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Alex, the Good Son Ch. 07

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The painting is ready. I lose and... win.
3.6k words

Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 11/16/2022
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Alexandre was pounding mom hard and fast.

She was lying helpless on the bed. Her eyes were gazing at me pleadingly...

'Don't do it... Please...' I wanted to say it loudly. Nothing came out of my mouth...

I tried to move toward them and it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. I couldn't move...

"Mom I love you..."

Mom's hand shook my shoulder, "Alex, what's wrong?"

I opened my eyes and saw her standing, all smiles...

"Alex, it's such a beautiful morning! I was waiting for you to wake up, so we can go eat breakfast. Instead, you are spending our precious time sleeping... I would have let you sleep a little bit longer, but your body was jerking and your mouth mumbling something about 'mom'... What was it about?!..."

I was too embarrassed to tell her, "Oh nothing mom, just a stupid dream..."

It was later than our usual breakfast time, and the buffet had a long line in front of the food tables.

Mom stood in line and I looked around.

"Hi Sandro, do you guys have plans for after you finish here?" It was Alexandre.

"I am not sure. Let's ask Venus..."

Mom saw Alexandre and me approaching. She chuckled, "What are you two plotting there?"

"Madame, you look marvelous this morning! I wonder if you and Sandro would like to come to my suite after breakfast to see your picture... I worked on it until midnight. This morning I looked at it again and I like the final 'product'. However, I am biased, so I'd rather see what you think..."

Mom, happily, "Sure. I'd love to see what came out of my first modelling experience."

Alexandre, "Guys, I eat breakfast with a group of friends. I'll see you at 10:15 in my room."

Mom smiling, "He is so nice. I wonder how the painting turned out to be..."

I looked curiously at her happy face. I said nothing.

At 10:15 we knocked on Alexandre door and he let us in.

The 25" by 20" framed painting was in the middle of the room, with the sun shining on it.

It showed a shoreline with a bent palm tree, just outside the foamy sea waves. Mom was naked, resting on her back on the bark. Her body was beautifully, and fairly accurately I might add, displayed in the sun. Her hair was hanging loose on her shoulder and the face was shaded by a large palm branch...

I loved it!

"Venus, what do you think? Your face is perfect, but I was thinking that since others may see the painting, you do not want them to recognize you..."

Mom whispering, "It is beautiful. Thank you..."

"As promised, I'll paint one more picture of you. Would you like me to do it now or later?"

Mom stared at me for a second or two and then said, "Let's do it now!"

Fifteen minutes later Alexandre's equipment was ready.

Mom undressed. Alexandre suggested that she tie her hair in a ponytail.

He put a tall chair by the window and asked mom to sit on it with her back straight, one hand on her hip and the other on the window frame.

This time Alexandre let me sit behind him and look at his progressing work.

Initially he drew a faint shape of mom sitting up. Shapely legs, delicate hands, a perky breast proudly protruding forward, long neck and a younger looking mom with a ponytail bound hair...

He was mixing the colors and gradually I could recognize mom's figure appearing on the canvas.

The hair was finished but the face not done yet.

About 40 minutes into the painting, Alexandre moved the frame sideways and declared, "Guys, I'll finish everything later. Tomorrow I'll show you the 2 painting side by side and you'll choose which one you want to have. Now, can we sit down and have a small chat?"

Mom and I watched him as he was talking. His short pants revealed a bulge up front. Mom smiled...

Alexandre, "Madame, in my opinion you are prettier than Venus. I'd say that you look more like Helena of Troy... And you Sir, remind me of a powerful king, Alexander the Great!..."

Both mom and I looked at him... Stunned...

"Children, life taught me a lesson. Think before you act...

When I saw you naked on the private island having wild sex in front of me, I became very aroused. Back then if you invited me to participate in a Menages a Trois, I would gladly join you. Later in the evening I made the first painting by memory. Madame, seeing your amazing beauty in the jacuzzi and the pool was both inspiring and... made me horny. I had to paint you... And I wanted to have sex with you right there...

The hotel guests that were approaching interrupted our potential threesome.

As I said, over the years I learned to be cautious. I didn't know anything about you two - Are you a cougar and a gigolo? Could it be that the two of you are criminals?... I had to check it out...

In the resort I am a VIP. Staying for 2 months and knowing the management allows me special privileges. I got your real names within 10 minutes. Searching on line, I found out that you are a mother and son... Look, French people are much less judgmental about sexual acts & preferences than Americans, so the idea that you sleep with each other is not problem. I was also impressed that you truly love each other...

Madame, my impression is that you are caught in what I'll call 'Resort Magic'. The ideal weather, tasty cocktails, clothing optional environment, freedom from prying eyes of family members - All lead many guests to sexual liberation.

It is intoxicating and often I feel it too. I've had multiple encounters with resort guests and even some of the staff...

As I said Helena, your pretty face and majestic body make me want to conquer you every time I see you naked!

In spite of it, I decided that it won't be a good idea... Your son is young and loving. He may let you have sex with a stranger, because he noticed that YOU wanted it and were ready to do it. But I think that in the long run it may cause conflicts between you two... Incest between mother and son may not be ethical, moral or even legal in some countries, but in some cases it creates a beautiful relationship between the two participants. However, adding another person to the mix may eventually lead to jealousy, sour feelings and even destroy families. My advice - Please don't do it!...

Guys, the current painting will be ready tomorrow morning.

I'd love to see you around and paint Helena again, if you feel like it..." He took mom's hand, kissed it gently and gazed into her eyes.

Mom blushed profusely, "Alexandre, you are a good man... And you are right..."

I recalled my morning bad dream...

We hurried out the door and back to our room.

"OK mom, what do you want to do today?"

"I am still thinking about Alexandre's speech... Did you agree with him?..."

"Mom, he was right saying that I love you and I'd agree to everything YOU wish. I also concur that the atmosphere in this place is very... sensual. But I don't think that I'd hate you if you had sex with Alexandre or anybody else..."

"Alex, I love you very much too. Unlike you, and I can see it now... adding a third person, especially one that we do not know anything about him, may be tempting, but it is risky!...

Let's go downstairs and ask the concierge about the safety of night swimming. Later on we can kayak if you are up to it..."

At the front desk the clerk was polite and happy to help, "We do not have a lifeguard after 7 pm. Over here the sea water is considered very safe, even during the late evening hours. There were no problems that I know of since I started working in the resort about 6 years ago."

"Alex, so it's settled. After dark we'll enjoy basking in the warm ripples of the sea. Right now we can choose between tennis, snorkeling or kayaking... Any preference?"

"If we go in the water later on, I'd rather play tennis."

Devilish smiling, "OK. But don't be a crybaby if I win..."

"Mom, I played a lot of football, some basketball and little baseball. I watched Federer on TV a couple of times and played with one of my friends 5 times... I haven't seen you play though... How about a bet. If I win the game, I can do with you tomorrow whatever my pervert mind come up with. If you win, you can do with me anything I agree to..."

"Honey, did I understand you correctly? Whether I win or lose, you still are in charge tomorrow?!..."

Laughing loud, "I never claimed to be fair or a nice person... YOU always thought that I was... I'd love to be free to choose MY wishes for once! And you have guessed right. My wish will include using and abusing your gorgeous body..."

"You know, Alexandre was right... Over here I feel so free of all the civilized world constraints... Before I was ashamed to curse... And it never crossed my mind to relive sexual pleasures again... To think that I'd blow my son and then let him fuck me!... It feels so weird... and unexpectedly fun..."

A tennis court was available for us an hour later. It was a nice one, with good net, new yellow balls and a variety of rackets to choose from. Mom selected a Head and I grabbed a larger Wilson.

We had a 10 minutes 'training session' and then we decided to start a real game.

Mom served first. She tossed the ball in the air and hit it hard. The ball passed by me with me barely seeing it...

"Mom, where did you learn how to play? Did you go to Serena Williams school?..."

Mom giggled, "Did I forget to mention that I used to be on the tennis team in college? These days I play infrequently with other ladies in the gym..."

Realizing that she was better than I thought, I decided to take the game more seriously. I did my best. The game ended up 6:4 in favor of mom... I was royally humiliated!...

We were sweating. The hot sun was merciless.

"Mom, let's call it even and get out of this hot court..."

Laughing at me, "My son the cheater... math was never my favorite subject at school, but I can still count to 6..."

"OK, YOU win... I hoped that as a smart woman you'll understand that all men have inferiority complex... Losing to a woman is a real shame! And you are even older than me by... 10 years..."

Mom couldn't contain her laugh, "You are so right. I still remember delivering you when I was still in elementary school. It was 12 years before I met your father... So you and Jesus have something in common..."

"Mom, embarrassing me on the tennis court is one thing. Humiliating my math skills is another insult! I'll have to tie your hands above your head, gag your mouth and spank you like the bad girl you are!!!"

"Alex, the concept sounds interesting... But we can talk about it later. Lets go now and drink cold lemonade.

We were back in our room to take a shower and then a 2 hour siesta.

"Alex, I am older, so I take a shower first!"

"Mom, I am taller, so I go first..."

"Honey, what are you saying?"

"That I want both of us taking a shower together. You'll soap my back and I'll do the same for you..."

"Lover, I wish I could trust you, but... whatever. Let's go."

The shower was very fancy. The tub was large and jets could come out of 3 different places separately or together...

I stood up front, enjoying the warm jets hitting me from above and the sides.

Mom joined behind me and started soaping my neck and shoulders.

"Alex, your back muscles are bulging all over... Your football training must have been a tough one!"

"Yes mom. If you are not strong enough, other players push you around."

She continued soaping my back, doing it thoroughly but... lovingly.

She then went down to my ass cheeks.

"Did anybody ever tell you that your ass is very cute?..."

"Not yet mom. Did you mean a girl trying to compliment me or... a guy with certain intentions?!..."

"You are so naughty..."

"Mom, it's my turn now. Turn around."

Now that I was behind her, I gazed at her perfect body, and for the million's time was amazed at it...

"Honey, are planning to soap me today or let me freeze to death, while you masturbate watching my rear?..."

"Mom, I adore you... It's difficult for me to have your naked body in front of me and restrain my cock..."

Chuckling, "Buddy, let's finish here first and then decide what to do about your unruly organ!..."

I soaped her shoulders. While doing it I kissed her neck lightly. Her body shivered.

I used the soapy sponge to move to her back. Initially I made circular moves in the center and then I used both hands to soap the sides 'accidentally' hitting the boobs every now and then.

Whispering, "You are so bad... I knew I couldn't trust you! Instead of helping me clean myself, you are making me horny..."

My hands moved forward, massaging her awesome tits. The nipples were hard before I even reached them...

"Sorry mom, my hands slipped... I'll try to behave..."

I went down to her round ass cheeks. They were smooth and soft to the touch. My hand moved to the crack.

Her legs spread apart for me. I soaped her cute puckered hole and then reached her cunt, which felt 'soapy' before the soap was even there... Mom was aroused!... She stayed silent.

I stood behind her and gently fingered her pussy. Her legs opened wider.

She moaned and leaned forward against the cold wall.

I carefully massaged her G spot, while my thumb was lightly touching her anal sphincter.

Mom pushed her back into my hand.

I slowly inserted my thumb into her ass, making sure that it was well soaped.

Her moans grew louder and she was now moving her hips in sync with my fingers.

My cock was throbbing, threatening to burst any moment...

At this point If mom was aroused, I was even more aroused! by far!...

I kissed her neck again and whispered in her ear, "We need to get out of the shower. It is too slippery here. I want you so much right now!!!"

I removed my fingers from her sexy body and lovingly showered her back side.

Then she turned around, looked me in the eye, put her arms around my neck and French kissed me.

We hurried. The towels were barely wet when we jumped into bed...

Her hand found my erect pole and squeezed it.

"I want you inside me you son of a bitch! Playing with my vagina is one thing, but using my other hole feels naughty and tremendously exciting..."

I 69 her. Her hot lips found my large cock and seconds later her love making to my dick began in earnest.

My face leaned against her cunt and my tongue began dancing around her puffy labia, occasionally reaching her clit, causing her body to squirm.

My saliva lubricated finger moved to her ass crack and circled her sensitive hole.

Mom pushed against my finger. I gently let it in, slowly advancing it further.

Mom's breathing intensified and her sucking became more powerful.

Another finger of mine neared her anus. Again mom shoved her back against my hand.

With extreme caution I penetrated with my other finger inside her hole. I let both fingers rest, waiting for her sphincter to stretch out and then relax around my my fingers.

Mom's mouth was wrapped around my shaft and she was vacuuming me like never before.

Her muffled groans were audible.

I used my thumb to rub her clit and seconds later her body began shaking uncontrollably.

Her mouth disengaged from my tortured cock and she began screaming, "Oh God!... Oh God!!!... It's so strong!"

I continued fingering her clit and both holes for the next 5 minutes and her powerful orgasm continued all this time. I watched her with amazement...

I let her rest for few moments. Her mouth was partly open to catch her breath, while her eyes were closed.

Then she opened her eyes and smiled at me, "I love what you do with my body... My climaxes are so satisfying! But you didn't cum yet! Let's just hug for 10 more minutes and then we'll continue. Son, I want YOU to have now as good an orgasm as I had. And even though you are too embarrassed to tell me what you REALLY want, it's OK... Go ahead, but please, be gentle! At least in the beginning... With a huge cock like yours, I'll need a lot of lubrication and patience..."

"Mom, I love you so much now!..."

I grabbed the KY jelly from the drawer (I brought it with a couple of condoms and several 'accessories', just in case...), and put it on the night stand.

I caressed mom's face and kissed her. She returned my kiss and turned her back to me.

I hugged her waist and then kneaded her tits. They were warm and inviting.

Mom's hand found my partially engorged dick and she started a slow up-and-down motion on it.

I pinched her nipple. She gasped and her hand applied more pressure on my pole.

I descended with my hand all the way to her pussy and found her love button. I tickled it.

Mom began moaning and her back pushed against me.

I Moved her hand from my prick toward her wet pussy and inserted my cockhead into her snatch.

I lubed my middle finger and gently penetrated her anus.

She whispered, "It feels so good..."

I waited for a couple of minutes and then inserted my second finger.

She sighed, "I am so aroused now that I may cum any minute... Put it in now!..."

I lubed my erect cock very thoroughly, removed my fingers from her hole and very gently pushed my cock against her virgin back hole.

Initially her sphincter contracted and didn't let me in, but gradually it relaxed and the head began moving forward.

Mom put her thumb in her mouth and continued massaging her clit with the other hand.

As my cock was trying to find it's way in, mom's breathing sounded labored.

Her moans stopped and her clit rubbing became more intense...

After about 10 minutes or so, the mushroomed head was all inside of her.

Mom did not cry, but I knew that first time had to be painful in spite of all the precautions...

Now that the larger part was all in, I waited patiently for her anus to adjust further and accommodate the large girth in it's orifice.

Moment's later mom's sphincter muscle relaxed around my cock and I started pushing it slowly forward.

I spread more jelly on my cock and continued shoving it inside.

It took few more minutes, but then my sac met her ass cheeks, I was all in!

Carefully my organ began it's retreat and then forward again.

The hole was stretched to it's maximal capacity and it wrapped me like a glove.

Mom's body, that in the beginning was frozen ( Due to fear?... Pain?...), started moving in and out of me.

I reciprocated and my slow pounding was rocking her body.

Mom began moaning again and she whispered, "Your cock is so huge... You stretched me to the limit... I felt that any moment you would rip me apart... I thought that I would die... But now it feels good again!

Please be gentle with me, but I want you to fuck me! Yes Alex, Fuck my ass! I want you to cum in my bowels!..."

Gradually I increased the pace and she was now reciprocating with my movements.

Her moans became loader and her hand was furiously massaging her clit.

Mom's ass was now voluntarily accommodating my cock movements.

Nearing my climax, I was shoving my cock at full speed.

"Mom, I am about to cum now!"

The first jet hit her bowels and her sphincter suddenly contracted on my shaft, temporarily preventing me from further emitting my juice into her.

She started crying, "I can't stop it!... I... am... explo...ding...!!!"

Then her body jolted a couple of times with her sphincter relaxing around me.

The painful boner now continued spewing its hot semen into her accepting hole.

It felt so good to ejaculate inside her tight back tunnel...

My softening cock slowly retreated and the last few drops landed on her crack.

I hugged mom.

Her shudders gradually diminished and her body relaxed in my arms.

She leaned her head against my chest.

I whispered in her ear, "Mom, I hate myself for hurting you..."

She turned to me and I saw tears in her eyes. Mom smiled, "Yes Alex, initially it was painful like hell... I cursed myself for letting you use my ass! But you were very gentle. It took forever, but once your monster was already in, it started to hurt less and then it felt good. Later, the friction became pleasurable and then it was very arousing... My orgasm hit me like a freight train!... It was so strong, that the pain was worth it...


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