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All in the Family Pt. 03

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A male learns submission from his mother-in-law.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/26/2016
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It was just before eight on Saturday morning. Jodi and I were drinking a cup of coffee waiting for Mistress Amy to arrive.

"Mother Baxter, what are you doing here this morning?" I asked.

"I have an eight o'clock appointment with a naughty boy." She replied. "...and he is making me stand here on the porch. I think I'll add to his punishment for being so inconsiderate."

Jodi gave her mom a hug before inviting her to take a seat on the sofa.

"I told you I found all of your files." Jodi said. "I got your user name from the computer and asked Mom if she'd pose as Mistress Amy. She's told me all about your fantasies...Everything the two of you chatted about. You're a very kinky boy; I mean really... do you really want to drink my pee? That's what you told mom..."

"Well, I think we should get started." Mrs. B interrupted. "Jim, that coffee smells great. Go fetch me a cup. I take mine black."

When I returned, my wife and her mother were chatting quietly. Mrs. B told me I needed to strip. She sipped on her coffee as she watched me remove my clothes. She was amused when I paused before taking off my undies, but she just motioned for me to continue. I stood there naked with my wife and her mom staring at me.

Mrs. B wore a knee length leather skirt that hugged her hips and white button up blouse that did little to contain her breasts. The top few buttons were open, I assumed to tease me even more. Her nipples were erect and poking through the thin material and her tits hung freely since she wasn't wearing a bra. I could feel my cock stir and tried to cover up, but she swatted my hands away.

"When naked, you will never try to hide your cock from me or any of my guests." She announced. "I will provide you with clothes to wear when appropriate. Otherwise, you will spend the entire day naked; even if I have company."

"Mom!" Jodi interrupted. "I'm not sure..."

"Don't worry dear." Mrs. B said. "I know what I'm doing. I'll protect his modesty when I have to but I think most of my friends would enjoy seeing a man prancing around the house in his birthday suit. Besides, you did tell me that you wouldn't interfere with my plans. I am in charge here, right?"

"OK." Jodi said reluctantly. "I'll leave it up to you."

"Have you been a good boy this week?" My mother-in-law finally asked. "A good boy takes care of his wife's needs and does things to make her life easier. Today we will begin teaching you how to do that. You already have a punishment coming for making me stand outside, but we have a lot to discuss before that and I think we should start with some basic rules."

Jodi was enjoying my predicament. She had her cell phone out and was taking pictures of Mr. Happy who had started to stir. Jodi was wearing a pair of short shorts. She was sitting with her legs spread and stroking her kitty.

"First, when you are being disciplined, all women are superior to you." Mrs. B said. "You will address us properly. Ma'am or Mistress is appropriate unless directed otherwise."

"Remember, you can continue to address me as Mrs. B or Mother Baxter when you are not being punished." she added. "And your life can return to normal when I am done. That is of course, unless Jodi changes her mind and wants to make this a 24/7 arrangement."

"Second," she continued. "You will need to shave all the hair from your body from the neck down. Whenever you present yourself to me for punishment I expect you to stand facing me with your body clean shaven and naked. Your eyes should be downcast and your hands clasped behind your back. We'll take care of shaving you when we finish here."

"Third, erections are only allowed when they are authorized." She continued. "Personally, I enjoy watching a man with his erection in plain view and ready for my use. But when you are being punished, I expect you to keep it under control. Any unauthorized erections will be dealt with appropriately."

"Yes Ma'am." I said.

"Finally, your head should be bowed in the presence of a woman as a sign of respect." She said. You should never stare at a woman unless she specifically gives you permission to do so. After all, she is your superior. I noticed you were staring at Brenda the other night. In fact, I've noticed this quite often. I understand she is quite beautiful and often teases men by dressing the way she does; but your attention should be focused on your wife, not her sister."

"Yes Ma'am." I agreed. "I know I shouldn't stare at Brenda, but sometimes I just can't help it."

"Well you'll will pay for that today. See your wife sitting there? She's who you should be worshipping. She's going to help me punish you for coveting her sister. Look at how she's masturbating just thinking about it." Mrs. B said. "Now, do you understand everything I've told you?"

"Yes Ma'am." I replied.

"Then why are you erect?" Mrs. B asked. "Jodi, would you get me toy bag out of the car? I hadn't planned on using them until this afternoon, but I need to reinforce a point here. No unauthorized erections."

A few minutes later my mother in law was holding a short riding crop as I stood before her with my hands on my head.

"I'm going to give you five taps on your cock and then masturbate you for one minute." She announced. "Then I'm going to repeat the process. The second round will be ten strokes and two minutes of masturbation. I will continue the process increasing the number of strokes and the length of masturbation until you fail to get an erection. Then you can thank me by falling to your knees and kissing my feet."

After three rounds I was on my knees. I remained there worshipping her feet while she discussed my upcoming punishment.

"Good. Let's talk about the punishment you begged me to administer." She announced. "Today is just an orientation. I have a few things planned for this morning and you'll receive a paddling this afternoon for any failures. You've already earned two, one for staring at Benda and the other for making me wait on the porch this morning."

"The punishment you requested begins next week." She continued. "You will be at my house and ready for inspection by 8 o'clock Saturday morning. Following inspection we will review what you learn today and correct any deficiencies."

"Then we'll proceed to your training and daily chores." She announced. "I'll have a different list of things for you to do each day. Eventually you'll learn to do all the things that Jodi does for you now. I'll still expect you to do all of my yard work as well. Just like you do now."

Each day?" I asked.

"That's right." She replied. "I've decided your punishment will last for a week. When you come on Saturday, make sure you bring enough clothes to last you. Just bring your work clothes, you'll be naked from the time you arrive at my house until you leave."

"You will be trained and do chores all morning on Saturday and Sunday and for a couple of hours each evening." She said. "Then we'll focus on exploring some of the things we talked about on line. After that we will discuss the day's events and take care of any punishments that are due."

"I believe in corporal punishment," She continued. "But we'll explore some other options as well; especially when your bottom isn't available for a proper paddling."

"When it comes to administering corporal punishment," she added. "I have a few basic rules I always adhere to. First, you will be crying by the time I finish. In fact, you will be begging me to stop before I'm through.

"Second, I expect you to thank me. You should be sincere and respectful, especially when begging me to stop. I may even ask you to do something for me to prove your sincerity, and you'll agree to do it before I consider ending the session. It might be something you find enjoyable, other time not so much."

"Third, no erections. If you get an erection during your punishment, I'll add to your punishment until it's gone. Punishments are not about pleasure. If you have an erection, I can only assume you're enjoying yourself, which is unacceptable. Even if you learn to enjoy my spankings, I'll find something else that you find less enjoyable."

"Finally, I'm not really sadistic, although you might think I am from what I've told you. I don't enjoy the sight of blood and I won't leave any permanent marks. I've been doing this for years and have never caused a permanent injury. If you suffer an injury, such as broken skin, we will stop and take care of it. If your buttocks becomes too swollen or bruised to paddle, we will stop or find another way to ensure you've learnt your lesson for the day."

"Do you have any questions at this point?" She asked.

"No Mistress Amy." I replied.

"At the end of the week there will be a party." Mrs. B said. "You remember me talking about Rhonda and our little group? There are eight of us now and we still keep in touch. I always enjoyed hosting our little parties but haven't been able to attend, let alone host one since my husband got sick. I've really missed them. So, I told Jodi I wanted to host a party as part of your punishment. You'll be the guest of honor and serve me and my friends for the weekend."

"A party?" I asked.

"That's correct." Mrs. B replied. "It will be the weekend following your training with me. You'll arrive after work on Friday and help me prepare. The girls usually start arriving during the afternoon on Saturday and stay as long as they want. We usually play until early in the morning on Sunday. When we were younger we played all night. You'll fix us a nice brunch on Sunday and clean the house after everyone has left."

"One thing that happens at every party is a trial. Any of the women who feel their boys have been naughty can bring them before the group and present her case." Mrs. B continued. "We've disciplined husbands, brothers and even Betty's son who just happened to come home from college the weekend she was hosting a party. The trial doesn't last long and when we find the boys guilty, we sentence him to a punishment and join forces to administer it."

"I guess it's a symbolic replication of the night we punished Rhonda's husband." Mrs. B said. "...but it really gets the women worked up and sets the tone for the rest of the party."

"You mean if you find him guilty don't you?" I asked.

"No, I mean when!" She replied. "The ladies haven't lost a case in five years; although technically I guess it is possible. But don't worry, you confessed to your misdeeds, remember... and I even recorded it."

"Now, let's get started with your orientation." She announced. "Go shave. Remember, everything below the neck. Take a shower and make sure to clean yourself well. Remember, any deficiencies earn you a punishment. Jodi and I will be up to supervise in a few minutes."

"That looks much better." Mrs. B said as she inspected me. "Let's get started with your training. I think we'll start with a little pampering. How about a sensual back massage? I think Jodi would enjoy that. Then we can move to the feet where you will learn to give a nice foot rub. I'll teach you how to suck a woman's toes and kiss her feet properly."

"Wow that sounds wonderful." My wife said. "I can't wait for the foot rub. I just love pedicures, they're just so relax..."

"Pedicures are next on the list." Her mother said. "You can have him give you one every night if you want. We'll also teach him how to give manicures. Today we'll teach him how to pamper you properly. Anything you want, just ask and we'll make sure he knows exactly how to do it."

"Wow." My wife said. "If that's what a FLR is about then maybe I'll reconsider wanting it full time. But let's see how today goes first; I think you said a back massage was first on the agenda."

I spent the rest of the morning pampering Jodi and her mother. After lunch we headed to the living room where Mrs. B had me kneel in front of her and Jodi.

"Today we are punishing you for staring at Brenda. You know you shouldn't be looking at other women, especially your wife's sister. Since you know better, you need to be punished for it." Mrs. B announced. "Your staring is disrespectful to Brenda and humiliating for Jodi. Furthermore, you need to be punished for making me wait on the porch this morning instead of inviting me in."

"As punishment, Jodi and I will give you a spanking with the hairbrush followed by a strapping and finally a paddling." Mrs. B announced. "You will accept your punishment and thank us when done. Jodi will start with the hairbrush."

Jodi had me lie over her knee. There wasn't any warm up and she made no effort to keep me aroused. Slap, slap, slap. She drove the brush into me, alternating every few swats to make sure both cheeks received their fair share. When she was done she had me stand in the corner while she discussed what had happened with her mother.

"That was a nice job, dear." Her mother said. "You can grab his arm and hold it behind his back to keep him from squirming so much. Make him get up on his toes so he presents his butt to you. I'll show you what I mean."

I was over Mrs. B's ample lap when I heard the doorbell. She was in the middle of her set and I was already in tears.

"That's probably Brenda." Mrs. B said. "I told her to meet me here to go shopping. Jodi, could you let her in... I'm a little busy right now."

"What's going on here?" Brenda asked as Jodi returned with her sister. "Mom, why are you spanking Jim? I know he's kind of into this, but..."

Jodi explained the situation and the fact that her mother was going to train and punish Jim for a week beginning next Saturday. Jodi watched as her mom blistered my tail, and Brenda just stared in disbelief.

"Brenda, would you like to give it a try?" Jodi asked. "After all, we're punishing him because he is constantly staring at you. This is your chance to give Jim something that he deserves."

"Really?" Brenda asked. "In that case, I'd love to."

Soon I was over the lap of the woman I had fantasized about for years and Mrs. B was instructing her how to swing the brush while holding me in place. She seemed to be a natural. She hit harder than Jodi and nearly as hard as her mother. She noted how cherry red my butt was and her mother told her it would be scarlet by the time they were done. When Brenda was done I had to stand in the corner again. I heard the clicking of cell phones and knew they were taking pictures again.

The strap was next. Mrs. B provided a demonstration as I was bent over one of the dining room chairs. When she finished, Jodi took over. She continued slamming my ass until her arm tired. She handed the strap to Brenda. I begged her to stop but she just kept going, just like the energizer bunny.

"Beg me to assist in your punishment next week." Brenda demanded. "In fact, beg to allow Meghan to help out too."

"It'll be a family affair." Mrs. B said.

"That's right Mom," Jodi agreed. "I think that's a wonderful idea."

She continued her assault until I agreed. I was in tears and still had the paddling to endure.

They changed my position for the paddling. They led me to the bedroom and had me lay with my butt even with the foot of the bed. Mrs. B hopped up on the bed and straddled my chest. Her weight pinned me to the bed which made breathing more difficult.

"Lift his legs up so I can grab hold of them." She said. I'll hold him while you girls use the paddle. Jodi, you get on the left side and Brenda can get on the right. Keep paddling him until I tell you to stop."

"They're going to paddle you until you beg me and the girls to punish you. You'll agree to anything we tell you to do. In fact, you will beg to submit to any woman you meet for the duration of your punishment." Mrs. B said. "I want to record it on my phone. Girls, concentrate on his thighs, I think his butt has had enough for today."

I cried for nearly an hour after Brenda and my mother-in-law left. When I recovered I told Jodi that I didn't think I could go through with being punished by her mother. Jodi smiled and replayed the recording of me begging for punishment.

"I don't see that you have much choice, dear." Jodi said. "I have this recording and a bunch of pictures of you being spanked by me and my mother. I think you would really be embarrassed if they were sent to your family and friends. Besides, did you see how happy mom was when she was spanking you? I think she enjoyed herself and you do want to keep her happy don't you?"

Everything seemed like it was back to normal for the next few days. Jodi never brought up the subject of a FLR and I was on my best behavior. Sex was good. Our lovemaking started with me providing oral sex for Jodi followed by her riding my cock until she came multiple times.

Mr. Happy seemed to have a perpetual erection and my sexual stamina was improving. I didn't know why, but I always seemed to be aroused. Even at work, the sight of my female coworkers seemed to arouse me to the point of an erection.

Jodi attributed my newfound libido to her taking charge in the bedroom. Little did I know that she had purchased some herbs and supplements that increased sexual arousal and performance. She had been feeding them to me daily for the last week and they were beginning to have the desired effect.

By Wednesday my bottom had recovered. The pain was gone and the swelling had subsided. Looking in the mirror, I couldn't see any lasting effects from my ordeal.

We went to bed early on Friday night. Jodi wanted a couple of orgasms which I provided her by mouth. Instead of mounting me as she had done several times during the week, she rolled over and went to sleep. She told me I'd need all of my strength tomorrow and reminded me to get up early and shave before leaving for her mother's house.

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someonesGoodBoysomeonesGoodBoyover 1 year ago

OH MY GAWD! OH MY LORD! Please more!!!

lona58lona58about 2 years ago

thank you ,a good story and perfect idea of his m.i.l. i enjoyed it much hope to continue the series.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 2 years ago

One star for failing to finish this story and for over-the- top BDSM without a safe word. Just a beating is not erotic and this website is supposed to be erotic.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Honestly, because she has a few photos she thinks she can blackmail him. Are you all really stupid. She shows the photos? He goes to the police and tells them that they blackmailed him and hit him and then? Does this author really believe the nonsense he is writing? I agree with "mattenw" when he suggests that your protagonist should divorce this slut. Not because she spanked him, but because she grossly hurt his trust. She secretly set a trap for him with her mother. Trust in such a person is lost forever. Yes, I also think, in your story such things don't play a role, you care what a perverted thing it is that his mother-in-law and his wife can hit him. But what kind of partnership is it really, in which one's wife betrays her husband with intrigue?

mattenwmattenwalmost 3 years ago

Alone for this cheating that she betrayed him with her mother, it is quite natural that he divorced the whore. And I would sue the mother. So he has every opportunity to take revenge on the two whores. But not in your story, because your protagonist is just an idiot who cannot defend himself!

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