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Beth's New Life Ch. 01

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Beth becomes her nieces pet.
2.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/10/2024
Created 02/29/2024
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This is a fictional story. All the names, places, and situations have been made up.

No characters are under the age of eighteen (18).

Comments are always welcome!

Getting out of the cab, Beth is surprised to find her brother, Max, had picked such a nice restaurant for their meeting. Stopping at the entrance, she sees him and her niece, Cindy, sitting on the deck at a table far away from any other customers, overlooking the marina.

As she makes her way to the table, she checks her reflection in the restaurant windows. Beth is thirty-four, 5'9, thin with large firm tits, and her straight, reddish-brown hair stopping just below her shoulders. She's wearing a yellow sundress, tan sandals, and carrying a tan clutch purse.

When she gets to the table they are looking out over the boats. She smiles. "Hello Max, Cindy."

He turns to her. "Beth."

Cindy jumps out of her seat and gives Beth a big hug. "Hi! It's been so long since I've seen you." She lets her aunt go and returns to her seat. "Daddy didn't want to come, but I talked him into it." Cindy is eighteen, 5'8, thin, with straight blonde hair half way down her back. She's wearing a light blue blouse, jeans, and black sneakers.

Max motions Beth to sit, and pours her wine in the empty glass in front of her seat. Max is thirty-eight, 6', muscular, with short dark brown hair, and a trimmed beard and mustache.

Cindy reaches across the table and puts her hand on Beths arm. "I'm really glad you're coming to live with us."

Max takes a sip of his wine and stares at his sister. "That hasn't been decided yet." He reaches into his pocket for his money clip and hands Cindy several bills. "Why don't you go inside, get a snack, and have the bartender put something on the TV you want to watch."

Cindy takes the bills, stands, and turns to Beth. "Time for the adults to talk." She disappears into the restaurant.

Beth watches Cindy go into the restaurant. "You've done a wonderful job with Cindy." She turns back to Max. "I was sorry to hear about your divorce."

"She's a good kid." His voice gets angry. "Let's get to why we're here. After the way they treated me, I don't care that our folks were arrested and are sitting in prison for running some Ponzi scheme. And after all the lies you had told about me, and the way you turned my friends against me, I really don't care what happens to you."

She puts both hands on her wine glass, hoping it helps keep them from shaking. "I'm sorry. It was a dumb thing to do, but I've changed. I really have."

Max doesn't take his eyes off her. "The only thing you're sorry about is that our folks used all their money trying to beat the charges and left you broke."

Knowing nothing she could say would help, Beth sits quietly, shaking in her seat.

Max takes a sip of wine. "Here's your options. You can come live with us as Cindy's pet. As far as I'm concerned, you'll be nothing more than property, but I'll have the final say on any decisions, including to kick you out. You'll do anything and everything she tells you. Nothing will be off the table, and you won't question her."

Beth is about to say something, but Max continues. "Your other option is to stay here and live on the street, or hope to find someone to take care of your sorry ass. I can only imagine what kind of guy that might be with all your baggage." He sits back in his chair.

Beth is shocked by what her brother had said. "I...I can't be property...or a pet. I don't know what she'll expect from me. Are we talking bondage, like I'll be her...puppy?"

Max stands, takes out his phone and calls Cindy. "We're leaving." He puts the phone back in his pocket. He signals the waiter. When the waiter arrives Max pays the bill, including a large tip.

Almost immediately Cindy is back at the table. She smiles and looks at Beth. "Are you coming home with us?"

Max answers her. "She has until we drive away to decide." He heads for the parking lot with Cindy close behind him, glancing back at Beth several times.

Beth watches them get farther away, her mind racing. Suddenly she realizes she doesn't really have an option. She rushes after them, hoping they don't drive away without her.

When she finally reaches them, they are about to get into their car. She takes a second to catch her breath. "Please...I'm coming with you."

Max studies her. "Take off your bra and pantie." He points at a trash can across the parking lot. "Walk to that trash can and throw them away."

Beth looks around at all the people. "What? No, someone will see me."

Max turns to Cindy. "Get in the car, we're leaving."

Knowing she's about to be left behind, Beth starts taking off her bra through an arm hole in her dress. "Please, don't leave. I'll do it."

Cindy takes her aunts purse from her. "I'm really glad you're coming with us." She tosses the purse into the back seat of the car. "Remember to walk"

Beth steadies herself against the car as she takes off her pantie. She walks to the trash can with her head down, tosses in her bra and pantie. On the walk back to the car she glances around. Most of the women are looking at her with disgust, most of the men are smiling.

Max is holding the door open for her when she returns. When he gets in, he turns to her "Don't question either of us again." He starts the car and pulls into traffic.

The ride to Maxs house is long and quiet, except for Cindys excited ramblings about the house, the community where they live, and her friends. When they reach the community, they have to stop at the gate for the guard to let them in. Once inside the gate, Beth is impressed by the size of the homes, and how each one is on a large piece of land, with large areas of forest separating the properties. She hadn't realized how well Max had been doing with his business.

Max pulls onto one of the driveways. Although it isn't one of the largest homes, Beth is still impressed.

Max pulls into the garage and gets out. Cindy gets out next. "Wait until you see inside."

Max holds the door from the garage to the house open. "Cindy, why don't you show Beth to her room?"

Cindy takes Beths hand. "It's this way."

Cindy leads Beth through the living room, dining room, and down a hallway to a room in the back.

When she turns on the light Beth is confused. "What is this?"

Max grabs one of her wrists and pulls it behind her back. With the other hand he grabs her hair and pulls it back hard. "This is your room."

He forces her to a certain place in the room. "OK Cindy, she's ready."

Beth hears a repeating clicking noise underneath her, then feels something long and fat quickly being pushed deep into her pussy. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING...STOP...PLEASE...STOP!?"

Max jerks her hair. "QUIET!"

She lifts one leg, then the other, trying to step off whatever is in her pussy, but it's too far into her.

Cindy giggles. "Done."

Cindy walks to the other side of the room. "Now for the cuffs and collar." She returns with cuffs, chained in pairs, that had been hanging from hooks on the wall.

Beth closes her eyes when she feels Cindy put the collar around her neck. She opens her eyes when she hears Cindy move behind her, next to Max.

Max lets go of Beths hair and grabs her other wrists, holding it behind her, next to the other one. She feels Cindy cuff her wrist, then her ankles.

Max forces Beths head forward. He reminds Cindy, "Don't forget the locks."

Beth hears the clicks of five locks.

Cindy moves back in front of her. "Perfect."

Max lets go of her wrists. "I'm going inside." He stands next to Cindy. "She's your responsibility now. You better get started on her training."

Beth looks down, seeing a metal pole extending up from the floor, to the dildo in her pussy. When she goes to scream Cindy covers her aunts mouth and gives her a stern look. "Don't scream, it's for your own good."

Cindy walks across the room and sits on a black wagon that looks like it would be pulled by a horse. "That collar packs a wicked sting." She pulls a remote from her pocket. "It can be triggered by one of our remotes, or if you talk over a whisper, or to make sure you don't leave our property. She puts the remote in her pocket. "It will also shock you if you try to leave the community, but we don't have any control over that."

Not wanting to hear anymore, Beth starts to yell. "I DON..." Suddenly she feels a horrible shock that causes her to lose her breath and choke."

"I warned you." Cindy smiles. She picks up scissors from the seat of the wagon. "Time to get that dress off of you."

Not wanting to get shocked again she doesn't object, letting Cindy cut her dress away. She keeps her voice low, her voice shaking. "What do you want from me?" She instinctively covers her pussy with her hands.

Cindy tosses the dress to the floor and puts her hand on her aunts stomach. "I've been begging daddy for a pony, but he kept saying he didn't want to spend the money on something I might get bored of." She slides her hand up to Beths tits. "Then you called, and everything just kind of happened. "Cindy slides her hand to Beths pussy, pushing her hands away. Beth tries to pull back, but the bar holds her in place.

Cindys voice is harsh. "Stay still!"

Beth does her best to be still, closing her eyes when she feels Cindy start teasing her clit. She whispers, "But I'm a person, not a pony."

Cindy giggles. "This is a fetish community, all the ponies are people." She continues to rub and pinches Beths clit.

Beth body starts to react to Cindys touch. Her legs shake as she starts rotating on the dildo.

"That's OK, you can cum." Cindy slides her other hand to Beths ass, letting her finger gently slide over her hole. She whispers into Beths ear. "Now you're my slut pony, but later I'll put you in the corral where all the boy ponies will want to fuck you. Then you'll be my whore pony."

Beth stifles a moan, not wanting to trigger the collar, her pussy twitching on the dildo.

Cindy pushes the tip of her finger into Beths ass. "Of course, I might only let them fuck your ass, at least until daddy says I can breed you."

When Cindy gives her aunts ass a hard slap, Beths whole body shakes. Her pussy squeezes the dildo, her juices dripping from the dildo onto the floor between her feet.

Cindy gently rubs her aunts ass. "Good girl." She walks to the wagon and leans against it. "I'm sure you will be a good pony, pulling me around the community in this wagon." She smiles. "There are several farms here, a small business area, and lots of trails. We'll have plenty of places to go."

She looks at the mess on the floor. "You'll need to clean everything up. She points to a small room. "There's cleaning supplies in there."

Cindy pushes the release near the bottom of the stand, out of reach for Beth. The stand quickly drops, the dildo making a popping sound when it pulls out of her pussy. More of her juices are poured onto the floor and her knees to buckle for a moment.

Cindy points to a red light over a door that leads into the house. "A red light means that if you go there, you'll be shocked. "She takes the remote out of her pocket and points to a red light over the door that opens to the outside. The light turns green. "A green light means you can go there." She then points to two cameras on opposite corners of the ceiling. "We can look in on you at any time. There are cameras in here and outside."

The girl takes a key from her pocket and walks behind Beth. She removes the cuffs and hangs them back in the wall. "I suggest after you clean up your mess, you take a shower and get some sleep. Tomorrow's going to be a busy day." She goes to the door leading into the house. "We call this room the barn." She giggles and disappears into the house.

Beth looks around the barn. There's a bed, dresser, full sized mirror, and makeup table with a mirror against one wall. Against another wall, but not in a separate room is a tub with a shower, toilet, and sink. In the corner is a tiny room with a door, inside are the cleaning supplies.

On the walls are several hooks, some empty, others holding paddles, whips, and other bondage items. There are also several shelves, mostly empty, but with some items on them.

Beth looks up and see two hooks hanging from winches, one in the middle of the room and one directly over the bar with the dildo.

Beth notices a light switch by each door. When she turns one to the 'Off' position the lights in the room go from bright to a low red glow. She opens the door to outside, and cautiously goes into the yard. It's larger than she expected, and in the distance is a small red light. When she gets to the red light she finds a gate, with a dirt trail on the other side.

Not wanting to feel the shock, she returns to the barn, gets the cleaning supplies to clean the pole and dildo, then nervously takes a shower, wondering if she's being watched. In bed she thinks about the day and cries, finally going to sleep from exhaustion.

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jrrtolkien420jrrtolkien4204 months ago

Wow pony community I’m in very creative writing. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I like where this is going. Thank you writing, thank you for sharing!

PappasleazePappasleaze7 months ago

I didn't care for this , sorry!

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