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Sarah wants to establish some boundaries with her Master.
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"3...2...1...Wide awake!"

Slave's eyes drifted open, then stared over at her Master for a few seconds, slightly confused. Her mind was always a little fuzzy for a while after coming out of trance, and she was never fully out of trance when she was in this room. The ticking of the grandfather clock in the corner that Master sometimes used as a focus always made her mind soften a bit, and the strange patterns on the wallpaper sometimes made her drop a bit just by looking at them.

But even beyond that, something seemed unusual. She and Master both still had all their clothes on, and she was still in the same chair she'd been in when Master had put her under, rather than in one of the more compromising positions he usually preferred to wake her up in. The box of toys was still sitting in the corner, unused. That meant that Master probably wasn't done with her yet, but why had he woken her up?

Vaguely, she remembered that Master had wanted to test out something new on her. A new trigger? No, it was something else, but Slave's thoughts were still too hazy for her to remember what it was.

"Here, come with me." Master offered his hand to help her up. Almost without thinking, Slave took it. She still wasn't sure what was going on, but a command from Master always made her decision of what to do very easy.

Slave followed as Master led her out of the room. As she passed through the doorway, Slave -- no, Sarah -- felt her name return to her as her thoughts cleared, and she remembered just what they were trying to test.

She and Malcolm -- the compulsion to call him 'Master' in her thoughts was also gone -- had been dabbling in D/s dynamics in their relationship for quite a while, but it was only a few months ago that they'd begun to spice things up further with hypnosis. In that time, Sarah had discovered that she was a much better hypnotic subject than either of them had realized at first. Perhaps even a little too good of a subject.

That was why she'd asked Malcolm to put in the block. While it was undeniably hot how easily he could put her under, and how powerless to resist him she was once he did, it was still important to establish boundaries. It wasn't that she didn't trust him, but she wanted to make it clear to everyone, her own subconscious most of all, that whatever kinky roleplay they did inside the "playroom", as they called it, when they were outside of it, she and Malcolm were equals.

"I think it's working," she said as she followed Malcolm into the living room. "As soon as I walked out of there, it was like everything cleared up in my head."

"That's a good sign. Still, we should test out your triggers to make sure they're working." He paused. "Or rather, that they're not working."

That was the other reason she'd wanted to put in the block. All of her triggers were keyed to Malcolm's voice, but her subconscious could be...generous in interpreting that. There had been a few close calls where a stranger whose voice had sounded a bit too much like Malcolm's had inadvertently used one of her trigger phrases. Fortunately, she'd always been able to get away before the situation could get messy, figuratively or literally, but she preferred not to take any more chances.

"You, uh, might want to sit down," he said. "Just in case they're still working."

Sarah took a seat on the couch. She was pretty sure that safety wasn't Malcolm's main concern; most of her triggers wouldn't be particularly dangerous if she were standing anyway. But whenever Malcolm was physically above her, so that she had to look up at him, it made his commands that much more powerful. If her triggers didn't affect her even then, that would be a clear sign that their experiment was working.

Malcolm stepped forward and reached down to tilt her chin upwards so that she was looking directly into his eyes.

"Slave." He snapped his fingers.

Normally, such a direct trigger would send Sarah deep into her 'Slave' persona, possibly even before she had a chance to consciously process the word. But not this time.

"Nope. Still me, Sarah," she said.

Malcolm didn't break his intense stare. "Good Girl."

That was one of the first triggers he'd implanted in her. Sarah half-expected to hear her own voice saying the mantra with no conscious input on her part. But, a few seconds passed, and she didn't say anything. She smiled at Malcolm, and shook her head.

"And what if I were to, say, Turn up the Heat? And Turn up the Heat a little more? Then Turn up the Heat even more."

Malcolm almost never used 'Turn up the Heat' in rapid succession like that; the slow buildup was half the fun with it. And yet, despite so many quick triggers, the room felt exactly the same temperature as it had a moment ago.

"I think it's safe to say it worked," Sarah said.

Malcolm smiled mischievously. He clearly wasn't finished yet. "What about 'Sinking Down'. Nothing? How about 'Bound Together', then? And also, Turn up the Heat. Still nothing? OK then, 'Open Sesame'. Oh wait, was it 'Open Sesame' or 'Open Wide'? Never mind. By the way, are you absolutely sure that 'Turn up the Heat' isn't doing anything? Uh...what else was there? Oh! Roll Back."

Sarah shook her head and smiled to herself. It never ceased to amuse her how quickly Malcolm's 'Master' persona could slip away when he got excited, his demeanour shifting to that of an excited puppy. It was something she might've tried to take advantage of, back when she was trying to be a bit more of a switch, before she'd come to accept that she enjoyed following order much more than giving them.

Speaking of orders, she couldn't quite remember what all of those triggers did, which was almost certainly intentional. Malcolm (and her own subconscious) loved to make her forget the triggers he'd implanted in her. But, whatever they were meant to do, they clearly weren't doing anything now.

"If you're quite finished," she said, standing up. "Then maybe we can head back in there, and you can use some of these for real?"

"Wait, wait, just one more: Triple-Action. Oh, and Turn up the Heat, Turn up the Heat, Turn up the Heat."

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Now I'm pretty sure you're just making these up."

"In a minute you're about to find out." He led her back to the room, pausing at the doorway. "Ladies first."

Almost as soon as she entered the room, Sarah felt her thoughts starting to get fuzzy again. The grandfather clock was ticking away, each tick relaxing her a little more. The shapes on the walls seemed to swim slightly in front of her eyes.

Malcolm stepped in front of her. His demeanor had changed when he'd entered the room. Gone was the excited puppy; now he was back in the role of Master.

"Let's do a safeword check," he said.

"Yellow to slow down. Red to stop." Sarah knew that no matter how deep she went, she would always remember those words, and they would always be available for her to use, if she needed them.

"Good." He paused for a moment. "Replay."

Sarah's eyes widened as she suddenly remembered the last part of their experiment, the part that her subconscious had been hiding from her until now.

Then, almost as quickly, she felt it slip out of her mind again as her thoughts went all fuzzy. Slave shook her head. It couldn't have been that important anyway; nothing that Master told her to forget was worth remembering.

"I'm a Good Girl, and Good Girls obey," Slave heard her own voice say. She felt a familiar shiver of pleasure run through her, one she always felt whenever she unthinkingly repeated her mantras.

It was followed almost immediately by a feeling of warmth, starting in her pussy then spreading to the rest of her body. It was pleasant at first, but quickly became uncomfortable, and Slave realized she was wearing way too much clothing for the occasion. She pulled off her shirt, then clumsily unclasped her bra. She fumbled for a few seconds with the button of her jeans, before pulling both them and her panties down in a single motion.

But before she could get them all the way off, Slave felt the floor pulling her downwards. Her knees buckled as she slowly sank down into a kneeling position, her jeans and panties still around her ankles. For a few seconds, she tried vainly to pull them the rest of the way off, but the heat in her pussy soon overpowered all other considerations, and she started masturbating furiously.

But almost as soon as she started, Slave felt her hands being pulled away from her pussy and behind her back, as if by invisible ropes tied around her wrists. Her hands clasped together, and she knew she wouldn't be able to pull them apart, no matter how hard she tried.

She looked pleadingly up at Master, who'd backed up a few steps and was watching her with obvious amusement.

He shook his head. "Not yet, Slave."

Slave looked around desperately for something else to relieve the burning heat in her pussy. Finally, her eyes found the box of toys in the corner, and she waddled over to it awkwardly. She tried to reach around to it with her still-clasped hands, then gave up and instead used her forehead to tip it over, spilling its contents out onto the floor. Choosing the nearest toy, a large glass dildo, Slave used her forehead to roll it towards her, and grabbed it between her thighs. She struggled for a few seconds trying to rotate it upwards and wiggle it towards her pussy using only her legs. But, just as it seemed that she was starting to make progress, she felt her knees being pulled apart, as wide open as they could go, by some invisible force. She watched helplessly as the dildo rolled away.

Slave looked back at Master, still standing in the same place, watching her with a smile on his face, and a visible erection.

"Master, caa I pleesh..." Her question was cut off before she could finish it when her mouth opened wide, forming itself into an O. Unable to form any more words, Slave begged silently with her eyes. Master waited a few seconds, then beckoned her towards him with one finger. She would have to come to him.

Her progress was agonizingly slow. On her knees, with her legs spread wide and her jeans still around her ankles, she could only shuffle forward in tiny steps. All the while, her eyes were fixed on Master's cock, the heat in her pussy preventing her from thinking of anything else. Suddenly, just as she was about to reach him, her eyes rolled back into her head, and she couldn't see anything at all.

Slave groped blindly with her mouth for a few seconds, before feeling Master's hand on her head. He paused for a few seconds, and the small part of Slave's mind that was still capable of conscious thought knew that this was her chance to use her safewords if she needed to, that not even the force holding her mouth in a perfect O could stop her from saying them. But she had no intention of doing that, and a moment later, his hand guided her gently onto his cock.

As she took Master's cock into her mouth, she also felt it enter into her pussy, while at the same time going into her ass. Slave couldn't understand how that was possible, but she wasn't going to question it, even if her mind had been capable of forming questions at that point. She was just happy that she finally had something in her pussy; the heat radiating from it at this point was almost maddening.

She bobbed her head up and down on Master's cock, and at the same time felt his cock thrust into her pussy and ass at exactly the same rhythm. But instead of relieving the heat, each thrust only seemed to intensify it, until Slave couldn't think of anything except how badly she wanted to cum. But she couldn't cum before Master, not unless he said...

Suddenly, Slave felt her pussy clench around Master's cock as she came. A half-second later, Master came in all three holes simultaneously. She eagerly took Master's cum into her, the intense heat finally dissipating from her body. After a few seconds, Master withdrew his three cocks from her. Slave's thoughts had cleared just enough to know that only one of them was real, but she had no idea which one it was.


Slave felt her hands unclasp behind her back, then felt the invisible force pulling her knees apart disappear. Her mouth unlocked from its O shape and she closed it to swallow Master's cum, then opened it again so he could see that she'd gotten it all. As Slave's eyes rolled back to their usual positions, she saw Master smiling down at her.

"Good Girl."

"I'm a Good Girl, and Good Girls obey," Slave replied automatically, shivering slightly with pleasure.

"Now in a moment I'm going to count down from 3, and then you're going to return to being Sarah. 3...2...1...Now."

Sarah blinked and shook her head as she felt her thoughts clear. "Wow."

Malcolm offered her his hand. "So, how was that?"

"That was...intense," she said as she took his hand and rose unsteadily to her feet, then reached down to pull up her jeans and panties. "I don't think I was expecting it to work quite that well."

"To be honest, me neither," Malcolm said, his 'Master' persona gone. "I may have gone a little overboard with priming your triggers. Maybe I should've tested it with just one or two to start, before jumping straight to -"

"Oh, where's the fun in that?" Sarah interrupted. "To be clear, when I said it was 'intense', I meant 'better than I could've possibly imagined.'" She paused for a moment. "Speaking of which, how the hell did you make me forget about 'Triple-Action'. I would've thought that one at least would be pretty damn memorable." Even now, she half-expected to look down and see cum dripping out of her pussy.

He smiled. "You'd be surprised how many things I've put in your head then made you forget about."

Sarah looked at him suspiciously, not quite sure whether he was joking. The idea of someone else having so much power over her mind was undeniably hot, but also a tiny bit scary. Which was why is it was so important to establish this boundary; as long as she was outside this room, her mind was entirely her own. But when she was inside it...

She smiled at Malcolm. "Anyway, that was a good warm-up, but I think Slave might be up for more."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded.

"Well, in that case...Replay."

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