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A Woman's Scent

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Blind man follows his nose.
5.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/08/2022
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This will be a relatively long series, so if you are looking for a wham-bam story, skip this one. I want to give some background info and character development before we start fucking and sucking. Then I can write it chapter by chapter with your input on where the story goes.

I am not a professional writer, but I enjoy telling stories; if you are looking for perfect grammar and syntax, I am not the writer for you. But I just bought Grammarly. Hopefully, that helps.

A Woman's scent

My Name is Jordon James Jackson, but people call me JJ.

I was born blind with congenital nystagmus, making my eyes move from side to side involuntarily, and damaged optic nerves. I can see the light and shadows.

The shape of someone walking towards me with the sun behind them gives me my best view of them. My hearing is fantastic, and my sense of smell is off the charts.

My Mom told me that the others develop more to compensate when you miss one of your senses.

My Parents are very Smart. They both teach at Cal, and my mom has tenure.

My parents did their best to keep me protected whilst growing up; I was a curious kid that had to know why and how everything worked. I had three secret weapons: my nose, hearing, and memory. I used my two senses to lock in my memories.

If I heard you speaking and could smell you, I could lock that in my memories and never forget you. I can remember what I heard and smelt almost every day of my life.

I breezed through elementary and High school by the time I was 12.

University was a little more time-consuming. I got my Master's at 16 and my Ph.D. from CAL, just after my 18th birthday. My Ph.D. in chemistry was for me to become a materials scientist and a chemical engineer; basically, anything to do with the olfactory factors on our planet today and the chemicals combined to make any smell. People call me the smell Doctor.

My sense of smell hasn't always been a good thing. When I was 10, I kept smelling strange scents on my father, so I asked my mom about it, and she said, "let's play a little game with this. Tell me when you smell those smells on your father, and I'll keep track of the day and the times."

"Mom, I already know all the days and times. The first one was four years ago, October 12, and the last was yesterday for a total of 26 times."

I sensed Mom was upset, but I didn't know why. She just held me and cried.

My Dad moved out shortly after that, and now he lives back East, somewhere.

Mom and I we very close after dad left. We usually played games while doing stuff; I would tell her where we were in the city by the smells drifting in the air. I could tell her what restaurants we passed by, either the smell or the sound in the area. Mom constantly challenged me to push my gifts to their limits.

When I was 12, we started talking about people's scents, and I told mom that I could smell the difference between every person I've ever met.

Mom was astounded. The best way for me to lock in a person's scent was to hug them and listen to them introduce themselves. After a while, I only shook the men's hands, which was always close enough for me.

That was the basis for my whole education. I went to University to learn the chemical makeup of smells and their relationship to people's memories and emotions.

During my Ph.D. thesis, I pinpointed the different pheromones in men and women by smell. Most men are so disgusting; their Androsterone is produced in male sweat after exposure to oxygen, basically their body odor. It's proven that Women find it unappealing, but they downgrade the smell to a neutral odor when ovulating. I guess that's why men's fragrances are so popular.

But a woman's smell is a kaleidoscope of fragrances that delight the senses and thrill the soul. I can walk past a woman and tell you if she's On her period or Ovulating, whether she's in her first week or her 3rd week.

A woman's smell changes with age and her weight much more than men's.

So this time, I decided to specialize in the female side of things.

During my time at Cal, my department set up a series of tests to see how accurate I could be. One hundred women volunteered to exercise for 1 minute and then walked into my smell chamber, explicitly made for me. It was an eight by 8 ft room with exhaust fans and filters.

Each girl would enter, read a pre-worded statement that included their age and height, rotate one complete turn with their arms out wide, and then leave. My job was to write down the week of their hormones and menstrual cycle and whether they were ovulating or on their period.

As a bonus, I wrote down what I thought their body mass index (BMI) was and their ethnic background.

I scored 98 % on the menstrual cycle.

92 % accuracy on the BMI accuracy

90 % on the ethnicity accuracy.

One lady had an unusual acrid odor that we later discovered was Cancer, but I won't get into that right now.

The one thing that this back story of mine is leading up to is my infatuation with women and their amazing smells. I can remember every girl I have ever met from my earliest age and what she smells like. Puberty changes a person's smell, so I have decided to try to forget all my early smell from people.

My talent started young, but I didn't know anything about sexual smells back then. When I got to university, I began to document and pay attention to the different ways they wafted their sweet aroma at me. I was blown away by Doctor Sup Wu, a professor of sexual medicine at our university, as we sat and talked for hours about how I could determine many things about a woman by their smells. She has one of the most distinctive aromas of all the women I have ever smelt.

As we worked together one day, I told her of her unique smell, and she started to cry. I was lost as I didn't comprehend the situation. With great reluctance, Sup told me she was born a boy but has always identified as a woman. I was so excited and honored that she would tell me her secret that I immediately promised to guard it with my life. Doh Sup, as her friends called her (Doctor Sup in Thai ), and I became best friends, and she begged me to work in her department with her.

I told her I had other ambitions but told her I would volunteer one day a week. She hugged me and thanked me profusely, telling me that she would reward me handsomely for it and that Volunteers are not subject to the morality codes of the University and can mingle with the students all they want.

Doh Sup asked if Fridays would work for me, and I said yes. Doh Sup's students got ready all week and had me come on Fridays to prove or disprove their experiments and theories. On our first Friday, I smelt another unique smell, and Doh Sup quietly confirmed that a transgender student named Billie was in her class. It was at this class that I first heard my Nickname come up. Two girls at the back of the class were talking about the Hound, and I heard it a few more times during the class.

I waited until the class quietly listened to one of my responses, and I politely asked them who this hound you girls keep talking about was.

You could have heard a pin drop; Dr. Sup Wu was the first to speak up.

"JJ, I'm sorry, but there's a nickname for you that's been going around for the last few weeks since your smell tests in the lab. The girls have been calling you the Hound." Doctor Wu said.

I smiled for a few seconds while thinking of my reactions and how this could be a pivotal moment in my Campus life.

"Thank you, ladies; you could not have honored me with a better nickname; the Hound has 300 million scent receptors in his amazing nose, and I hope I can live up to this amazing animal's reputation. Can I ask you all a favor? Can we put Doctor JJ in front of it? I think I can live with JJ The Hound or Doctor JJ the Hound."

The whole class stood up and applauded me, with some whistles from the back of the room. I waved my hand over my head and laughed at myself.

"Just for ribbing me with a new nickname class, I will give you a small homework project to bring back next Friday. Please choose an animal, write out its Olfactory compartments in its nose, and label the M.O.E., the S.O. The V.N.O. and the G.G. If you don't know what those are, look them up. I'll give you one answer, G.G stands for the Grueneberg ganglion, and Class, I will Smell you next Friday."

After class, some of the students begged me to come out partying with them, and as I had nothing to do except go home to mom, I agreed.

With 12 girls and me as a group, we rolled through two parties before we got to a Girl's sorority bash that was loud and rocking. I felt like a rock star with a girl on each arm guiding me thru the party. This was new territory for me as I didn't partake in the campus party scene before as a nerdy guy. I noticed no Male scent floating around the party and wondered if this was a girl's party only.

A few minutes later, the music turned off, and the DJ turned on the microphone to say a few words, "Ladies, Can I have your attention, please? We have an extraordinary guest with us tonight. I would like you to welcome our very own Campus celebrity, Doctor JJ Jackson, or as some of you might have heard, his nickname Doctor JJ, the hound. There was a good laugh and small applause from the ladies. In a loud, drunken voice, one of the ladies said, "Is it true you can tell everything about a lady just by her smell. The silence was deafening as I thought of my response.

"Ladies, I'm sure you are all lovely and just want to enjoy the party tonight; I don't want to disrupt your fun, so I will just say yes, I can."

The DJ got back on her microphone and asked, "All right ladies, maybe we can convince JJ to give us a small demonstration if we ask real nice."

Loud applause, and many girls said 'please' from all corners of the room.

How can I say no to this? I thought to myself.

"All right, ladies, but I get to set the parameters of the demonstration. I want you to choose ten girls representing the different hair colors and ethnicities as much as possible." As this was happening, someone put a drink in my hand, and I kindly asked her to hold it until after my demonstration, "I can't drink and smell at the same time. It throws me off."

"Ok, girls, please clear an 8-foot circle and have each girl come in one at a time. First, tell me your full name, hug me for 2 seconds, and then leave the circle."

There was a shifting of furniture and people before someone led me to the circle's center. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my inhaler that cleansed my nose after each girl--just a little castor oil before I smelled my skin to reset my nose each time.

The first girl walked in and told me her name was Susan, hugged me, and walked out.

"I know Susan is a brunette, Thanks to their more active sebaceous glands. Earthy musk meant eastern European ancestry, probably Ukrainian.

Susan screamed from the corner of the room, "Oh my God, that's amazing."

Everyone laughed and clapped. I got a blond next, and it was easy to put her as Norwegian as they have a light flowery smell.

Everyone clapped again, and I heard the DJ's microphone turn on.

The DJ said "Doctor JJ; it's rumored that you can tell a woman's cycle by her smell. Is that true?" All the girls in the room went silent.

I didn't want to go down that road and wanted to decline their question politely.

"Yes, I can do that, but that is a private issue, and I won't divulge that information publicly." There was a sigh of disappointment from the girls. "But I will whisper it in their ear, and if I'm right, they can give you a thumbs-up as confirmation of accuracy."

The girls all laughed and agreed to my terms. The rest of the girls went thru, and I got them all correct with thumbs up until number 10. I was confused. I thought they sent the same girl through twice, but there were faint differences. As I stood there, they were all beginning to laugh.

"Can I get number 4, Donna? Come up again, please," the laughing stopped, and a few seconds later, Donna walked up. I smelt Donna again and then smelt Daisy.

As I figured out the deception, I smiled.

"You tried to fool me by sending up sisters; by the smell of them, they are Identical twins."

The roar of laughter and clapping was an incredible feeling; it confirmed that all my years of study and efforts had paid off. I was indeed the hound.

Daisy and Donna were my escorts for the rest of the night and were wonderful. They even escorted me upstairs to the bathroom.

When I came out of the bathroom, Donna asked how I see people, do I feel their faces or form a picture in my mind. I explained that I started a memory with their voice and smell that I will never forget.

"JJ, would you do us the honor of feeling our faces?" Daisy asked me in a calm voice. How could I refuse two wonderfully smelling girls that sound like angels from heaven? My thoughts went to a place that nerds rarely enter.

The, 'I might get lucky and lose my Virginity' place. Donna and Daisy escorted me to their room and closed the door.

"JJ, you sit on the bed, and I'll get a bench so we can sit in front of you," Donna said as I heard Daisy walk across the room and pick up the bench.

I heard the girls rumble around the room for a minute and listened to some clothes hit the floor. I was asked to feel Donna first. I raised my nervous hands to the sound of her voice but immediately stopped when I touched her mouth. I have not felt many faces over the years as I didn't need to remember them.

Donna's skin was soft and beautiful; I continued all over her face and moved onto her head and ears. It was beautifully symmetrical, and her ears were warm and soft.

She had a small skin tag behind her right ear that I glued into my memory bank.

I worked my way down her neck, and her beauty began taking shape in my mind. I reached her shoulders and stopped going back up and doing everything reverse. When I was done, I heard squeals from behind me, "My turn," Daisy said.

Their voices were identical, and their smells were almost identical. I realized I would have to remember their physical forms to be able to tell them apart. I went over Daisy the same way I went over Donna, and there was no skin tag, but there was a small lump of skin in her hair crown. She confirmed she got stitches there when she was little.

I was so busy with my fingers that my nose was not paying attention to the musky smell now emanating from both girls.

As I finished, the girls started to giggle, "JJ, can we do you now? We will close our eyes, so we have to use our hands as well." one of the girls said.

"Yes, I would be honored to volunteer for your studies," I said laughingly.

They stood me up and took off my shirt and pants. I was placed in the center of the bed; one sat at my waist and one at my feet. I reached up and felt Donna's right ear to confirm she was on my waist, and Daisy started at my feet, exploring every inch of my lower body while Donna studied my chest and face.

I let my hands explore Donna's arms, breasts, and waist as I found she was naked.

Her body smell and her pussy's pheromones mixed in my nose, causing me to get harder and harder.

"SWITCH," Daisy said from the bottom.

As Donna got off my waist, I could feel the wet spot she had left behind. I couldn't help but wipe the area with my finger and stick it in my mouth. Wow, I could feel her, taste her, smell her, and hear her. I can lock this girl into my mind forever.

As Daisy sat on my stomach, she bent down and started kissing my eyes, forehead, and ears. Before she got to my mouth, she kissed me like an angel with the softest caresses, nibbles, and a little firmer. It was about this time that I had to confess to the girls.

"Ladies, I have to confess, I am not very experienced in relations with girls, I am a virgin, and Daisy just gave me my first kiss." I blurted out.

The girls giggled, and Daisy said, "Don't you worry about a thing JJ. We will take good care of you." More giggling followed her statement.

Daisy lowered her lips and began kissing me again; I followed her lead and kissed as she kissed. My underwear was pulled down, and Donna said, "lift your bum," as she continued to remove them.

The first moment I felt a warm mouth on my penis, I came like a fire hose. Donna kept her mouth clamped around it and swallowed it all.

"Wow, that was quick, JJ, but don't be embarrassed. I promise you will last much longer the second, third, and fourth times you come." Donna said.

I could feel the caring in her voice; she was going to take good care of me.

Donna started planting kisses all over my groin area, kissing and sucking my balls and taint while slowly playing with my shaft and avoiding my sensitive head.

Daisy was trying to show me how to kiss a girl, the way she likes it, and I followed her every move. I was on sensory overload. My cock was getting harder by the second, and it wasn't long before Donna said, "He's ready, Daisy"!

Daisy lifted her ass, and Donna rubbed my cock back and forth on her pussy

I could feel it go over the hole and then onto her clit back and forth many times.

Finally, Donna stopped at her entrance, and Daisy sat down slowly. All my dreams of sex were nothing compared to the real thing. She slowly worked it all the way in and stopped.

"Wow, JJ, you have a thick cock. It's stretching my pussy out," Daisy said with a smile in her voice.

I could only smile and feel her pussy clamp down around my cock.

I have a seven-inch cock, but I wasn't sure what thick was because I've never seen or felt another cock.

Daisy started to bounce slowly and lift off my cock. It felt so good that my mind began painting pictures of pleasure in a new way. I felt her pussy walls contract around my cock, sending pleasure spikes shooting through my body from my toes to my head. It was almost overwhelming me. Daisy was rubbing her clit; I could hear her fingers working away like she was strumming a guitar. As she did this, her pussy walls spasmed and tightened. It was truly glorious to feel the sensation transfer to my cock, and then the spikes of pleasure exploded through my body.

My eyes exploded with sparks of light, and I looked at a dimly lit room for a second or two with a beautiful blond girl silhouetted against the ceiling.

I could feel the juices flowing out of her and running down between my legs, over my asshole, and onto the bed. I now knew what the wet spot meant after people had sex. Before today it was just words.

Daisy is bouncing and gasping; she is getting into fucking me. I have never felt pleasure and excitement in my body even close to what I was feeling; my body was electrified, and joy surged through my veins to every part of my being. My soul was bouncing around in my body. Finally, it peaks, and I scream "I'm coming." as loud as I can.

Daisy strums her clit at a blurring speed and screams, "Me Tooooo." As we bounced around the bed for a few minutes, convulsing, I now knew what pleasure really was. Before I could comprehend anything else, Daisy lifted herself off my cock and kissed me hard and passionately. As Donna licked and sucked my cock clean of all juices. This took about 2 minutes as Daisy rolled over beside me.

"You get 5 minutes of rest JJ, and we are ringing the bell for round 2," Donna said.

I lay there stupefied by my pleasure sensors and receptors when a memory flash ran up and slapped me. Did I just see their bedroom with my own eyes?

I didn't get a chance to think too long about it when Donna grabbed my face and kissed me hard.

I could not tell the difference between Donna's and Daisy's kisses. They were so similar. My mind went dark right away; maybe they practiced on each other. My cock tingled at the thought.

"Ok, Baby, you will learn to eat some pussy now." Donna moaned.


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