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Beth & Michael: Games

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The new lovers enjoy their first erotic game.
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As Michael and Beth approached the door to her dorm room, they smelled scented candles wafting from behind the door. Since Michael was carrying a big box of Beth's belongings to help her move in, she opened the door and entered first.

They were greeted by the sight of a naked girl, sitting on top of her bed in lotus position, chanting with her eyes closed. Before they could utter anything, she put up a hand to "shush" them. Beth and Michael grinned and shrugged their shoulders at each other. Michael quietly walked over to the far corner and set the box down on Beth's small dorm desk.

"Ahhh ..." The girl let out a huge sigh, stretched her arms high over her head, opened her eyes and said, "Oh!" She reached over, grabbed her robe and began putting it on.

"Sorry," Beth began. "We didn't mean to startle you. Michael is helping me move in."

"It's okay," she replied, rising from the bed and walking over toward them. "I always meditate in the nude, so it's not the first time people have walked in on me. I'm Carly, by the way," she said as she extended her hand to Beth.

"Hi. I'm Beth, and this is Michael." Carly then shook hands with Michael, who had a bemused look on his face.

Carly was like a 5'3" force of nature. She had long, dark chestnut hair that shimmered in the sunlight. She was slim with an intelligent face; penetrating milk chocolate eyes that didn't look at you as much as probe inside you; and a serene smile. Since she hadn't bothered to close her robe, Michael also surveyed her petite, half-moon breasts with their perfectly centered dark pink buds. Her skin was a light rose with very little tan. She had a smattering of moles scattered along her chest and belly. Her hips were womanly slim and rounded. Her brown bush had been trimmed and shaved into a heart above the rosy area of her sex, which led to soft, shapely legs. She seemed remarkably unselfconscious about her body, which Michael found enticing.

"So, are you my new roommate?" Carly asked Michael.

"Afraid that would be me," Beth answered.

"Pity," Carly replied as she looked Michael up and down. Then, she turned to Beth and said, "I'm just playin'. It's nice to meet you, Beth."

"Same here," she answered. "Obviously, you're a freshman too. Are you also new to the area?"

"Yeah. I live in Lansing. My Dad went here, so I'm a legacy, I guess," Carly explained.

"We were just going to finish unloading the car and then going to grab some lunch. I'm not a native, but we have been here about a week. If you'd like to join us, we can show you what we've learned about the campus," Beth offered.

"Thanks. That sounds great," Carly said with a smile. "I suppose I should actually put on some clothes and get ready while you two unload. If you need any help. Let me know," she said as she disappeared down the hall toward the bathroom.

Beth looked down at a swollen Mr. Johnson and remarked, "You know, she was meditating. Maybe he should try doing a little of that."

"Oh, believe me; he's very much lost in thought," Michael replied.

"If I had known you were such a horn-dog, I might have had to think twice about your father's offer to go out with him instead of you," she teased.

"Madam, I was born under the sign of the libido, and I have tried to strictly adhere to its tenets!"

With a smirk, Beth said, "Okay, Mr. Libido. Why don't you haul your cute butt back out to the car and finish unloading before I have any more naked roommates show up."

In his best Homer Simpson impression, Michael said, "Ahhhhh .... Naked roommates."

"Give me a break," Beth said as she rolled her eyes and headed back down the stairs for another load.

Michael smiled and watched her walk away. "Hey! Speaking of cute butts ..."

The three strangers slowly became three amigos as they talked over pizza and soda all afternoon. They discussed high school, their impressions of college, hopes, dreams, and other such worldly concerns. Beth told Carly about Michael's housemate, Keith, and about his nudist and horny girlfriend, Kelly. They also described the rental house on the lake that Michael lucked into finding, thanks to his father.

"Man, that sounds amazing! Why do you even have a dorm room? I'd be there all the time."

"I am there a lot," Beth answered, "But, I want a place on campus too. That way Michael can kick me out when he gets tired of me."

"Yeah, she is really hard to be around," Michael said with feigned seriousness.

"I like to study people's auras, and you two may be the most in love couple I have ever met. Your auras improve and strengthen when you are in each other's company. I mean, dude, you are a total babe," she said to Michael, "And, as much as I'd love to play hotel maid with you, I adore seeing the effect you two have on each other."

Beth and Michael looked at each other with knowing smiles. "Thanks, Carly. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me." Michael hugged her.

"I discovered this amazing thing last year called sex, and my ex, Taylor, and I must have set some kind of record for humping. That was intense, but now, I want what you two've got," Carly said.

"While you were setting the horizontal mamba record, I was setting dating-the-high-school-douche-bag record until I finally pulled my head out of my ass and found this guy," Beth replied.

"But, you do have an awfully cute ass," Michael interjected. "If I was going to insert my head in some kind of ass-like, YOURS would be my first choice."

"You're such a bonehead," Beth said. He made a hurt face. "Anyway," she said as she turned back to Carly, "You're incredibly sexy, Carly. You've definitely got someone out there."

"Finding bedmates isn't hard ... finding a soul mate ... that's a challenge," Carly replied.

"Maybe you could come to one of Keith and Kelly's 'Game Nights,'" Beth offered, half-jokingly.

"Game nights?"

Beth then told Carly about the conversation she and Michael had with Keith and Kelly over brunch last weekend.

Kelly told them that they often invited friends over to play games. She went on to describe various situations in which people got naked, touched, rubbed, licked, and sucked other willing people. Kelly added that everyone operated under a strict non-penetration rule.

"She said that she is madly in love with Keith," Beth said, "And if you saw his cock you would know why. He's got the biggest dick I've ever seen!"

Michael cleared his throat and pointed at his flagging manhood with his eyes. Beth just shook her head.

"Kelly said that the two of them love to feel good. They love to touch and be touched by other people, but she never, ever lets any man inside her except Keith. He said he felt exactly the same."

"Did they go into detail about any of the games?" Carly asked.

"No. They said that was part of the fun. People get invited knowing only that some or all of them will get naked with each other and that everyone will be made to feel very, very good. When the game's over, they're all so horny that they go fuck their brains out with their lovers."

"Damn, girlfriend! You've got to get me invited to some of those!"

"I don't think it'll be a problem," Beth said. "They are really cool." Michael nodded his agreement.

"When do the games begin?" Carly asked, feeling herself moisten.

"Don't know," Beth answered. "Kelly said we'll know when we know." Beth was feeling a bit excited herself and reached under the table to caress Michael's crotch. He was big and bulging, and she discretely began rubbing him.

Michael wasn't sure how he was going to stand and walk out without embarrassing himself, but he motioned for the check so that he and Beth could go somewhere and finish what she started. Carly knew she was going to go back and spend a little bonding time with Sparky, her electric boyfriend. All of them were looking forward to the first game.


Michael came out of the shower with just a towel around his waist, getting ready for work. He saw a rose with a red ribbon laying on his pillow and a pink envelope beside it. He opened it, and it was an invitation:

"Aloha! You are cordially invited to spend an evening in the islands with Keith and Kelly and an assortment of their uninhibited friends this Friday from 9:00 pm until?? Food and drinks from the islands will be provided and contributions are welcome, as long as they fit the theme of Carribbean sand, surf, sun, and sex! Wear your sexiest swimsuit (though you won't need it for long) and bring plenty of your favorite tanning oil (You WILL need that).

BYOB (Bring Your Own Babe) RSVP (We hope you can make it)"

Michael looked at the time. Beth would probably be out running before chem lab. So, he texted her to get back to him ASAP. She called him late morning, and he filled her in. She relayed the info to Carly later that day and got an enthusiastic response.

After work, Michael picked up Chinese take-out, swung by to get Beth, and went home for dinner with Keith and Kelly.

"So, what do you think?" Kelly asked them as she scooped some Kung Pao chicken onto her plate.

"It sounds intriguing," Beth answered, "But, what is the game?"

"Touch," Kelly responded.


"The power of touch," Kelly replied.

"There's almost nothing more powerful than touch," Keith explained. "You've probably heard about those experiments in which babies given identical nutrition, warmth, clothing, etc. failed to thrive when they were denied touch. Participants will be matched to random partners and encouraged to touch each other. Sensuously, creatively, lovingly. The experience should make you feel sexy and vital and adored."

Beth let out a deep breath. "That sounds amazing. What do you think, Michael?"

"It ... sounds ... intense."

"What does that mean? Do you want to join them?"

"Yes. It sounds great," Michael replied a bit unconvincingly.

"I've got one question, though," Beth said to Kelly. "Would it be okay if Carly came?"

Kelly remembered the naked yoga story and assumed Carly would fit in with this crowd. "Sure. The more the merrier."

"She's concerned about the BYOB part. She broke up with her boyfriend when she left for college and hasn't met anyone here yet," Beth explained.

"What's she like?" Keith asked.

Beth started to answer, but Kelly cut her off and asked Michael to describe her.

"She great. She's smart and funny, and ..."

"Describe her ... in detail," Kelly ordered.

"Okay," Michael answered. "She's got long brown hair that she usually wears up or in a ponytail. She's very pretty with big brown eyes and has a smart look about her, like she's very aware of things."

Keith listened as he continued eating. Kelly watched Michael talk and watched Beth's reactions to the things he was saying. Beth was amused by Michael's awkwardness.

"She's got a great body," Michael continued. "Some guy is going to be very happy with that."

"Details," Kelly prodded.

"Okay. She has really sexy, round tits and nice pink nipples that are usually erect." He was starting to get self-conscious at the three sets of eyes focused on him. "Uhm ... a nice figure ... nice ass ... uhm ... trimmed bush that is shaped like a heart ..."

"What's her pussy look like?" Kelly asked. Beth was trying to hold in a laugh as Michael struggled with this assignment.

"Well, I haven't seen everything, but, you know, it's ... I mean ... she's got a really nice pussy from what I could tell ..."

"Was she aroused when you saw her?" Kelly asked matter-of-factly.

"You mean, was she, like, open and stuff?" he asked in discomfort.

"Yes," Kelly responded, "Were her labia inviting you to explore their moist private secrets? Was she getting wet standing there vulnerable and naked before you? Did you notice her breathing grow more feverish as your smoldering eyes soaked up every detail of her beauty?"

"Uhm," he stammered with a small crack in his voice.

Kelly rose from her seat and walked toward Michael. "What was she thinking as she watched your eyes ravish her firm, young breasts and sweep down with widened pupils as you hungrily sought the details of her sex? Was she imagining how your body looks? How you feel? What you smell like in the throes of passion?"

Then, without warning, Kelly reached into Michael's gym shorts and wrapped her hand around his turgid cock. Beth froze and stared at them. Michael's body stiffened at the surprise invasion of Kelly's warm hand wrapped around his loaded weapon.

Suddenly, Keith burst out laughing. Kelly released Michael and went back to her dinner. Keith was laughing so hard he almost fell off his chair watching Michael's and Beth's reactions.

"Sorry about that, kids," Keith said when he stopped laughing long enough to be able to speak. "This is Kelly's way of testing to see if you are ready for the games," Keith said as he took a napkin and wiped away tears from his eyes. "In our games, people other than yourselves will be intimately looking, rubbing, and touching the two of you. If that makes you uncomfortable, it's better to find that out now."

"Michael, I've wanted to play with that cock of yours since the day we met," Kelly said, "But, I would never do anything to hurt you or Beth. We already think of the two of you as part of our family. I just wanted to see if both of you could handle having another person touch you intimately. So, what do you think, Beth?"

"I was definitely caught off-guard," she said, "But, it's really no different than when I held Keith in my hand that afternoon. I think I understand, and I'm cool with it. What about you?" she asked as she turned to Michael.

"That was intense," he said. "But, I have to admit that I froze partly because I was stunned and partly because I was afraid I was going to shoot all over Kelly's hand!"

"Charming," Beth teased.

"So, does that mean you two are UP ... for the games?" Kelly asked as she peaked over at Michael's bulge on the word "up."

Michael looked at Beth and answered, "Yeah ... we're in."

"Cool," Keith said. "I've got a buddy, Evan," he said as he looked over at Kelly for her approval. She nodded her agreement. "Sounds like he'd be perfect for Carly. He's a mechanical engineering major, but he's very much into holistic stuff. I think they might just hit it off."

"Great!" Beth exclaimed. "She'll be psyched."

They finished their dinner, and Beth and Michael cleaned up. Kelly and Keith went to the library to work on projects. Beth and Michael went to his bedroom, lit some candles and gave each other massages and hand-jobs. They kissed and rubbed each other until she said she had to go back to her dorm to get ready for bed and for her 7:00 am math class in the morning.

Michael dropped her off and was welcomed back home to the sounds of primal grunting and some kind of hip-hop music coming from Keith and Kelly's room. He stripped and got a little more oil for himself, closed his eyes and tried to recall the feel of Kelly's warm hand around his swollen member. He brought himself off to that memory and went to sleep. He was looking forward to Friday.


As soon as he got off from work on Friday, he drove by the pick up Beth and Carly. They went to a Cuban restaurant for a quick dinner and headed to the lake house.

When they arrived, a small group was moving furniture, putting down mats and getting ready for the evening. They offered to help, but Kelly told them everything was under control and to go relax. They changed into their swimwear and walked down to the dock. Michael smiled when looked at Beth. He'd had many a masturbatory fantasy thanks to Beth in her bikini around his family pool back home when they were growing up, and he always got happy when she was wearing her suit.

"Carly, I love your swimsuit. The color looks perfect on you," Beth remarked. It was a light aqua and blue two piece that left little to the imagination.

"Thanks, but what I wouldn't do to have a body like yours. You ought to be a model. Seriously."

"I've told her the same thing about two thousand times," Michael chimed in.

"Thank you both, but I'll stick with school and a future in medicine," she replied.

Their conversation was interrupted by the sounds of Rasta music suddenly cascading down to them from the house above. They looked up and saw the lights had been brought down low, the fire pit on the deck had been lit, candlelight was scattered throughout the house, and a few people were already on the deck drinking tropical drinks and mingling. The trio walked up the hill to join the crowd.

"There you are," Kelly said when she saw them. She was dragging a gangly guy with mounds of curly brown hair towards them. "Evan, this is Carly. Carly ... Evan."

They shook each other hands and smiled as they surveyed their blind dates. "Okay, kids. Here are the rules for drinking. You are all underage, so if you drink the rum drinks, you have to promise that you will not go crazy and that you will spend the night. The games are much more fun if no one gets killed or picked up for DUI," Kelly explained. All four of them nodded in agreement.

"Excellent. Go grab some food, a drink, and relax. We're waiting on a few more people, and then we'll get started," Kelly said as she went off to greet guests and keep the festivities lively.

The two couples went out on the deck with four rum punches, found some cushions in the corner and sat facing each other. It turned out that Evan looked a little nerdy, but he was actually very funny and had Carly laughing and holding onto his arm in no time. Beth was crossing her fingers for Carly.

"Aloha, everyone, can I have your attention," Keith bellowed into a microphone hooked into the sound system. "Will everyone please move into the love ring in front of the fireplace?" He waited as they all assembled and got comfortable. "First, let me welcome you to my and Michael's humble abode." Michael gave a small wave of acknowledgement with his hands.

"Some of you are new. Some I won't recognize until you take your clothes off," he said to general laughter. "So, let me explain tonight's game. Scattered around the house you will find lotions, oils and scented lubricants. You'll also find scarves, silk, satin, and feathers. We have music from the islands playing along with ocean sounds. You'll also find cushions, pillows and mats strewn inside and out on the deck.

"Everything will be done in public for a couple of reasons. First, we want this to be an evening of exploration. We want you to immerse yourselves in the event and into the pleasure provided by your partners. We also want to make sure that no one is tempted to violate the non-penetration rule. Touching is cool. Exploring and embracing orgasmic bliss are cool. Crossing the line and violating couples' bonds with each other is very uncool.

"My lovely and shy assistant, Kelly, has two coconuts ..."

"Does she ever!" yelled out a bearded guy from the back of the room.

Keith laughed and then continued. "One coconut is for boys and one is for girls. Inside are strips of paper with parts of love quotes or poems. You are to find the person who has the completing portion of your quote or poem, and that is your partner for the evening. If lovers are matched to each other, you have the choice of keeping your partner or asking if anyone would like to swap. Once you and your partner have found each other, you just find a spot, get any tools you wish from the baskets spread around, strip, and start touching. By the way, we encourage watching. Feel free to walk around to pick up ideas and let your imaginations soar!"

With that, Keith put down the microphone, turned up the music, and Kelly walked around the circle passing around the coconuts. Game players then began mingling to find their partners.

Beth's quote began: "Love is composed of a single soul ..." She searched around until she found an older dark-haired man with the phrase: "... inhabiting two bodies. Aristotle"

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