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Ashelin Stumbles

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A beautiful redhead stumbles into a situation.
5.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 04/25/2005
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Ashelin Stumbles

The sun shone brightly as Ashelin stepped out the backdoor of the house she rented. She stood on the patio and took in a deep breath as she got ready for the morning run. Ashelin had taken a new job Cherry Springs University and moved into town just a few days ago. This was the first day she was able to go running, and she was eager to get to it.

The woman pulled her natural red hair back into a ponytail, strapped her phone to her arm, and took the time to make final adjustments on the black running bra and matching black shorts she was wearing. While she admitted that her 30-year old body wasn't in the best shape, she knew that she could still turn heads.

Stepping down off the patio, Ashelin started jogging, taking off at an easy pace. While she was getting unpacked and acclimated to the town, she had looked for some routes to run. Some of the streets looked promising, but she was more interested in the path through the trees that edged her backyard.

The footpath was easy to navigate, with very few sticks and rocks in the way to provide hazards. After the first couple of minutes, Ashelin found herself feeling the familiar burn in her legs that came with jogging. She had decided beforehand that, until the area became more well-known to her, she would only jog out for a mile before turning back.

The trees provided enough shade to shield her from the beaming sun, as well as a pleasant view to go along with the exercise. Ashelin preferred running in places like this instead of the street. She felt at home when surrounded by nature.

As she continued jogging, the terrain changed a bit. The path led uphill, with the edge on her left. She slowed her pace, the incline making her calves burn more. She reached the top shortly, and Ashelin pushed forward. After a few more minutes, she came to a brief clearing in the trees. Slightly ahead and to the left, at the bottom of the hill, she saw a yellow one-story house. The back of the house was surrounded by a wooden fence and contained a pool as well as a patio table and chairs.

Ashelin's viewing angle changed as she continued on her run. Coming alongside the house, she could see down almost directly into the backyard. That's when she saw the man lying nude on a lawn chair by the pool. He was a toned Black man, lying face down with a towel in between him and the chair. Ashelin grinned slightly at the sight of his athletic ass, glistening in the sun.

While she was watching, the man turned over on the chair. His thick, flaccid cock laid prominently between his legs. Ashelin was surprised by the sight, not prepared at all to see a handsome, naked man on her morning run. With her attention on the figure below her, Ashelin wasn't focused on the ground beneath her feet. She stepped down on a loose rock and slipped. Before she knew what was happening, Ashelin found herself sliding down the hill. Rocks and twigs scraped at her limbs as she tried to slow her descent and gain some control. She came to the bottom of the hill and stopped right before she hit the wooden fence.

Ashelin lay there on the ground, feeling pain all over her body. She sat up slowly, wincing at the pain coming from her ankle.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" she heard a deep voice ask from behind her. Ashelin turned around and saw the Black man standing over her, the towel wrapped around his waist. "I heard you tumbling down the hill. Do you need help?" Ashelin could only nod, the pain, and the man's attractiveness, making her words stick in her throat.

"Here, let me help you," he said, reaching his hand out. Ashelin took his hand and allowed him to help her stand up. She let out a groan and leaned against the man as pain shot up from her ankle. The man leaned down and let Ashelin put her arm around his neck. Even through the pain, Ashelin couldn't help but notice that the man smelled faintly of coconut. Supporting her weight, he led her to the fence door and into his backyard. With care, he helped her into the lawn chair.

"I'm Kurt," the man said with a compassionate smile.

"Ashelin," she responded, slowly getting into a more comfortable position on the chair.

"Well, Ashelin, it looks like you have some scrapes and bruises. I'm gonna get a first aid kit for you, okay?"

"Yes, thank you," she nodded. Ashelin watched as Kurt went through the backdoor into his house. While he was inside, Ashelin took the time to examine herself more closely. She had a few scrapes on her arms, legs, and torso, as well as some bruising, but it wasn't as bad as she initially thought. Most of the pain came from her ankle, and that just felt like a mild sprain.

Kurt came back outside, this time wearing a pair of red basketball shorts and a white undershirt. He had the first aid kit in one hand and a bottle of water in the other. "Here you go," he said, offering Ashelin the water. She thanked him before opening the bottle and taking a drink. Kurt opened up the kit and looked up at Ashelin. "Do you mind if I take care of this for you?"

Ashelin looked into Kurt's brown eyes and felt her heart flutter. "I don't mind at all," she responded softly.

Kurt's hands were surprisingly gentle as he rubbed Ashelin's scrapes with an antiseptic pad. Ashelin was so enraptured by Kurt's toned physique and the light sheen of sweat on his arms that she didn't pay attention to the sting as he cleaned her wounds.

"So you do a lot of running?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah, I run about 3 times a week. I just moved into town, so this was my first morning run since coming here."

"I can tell. You have the look of a runner," Kurt said, his hand moving another pad gently over a scrape on Ashelin's stomach.

"Thank you. You also have a very nice body," she responded, the image of Kurt's naked form flashing in her mind. The moment the words were out her mouth, she heard how they sounded and winced. "I-I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that," she stammered.

Kurt smiled at the compliment. "It's okay." He looked up and saw the redness of Ashelin's cheeks. "Our first meeting was with me wrapped in a towel."

This last statement caused the redness in her cheeks to spread further. Deciding to spare her any further embarrassment, he changed the subject. "So you're new in town, huh?"

"Yes." Ashelin paused and closed her eyes as Kurt's hands slid up to her ribs. His fingers lightly grazed her chest, sending a shiver through her body. She took a deep breath before continuing. "I got a new job at the university."

"Oh really? What do you do?"

"I'm a professor of literature."

Kurt grinned. "So you're a professor?"

"Yes, I am. And trust me, I've probably heard all of the 'sexy professor' comments people can make," Ashelin said with a smirk.

"So I can't ask you for extra credit?"

Ashelin responded with a laugh. "I've heard that one a lot, but this is the first time in a while it's actually made me laugh."

"I'm glad I could make you laugh." Kurt stopped what he was doing. "Okay, turn over so I can get the scrapes on your back." He watched as Ashelin slowly turned over on the lawn chair. She turned her head so that she could still see him.

"And what do you do?" she asked as Kurt started back at his task.

"I'm an attorney."

"So then you know my pain when it comes to hearing all the jokes."

"Yeah, I do," Kurt said with a chuckle.

Ashelin tilted her head to get a better look at Kurt's face. "So is there a lady in the house that's gonna come out here, see this, and fly into a jealous rage?"

"No, I'm single," he said with a smile.

"Lucky for me then," Ashelin said softly before closing her eyes.

Not knowing how to respond, Kurt just let the comment hang between them. "There's a scrape that goes beneath the waistline of your shorts," Kurt said after a few moments of silence.

"Where at?"

"Right here," he said, lightly touching her on the curve of her back right above her rear. "I can leave it alone if you want."

Deciding to have a little fun with him, Ashelin reached down and pulled the band of her shorts down, exposing her athletic ass to the sun and Kurt's gaze. "That's okay. You've already done this much, may as well finish," she said, not even bothering to look at him.

"Finishing is something I do well," Kurt said without missing a beat.

Ashelin didn't say anything as she felt the man's hands pressing on her bottom. Her breathing became shallow and she bit her lip to prevent a moan from escaping her mouth. Kurt's hands pressed gently on her ass while he administered to the final scrape. He finished, and let his fingers linger just a little bit longer before gingerly pulling Ashelin's shorts back up.

"All finished," he said, standing up. Shifting her weight, Ashelin turned to lay on her side, facing Kurt. He was cleaning up the little mess that was made. Her eyes drifted down, and she saw a slight bulge had formed in Kurt's shorts. Ashelin licked her lips and grinned.

"Thanks. I feel much better already."

"Glad I could help," Kurt replied, winking at her. He went inside the house to put everything back. While he was inside, Ashelin sat up straight in the chair and fixed her outfit, making sure everything was in its proper place. When Kurt returned to the backyard, she greeted him with her friendliest smile.

"I can't thank you enough for helping me," she said to him.

Kurt sat on the edge of the chair at her feet. "How could I lay back and not help an injured woman who just about dropped into my lap? What kind of man would that make me?"

"I guess I stumbled into the right man, then." A few moments of awkward silence passed between them.

"So how's your ankle? Is it any better?"

Ashelin slowly stood up from the chair. She winced, feeling a little pain from the pressure in her ankle. "It's a little better, but still hurts when I stand."

Kurt held out his hand, helping the woman sit back in the chair. "Let me help you out. I wouldn't feel right having you walk home like this. I'll drive you."

"No, no, that's not necessary. I'll be okay," Ashelin tried to reassure him.

"No arguments. I'll get my keys, and make sure you get home safely."

Ashelin smiled. "Thank you."


Before closing the door behind her, Ashelin waved at Kurt, who was back in his car after helping her to her door, and smiled. Even though the ride from his house to hers was only a couple of minutes, it was a pleasant one, with Kurt giving her some information on Cherry Springs. She just hoped that, with his eyes on the road, he didn't realize she kept glancing at his crotch. The memory of his toned body laid out in the sun was burned into her mind and would not go away.

While walking back to her bedroom, Ashelin glanced at her phone. Before he left, the two of them had made sure to exchange phone numbers. "Just so I can make sure you're okay," Kurt had told her. Ashelin knew there was more to it than that, though. The hug he gave her as they parted spoke of more than just a friendly interest in her health.

Back in her bedroom, Ashelin peeled off her jogging gear and tossed them into her laundry hamper. She padded barefoot and naked down the hall to her bathroom and turned on the shower. She stepped in the tub, the warm water stinging her scrapes at first before the pain subsided.

Standing under the water, some of the tension began to leave Ashelin's body. But not all of it. Her eyes closed, she kept seeing that moment where Kurt turned over on the chair, unknowingly showing her his manhood. She wondered what would have happened at that moment if he knew she was there, looking at his athletic body in the sun.

Ashelin felt a familiar stirring growing from the depths of her body. She flashed forward in her memory, to her lying on the chair and Kurt's hands on her body. She replayed the moment when she pulled down her shorts. In the shower, her heart was racing as her body remembered the touch of Kurt's hands on her round cheeks. Ashelin slid her hand down her smooth flesh and touched her clit, not surprised to feel it engorged and peeking out from under her hood.

At this point, the scene playing out in Ashelin's mind began to differ from what really happened. Kurt lowered his head and started kissing Ashelin's back, starting from right below the band of her sports bra. She felt his lips trace a path down the curve of her back. His hands began kneading the flesh of her ass, groping each side tenderly while the kisses continued. She squirmed on the lawn chair as Kurt pulled her shorts down further, letting them dangle from her feet.

In the shower, Ashelin grabbed the removable shower head and turned the dial on the outside rim, changing it to its pulsating setting. She aimed it between her legs, the flow of the water onto her pussy sending shivers through her body.

In her mind, Kurt turned Ashelin over on the chair. He took in the view of her neatly trimmed red pubic hair before slowly spreading her legs. Ashelin gasped as the man's tongue found her clit and traced circles over it. She wiggled her hips, grinding her wet cunt on Kurt's face. Ashelin reached down and started stroking his smooth, shaved head. Kicking the shorts off, she placed her feet on Kurt's back.

Electricity flowed up from her pussy through her body. Kurt's started gently sucking on her clit, drawing it into his mouth. His tongue flicked rapidly over her sweet spot, alternating between up-and-down and left-to-right motions. Ashelin moaned, her fingers digging into Kurt's head.

Lifting his head a moment, Kurt used his right hand and pushed two fingers into Ashelin's dripping box. He stroked them slowly, in and out. Kurt felt her pussy muscles quivering around his digits. He pulled his fingers out and gazed at the sight of them covered in Ashelin's sweet, sticky juices. He reached up and placed his fingers on her lips.

"Open," he commanded. Ashelin opened her mouth and let Kurt slide his fingers into her mouth. She licked and sucked them, cleaning her cum from his thick digits.

Kurt leaned back down and continued licking Ashelin's wet box, making her back arch. Her erec pinkt nipples strained against the fabric of the sports bra. Ashelin's breathing became shallow and faster, her stomach moving up and down in an increasing pace.

Moving his tongue in quicker motions, Kurt reached under and cupped Ashelin's ass. He lifted her lower body off the lawn chair, causing the woman to squeal in surprise. At that point, Ashelin knew she had to let go. She gripped the edges of the chair as an orgasm flowed through her body. Ashelin's skin felt electric as she climaxed, her cunt pulsating with excitement. Kurt ceased his licking and kept his mouth over her hole, making sure to to catch every drop of Ashelin's flowing cum.

Back in the shower, Ashelin sighed deeply. The tension that had built up in her body was gone, seemingly being carried away by her cum as it flowed down her pussy to be washed away by the waters of her shower.

Ashelin finished bathing, stepped out the shower, and wrapped a towel around her body. Walking back to her room, she got an idea. She picked up her phone and pulled up Kurt's number. Just got out the shower and feeling much better, she typed before hitting "send." She smiled, hoping that got an interesting conversation going.


Standing in her bedroom, Ashelin checked herself out in the full-length mirror on the back of the bedroom door. She was wearing a skirt and sleeveless crop top set that was light blue with a pattern of cherry blossoms. Because the skirt was above the knees, it showed off her smooth, athletic legs, and the crop top was cut to show her waist. On her feet she wore a pair of black strappy sandals. She had left her hair to just drape naturally around her shoulders. Ashelin smiled at the image she saw in the mirror. After work, she had went out and bought this outfit just for this occasion. She was going out to dinner with Kurt, and wanted to make sure she wowed him.

The two of them had been communicating all week, sending text messages and calling each other at night. It was Kurt who, the night before, had suggested that he take her out so they could get to know each other better. The idea of spending Friday night with Kurt immediately made her smile and she agreed quickly.

Ashelin heard the doorbell ring and gave herself one last look in the mirror before going to the front of the house. She opened the door and, seeing Kurt standing there, gave him a wide smile. He was wearing a pair of khaki slacks with a maroon polo shirt and some black casual shoes. Ashelin saw Kurt's eyes go wide when she was revealed in the doorway.

"Hi," she greeted him. She went to hug him and gave him a light kiss on the cheek.

"How you doing?" Kurt responded, reciprocating the hug and kiss. The two of them engaged in small talk while they walked to Kurt's car, a gray BMW convertible. He helped her into the car before getting in and starting the engine.

For dinner, Kurt took Ashelin to a restaurant in town. The establishment served Italian food and had space cleared in the center of the room for a dance floor. Soft, slow music played from speakers hung throughout the space. In the intimate setting, they talked more, finding out about each other's likes and dislikes. She also found out that Kurt's last relationship had been over a year ago.

"Is that why people keep glancing at us?" Ashelin asked.

"It's not a big city, so word gets around," Kurt answered. "One of the local attorneys being seen with the new university professor? This is gonna be weekend news."

"I guess it doesn't hurt that you're the most handsome guy in here. Some of the women are probably wishing they could swap places with me," Ashelin said with a smirk.

Kurt reached across the table and held Ashelin's hand. "Let them be jealous then," he said, winking. He kissed her hand, and Ashelin blushed at the gesture, her cheeks turning red. "Come on, let's dance," Kurt offered. The two of them stood up and he led them out on the floor.

Kurt placed his hands on Ashelin's waist, and she laced hers around the back of his neck. Kurt's nose filled with the scent of Ashelin's light, citrus-scented perfume.

"That perfume smells good on you."

"Thanks," she responded with a smile. "It's one of my favorite ones to wear."

"Well I'm glad you chose it tonight." He pulled her in a little closer, their torsos touching. His hands went around to the small of her back. Ashelin could feel his crotch pressing against her.

"This is nice," she said. She closed her eyes and placed her head against Kurt's chest. She could hear his heart starting to beat faster. She pressed herself a little more into his groin. At that moment, she felt Kurt's semi-erect cock through his pants. She looked up at him with a smile. "I think you're enjoying this too." Glancing around to make sure no one was looking, she quickly reached down between them and touched his bulge.

"Of course I am," he responded. "What guy wouldn't?"

With her hand still on his crotch, hidden between them, Ashelin leaned her face up and kissed Kurt on the lips. "And now there are men who probably want to change places with you," she said with a smile.

"Come on, let's go back and eat our food before we decide to just go home hungry," Kurt said.

After dinner was over, the two of them decided to go back to Kurt's place for a couple of drinks and just to relax. Kurt drove with the top down on his car, the warm night air blowing Ashelin's hair around. It was difficult for Kurt to keep his eyes on the road when he constantly wanted to look over at the beautiful woman sitting next to him.

After arriving at Kurt's house, Ashelin sat on the couch in the living room while Kurt went into the kitchen to get their drinks. He came out with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"Do you mind if we take this out to the backyard?" Ashelin asked as he poured the wine.


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