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A Slave To Lust Ch. 04

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The demon possessing Sheila takes more control.
2.8k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/06/2022
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The next few days became a routine of hiding from everyone she knew, playing with herself as much as she could to relieve the uncontrollable horniness that the demon inspired and being Benjamin's personal fuck toy. The few people who did see her recognized a change. Gone was the haughty arrogance with which she would rudely control and insult those around her. Gone was the ambition to graduate with her business degree and take over her father's vast holdings.

The nearly constant sexual arousal had become the dominant focus of her world. Overwhelmed by this series of unexplainable events, her young mind had shut down and she now attempted to block out the humiliation, hopelessness and disbelief with a steady intake of drugs and alcohol.

After two weeks of this ordeal, Benjamin had subjected her to every type of sexual perversion he could think of, which, in the demon's mind, was pathetically limited. All of her bodily orifices had been well used and, true to his word, he had invited the gardener and a select few other staff members to take part in the fun. Occasionally, he had taken her out wearing a collar and leash, commanding her to expose herself in public and sometimes perform sexual acts with random strangers when it amused him. As much as she had come to loath and despise him, her body betrayed her every time, and her screams of ecstasy signaled her ultimate submission. All that changed when she heard the knock at her door.

She had just gotten out of the shower, after washing what seemed to be liters of cum off her hair and body, and had put on a robe. She was exhausted, as she often was these days, in sexual servitude to both Benjamin and the demon. The knock at her door startled her. She was unused to anyone coming to her room and the knock was loud and forceful, not one that any of the staff would dare make. She opened the door to see her father standing in the hall. One look at his face showed that he was not in a pleasant mood.

"D..Daddy, what are you doing here? Is something wrong?"

Without speaking, he stepped into the room, forcing her to move further inside and shut the door. "What is the meaning of this?" he said, words being forced out through clenched teeth. His voice was not loud, but the anger behind it was clear.

He had held out a tablet computer. A video was playing and it showed her, naked and bent over, with Benjamin thrusting in and out of her from behind and the Head Gardener holding her head and giving her mouth the same treatment. Her moans of pleasure were obvious and her eyes were glazed over in bliss. In the background, a third man, one of the gardener's helpers, was visible, also naked, covered in sweat from his exertions, and sitting on a couch watching the spectacle. Who had taken the video was a mystery and in the past weeks, Sheila had found such an event so common now, she didn't even remember when this had occurred.

Now it was in the hands of her father and as she looked back and forth from the pornographic video and her father's furious face, the horror of this new situation slowly dawned on her.

"Oh, my god, Daddy, I'm so sorry. I...I, I didn't ... I mean... Benjamin blackmailed me into doing those things. Daddy, please, I didn't want to. It Benjamin's fault." Her words stumbled out, desperate to stop the darkening glare from her father. She continued to babble, not knowing what she was saying half the time.

Her father stood like a stone, his face looking grimmer by the second. Finally, she ran out of things to say and just stood there, head hanging down in shame.

"I'm sorry, Daddy." she said so softly, it came out as a whisper.

"This, this is beyond anything I have ever expected from you. You have embarrassed this family for years, but this," He shook the video screen at her, still displaying her being wantonly gang banged, as a means of punctuation, "THIS I will not stand." He threw the tablet at her feet.

"If only it would stop playing." she thought, the sexual imagery making her horny yet again and distracting her from her father's tirade. Finally, she tuned him back in.

"You are no longer part of this family. You are to pack some things and get out; this is no longer your home. A driver will be waiting to take you anywhere you want to go that is out of this town. I will leave $10,000 in your bank account, but that is all you will ever receive from me again. You disgust me! I can't stand the sight of you."

"Oh, god, Daddy, no!" She pleaded with him, hands on his chest and teary eyes looking up in supplication. "Please, Daddy, don't do this. Where will I go? How will I live? Just get rid of Benjamin and I promise to be good."

He looked back at his daughter, features softening, "I, I don't know. And I don't care. You had everything and you acted like a complete slut. Do you realize how much you've hurt your mother? You can't stay here. Just go." He turned to walk out, but Sheila clutched at his shirt.

"Please! I'll be good! I'll do anything to make up for this, Daddy." Desperate and frantic for some way to make him change his mind, she said, "I'll suck your cock. I'll make it so good, Daddy."

At the realization of the words that had just come out of her mouth, she froze in terror. His features hardened once again and a terrible rage, one that she had never seen before came over his face. He pushed her so hard that she flew back and fell hard on the floor. With one last glare, he spit on the floor and stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

"Leave!" he shouted through the door, his heavy footsteps receding down the hall.

This latest tragedy sent her once more into despair and she just laid on the floor and cried for what seemed like an hour. After a while, however, thoughts of sex began to intrude and, even as sad as she was, she knew her sorrow would take a back seat to the mounting need growing deep within her. Wishing to spare her family further humiliation, for she knew that she had a time limit in which she could still be in control, she began packing some clothes and left. Not knowing if she would ever return home, she took one last look and asked the driver to take her to Boston, which was about an hour away. She needed time to think and also needed to satisfy the monstrous lust inside her. Eventually she settled for a low budget hotel located next to a seedy bar. She sent the driver away quickly, lest she beg him to fuck her, which would further pain her father.

She thought about doing herself up, as if she were going out for a night on the town, but then thought better of it. She knew that her tits would get any man's interest and that the lust growing inside her would keep her standards low. All she wanted now was to become numb. The constant arousal, the repeated shame and sorrow, the terror that this loss of control brought with it, it all exhausted her. She knew that sleep was out of the question, but whiskey, whiskey would always be there. With that on her mind, she pulled on a faded pair of jeans and t-shirt tight enough to showcase her ample bosom. She stopped momentarily to check her reflection in the mirror and that is when she heard a knock on her door.

It stunned her. The knock itself was loud, authoritative. Three sharp raps that shook the flimsy door and reverberated throughout the room. At first, she thought it was the police, but then, who knew she was here? The driver who dropped her off, but no one else. Mystified, she went to the door. There was no peephole to look through, so she just opened it. Standing in the doorway was Benjamin.

He looked so different that at first she didn't recognize him. Face unshaven, he wore only a tight, dark blue tee shirt, a pair of fading, fraying jeans and black combat boots. He looked like he had been drinking. The eyes, though, were unmistakably his and what had been a grim, unfocused look hardened into pure malice when he saw her.

"Benjamin? How did...?" Sheila stared at him, still not quite believing what she was seeing.

"How did I find you, you fucking skank?" Benjamin shoved her roughly backward and walked into the room, closing the door behind him. "That wasn't hard. All that took was paying the driver off. He told me just where to find you. And I so very much wanted to find you. I wanted to thank you properly for getting me fired." With that, he slapped her, hard, with the back of his hand right across her face.

Sheila staggered back from the force of the blow, her face turning red and blood oozing from her split lower lip. "Fired? I, I don't understand. How did I get you fired?" Confusion crowded into her making her feel lost, like she was in a play and hadn't had a chance to review the script. Absently, she rubbed her lower lip, surprised that it didn't leave blood on her hand. Benjamin was in too much of a furor to notice that it had healed almost instantly.

"Something YOU said tipped him off to our fun. He started asking around and found out about us. Not only did he fire me, but he claims that I blackmailed you and wants to have me arrested. Now where would he have gotten an idea like that?" He shoved her again, pushing her against a wall.

"But,... but, you were blackmailing me. You got me thrown out of my own home. What do you want from me?" She pleaded with him, eyes wide with fear.

"I want pay back, bitch. I didn't force you that first night. The blackmail was just a game. You fucking wanted it! You wanted to be the slut and I played along, and then when daddy found out, you put it all on me." He pushed her against the wall again, this time holding her there by placing his huge hand in the middle of her chest and pinning her with his weight. His other hand when to his back pocket and pulled out a folding pocket knife.

Flipping the blade out with his one hand, he held it up to the light as if to admire it. It was four inches long and gleamed in the cheap hotel lighting. It looked sharp and cruel and he smiled while gazing upon it. Then he turned his eyes to her; they were wild, crazy and she began trembling.

"Oh, God, what do you want? I'll do anything. Please, just don't kill me. Anything. I'll get on my knees right now." She was babbling in terror, but deep inside, could feel the presence of the demon awaken. The deep, lustful longing was there, but also, something beneath it, a power, ancient and smoldering at her very core.

"Oh, I'm not going to kill you. That would be too easy. But even with daddy throwing you out of the house, I know how easy life can be for girls like you. You'll always find some poor schmuck to take care of you, trading yourself. But not for you, because I'm going to mess up that pretty face of yours. I'm going to make sure you're not so pretty anymore and then what will you do?" He waved the knife just inches from her face. Her eyes followed it nervously.

"Wait. Wait, you don't have to do that. I could be yours. Take me with you and I'll do whatever you want. Anything! Please, just don't cut me." She begged hysterically.

"Right. Like I'll fall for that. As soon as I turned my back, you'd be on the phone to your daddy and then the cops would have my ass quicker than you'd take a dick in your mouth. The last thing I'm going to do before I take off for Mexico is cut your face to ribbons. I might leave you with one eye, just so you can see yourself in the mirror." With that, he brought the knife down in a quick slash at her face.

Sheila reached up with one hand and caught his wrist as it descended, stopping it in mid arc. He looked at her in dumb surprise and was further stunned as he saw her eyes turn blood red and glow. Her expression completely changed from stark terror to one of amusement. Benjamin stood, frozen in confusion for a moment. This moment was enough for her to backhand him with her other hand, sending him flying backwards, landing hard on the thinly carpeted floor. The knife flew from his hand and he looked up, still in disbelief.

The voice that spoke next was not Sheila's. though it came from her lips. "Ah, Benji. We could have worked together, you and I. You're certainly cruel enough. Together, we could have tormented this slut for a long, long time. But I can't have you messing with her face. No, that would not serve my purposes at all." She strode over to where he lay and climbed on top of him, straddling him. Now it was his turn to be pinned down, partly with her weight and partly with an inhuman strength that he had never suspected.

Sheila witnessed these events as if a spectator within her own body. She couldn't find her voice and her movements were beyond her control. She felt the strength that now coursed through her and reveled in this new sensation of power. She both feared she would kill Benjamin and simultaneously ached to do it. She knew to end his life would be so easy right now, inevitable, really.

Holding Benjamin down by the throat, the thing inside Sheila said, "I think I can still find some uses for you, even if its just a little entertainment." Then, in a different tone, Sheila heard it speak from inside her, saying, "I don't think you're going to want to see this part. Why don't you go to sleep my little slut. I'll wake you when its time to go."

And with that, all became darkness. When she came back to awareness, she was standing in front of a mirror, still in the dreary hotel room. The smell is what struck her first, of shit and blood and raw meat. In the corner, she could make out a pile that looked like laundry, indeed, the bedspread from the bed was draped over the entire mound. The bedspread was soaked with blood, however, and a dark stain had seeped into the carpet. Quickly turning her gaze to stare back at her reflection, she could see that her hair was wet, as if she had come out of the shower. She was wearing one of the dresses she had brought with her and her suitcase appeared to be packed and laying on the bed.

Her reflection spoke to her. "Well, I think we may have burned some bridges here. Which suits me just fine; I've been itching to get back on the road again. We have some people to see out West."

"What are you talking about? Did we just murder Benjamin? What's going to happen?" She had been getting used to being confused about her situation, but the thought that she had just killed someone was almost more than she could take. Her brain had no idea what to do and a foggy anxiety throbbed in her head.

"I'm glad you're using the proper pronoun. Yes, WE did just kill Benji, but he was getting so boring. And, let's face it, he was a complete asshole. We just did the world a favor. Not that anyone else will understand, so we're really going to need to get moving. We're going to see some friends in California. A change of scenery is just what we need."

"But, how? Why are we...?" It was all becoming too much and sanity threatened to shatter under the combined weight of recent events.

"Oh, don't worry your pretty little head about it, my dear. You let me do the thinking. As for the how, well, you do have a pretty little mouth and I think it will get us wherever we need to go."

With that thought echoing in her head, she grabbed her bag and walked out the door of the hotel. It was night now and the bar she had planned on going to earlier appeared to still be open. "That's where I'll go." she thought, "That's where I'll find what I need."

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