

ros_chros_ch10 months ago

Read it the second time. I am so touched. Can't stop redind, it' s just great.

JCM is one of the greatest writers on the platform, I love all her stories!

ShyTink61ShyTink6112 months ago

Great story! You have a wonderful way of making your characters so real. You make the reader feel the emotions, it’s amazing. Great job! I’ll read everything that you publish.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Just reread this to see if it was as good as I remembered. It is.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I loved this series! I had it on my reading list for two years, not wanting to get into a long story. Once I read Ch. 01, I was hooked and read them all in one sitting. The emotions are real. If you turned this into a novel I would buy it on its release date. Ignore the haters, they don't understand what good writing is and could easily close a story they don't like and move on, it's called self censorship. I'm on to your other stories, I can't wait. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wonderful sustained writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

All butch lesbians hate men? Really? Would it be okay for all men to return that sentiment? Or would some call it homophobic?

Do lesbian authors really only want their work read by half the population? Or even worse, be read only by those who agree with them? Intentionally shrinking your audience seems counterproductive to me. Isn’t the point of writing to be read by as many people as possible?

Lissy, hating on your audience isn’t the best way to expand it or attract others. What good did that type of thinking do for the movie Bros? Do lesbians writers really only want to be read by other lesbians? I think not. The reactor only expressed an opinion on a public forum with the desire to see a good writer expand her perspective audience. It must have worked because she didn’t engage in disparaging men in Unrequited. Bethany doesn’t attack men and the character of Tim, Sally’s husband, never treats Bethany in any other way than respectfully.

The proof is in the rankings. Unrequited chapter 5 is number one in the category.

ca_daveca_daveabout 1 year ago

"There's no need to attack men to tell your story." You need to read it in the context it was used, Mitch a very butch lesbian expressed her feelings. Was it an attack? Maybe but I think it was very much in character for that character to have that view. You cannot have a butch character who does not feel that way. JCMcNevilly used it to setup a scene with Cindy telling her she was wrong. I did not feel attacked by it. If you did maybe you need some help.

LissyWLissyWover 1 year ago

Quote from 'anonymous': "There’s no need to attack men to tell your story. Cracks like 'most women would be happier as lesbians' does not expand your audience. "

Just a thought. If you dont want to read stuff that disparages men, maybe you shouldn't read stuff written by lesbians?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A story I keep coming back to.

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