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Big Bang Theory Gang Bang Orgy Ch. 20

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Penny & Leonard's Massage Fantasy Orgy: The Final Chapter.
20.2k words

Part 20 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/25/2012
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Morning came and when Leonard woke up, he turned to Penny in their large bed, but she wasn't there. He slipped into his robe and walked out to the living room. He saw Penny in the kitchen; she was busy preparing him breakfast. He knew he had the upper hand, she never made breakfast before and seeing her try and handle eggs, bacon and toast was hilarious. He crossed the living room and took a seat at the breakfast bar. He planted his jaw on his open palm and stared at her; "Gooood morning gorgeous, how did you sleep?"

She smiled back at him and it quickly disappeared; "Not well Leonard. I was up most of the night trying to find a way to let you know just how sorry I am for last night. I know this isn't the best way, but I thought it would be a start."

Leonard slipped off the stool and walked around the island. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he drew her luscious curves to his body and hugged her good and hard. He dipped his head down and planted several wet kisses along her slender neck and up to her ear. He tugged lightly at her sexy lobe and when he heard her let out a gasp, he pulled away.

She turned in his arms and threw her arms around his neck and showed him a sexy pout; "Oh my sexy little humunchious, why did you stop?"

"I'm hungry woman, feed me!"

She giggled and planted a soft kiss on his lips and turned back to finish cooking. She let out a sigh when she felt his arms gather her up again and just hug her; "Don't worry about yesterday Penny, let's just leave it there in the past and go forward. I won't say all is forgiven, because there really isn't anything to forgive. If anyone is to blame it's Howard. His parody fantasies were fun, but he really didn't think it all through and what was I to expect when you saw your sexy man having sex with other woman, you got turned on, what woman wouldn't?"

She laughed out loud and after pulling the pan off the burner, she turned around in his arms again, planted a really, really hot kiss on his lips and looked into his eyes; "You're absolutely right, there isn't a woman alive who wouldn't get turned on, watching you fuck another woman, but you better come back to me in the end Leonard Hofstadter!"

He chuckled, planted a tiny kiss on her nose and whispered to her; "Always Penny, always! Now feed me, I need to get to work, oh and one other thing, I love you!"

She began to tear up, she tightened her grip on him and kissed him tenderly, pulling back she whispered; "Ditto Leonard, ditto! She slapped him playfully on the butt; "Now get back on the other side of the counter so I can cook for my man!"

The breakfast wasn't bad, how can anyone screw up bacon and eggs? While they were eating they discussed their upcoming fantasy party.

"I already contacted the rental companies and have all of the tables reserved. How about the oils Leonard? Do you think we need to get more?"

"For sure Penny, I also looked into the oils for a Nuru massages. I'm thinking three separate stations for this activity. Don't forget, if we want to do these, they need to shower, hop in the soapy tub and need an extra-large air mattress. I believe once they see this, there just may be a line-up for them."

"Penny giggled; "I sure know I'm going to try it. Not to be insensitive, especially after last night, but do you have anyone who you would love to give or receive a massage from?

Leonard put down his fork; "You mean other than you?"

"Aw that's sweet Leonard, but yeah, other than me, who would you want to give and receive a massage from?"

"Mmmmm let me think, don't get mad, but I'd really love to give a massage to Priya. Just seeing her dark skin glowing and shining from the oil, those button shaped aeroules and dark nipples sliding between my fingers, yeah that would be hot. As for getting a massage from, hmmmm, I think I'd like one from Missy. She looked like she would really relax my muscles."

Penny giggled and reached down and squeezed his cock; "Yeah I know what muscle you'd like her to massage and relax huh?"

"Okay, okay, but how about you, who would you like both ways?"

"Don't get mad, but I'd love to have two tables set up and have Sheldon on one side and Howard on the other. I get chills just thinking about massaging them both at the same time."

"You're always pushing the envelope Penny, never satisfied with just one, okay that's doable. Who would you like to get a massage from?"

She smiled at him; "You of course, but if it wasn't you I'd like to have Lakshimi. She's hot and being a lesbian, I think she'd really know exactly how to massage me. If not her, I'd have to pick Kurt, even though he isn't a part of our group, just with his muscles, therapeutically, he's turn my muscles to Jell-O."

"Mmmm interesting, I never thought of the other people, if I could add one of the other's I think I'd pick Janine Davis or Stephanie Barnett. Listen, I'd like to stay and dream up more scenarios, but I have to get to the university."

"Wait Leonard, I have all of this crap set to be delivered Friday. I was thinking to hold off till next Thursday. That was we can set it up and have it ready to go next week-end. After what happened yesterday, I think it would be better to let things settle down for a week, what do you think?"

"That's perfect Penny, that way you and I can reconnect a little and who knows, maybe we can have a little fun with our houseguests between now and next week-end."

She giggled and hugged him; "My thoughts exactly, hey what do you think about getting some of the tables delivered early and testing them out with our guests?"

He nodded; "I love how you think Penny, I'd love to test out the Nuru Massage things with Christi!"

She slapped him playfully; "You're so wicked Leonard. You know I'd love to see the two of you test that out. Now get your ass out of here before I pull you into the bedroom and fuck you now."

"I'm going to lock the bedroom door and take a quick shower and dress. If you come in there, I'll never make it to work today."

She chased him to the door, but he won out and locked the door just as he said he would.

Twenty minutes later he came out dress and ready to go. He kissed her and slapped her on her tight ass; "Keep that hot for tonight, I just may use some of my new oils on it and slide my cock up that gorgeous ass of yours."

"Mmmmm, I'm going to hold you to that; now go!"

While Leonard was at work, Penny took Beverly shopping. They purchased identical business outfits. They were a simple black pin-striped skirt and jacket with a simple, but elegant silk blouse. It was so sheer, their lace bras showed through the thin material. They both had other ideas and when they got back to the apartment they slipped into the outfits, minus the bras. They wanted to tempt both Wyatt and Leonard, but not at home, but at an elegant and upscale couples only club Beverly had located.

Penny drove after getting directions from Beverly and as the valet took the car, both Leonard and Wyatt were a little apprehensive about going in. It was rather dark in the establishment, but once their eyes became accustomed to the lighting, they were able to see an assortment of couples, in various stages of undress, but none were actually completely naked.

The couples who were close to being naked seemed to be getting up and entering a door in the back. It had to be more discreet rooms where they could do as they please, without being gawked at and be alone.

Beverly got a circular booth with enough space to move around, but still have a table for drinks and appetizers. After the waitress, dressed sexily, but elegantly took their drink orders, Beverly slipped over to Wyatt and took a discreet seat upon his lap.

Penny watched as Beverly ground her hips from side to side and her lush ass was grinding against her father's stiff prick. Not to be outdone, she took a seat upon Leonard's lap and gave him the same treatment.

Beverly turned to Leonard; "After we get out drinks Leonard, I want to take you out back. Penny and I were here earlier today and we have a surprise for you."

Leonard was skeptical; his mother rarely did anything to help him, even though since his fame, she was a little more cordial towards him. Their drinks came and Beverly told the waitress to hold their table. Getting up, she found the manager and he led them out back.

Once there Leonard was surprised. She has three large rooms reserved and although they were not set up as of yet, the manager explained what was going to happen; "Beverly and Penny here, explained to me what you were looking for. In this room there will be several tables set up with privacy curtains, she called it the regular massage room. Some tables will be set up for boy on girl or girl on boy. There will be some set up especially for girl on girl" Taking them into the next room, he turned to Leonard; "This room is the orgy massage room. We'll have large tables set up where three or four can join in and massage one another. Once again, there will be a few set-up, or if things get wild, the curtains can come down for a larger group to participate together. Follow me to the last room." Once there, he turned and smiled; "This one will take a little more to accommodate your requests. As you can see, over there, are three separate showers and adjoining them are three large tubs. They'll be filled with hot steaming water and lots of bubbles. Beside them will be huge, larger than king-sized inflated mattresses. I loved the idea you have for Nuru massages; I'd love to see that in action. I've seen several videos of that and would love to see one in person. Well that's the entire set-up, we just need a date, please allow a few days to get it all set-up. I'll leave the four of you to decide and please get back to me as soon as possible so I can start preparing." He turned and left them alone.

Leonard turned to Penny and his mother; "What is this all about Penny?"

"Well after what happened at Howard's, we thought it would be better if we had our fantasy offsite. This way we can all meet here, have out fantasy and leave. We won't have to disrupt our place and at the same time, if someone wants to leave, it won't be like they'll feel that they are slighting us and hurting our feeling. You know how bad it got at Howard's."

He hugged her and his mother too; "Thank you for this. I believe it will be even better, but I'll tell you about that later. How about getting with the manager and setting it up for a week from Saturday. That way we can let everyone know the time and date. Penny, you and I have to sit down and set up the pairing." He turned to his mother and Wyatt, even though this is Penny and my fantasy, we'd like to know if either of you has a preference what room you'd like to be in or who you'd like to be paired up with?"

Wyatt smiled and looked at Beverly; "We'll get back to you soon. We'll talk it over and let you know."

They returned to their table and after finishing drinks, they headed back to the condos. Penny and Beverly were both disappointed nothing sexual happened tonight, but realized after what happened at Howard's was still fresh on Leonard's mind.

The following day, Penny sent out e-mails to everyone involved informing them of the time and place for their next fantasy. Leonard and Penny decided to add a few of the people who were set up, and even a couple who already were in Howard's fantasy, to join the group for next Saturday. Everyone was required to reply by that evening so Penny and Leonard could set down and determine the pairings and what room they would occupy.

Leonard was excited to start the planning, they found Beverly and Wyatt sat down with them; "So Mother, have you and Wyatt decided who you'd like to be paired with and what room you'd like to be in?"

Beverly looked over at Wyatt and he nodded; "Well Leonard, We decided we'd like to be in one of the smaller group rooms. We'd have Wyatt, myself, Penny's old boyfriend Kurt and Anaya Koothrappali."

Penny looked at Leonard and back to Beverly; "Who the hell is Anaya?"

Beverly smiled; "Anaya is Rajesh's mother. She decided she wasn't going back to India. As a matter of fact, from what Raj told us yesterday, they split up and are getting a divorce."

Leonard stood up; "I don't know mother, is that such a good idea? Especially after the doctor was in one Howard's fantasies and Raj's mother wasn't?"

Not to worry Leonard; from what Raj told me, they were having serious difficulties already, never speaking to one another, different like and dislikes and their sex life was non-existent. At Howard's it was just the straw that broke the camel's back. To top it off when the doctor wanted to leave, Ayana was totally against it, so they agreed to make it official. Wyatt and I spoke with her and loved the idea of a tiny group and from what Penny had told me about Kurt; it's a win-win for Ayana and me."

Penny looked at Leonard and smiled; "I guess it's okay, as long as Raj is okay with it, right Leonard?"

"Right Penny, have you discussed this with Raj?"

Wyatt nodded; "He's totally okay with it, in his words, it was coming and this also gives him a cash windfall."

"Okay Penny, mark it down, small group massage, Wyatt, Ayana Koothrappali, your buddy Kurt and my mother."

Penny frowned; "I was hoping for a shot at Kurt, but I guess Zack is still available."

Leonard snickered; "You're right Penny and so is Dr. Stephanie Barnett and so is Leslie Winkle. She sure was fun in The Roseanne parody."

She smacked him playfully; "Okay Leonard, I got the message. Let's move on."

They discussed the pairings and after numerous scenarios, they came up with the groups. They called their houseguests together and had them all sit down. Penny went over and got Howard's group, Raj's group and Sheldon's group. Within ten minutes everyone who was in the condos were seated. Penny filled everyone's wine glasses as Leonard stood before them all. "Listen people, the list is extensive, so we'd like as little as possible comments about who you're paired up with. The others who are not here, Penny already contacted and they are up for the party, which if you've forgotten is a week from Saturday. Here are the group settings for the upcoming massage party. As previous agreed there will be Mrs. Ayana Koothrappali, my mother Beverly Hofstadter, Penny's father Wyatt and her old boyfriend, who happened to de-pants me several years ago, Kurt. There are two other groups, who knows if the curtains come down later on; the groups may be able to combine or even switch off. They are Sheldon Cooper, you Alex and Christy and Janine Davis, she played Harris Faulkner in one of Howard's parodies"

Alex and Christy hugged and Alex spoke up; "Mmmm, I actually going to get the chance to get my hands on my boss Sheldon. Not only had that, but I always had a think for Janine, ever since I lodged a sexual harassment claim against Dr. Cooper."

Christy spoke up; "Alex, I think if the three of us are going to be massaging oil all over Sheldon and he on us; you should be able to call him Sheldon."

She chuckled; "You would think so, but no, he wouldn't be comfortable with that, right Dr. Cooper?"

He scoffed; "After that harassment claim, I'm not sure."

Leonard broke in again; "We made sure that there are specially made massage tables to accommodate men with hard-ons to poke through the bottom of the tables and same for the women. I won't go into the specifics, but you'll see what I mean next week-end. Okay here are the couples; first we have Lakshimi and Raj's current girlfriend Emily Sweeney."

Lakshimi jumped for joy; "Oh goody, I was afraid I was going to be teamed with a guy, oh yuck!"

Leonard smiled; "Don't worry Lakshimi, Raj told us your preference. The other couples are Howard and Dr. Stephanie Barnett. I made a deal with Penny, so I couldn't be teamed with her or her with Kurt. Another couple will be Amy and her future mother-in-law, Mary Cooper."

Sheldon stood up; "Excuse me Leonard, but you got that all wrong. Where did you come up with that thinking, as always Leonard, you have no basis for saying that?"

Amy slapped him; "Sheldon, once again you speak before you think. Don't you have any respect for my feeling?"

"Leonard broke in; "You two can continue your argument at your place afterwards, let me finish the pairing, I thought you would be more upset that your mother and your girlfriend would be alone together, you know without men. Anyways, here is the last pairing; they will be Wil Wheaton and Missy Cooper."

Missy giggled; "Beam me up Wesley Crusher!"

Sheldon scoffed; "Missy, he wasn't in charge of the transporter room."

She shook her head; "I was being sarcastic Sheldon, lighten up!"

Leonard started again; "Okay here are the 4 pairings for the Nuru massage rooms. These are the greatest thing I've even seen and maybe if we finish early, some others can come in and try it out. Because this is Penny and my fantasy, we are both in one of these. I'll be paired with Priya."

Raj shook his head; "Oh no, I forbid it!"

Priya slugged him in the arm; "Oh shut-up Rajesh, you have no control over me, mother is here."

Leonard nodded; "See Raj, now it down and be quiet. The next couple will be Raj and Siri."

Priya stood up; "Sorry Raj, I forbid it!"

He laughed; "Fuck off sis!"

"Okay, okay you two, the next couple will be Penny and Zack."

Sheldon spoke up; "You better give him a manual to tell him what to do. You may also want to have a box of Milk Duds just in case."

Penny laughed; "Okay, I'll do that, but you better read the manual Leonard and I gave you before you meet up with Alex, Christy and Janine."

"Please don't bring that book up, it gave me nightmares."

Leonard broke it; "Alright you two, cut it out. Here is the last couple for the Nuru massages; it will be Bernadette and Glenn, her old boyfriends."

Howard stood up; "OH HELL NO!"

Bernie pulled him down, "Sit down Howard, you're such a putz! I guess it's okay for you to be with Stephanie Barnett huh? I heard you hooked up with her over the Mars Rover, so stuff it Howie, I get Glenn, sit down and shut-up."

Leonard broke up the argument; "Sorry you two, that's the end. Remember to be here on Saturday at four sharp. We have a bus chartered to get everyone to the club, see you then and for those having a Nuru massage; Penny and I will be showing a video explaining how it works tomorrow. I already called Zack, Siri and Glenn and they will be her tomorrow at seven."

The following evening the eight in the Nuru massages were seated on two sofas in Leonard's condo. The men were on one and the women were on the other. Leonard had his houseguest leave, so they wouldn't be disappointed not being in this group. Wyatt and Beverly went over to Raj's condo and kept Ayana company; while Christi and Alex went over to Sheldon's.

Things got heated at the Koothrappali place. After a few minutes, Beverly and Wyatt had Ayana in the bedroom and had her stripped to the waist. They passed a bottle of massage oil back and forth and they drove Ayana insane. Within moments, they had her huge tits completely covered in oil and they were squeezing, tugging and just plain mauling those luscious orbs of dark flesh.

Beverly took off her blouse and bra and began rubbing her large tits against Ayana's. She looked over at Wyatt who was stripping off his pants and shorts.

Wyatt stroked his cock, his hand still covered in oil. He pushed his way between the two women and planted his stiff cock between Ayana's large dark globes of flesh. He fucked her tits like a man possessed and when he let out a loud groan. He painted her tits, neck and face with his hot, sticky cum. He fell back and was replaced by Beverly.

Beverly lapped up his cum and hovering over Ayana's open mouth, she let it flow out directly on Ayana's tongue. She followed up by kissing her viciously and they two of them mashed their tits and mouths to one another's.

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