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Blue Bloods Meet Castle Pt. 17

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WILD 4th. of July Week-end continues all day Monday.
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Part 17 of the 35 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/14/2016
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Monday morning, nearly everyone slept in late. Kate and Rick made sure to break free from their encounters to set things up for today's activities.

Kate kept an eye on the four men who cleaned the pool and hot tub area for today's extremely active nude brunch planned for the pool area.

The four men were a lot slower this morning. They spent way too long in the black-out room with Linda Reagan, Joan Watson and Lanie Parish. They eventually got the pool, tubs and steam room clean. They left without even making any attempt to persuade Kate to let them join in on today's activities.

Right on their heels, the chef and wait-staff hurried to set up the elaborate brunch planned by Alexis and Kate.

Rick went from room to room, pounded on the door and informed all of the guests of the brunch being served at the pool area.

At the entrance to the pool area was a sign stating, "No clothes allowed today in the surrounding area of the pool." Sandals and flip-flops were allowed, but nothing else. The four guests from Boston PD. were allowed to wear clothing seeing they were leaving for the heli-port to catch a flight to the city where they would be packing and heading to the station to take the train back to Boston.

One by one some alone, others as couples arrived at the entrance to the pool. There were laughs and a lot of hollering about the sign, but they stripped off and headed out the pool for brunch.

Once they saw the elaborate spread set out for the brunch, most of the guests lost any self-conscience about being naked and chowed-down for the meal.

Kate, Alexis and Rick managed to eat earlier and were walking around naked, mingling and putting out suggestions for some pool fun after eating.

A lot of the men, with hard-ons, hugged the clothed Boston women and a few of the naked women did the same with Frankie. They were disappointed having to leave, but after a little groping, they said their good-byes and headed out to the limousine.

Kate came over to Lanie and asked what happened last night with Tom Demming and after Lanie filled her in on how Tom tried to be Mr. Macho and fuck her before she was ready. Kate agreed with how Lanie handled his inappropriate behavior and apologized for having to deal with that prick. She hugged Lanie, "Don't worry Lanie, he will never be allowed back to any of our parties. I hope you have a great time today and put last night behind you."

One by one, they guests finished eating. The weather was perfect and getting warmer by the hour. A few of the men hopped into the pool and were floating on their backs. Kate suggested for the men to get their cocks erect and they willingly took the challenge.

Out around the pool, Kate gathered a few of the women and handed them pool rings and challenged the women to hook the men with the rings. It soon turned into a ruckus and the women joined the men in the pool and before long there were several women getting filled to the brim with stiff meat.

In the hot tub, Alexis was leaning over the wet, naked body of Alex McBride and her mouth was filled with his thick, stiff black cock in her mouth. Her long silky red hair was dripping wet and floating on the surface. Behind her, Jamie Reagan gripped her ample hips and he was creating large waves in the tub. Water splashed all around her as Jamie pumped his cock in and out of her at a rapid pace.

Alexis pulled her mouth off his cock and threw her wet hair over her shoulders and down her back. Her head was pulled back as Jamie grabbed hold of her hair and tugged at it as he continued to fuck her slick tight cunt.

This was happening all over the pool area. Some of the guests were in the pool, others were on lounge chairs. This went on for a few hours and as everyone got their fill of sun and sex, Kate and Rick gathered everyone under shade to insure none of the guests got too much sun. For the fair skinned, it was too late.

Castle slapped Kate on the ass, getting her attention, she got everyone's attention, "I hope those who spend last night in the black-out rooms enjoyed yourselves. This afternoon's activities will involve everyone. It will take place in the black-out rooms. Rick and I will not participate. We will be in the control room monitoring the couples and we will be awarding the winners of each couple. Rick will explain how the contest will work and how we will be segregating the winners so they can go on to the next level."

Rick stood up; he donned a pair of trunks so he could explain today's rules. "Okay here is how it will work. Everyone will be blindfolded to begin with. Kate and I decided the first coupling and one from each couple will be tied-down on the beds in the black out rooms. The objective is for the couple to decide who their partner is. All participants will be fitted with earbuds to hide any and all noises. With there being three rooms, we will listen to all answers and our decisions will be final. If we make a mistake, well tough-shit; it's all about having fun and the winner will get the pick of his partner for tonight. To make it fair, each participant will only get three guesses to guess who their partners are. This will eliminate contestants to just rattle off names of all the guests. If after three guesses, if not correct, the other partner will automatically be awarded the victory and will go on to the next pairing until there is only one winner. The loser will be asked to leave and will be allowed out here to frolic and enjoy the pool and whatever they decide to fill their day till this evening's dinner and activities; any questions?"

There were several and Rick and Kate answered them all. One by one the naked guests were segregated and blindfolded. The first three couples were ushered to the black-out rooms and one from each couple were tied down to the bed and once secured, the lights were out and after Kate, Rick and a special guest, Captain Victoria Gates entered the control room to judge each black-out couple.

In the first room, Frank Reagan was tied down and Hayley Shipton was the aggressor. In the second room, Alexis Castle was tied down and Eddie Janko was free to explore and in the third room Jamie Reagan was tied-up while Whitney Robshaw was free to explore her partner. What the entire group failed to see is that, with only a few exceptions due to the Boston guests leaving and Kate and Rick not joining in the fun, everyone was paired with the partners they were with last night.

The lights went out and Rick announced through their earbuds to remove their masks and begin. "Remember, if you know who your partner is, yell out and if you are correct, the lights will come on in the room and the winner will be escorted to a holding room for till the next round begins; OKAY BEGIN!"

The three women without restrains took off their masks and the one of their tied-up partners. As soon as Hayley removed Frank's mask, she yelled out, "Frank Reagan!" She was correct and the lights came on. She was the winner of her couple. It was easy seeing he was the only guest with a mustache. She had him where she wanted him and the two of them squinted from the sudden lights coming on in the room. She smiled down at him and having him tied up, she wanted to have some fun before having to leave. She grabbed hold of his semi-stiff cock and stroked it. She giggled, "I'm the winner Frank, so lay back and enjoy this." She lowered her face and opening her mouth, she enveloped his cock on her hot, wet mouth. She slurped up his leaking head and began bobbing up and down vigorously.

Frank knew he would be out quickly because of his facial hair. He tugged at his restraints, and seeing he wasn't able to move, fell back and just enjoyed what Hayley was doing.

They were interrupted by a couple of large bouncers who managed to get Hayley free from Frank. She protested, but it was heard on deaf ears. Frank was freed and ushered off towards the swimming pool.

In the second room, Eddie began exploring her partner and her hands drifted all over Alexis' taut body. She was happy to see her partner was a woman, she ran her hands along her chest and felt how firm and taut her nipples were. Her mouth closed around one and she lapped away at it.

Alexis squirmed on the bed and tried to decide who her partner was. She knew it was a female as Eddie's hair drifted over her bare breasts.

Eddie knew nearly immediately who her partner was. As her fingers slipped through her partner's long hair, she knew it was one of three people and she immediately eliminated Joan Watson, her partner's butt was larger than Joan's. She knew it either had to be Alexis, or Maria Baez. She kissed her partner and as her hands slipped over Alexis face, she found it devoid of bangs. She ground her pussy to Alexis and called out, "I'm with Alexis Castle!"

The lights came on and she was the winner. Alexis protested, "This contest is unfair. The person tied down is at a disadvantage not being able to explore their partner."

Kate looked to Victoria and Rick, "You know she's right, don't you think?"

Victoria nodded, "I agree, who was the putz who made the decision to have one person tied down?"

Rick grinned at her, "I guess I was. I thought it might be fun, but I now see it isn't fair. How about going on with the rest, not restraints?"

Victoria looked to Kate, "How about these three. It isn't fair to them."

Rick cut in, "Too bad, too late, it's just a game; I'll explain to the losers of the first group and make it up to them. I know I can make it up to Alexis, Frank is a no-brainer; his mustache gave him away. Jamie and Whitney may be an issue, but I think Jamie is a gentleman and can be reasoned with."

In the third room, Whitney was exploring Jamie's body. She stroked his naked cock and feeling its extreme thickness and length. She knew it had to be one of the Reagan's. She leaned in and flicked her tongue all over the shaft. She sucked his thickness into her mouth and reveled in the extreme strength she felt in his cock. She knew it was either Jamie or Danny. She knew it wasn't Frank. The body was too tight and firm. She was going to have some fun before yelling out her first guess. As her long silky hair floated over his belly and thighs, she was squinting from the bright light bathing the room.

Jamie tugged at his restraints and was smiling down at her. He yelled out her name a few seconds earlier. He had it narrowed down to just a few women and he remembered how that mouth sucked him last night and he took a shot and yelled out, "Whitney Robshaw!" He was right and Whitney was eliminated. He was released and reached out for Whitney, but she was pissed off she lost. She knew it was Jamie, but wanted to play and now she was sent out to the pool. Her disappointment quickly drifted away when she saw she was alone with the gorgeous redhead and her first partner this weekend, Frank Reagan.

The three of them sat under a table umbrella, savoring a few cool drinks and before long the three of them were frolicking in the pool, and they quickly forgot about being eliminated in the lame contest.

The next three groups consisted of Sherlock and Lanie, Javier and Joan, and Jackie and Jenny. Without anyone being restraint, it was a little fairer, but this entire contest was a complete bust and as the winners were segregated, Kate put an end to the entire thing. She released the other people in the waiting room and the winners of the first two rounds. Having everyone gathered around the pool again, she spoke up, "I'm sorry, but after the first two rounds, we decided to end the contest. We found out it wasn't fair or easy to determine a winner. So how about everyone just relax, enjoy one another and have a run of the entire compound until dinner. Tonight is casual and we'd like everyone to arrive promptly in the dining room at 6 PM. We have a real fun activity after dinner, not like Rick's lame one we just finished. So until dinner, have fun."

Throughout the afternoon and early evening, everyone did enjoy themselves. Some stayed in the pool area, naked and exploring one another. Some dressed and explored the Hamptons, other headed indoors to use the game room, kitchen facilities and yet others headed up to the bedrooms and have some private fun.

As the dinner meals were being displayed at their tables; everyone ate, drank and enjoyed the peaceful, restful afternoon.

After the dinner meal was served, Kate came up to the front of the smaller group. She immediately noticed three empty chairs and found out that Kevin and Jenny Ryan were missing, so was Whitney Robshaw. She turned to Castle "Have you noticed Kevin and Jenny were missing?" I also see that Whitney isn't here."

Castle pulled her to the side and whispered to her that the baby wasn't well and the two of them headed back to the city. He also heard from Whitney and wasn't returning. She had a disagreement with Erin and rather than put a damper on the get-together, she decided to return to the city with Kevin and Jenny.

She turned to the group and smiled, but it disappeared when she looked at Erin and Erin knew it was directed at her, "I'd like to let you all know Kevin and Jenny were called back to the city. It seems their baby was ill and they wanted to be with her. If you look around, Whitney Robshaw isn't here either. Rick just told me she didn't want to stay. It seems she wasn't welcomed by all of the guests and she gracefully left with Kevin and Jenny."

There was a murmur throughout the guests and it was evident Frank wasn't happy with his daughter.

"Okay everyone, let's have some fun tonight. I'll give Kevin a call later and get an update on their daughter. So if you'd all slip out of the dining area, the waiters will remove the tables and set up the room for this evening's festivities. I'm sure you'll all enjoy it a lot better than Rick's lame afternoon contest." She watched everyone leave the dining room and she glared at Erin as she left.

Frank pulled Erin aside and let her know without pulling punches that he wasn't happy with her. "We'll discuss this at length when we return tomorrow to the city. I'll put my feelings aside tonight, just make sure we don't cross paths tonight, I'd hate to ruin the party for everyone, behave yourself the rest of this weekend."

Erin was ashamed of how she handled the Whitney issue and ran from the room and hurried to her room. Once there she called Whitney and apologized for her rude behavior. After a about a fifteen minute discussion where she showed she was truly sorry, she got her best friend's forgiveness, now if she could only convince her father she was sorry too. She returned to the group just in time to be ushered back into the room where there were a number of padded chairs in two straight lines back to back.

Kate called out to the group, "Please, everyone take a seat in the chairs before you. Once everyone is seated, I'll explain what's gonna happen." She watched as Erin entered the room and tried to avoid her but Erin cornered Kate.

"Kate, I just wanted to tell you how ashamed I am for chastising Whitney about coming here. After dinner, I ran upstairs to my room and called her. We worked things out and I told her how sorry I am. I just hope you and Rick can forgive me."

Kate hugged her, "I'm okay with it and I know Rick will be too. Your problem is going to be Frank. I can see he isn't happy and if I were you, I'd tell him what you told me and quickly. Now if you would, please take a seat, I wanna explain what happening here."

Erin hugged Kate again, "Thank you for understanding and again, I'm sorry." She went and sat down in a chair beside her father, it was the only chair open and she felt his cold stiffness beside her as he shied away from her.

Once everyone was seated Kate stood before the group, "Welcome back everyone, what we are playing this evening is musical sexual chairs. When the music begins, everyone had to stand and begin walking clockwise. One chair will be removed and when the music stops, you all take a seat. The person who doesn't have a seat is out. The process starts again and when the music stops, the one who is standing is partnered with the last person. At that point, the two people can either head upstairs to their room for the night, go take a dip in the pool, or whatever their hearts desire, but that IS your partner for this evening. We'll all meet downstairs here for breakfast. I know a bunch of you have to return home tomorrow to be able to return to work on Wednesday."

Kate and Rick took seats on opposite sides of the line-up and Kate nodded to the butler who started the music.

Everyone stood and began walking clockwise. He kept the music going while he removed one of the chairs. He abruptly stopped the music and not wanting to be the first one out, the group scrambled for the chairs, but Javier was left standing without a chair.

He shook his head and buried his face in his hands. He began grumbling in Spanish and everyone laughed and mocked him. He flopped down on the sofa across from them and chuckled, "Okay guys keep laughing; the next one out has to spend the night with me." He caught Kate's attention, "Hey Beckett, what happens if the next one out is a man?"

She began laughing loudly, "Why that is interesting, "I hope you two are very, very happy together. You guys can flip to see who plays the man and who plays the women."

He stood and came over to her, "No, no way Beckett, not funny, no way!"

She laughed again, "Okay ladies and gentlemen, if the next one out is a man, we can do a do over, but if there are two women together, they'll spend the night together, any objections?" She looked around and all of the men and women nodded, "Okay, you're off the hook Javi, no two men together, sorry, maybe next party you can hook up with Kevin, if he and Jenny return."

"Not funny Beckett, start the music! I wanna see who I'm paired up with."

The music began and everyone hopped up and with a little more bounce in their steps, they walked and swayed, each eyeing the chairs until the music stopped. They all made a mad dash for the chairs and after everyone was seated, the only one standing was Eddie Janko. She turned beet red and bit down on her lower lip. She lowered her head and slyly looked up at the grinning Javier.

He wiggled his finger at her and smiled when she slipped over to him and gently wrapped her arms around his neck and drew his stiff body to hers. She enveloped him in her arms and dropping her head, she buried her head between his shoulder and neck. She nuzzled his neck and she let out a grunt when she felt his hands come up and clutch at her tight ass molded in those tight jean shorts she was wearing. She pulled back slightly and planted her lips to his. Their kiss grew steamier as his hands came up and pulled back at the tight ponytail she had her golden locks in. Her groans grew louder when he turned his head and this time he buried his face in her long, exposed neck.

Kate rose from her chair and cleared her throat, "Okay you two lovebirds, take it out of here, go wherever and do what you want. You two are a distraction and we wanna start and see who pairs up next."

Eddie giggled like a school girl. She pulled away from Javier and grabbing his wrist, she tugged at it and led him out of the room and towards the stairs leading to her bedroom.

Back in the dining room, the music began and everyone jumped up, they all wanted what Eddie and Javier had and they didn't wanna wait all evening. The music stopped and everyone rushed for the open chairs and Jackie Curatola was left standing. She chuckled and flopped down on the sofa, she licked her puffy lips and called out, "Start the fucking music; I wanna see who I get to fuck all night."

The music began and everyone hopped up and this time it stopped a lot quicker and not ready for the short music stint, all lot of them were caught off guard. Sitting quickly, a stunned Joan Watson was left standing. She chuckled, "Mmmmm, nice, I wasn't expecting this. I know you wanted to get a good fucking this evening, but I think I can promise, I've used a strap-on before and would love showing you my skills later. For now, get over here and kiss me."


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