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Inevitable Orgasmic Bliss Ch. 01

Story Info
A young man wakes up as a tentacle monster.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 05/19/2022
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Inevitable Orgasmic Bliss ch. 1 : The First Thrall


This is my first story I've written. Please take this warning, I make no promises that the story is any good, or that I'll write future chapters. I don't like writing, I'm only writing this because I can't find the types of stories I want to read. (Where the main character undergoes some kind of transformation and is forced by their situation and sex desire, not other people, to have lots of sex).

If you enjoyed the story, please let me know in the comments to encourage me to write more. However, even if I do so it will not be quick. Feel free to use any of my ideas, characters, settings, etc... in your own stories, with attribution ofc. I'd appreciate being able to read this kind of story without writing it myself.


"Oh my god. I've never seen or heard of anything like this". The Doctors' horrified look pushed me over the edge.

"My dick is a fucking tentacle!" I felt like completely breaking down. My chest heaving, on the edge of tears. "What the fuck are we going to do? How am I going to deal with this?"

"Okay, let's just calm down". The doctor replied. "Let's just start from the top".

I was sitting on an examining table, and the doctor was carefully looking at my crotch. My penis had changed and was now a writhing tentacle six inches long. Around it were about five smaller, but longer, tentacles. Each about the width of a finger. All slowly writhing around my penis. They seemed to be able to change their length at will.

"How long have you been like this?"

"I...I don't know", I replied. "I just woke up this way, and came straight here."

"And has anything changed in your lifestyle recently? Are you sexually active"?

"Nothing has changed. I have a girlfriend I've been with for about six months". I didn't tell her about the bedroom window I found broken this morning.

"Well, alright. Let's examine you to see if we can figure out what's going on". She said as she walked towards me, putting on white surgical gloves.

"Hmm... Are you purposefully moving the tentacles?" she asked. She was gently holding my penis, which was wiggling in her grasp. The smaller tentacles were wrapping themselves around her wrist.

"No, I can't control any of them," I replied.

"They are quite aggressive!" The tentacles were now gripping her wrist quite tightly now, and moving her hand up and down on my penis. She seemed oddly unconcerned. "Does this feel good to you?"

"Uh..." I stuttered. Stuned that she would even ask such a question.

"Mmm... your testicles are quite large. Whatever caused these tentacles must have caused them to grow as well" she noted while continuing to examine my crotch and letting the tentacles use her hand to masturbate me. Suddenly I felt my muscles tense up and a sharp spike of pleasure. "Mmmm..ugh.." I moaned, and spasmed. But instead of semen ejaculating from my penis, a blue liquid squirted from two of the tentacles wrapped around the doctor's wrist and coated her bare upper forearm.

I looked at her horrified at what happened.

"Shit! I'm so sorry!! What is that?"

"Huh. I don't know. Let's save some for analysis." Again she seemed entirely unconcerned as she walked over to a cabinet and started scooping the fluid into a container and washed-up her arm.

Meanwhile, the tentacles continued to rub my penis, now standing straight up and seemingly larger than ever.

"Shit...uhhh..", I moaned, and looked over at the doctor, hoping she didn't see me rocking my hips and my pleasure as my new monster dick masturbated itself. I had to stop this disgusting thing at my crotch. I tried to pinch one tentacle and pull it away from my dick, but another tentacle wrapped around my wrist and pulled my hand away. I couldn't stop my new mutant appendages from doing whatever they wanted, and the pleasure was too intense for me to focus on what I could do.

"Ha! They are really aggressive. They won't let you stop." The doctor was just standing over me, watching me moan in pleasure and thrust my hips as the tentacles continued to writhe around my hard dick. I felt powerless as my body pleased itself, but also turned-on from the doctor watching me writhe as ecstasy filled my body.

"Please, help. Make it stop" I begged. The doctor just stood there, staring at my cock and breathing heavily.

"Don't worry about it. Just let yourself enjoy it. We can easily clean up any mess, and it would be good to have some semen to send for analysis anyway." She then wrapped her hand around my penis and writhing tentacles and gently pumped her hand up and down my cock, sending another wave of pleasure through my body.

"What... are you doing?" I was completely taken-aback and horrified. She wouldn't help me take back control of my body. I didn't want her touching me this way, but I knew I probably couldn't stop her either.

"Just helping.Your penis is actually very nice this way, it's turning me on. " She glanced briefly to look me in the eyes, then back to my crotch. I couldn't believe my ears. "I wonder how it would feel inside me." She completely miss-interpreted the look on my face. "Don't worry, we'll figure out what's going on. Here, I'll even take a blood sample, just enjoy yourself and let yourself cum."

She pulled out a needle and began to slip it into my upper arm.

"Try to hold still if you can... and... we're done," she proclaimed as she pulled the needle back out of my arm. I barely noticed the prick in my arm as I was becoming overwhelmed by the pleasure coming from my cock, but I did see her take another glance at my dick, biting her bottom lip, as she walked back over to the counter to store the blood sample away.

I surrendered myself to the pleasure, and the fact I couldn't stop it. I just hoped it would be over soon and these tentacles would stop masturbating me in front of this person I'd never even met before.

"Oh man..." I moaned, arching my hips upward. The doctor once again stood over me. Looking straight down at my writhing cock tentacles and biting her lip with obvious hunger. I couldn't help but be turned-on even more by her watching me.

"Okay, let's do this," she declared and reached down to start undoing her white pants.

"What! What are you doing!" I exclaimed. "I have a girlfriend". I tried to back away from her on the examining table.

"Oh don't worry about it," she soothed as finished pulling her pants off, "we both want this". Her pussy was beautiful, with a thin patch of public hair just above it. It was clearly very wet in anticipation of fucking me. Part of my mind screamed at me to just plunge my cock into her and pound her.

"No, please". I was helpless as she positioned herself over me. I tried to push away from her, but my tentacles extended and wrapped themselves around her waist and legs, pulling her down on top of me. My penis, completely prehensile, pointed itself directly at her beautiful vulva.

"No no no", I muttered as she lowered herself onto me, and I watched my cock disappear into her pussy.

"Oh my fucking god," she exclaimed; slack-jawed with eyes rolling into the back of her head. "You feel so good."

I couldn't help but close my eyes as intense pleasure coursed through my body. The tentacles pushed her up and back down on my shaft.

"Yeeeess, please... fuck me", she moaned. I couldn't help it any longer and I exploded inside of her. I started spasming. My muscles pumping rope after rope of cum into her. Heedlessly, the tentacles kept thrusting her up and down on top of me.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! My god you're so fucking good!" she exclaimed in pure ecstasy. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled over my body as I continued to pump myself inside of her. My cum started pouring out of her pussy and all over my cock, belly, and table. To my shame I couldn't help but enjoy the insane rapture racing through my nerves.

"Oh gods, I can feel your cock wiggling inside of me" She put her hands on my chest and leaned over me, with her clothed breast directly in front of my eyes.

"Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh" she moaned, as my body pounded her; completely beyond my control. Pleasure started building in my cock again. My tentacles writhed over her lower body Two were squeezing her butt, and another was rubbing her clit. Knowing there was nothing I could do, I completely gave up control and let the euphoria pass through me.

"I'm... I'm going to cum again," I heaved breathlessly.

"Oh gods. Do it!" she commanded. Her eyes closed and slack-jawed in pure ecstasy. I couldn't help myself, and completely gave into the sex. I started willingly pounding her.

"Yes! Yes! Oh my shits!" she screamed as her orgasm rolled across her body; visibly shaking on top of me. Her pulsing sent me over the edge a second time. I felt my muscles tensing up, and then explode into her.

"Ugh!" I moaned as I again started to pump myself into her. Deep inside I felt proud of every rope I ejaculated into her pussy. The doctor continued to slowly move up and down on top of me, pushing out tons of cum that just added to mess all over my body and table.

"What is going on in here?" The door opened and an orderly stepped in. "Oh my god." he exclaimed, just staring at us as he realized what was going on. My orgasm just kept washing over me, and cum just kept pouring out of the doctor while the orderly watched.

"Everyone can hear you!" the orderly hissed. The doctor was entirely unconcerned, and kept pumping every last milliliter of cum out of my body with the most satisfied look on her face.

"Jim, can you move my next appointment? This is still going to take a little while."

"Uh..oh..okay," he stammered, and staggered back out of the room, looking over his shoulder once more as he left.

"Wow! That was quite a fuck!" she said. "We need to get cleaned up a bit." I just looked at her, unable to fully process what just happened. She stood up off of me, and my penis slipped out of her, followed by the last wave of cum that was still inside her. She hopped off the table, dripping cum off her body, and walked over to a paper towel dispenser. I just propped myself up and watched her, unsure of what to do or say. For the first time today my penis, and my new tentacles, were completely still. After wiping her pussy clean, she walked over to me with a giant wad of paper towels, swinging her beautiful waist with every step.

"We just need to get you clean. We'll need to have the janitors clean and sanitize everything else." She said as she started to clean my body with the paper towels. "Mmm... we shouldn't let all this go to waste."

"We're going to save some for analysing right? That's why we did this?" I asked. Trepidation that I gave into her for nothing passed through my body.

"No. This semen is now contaminated with lubricant from me, so it is no good for analysis. I just did this because your cock looked way too good." With that response she just leaned down and started slurping up my cum. I felt so numb from shock at this point that I just watched.

"Mmm... your cum is good too." My tentacles slowly wiped themselves and my body clean, and pooling the cum towards her mouth. "Ooh, so helpful," she remarked while licking the large pool of semen off my body. I kept staring in horror as my penis started rubbing itself against the side of her head. "Somebody needs more attention!" She slipped her mouth overy my dick causing me to gasp from another wave of pleasure. But instead of continuing she pulled herself off again and said "But we do need to get you clean if we want to get a good sample this time."

"We're.... We're doing this again?" I stammered.

"Oh yes," she said as she finished cleaning my cock and body with the paper towels, "We need a good sample that isn't contaminated with my lubrication." With that she pulled out a beaker from underneath the examining table I was laying on and placed it next to me. "I'll bring you off, but I need you to ejaculate into this. Here sit up on the side, it'll be easier," she instructed while patting the side of the examining table. Immediately as I sat up she wrapped her mouth back around my cock.

"Ugh!" I moaned as pleasure again spread through my body. I placed my hands on the table and leaned back onto them, closing my eyes and letting the feelings wash over me again. My tentacles started wrapping themselves around her head as she bobbed up and down on my cock.

"Ssckk..sssk..." her mouth gurgled in surprise around my cock, as my tentacles had tightened their grip on her head and began controlling her movement. They pushed her head up and down my cock, increasing speed and pushing my cock farther back into her throat.

"OH.. yes..." I moaned. I couldn't help but thrust my hips in and out of her face. My tentacles were pushing her all the way down on my cock, forcing her to deep-throat me. Beyond either of our control. I heard her gurgling, and breathing heavily through her nose, and it finally occurred to me that I was just completely face-fucking her.

"Oh Shit!" I panicked as I could be hurting her. "Are you alright?" I put my hands around her head to try and stop, but my tentacles just kept face-fucking her; thrusting her head up and down my shafter, faster and fasters, like she was a masturbation-aid and not a person. Despite my concern I couldn't help but thrust my hips in-rhythm, sending bursts of delight with every pass. Fortunately she gave a thumbs-up sign, showing she was okay. In my relief I gave into the moment. I kept pounding her face, driving my cock down her throat. My thin tentacles were wrapped around her head, pumping her mouth up and down over my cock. I could feel that I was close. Her warm and moist mouth felt so good slipping around my dick. I could feel her tongue rubbing the underside of my penis. She felt so good. She had her hands around my waist and was moaning with every thrust. I felt the pressure building up in my cock and I couldn't hold back any longer. With one final thrust my tentacles pulled her completely down onto me, my dick balls-deep in her throat. I erupted inside of her, ejaculating ropes of cum down her throat. She swallowed the first few pulses, while moaning; then pulled her face off of my cock. My tentacles let her go, apparently respecting her far more than me. I kept cumming uncontrollably as I pulled out and filled her mouth with my cum. Just as my cock pulled out of her mouth I shot another rope, completely covering her face with my emission.

"Mmmm," she moaned. Swallowing everything, and even licking her face. She wrapped her hand around my dick and aimed it towards the sample collection beaker. I shot rope after rope of cum into the beaker. She kept massaging my prick while I was ejaculating. "Yes, keep cumming. Let it all out," she cooed. When I was finally done I layed back on the table completely exhausted. "Wow, that's a lot! No wonder your balls are so big!" she remarked. There was nearly 300 ml in the beaker. After she finished cleaning her face and I recuperated some energy, I hopped off the table to clean myself up. Despite the intense pleasure, and a secret pride that I was able to produce so much cum and satisfy the doctor, I was very glad this ordeal was over. We actually switched positions, as she jumped up to sit on the operating table and picked up a clipboard.

"I think we're almost done here, just need to make some extra notes," she said, making jots on her clipboard. I saw her glance over and notice the jar of semen sitting next to her. She then completely surprised me, again. She reached over, grabbed the jar, and gulped down a few swallows of my cum. "Oh...It's so good," she remarked. Noticing my face she continued, "oh, don't worry, there's still plenty for analysis. Your cum is the best I've ever tasted." I knew that I should be pulling my pants back on, but I couldn't help but watch her. She sat with her naked legs completely open, exposing her beautiful vag.

"Shit." I said, feeling my genital tentacles and prehensile penis start twitching and moving. I tried to step away from the doctor, but it was too late. My tentacles had already reached out and wrapped themselves around her legs. My penis pointed itself directly at her pussy. I tried to step away, but my tentacles were too strong and pulled our bodies together.

"Oh Yess!!" she exclaimed once she realized what was going on and layed back on the table. I was once again completely powerless to stop my body from fucking this woman as I stumbled towards against my control. My cock slipped itself into her.

"Aaaaa!" we both moaned as pleasure once more shot through my body.

"Yess!! Please fuck me!" she moaned as my dick pushed in and out of her. "Yes, fuck me! Fuck me harder!" she commanded. My body heard her and responded. My cock began pumping itself faster in her, my pelvis pounded her body. Four of my tentacles gripped her legs, forcing me to fuck her. The fifth flicked itself across her clit. I leaned forward across the table, supporting myself on my arms over the doctor. Her eyes were closed, and her mouth open panting in pleasure. Her face showed pure ecstasy.

"Pound me! Harder!" she said. My body increased its pace fucking her. The slapping sound of our wet bodies pounding into each other filled the room, and was surely heard by others in the doctor's office. My penis wiggled inside of her, rubbing itself against the walls of her vagina looking to stimulate her G-spot.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Aaaaaa!!!" screamed the doctor very loudly, her body shaking in orgasm. Despite my horror I couldn't help but be proud that I brought her off a second time. Her pulsing vagina pushed me over the edge.

"Uhh!" I moaned as my tentacles pulled my dick deep into her.

"Yes, cum for me," she commanded as I started to pump my cum inside of her. Deep pleasure emanated from my crotch as I filled up her body with my seed, it was followed by relief as I thought this deeply disturbing, yet intense, experience was almost over.

"Yes, keep going," she moaned.

"No..." I murmured in horror, as my hips started pushing in and out of her. Despite the dread of being trapped while my body kept fucking this woman, I couldn't help but moan as another wave of orgasm rippled through and I pumped more cum into her.

"Yes, pound me hard," she moaned again. My hips picked-up speed once more, slapping her pussy. I felt my massive balls slapping her ass. The deep pleasure radiated throughout my body and resonated with my still-rolling orgasm. I kept unloading pulse after pulse of cum inside of her. It was flowing out of her pussy all over the table. Every pump of my cock pushed more out onto the table. I have no idea how I could produce so much semen.

"Yes, Yes, keep pounding me. I love your cock!" she exclaimed as I kept pounding her. Her head was rolling back-and-forth in ecstasy as I pushed her body up and down the table. I looked down and helplessly watched my cock hammer her pussy.

"Oh my god, UHHH!!!" she moaned and arched her back, another orgasm racing through her. I took the opportunity to pull out. As I did another orgasm wracked my body and I shot multiple wads of cum over her waist, chest, and white shirt. I quickly backed up away from the doctor. Terrified that my body would take over again and this would never end. She lay panting on the table, covered in cum that was now dripping onto the floor.

"Mmmm... you're so good. I could fuck you all day," she moaned. "You know, we should do that. You want to take the day off and we can go back to my place?" Nearly panicking at the thought of being trapped and fucking her against my will all day, I started quickly pulling my pants on while hoping towards the door. I felt very horny at the thought of fucking her again. I knew if I didn't leave now then I would not be able to leave her for a long time. Visions of ripping open her shirt and fucking her tits spread through my mind. I had to leave right now.


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