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Bonne Blue Eyes

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A benevolent telepath falls in love with his Aura mate.
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Author's note; this is my first delving into writing a story about MIND CONTROL.

It is admittedly a long story with a detailed history of the characters so please be patient and bear with me. It is also subtle mind control as opposed to overt and total control. Romance, one of my favorite categories is inserted as the plot of this mind control story. Romance inspired me to write it. The scenes of erotic love begin about half way into the story.


February 2015

I ENDURED A LIFE CHANGING NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE.... although not what most people tell about after they return and they find themselves alive and whole with a new outlook on life.

I didn't descend into the nine circles of hell or wander aimlessly among the shades of purgatory.

I didn't cross over into the ethereal light of love and peace; beyond the physical death to be turned away by angels or loved ones to return to the physical plane of existence.

I was 30 years old when "my time" came upon me......I'm now 42 and wife Bonne is 33 as we tell our story to you now with Mary's consent for her part.

Weeks prior to my mentioned experience, I suffered intermittent and brief; six seconds or less, near debilitating migraine headaches. These were followed by the marvelous release of endorphins resulting in euphoria. However, following the euphoria, I was physically and mentally drained as if I ran a 100 mile marathon.

I'm a Neurosurgeon as is Graydon; we were in practice together until he retired this spring. Until my near-death experience; I never realized about my unique and secret ancestral evolution. It's passed on through my mother's bloodline and is known to only those immediately involved. If it weren't for my Uncle Graydon I may have died!

We are very much alike in looks; we've been described as near identical twins born decades apart. We are similar of temperament and shared interests. He paid for my medical school.

He is a good man. He is a kind and charitable man. He's well liked and respected in his close circle of friends; all serious academics, physicians, professors or scientists with whom we discuss things that most people will find boring or incomprehensible.

He regularly chides me that I'm too serious and stodgy for my age and encourages me to seek out younger women; rather than the mature professional women I tend to prefer; although not to the exclusion of those women my age or younger; dalliances for a night or two.

Graydon insists I call him by his first name. Although now in his seventies; Graydon hardly seems to age and is busier now then when he was practicing medicine.

Too say we delight and enjoy all aspects of women, including their minds is an understatement as well as our privilage.

He owns a secluded log cabin in the Adirondack Mountains well off the beaten path. I never told him about my headaches although he already knew; he having suffered them when it was his time.

When my time was upon me; and I was oblivious of the ramifications to the fact, he convinced me.....perhaps a better word....compelled me... to take a month's Sabbatical as I often did with him as a child.

I was sitting alone on the familiar front porch in an Adirondack chair with a strong cup of black coffee watching the sunrise between the mountains. Graydon was still asleep, or so I thought when my migraine produced excruciating pain with a new facet to the mentioned malady.

I had a waking dream....or perhaps a hallucination.....or so I assumed. I could see him as clear as day lying on his bed. He then spoke to my mind 'We are telepaths, Michael. Remain calm and concentrate to send me your thoughts; I'm blocking your pain'.

Alarmed and ascending the pinnacle of panic, I was thinking 'I must have a brain tumor' I stood up suddenly spilling my coffee as I dropped my cup.

I experienced an agonizing and totally debilitating prolonged migraine headache like none before. The breathtaking intense pain brought me to my knees. Soon I was in a fetal position writhing in agony and wishing I were dead.

'You need to trust me Michael; it is your time. Push past the pain or it will kill you. There is a price to pay; you must be strong. Let me help to block the pain for it's going to get more intense."

I felt my pain lessen and I managed to lie straight on the porch floor 'Excellent!" He thought to me 'breathe deeply and concentrate.'

'What's happening to me?' I thought to him through my agony.

'Your brain is changing; it is evolving and opening enhanced neural pathways to tap into its full potential of what I estimate to be mankind's next evolutionary step one hundred thousand years or more into the future.

Your evolution is going to be excruciating despite my help...I won't sugar coat the truth. You're going to be unconscious for most of the day; suspended between sleep and death in a coma like state. Only you will determine if you live or die.

I will be in your mind all of that time to guide you; to assure you that you are not hallucinating or dreaming. It is a curse to those who give in and a blessing and privilage to those of us who survive. If you give in the process will stop and you will die. My love is with you, Michael...........'

I awoke in bed around ten that evening feeling as weak as a new born kitten and twice as hungry. God in heaven; my mind....all my senses... were sharper than a scalpel and more focused than an industrial laser.

Graydon was sitting next to me with his eyes closed breathing deeply and appeared sound asleep. He seemed to light up the room.......I realized it was his life Aura I saw with senses other than my eyes.

'No, I'm not asleep; he thought to me 'I've been meditating while waiting for you to awake. I've imprinted all of our ancestral knowledge and history passed down through generations of our family into your mind for you to access.

You are correct, Michael. What you're seeing is my Aura or life-force; my soul; yours is as bright' he thought to me.

'All life has an Aura with mankind's being the brightest' he thought standing up.

"I'm going to bring you something to eat and then we will talk until I begin teaching you the way tomorrow" he said out loud "The worst is over and your responsibility soon begins. We have a sacred responsibility to help mankind and heal those we can. Afterwards you will put yourself into a deep restful sleep to complete the process......................."

I awoke late the next morning invigorated and famished; famished for food and for answers. I tried out my new abilities, sending out my thoughts 'Then you mean to say we actually can control people's minds; turn them into biological robots?'

'Yes and don't shout for it's not polite. Yes some of us are capable of that; however that kind of complete control over time will result in brain damage to the mundane subject; loss of memory and loss of self. In extreme cases they fall into a catatonic state of existence where the release of death becomes a blessing.

Such complete control is difficult at best. Only the most gifted of us have mastered it completely. For most it is physically and mentally exhausting; particularly when trying to control more than one person.

Beside all that; can one fall in love with a mindless drone? I will show you a better way; the right way.....the ethical way.

'What about those with a dark Aura?'

'We probe their minds to assess their crimes or misdeeds. Many are beyond redemption. I have no pity for child molesters or murderers......if we arrange for them to have unseen accidents resulting in their deaths, I'll shed no tears for them.

When we go down that path we have an obligation to the innocent victims. When we take a life, although evil; we must heal their victim's pain and anguish to keep our Auras in balance.

We are only human after all. You have already noticed your increased appetite and you'll need twice as much proteins, carbohydrates and fats from before to nourish your enhanced metabolism.

We also have sexual needs to satisfy. It is our custom to have multiple women if we choose.

It is our custom to acquire our mates through telepathy if need be and we may have three in our lifetime; all at once or one at a time. It's not uncommon for us to have multiple platonic relations of common interest; love and affection without consummating the sexual act.

Regardless, we must bring them about to our way of thinking with kindness, love and respect to keep the balance lest we darken our Auras.

Meet me in the kitchen for we have much to discuss.................'

During my first week I learned how to silence or minimize the thoughts of those mundane around me. I learned telepathically not to shout. I mastered how to shield my thoughts from evolved telepaths and how to recognize them. We police ourselves and operate behind the curtain so to speak.

We have a static directive of non-inference in society and government in general. Killing of or attacking evolved telepaths is forbidden with grave consequences to ensue unless sanctioned by six or more of us. Although uncommon, physical violence between telepaths is overlooked only when consensual.

Our estimate is that we evolved telepaths comprise approximately .0002% of the world's population. We surmise 50% of the world's population is empathic; sensing emotions to varying degrees and unaware of it; people in long term loving relationships for example; or people who recognize their soul mates; they communicate without words.

We know it to be common for identical twins to share basic empathic emotions-impressions, although this is not true telepathy because it affects only them. They generally use facial expressions, gestures and glances to supplement.

Something else to factor in the equations; partially evolved telepaths or simply referred by us as partials.

Partials are sometimes quite powerful. Their ability is generally triggered by strong emotions such as hate, fear, love etc. In most cases, like ours, their ability is passed down through the mother's bloodline. Most documented cases in our Archive of Records of partials are women.

Partials are often self-taught; most commonly by their mother or other close blood relations with the ability. They are in control of their telepathy for short durations as a result of incomplete or weak neural pathways. The most gifted may access their ability on demand; however, as I stated before; it's available for short durations; seldom more than a few hours depending on the woman.

Partials are difficult, almost impossible to detect because they read as mundane unless active. They are no threat to an evolved telepath. Powerful and talented ones are capable of manipulating the mundane the same as us; for good or malevolence.

Throughout mankind's history partials were often wizards, oracles, shamans, priestesses, witches.....etc. Of course as previously stated, the malevolent ones are a danger to the mundane.

As a rule, we do not make ourselves known to them unless they are harmful. We consider them a divergent evolutionary offshoot of mankind and some of us spend a lifetime seeking them out and secretly studying them. We know for a fact that true partials cannot see or detect Auras.

In any event; it's easy enough to neutralize their intermittent telepathic abilities and render them permanently mundane.

My uncle confided that there is another telepathic/empathic species of human/mankind still secretly walking among us; our older human brethren of the Ice Ages; the Neanderthals. We include them with us in the .0002% percent.

We know little of them or their number, although we know their gift of telepathy and especially their lifespan far exceeds ours. Only the best among us can sense them; we assume they wish to be left alone. We do not seek them out to study.

I learned much of the practical theories and methods of control that month including that it requires little effort when a person is sleeping; as it is when you are in close proximity looking directly into their eyes. Women are affected by touching; more so than men; prolonged touching in particular.

We frequented public places like restaurants, malls, sporting events; any large gatherings of people for me to study and identify people's Auras during the first phase of my training.

I learned to insert ideas or suggestions into a person's mind without shouting. My goal was to put them in a good mood or to make them feel better about themselves which in turn made me feel better about myself.

Graydon describes this as "the balance" and I discovered good deeds and unselfish acts strengthen us and make our Aura's shine brighter. I also discovered I can affect people's motor skills or bodily functions; including their senses; touch, sight, taste and sound to a degree without taking full control.

Soon I was ready for more complex tasks, I started with simple things; telling a man to take off his hat, or to scratch his ear. Always a favorite of mine is to have a woman take her long hair down from a bun, chignon, ponytail or braid; or conversely, style it in one.

Next was inserting stronger suggestions such as "don't bite your nails" or "stop smoking". This is most effective when the said person genuinely wants too. Have you noticed that some people have no trouble completely quitting smoking while others struggle or fail?

I discovered control is not an exact science and it varies from individual to individual. It may require repeat reinforcement over time for it to be ingrained in order to have reasonable modification of a person; for him or her to be unaware and content with the change so as not to alter their basic personality.

In two year's time we discovered that I could break through Graydon's iron willed defenses and that of another powerful telepath working in conjunction with him, but they not mine. My Uncle could not have been prouder.

'You've done well, Michael 'he thought to me 'there is no more to teach you. Do not forget the second mandate to never take a life except to protect the innocent, prevent a heinous crime or depravity; or to eliminate those beyond redemption.

Granted, while you may be capable of fending off two or three of us' He let the words hang menacingly in the air and I clearly understood the implications for defying our prime directive and our six mandates.

The first mandate is to be discreet and invisible. Don't draw attention to us and don't abuse our gift to acquire obscene wealth or abusive do so may result in your sanctioned death....or worse.

Our Aura's; our souls; our life force is what define us.

Some Auras are more beautiful than others. Good people's Aura's and those of innocent children shine with all the light spectrum of a rainbow as well as unearthly colors to beautiful to describe with mere words.

Women's Aura's are generally more colorful or brighter than those of men's as it should be. Women bring forth life into the world. The Aura's of a mother with her child in the womb are separate but one and are spectacular and awesome to behold.

Concurrently, Auras are affected by strong emotions such as grief or sadness. They are darkened by strong negative emotions such as hate, avarice, prejudice and greed. They are stained and blackened with evil acts such as rape and murder. Age plays a part as do physical maladies or disease and I'm merely touching the surface.

As a telepath, it is often necessary to remain dormant; especially when I'm performing surgery or tasks that require exacting concentration.

I was dormant, or so I thought at the time Bonnie came into my life.

I had just finished a long distance Marathon for the Summer Charity Event to raise money for the new Cancer Wing at my Medical Center. Graydon was the chairman and waiting for me with his clipboard in hand to check me off and give me a towel and a bottle of cold water.

I was caught off guard while sipping my water by the flash of my future love's Aura in the park approximately 300 yards beyond the crowd at the finish line.

Graydon saw the look on my face 'What just happened?' He thought to me 'you were dormant and then active. Did you experience an anomaly? They must be investigated per mandate six.'

'There's a young woman in the park' I thought to him while focusing on her Aura; totally fascinated by its breathtaking divine complexity.

'I'm inexplicably drawn to her. She appears mundane so how did she get past my defenses? It's almost as if she is calling to me.'

'Well what are you waiting for? The young lady may be a possible life partner or wife. Go introduce yourself to find out what you can about her. I'm sure you'll know how to proceed from there, Doctor.....................'

Bonne's thick and straight; soft silky hair is the color of dark chocolate. It flows down her neck, shoulders and back to the bottom of her shapely butt when she wears it down for me. Long hair is a delight to my eyes and an erotic sensation for my fingers. Being blunt cut without layers; it may be styled in dozens of ways; up down or braided.

Bonne's hair was shorter when I walked up to introduce myself; it was styled in a classic blunt cut chin length bob parted right of center.

At six-one and one-hundred-forty, Bonne's figure is delightfully buxom and voluptuous. I'm six-four at one-ninety and our tallness complements us as a couple.

She was sitting alone on a park bench with her black leather violin case on the bench to her right. I remember the moment as if it were mere seconds ago because my heart is forever hers.

Bonne was wearing a cream colored wide brimmed straw hat. The hat band was woven of intertwined aqua-green and red ribbons with a few tendrils of ribbon hanging down the back.

She was wearing a long pale sea green muslin dress with ¾ sleeves. There was white lace at the collar and sleeves. Her white cross-training shoes with red and green laces were carelessly tossed on the ground in front of her.

She was very intent and occupied with a book of Elizabeth Barrett Browning poems on her lap; Bonne's soft sapphire blue, intelligent eyes were caressing the pages. I desired her soft sapphire blue eyes to caress me.

Her only jewelry was a small gold cross on a fine gold chain. I also noticed she was wearing little or no makeup.

I gently probed Bonne's thoughts for feelings and impressions; nothing specific; commanding her telepathically not to notice me as I studied her. I had to smile for she had drawn an imaginary circle of privacy around herself.

Bonne was part of the crowd spread throughout the park enjoying the people around her; safe and secure while observing them as if through a 360 degree glass dome.

She looked up.... not aware of me.......I saw full, generous lips and a small slightly tuned up nose....I wanted to kiss those soft and full warm generous lips.

Bonne smiled when she saw a Border collie catch a Frisbee by the fountain before going back to her book......Bonnie has dimples in her cheeks.

I continued probing, planting a subliminal suggestion for her to read the poetry out loud; Bonne's soft, sweet, musical voice caressed my ears and she wasn't aware nor would she remember reading out loud.

By probing I learned she is comfortable in the company of women although shy around men......she's waiting, hoping for the right man to sweep her off her feet in a romantic novel sort of way.

She was to play in a string quartet later this afternoon at her church a couple of blocks away. Bonne Aileen Allaway then twenty-two, plays the violin and viola exceptionally well.

She never had a real boyfriend let alone kissed a boy or man on the lips although she had many crushes and romantic fantasies while growing up.

She was raised by two rather eccentric aunts who never married and interestingly enough are twins. She lives with them in a spacious 3 story Victorian adjacent to a turn-around of the Erie Barge Canal. Her room and private bathroom is on the third floor.


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