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A Voyeur in the Window Ch. 04

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She called him her lover and me a cuck.
4.1k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 12/02/2023
Created 10/27/2023
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Speaking to Martha earlier, I quickly realised how stressful her day had been and suggested dinner at our favourite Italian restaurant. She happily agreed but told me she would have to stay back for a short meeting. I wasn't keen on standing at a street corner for an unspecified time while waiting for her, so I suggested meeting at Boilermaker. When I finished my work, I headed for the bar and, entering the venue, saw a couple of my colleagues from accounting standing around a bar table, talking animatedly. Daniel saw me and waved me over to join them. I got our drinks and did so while keeping an eye on the entrance for Martha.

I immediately noticed her entering the premises, looking ravishing. She had more makeup than she ordinarily would wear in the office while her hair was in a sultry, tousled updo. She wore a summer dress that day with buttons down the front, which she had undone at the top to show off a considerable amount of creamy white cleavage and at the bottom to reveal the welts of her stockings with every stride. I was sure she had those buttons done up going to work and assumed she had unfastened them coming to the bar.

She scanned the room until our eyes met, brightly smiled, and walked to me, softly kissing my lips. I introduced her to Daniel and Lucas while handing her the glass of wine I had purchased earlier. She looked lascivious and was in her coquettish mood. There were no signs of a stressful day in her behaviour or appearance. The conversation quickly changed from sports to introductions to compliments, which paved the way to flirting and finally to the subject of sex.

She kept glancing towards me, gauging my reaction, and I had to say how she behaved turned me on. I knew it was all harmless banter, yet by flirting with the guys, she was teasing me, turning me on, and she knew it. When the conversation shifted to penis sizes, she looked at me while biting her lower lip and turned to them.

"It isn't about the size, but what turns her on. Of course, some women like it big and the bigger the better for them, but most of us just want our man to learn what makes us go gaga."

"What turns you on?" blurted out Lucas.

"I love to be taken roughly from behind," she said, biting her lower lip before downing the last of her wine.

I could hear the wheels turning in the guys' heads, creating the image of Martha being carnally fucked from behind, and I knew I would hear about it in the office forever and a day.

"I think you should take me home now, Babe," she continued, smiling lecherously at them.

Recovering from her comment, I took her hand, and we said bye to the guys, leaving the bar. Once outside, she could not stop laughing.

"Did you see their faces? They were speechless."

"Yes, they were tonight, but I will hear about it in the office on Monday and every day of my life. You can bet on that."

"I am confident you will be able to cope, Babe."

"Well, we will see."

We had a lovely meal, walked on the riverbank, sat on a bench and kissed as young lovers did. I did love those moments of our lives, making me feel young, carefree and happy.

"I hope I did not go too far flirting with your colleagues?"

"Well, I would say you did, but I did not mind. It turned me on."

"You didn't mind?"

"Of course not, but that does not mean I want you to go any further."

"I know that, and I would not go either unless there is an understanding between us. Like with Jason."

"We have not seen him for a while. I wonder if he is still interested in watching us, watching you, hotwife."

"I don't know, but on the other hand, we kept our curtains closed since the last time."

"True. How about we go home and open those curtains tonight?"

"Do you want to, Babe?"

"Yes, if you do."


Entering the bedroom, Martha went straight for the curtains, pulled them open and saw Jason's blinds closed, although one could see the light seeping through around the edges. She did look a little deflated, but that soon changed as we made love, and both of us came.

"Jason will be home tonight, Babe," she said, arriving home from the shopping centre on a Saturday afternoon a few weeks later.

"Let me guess, you bumped into him, and the two of you had coffee."

"How do you know? Did you spy on us?"

"I would not do such a thing, Baby."

"I'll make dinner. You watch your game," Martha said as she walked out of the room, carrying her bags.

The dinner was as delicious as ever; she was a great cook, and I always enjoyed her creations. The conversation was light, and the time flew by quickly. It was already 7 o'clock when she said she would slip into something sexy. I proceeded to clean and tidy the kitchen, then read a book when I heard her steps on the parquet. I looked up as she stood at the door, posing her outfit. Well, she was wearing a beige trench coat that came down to her knees with a pair of smoke-coloured nylons and red fuck me pumps.

"Do you like it?" she asked, smiling seductively.

"Yes, you make it look good."

"Thank you. Just wait until you see what is under the coat."

"Well, take it off and let me see."

"Not so fast, big boy," she said, turning on her heels, then looking back, added, "follow me."

When I entered the bedroom, I saw her sitting in the armchair, curtains closed, and the floor lamp was dimly illuminating the room. I approached, but she stopped me. Standing in the middle of the room, I scrutinised her questioningly.

"I love you, husband."

"I love..."

"Shush, don't talk unless I tell you to," she interrupted, and I nodded.

She told me to take my clothes off, everything she said, and when I did, I was told to open the curtains fully and lay on the bed with my head propped up against the headboard. Opening the curtains, I noticed Jason's window was in darkness, with no sign of life. Laying on the bed with my head propped up, I watched as she crossed her legs, the coat opened up on her thigh, showing the welt of her stocking. She looked so seductive, so sexy. I loved how she looked sitting there while the smokey eye makeup and red lips added to her alluring look.

"I love to call you cuck, Babe. It is so naughty and turns me on. You don't mind, do you? After all, you are one since I fucked our neighbour," she said, glancing out the window.

"No, I don't mind at all, hotwife."

"Good. So, does my cuck wants to see what I have under my coat?"


"Well, then you better start stroking your cock and make it hard for your slut wife, and when you are hard enough for me, I will let you see."

I began to stroke my cock slowly, deliberately while our eyes locked on each others, with every stroke wanting to touch, kiss and feel her gorgeous curves under the coat. I felt my cock responding to my strokes and desires. My eyes followed hers as she glanced out the window and only saw the darkness.

"Do you want to know what has happened today?"

"Yes, hotwife."

"Your hotwife is a naughty little slut wife."


"Yes, she is. What I have under my coat was chosen by my lover."

"Your lover?"

"Yes, my cuck, by my lover."

"Is Jason your lover?"

"Doesn't it sound so naughty to call him my lover?"

"I guess."

"You don't sound thrilled, but that's okay," she said, sounding deflated. "So, do you want to hear what has happened?"

"Yes, Baby."

"So.., I was at the shopping centre wanting to meet Jason, my lover, as we had not seen him for a while, and I was up for some fun. I went to the cafe and sat outside, hoping he might come that way. He did, and when I saw him, I called out, and he joined me. We chatted for a while when the subject turned to sex and fetishes, and I discovered something new about him. I could feel my pussy tingle hearing his words. He asked if I was doing more shopping, and I said yes, I wanted to find a sexy robe to wear for my lover. He said he would help me to find one."

"Really? You said for your lover?" I murmured, but instead of feeling wounded, I could feel my body tremble.

"We were walking towards the lingerie shop when he took my hand. It surprised me, and I was about to pull away when I felt his fingers tighten around mine, and I thought, what a hack, it was harmless. When he realised I would not take my hand away, he said it felt nice to hold my hand. I walked into the lingerie shop holding my lover's hand and saw the smile on the assistant's face. We chose three gowns. I went into the changing room and tried them on."

I noticed her frequent use of the word lover, pausing and smiling seductively every time she did so. She was teasing me, and it seemed like the thought of calling Jason her lover turned her on. I could see it on her face, in her eyes. Gradually, the idea grew on me.

"They were all nice gowns, and I couldn't decide which one to buy. I thought for a while, then poked my head out and called Jason. He broadly smiled when I opened the curtain and I posed for him. As soon as he saw the one I wear under my coat right now, he said that was the one, and he stepped closer, whispering I was giving him a hard-on. I boldly reached out and felt his cock in his trousers; he was not lying. When I paid for the robe, the shop assistant smiled and said it was a good choice, I looked sexy. I did not realise she had seen me wearing only the robe, panties, stockings and heels, and I turned crimson."

"Your lover is home," I said, smirking at my words.

"I know, I saw the light had come on, but let me finish the story. So.., walking out of the shop, Jason seized my hand again, but once we were out of view for the shop assistant, I pulled it away, told him I had finished my shopping for the day, and it was time for me to go. He walked me to my car and tried to kiss me, but again, I pulled away and got into my car. Winding down the window, I motioned for him to come closer, and when he leant on the door, I briefly kissed his lips, saying the curtains would be open tonight and pulled away to drive home to my sweet husband."

Looking into my eyes while smiling seductively, Martha slowly got up, making me even more excited than before, thinking this was it. She would take her trench coat off to show me her outfit and fuck me, but instead, she walked to the window, looked at Jason, who was sitting on his bed stroking his cock, and she undid the belt of the coat. I only caught my first glimpse of her red, diaphanous robe that came down to the bottom of her arse when Martha eased her trench coat from her shoulders, and it fell to the floor. Under the robe, she wore red suspenders and the same coloured crotchless panties that I only realised when she turned towards me and saw her pussy bulging through the slit.

"Would you like to fuck your slut wife?" She asked, turning around and walking to the foot of the bed.


She climbed on the bed, straddling my legs and took my purple cock from my hand. Positioned herself above it, her pussy coated with her juices, she rubbed the head on her folds and slowly lowered herself onto my phallus, her eyes locked on mine. Once she fully impaled herself on my shaft, she leant forward, working her tongue into my mouth, kissing me with unbridled passion for minutes. She pulled back and began to ride me up and down, rotating her hip around while we moaned and grunted in unionism.

"I am about to cum," I groaned, and she quickly jumped off me, denying my orgasm.

"I want you to fuck me from behind," she said while getting on her hands and knees.

"As you wish."

"Treat me like a cheap slut."

Moving behind her, I slapped her arse hard, which made her yelp and hiss, "Yesss".

"So you want to feel like a cheap slut? So be it," I said and slapped her other cheek, which made her yelp again.

"Oh, yesss... I am gushing for your cock."

"You want your lover to watch you being fucked senseless, don't you?"

"Yesss," she hissed.

I pushed her legs further apart and administered a series of smacks on her pussy and clit.

"Uhhhh.., uhhh.., uhhh," she whimpered.

I scooted closer to her, rubbing the mushroom head on her folds, teasing her wet pussy through the slit of her crotchless panties. She began to moan, and her head fell on the bed. I grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulled her up until her back started to arch and drove my cock into her waiting, wanting cunt. The sudden intrusion made her squeal, and her body shook as I fucked her hard. It did not take long before we reached our orgasms, first I, then shortly after Martha. We collapsed on the bed, and I took her into my arms, kissing her lovingly.

"This is so wild, Baby," I said between soft kisses.

"You seem to enjoy it."

"I do, I really do," I said, and we passionately pashed.

"Babe," she began, "Jason would like sloppy seconds. He said today that was one of his fantasies. Would you mind if I give him sloppy seconds?"

"Didn't he just say that to get you over?"

"Maybe, but I never promised anything to him, did not say I would go over."

"I don't know..," I began, "...well, okay. Go, give your lover what he wants, hotwife."

"Thank you, cuck," she said, kissing me.

She rolled off the bed, walked to the window, gathered up the coat and put it on, tying the belt while observing Jason on his bed. Once ready, she walked to me and kissed me on my lips on her way out the door.

"I love you, Babe. You make me feel young and carefree again."

"I love you too," I murmured as she disappeared behind the door.

Five minutes later, I saw Jason ushered Martha into his room, who walked to the window and removed her coat just like she had done earlier that night. Jason walked behind her and wrapped her in his arms, kissing the crook of her neck. She turned on her heels, her arm closed around his neck, and their tongues met passionately. After a short while, breaking the kiss, she took Jason's hand and led him to the bed, lying on her back as she watched him, still holding his hand.

Jason looked towards me, smiled and lay on her, pinning her down while kissing her face, neck and shoulders. She closed her arms around his neck, and their lips met in a passionate kiss that seemed to last forever. When finally the kiss ended, Jason kissed his way to her pussy and, pushing her legs apart, licked her folds. At first, she tried to stop him, but he persisted, and she gave in to having her cum filled pussy eaten out. Her head flipped back onto the pillow, her hands in Jason's hair when she looked towards me and weakly smiled.

In no time, as Jason was bringing her closer and closer to an orgasm, her legs began to twitch. She wrapped those stocking-clad legs around his torso when her body began to tremble, and her orgasm erupted. I involuntarily grabbed my cock and began to wank myself, watching the hot scene before me. She dug her red heels into his back, keeping him on her pussy while her body quivered. When she calmed down, her legs fell off his back, and he kissed his way back to her face.

He raised his body, and Martha guided his cock into her, gasping as he entered her sloppy cunt. They fucked at a slow, steady pace looking into each other's eyes until Jason raised himself onto his arms, pulled her legs onto his shoulders and, folding her in half, fucked her hard. I could see Martha was cumming once more as he increased his tempo then he filled her with his spunk. Once their high subsided, he lowered her legs and lay beside her. After a few minutes of cuddling, Martha got off the bed, walked to the window and drew the curtains close.

'What are you doing?' I thought in panic, feeling a nervous tension develop in my guts as I lay on the bed stroking my hard cock, which quickly deflated as jealousy rose. I walked to the window, trying to see through the curtains. I thought this wasn't part of our game while walking back and forth, and just then, I noticed the light had gone out. "Wow!" I exclaimed, walking back to the bed anxiously. 'What was happening?' I asked myself. My thoughts were all over when I heard heels on the parquet and saw Martha at the door in her coat.

"What the..," I began, but she interrupted me.

"Shush!" She said.

Walking to the bed, she shed her trench coat and heels and climbed on it, rolling on me. Looking into my eyes from above as she pinned me down, she bit her lower lip before kissing me, pushing her tongue deep into my mouth and swirling it around. I could feel something different about the kiss, but in the heat of passion, I could not say what.

"Would you like sloppy thirds, my cuck husband?"

As she asked, sliding down on my body and taking my cock into her hand, she kissed the tip of it and swirled her tongue around the fast-growing head. I quickly forgot about the curtain and how it had made me feel when she'd closed it.

"Did you feel my kiss was different in any way?" she asked, drilling my pisshole with her tongue.

"Yes, but I don't know why."

"Maybe the taste?"

"It did taste different."

"You've tasted Jason's spunk," she said and sunk her lips to the base of my cock.

"Ewww," I exclaimed.

"Did you not like the taste?" She asked, pulling off my cock.

"It was not the taste but another man's spunk!"

"Well, if the taste was no issue, you can get used to kissing your hotwife after she has sucked her lover's cock."

"I don't know about that."

"I only closed the curtains because I did not want you to see me suck Jason's cock just before coming home."

"When you did do that, that made me nervous."

"I am sorry, Babe. I wanted it to be a surprise, wanted you to taste him in my mouth, but I wasn't sure if you saw me sucking him, you would have kissed me."

"Probably not."

"It was so naughty when he licked my pussy after you had fucked me. He even pushed his tongue into my hole, coaxing out your spunk. I did not want him to do it first, but then I did not want him to stop."

"That good?"

"Yes... If you up to it, maybe one day you can eat his spunk out of my cunt."

"I don't know about that, Baby."

She rolled on her back and told me to fuck her cum filled cunt. I obliged, climbing on her and guiding my cock into her sloppy fuckhole, thrusting in and out as we kissed. Somehow, the thought of Jason's spunk in her mouth did not bother me any more, and I came, giving her a third helping. Shortly after, she came too, and we fell asleep holding each other.

For the next two years, our liaison continued with Jason. I never met the guy in person, but Martha regularly met him at the mall and let him hold her hand with my approval as they shopped together for lingerie, dresses and shoes, often chosen by Jason. After I had agreed, she even let him kiss her in public, but nothing more. Jason tried to convince her on one occasion to have sex in a changing room, but she sternly shut him down, telling him that would never happen. It was all about her being an exhibitionist and me, her voyeur. We both agreed that would have been a step too far. She was always forthcoming with what they had done together, never seemed to hide anything, and I trusted she would not start doing things behind my back.

We continued with our voyeuristic behaviour while sharing Martha. Jason loved to lick her pussy after I had filled her with my spunk, and she was delighted about it, so it became their kink. I could never bring myself to lick Jason's spunk from her pussy, but I did not mind kissing her after she sucked him off, and the aftertaste after she swallowed him did not bother me. We had a great time while Jason was our neighbour, but like all good things, it had to end sooner or later. There were no regrets, and neither of us felt the need to continue our adventure after Jason had gone.

A few months after Jason had moved out of the apartment, an elderly couple in their late seventies moved in. We kept our curtains closed most of the time, and they kept theirs. One day, Martha came into the living room giggling as she said she was ready to go. We were on our way to catch up with friends in the city.


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