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Breeding the Help Ch. 04


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'I'll drown my beliefs

To have your babies

I'll dress like your niece

And wash your swollen feet...'

Late nights on the phone with Maria, a world away, waiting for me. Dreams filled with the island paradise I'd left behind, with my exotic, gorgeous Filipina wife and our beautiful children.

'Just don't leave

Don't leave...'

My parents, almost as distant in a new imperialist expatriate enclave in China, carving out a new fortune from the less fortunate. Always trying to get their claws back in, but I'm made of stronger stuff now.

'I'm not living

I'm just killing time

Your tiny hands

Your crazy kitten smile...'

The Princeton mail room, where I received letters and photos from Mindanao, watching the twins grow up little by little. Throwing myself into my studies with a desperate fire that gave me focus, ignoring everything else.

'Just don't leave

Don't leave...'

A new set of photos of Maria's sexy, svelte little belly, barely showing. Her holding one of the twins on her hip, the other sleeping in the crook of her arm.

'And true love waits

In haunted attics

And true love lives

On lollipops and crisps...'

The long plane ride to the Philippines for the first time, the second time, the sixth time, the ninth time, and the last time, when we were finally together forever.

'Just don't leave

Don't leave...'

Maria and I hand in hand, along the beach, our children laughing and playing in our footsteps.


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Comentarista82Comentarista8213 days ago

This story deserves a 5 because of what you named AND it fitting all the facts about Filipinas and how he changed for the better because of her: it's a worthy entry to the Interracial Love category. In fact, Filipinas want a foreigner like this, and WILL allow one to get them pregnant when he's willing to support her and especially love her. You can research this if you'd like, as you'll quickly see it checks all the right boxes.


It's just a shame more Interracial Love entries don't follow this approach, respecting the category and then pulling off masterful development like this. Depravio deserves every 5-star rating possible.

sirfloydsirfloyd14 days ago

This was a Great story, that started out as a sex story but became a GREAT LOVE STORY! Would really love to see another chapter to finish it up as the Tremendous Love Story it became, to show if his parents ever embraced them and their grandchildren on how there beautiful life continues!

hsmeilophsmeilop4 months ago

Awesome story of the Philippines!!! 5 stars!!!

SuaveTigrisSuaveTigris4 months ago

Very good story. A Sexy Asian dreamGirl, wife and great mother in one package. '

Once you go Asian, you never go CaucAsian.. ;)

deadmunnydeadmunny7 months ago

Loved it! im a romantic ........... I would love to have seen an epilogue to finish up, where he got a great job and had his family in the US with him?

to maybe see his father have a better relationship with him and see his grandkids and some kind of satisfying retribution or come uppance for his horrible mother ?

But all in all great stuff

Jbird1660Jbird16607 months ago

Incredible story! Definitely worth the read. All that detail and the very end is very vague. I would have liked to know how they lived out the first few years at least. Just a more detailed up to a hell of a story would have been better. I liked how Carl changed from being an arrogant, spoiled kid who forced himself on the maid to a mature, responsible and loving partner to his wife. You can see how Carl became so damaged from his dysfunctional parents. You can’t help but feel bad for him because he can’t have felt loved. Thank you for sharing this story and I’m glad he found love in the end.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Love this anthology since I read Part 1. Being married to a Filipina myself, the details are exact replicas of what I have experienced, sex, scenery, food, everything was correct. It brought back many memories, wholesome and the erotic. Finish the story. How do they end up? Carl Daddy finish school and start a flourishing business? A third child? Did Joy “join” them? I look forward to the next part of those very enjoyable saga!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This nearly brought me to tears. Excellent story!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Depravio I think I'm in love/lust with you. To write such a beautiful passionate & sexy story, you must be one hell of a man/lover. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Great Love Story ❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ FIVE STARS ❤️😻💕. Two Twin's Excellently Written Great Story

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Excellently written. There’s a lot of details in there that make me believe this really happened - I’m saying this as a former expat in Thailand with a wife from a town in the Davao region, funnily enough pretty close by to the one you describe. A lot of what you wrote rings very true to the expat life, or what I imagine it would be like to be one growing up (like my former students).

Just a few things that threw me slightly

- I’m pretty sure there was no Jolliebee at that time in Bkk

- Why no mention of the Durians? That region of the philippines is amazing in their low price and quality.

- Why were no kids running up to the MC and saying ‘Hey Joe’? they do this for every white face, even the non americans.

With those minor gripes, which may be simply things you forgot (given the length of time if the dates are accurate), you got an incredible amount right. There’s also a lot of subtle messages in here, which I was not expecting in a piece on this site. I actually enjoyed seeing your wannabee jock of an MC grow up, or try to. Hope to see a sequel, honestly this is a mild polishing off from being printable (sans 80% of the sex scenes).

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

damn. Good for him but is there gonna be a part 5 but with joy now in the fold? The sister also doesnt mind ahahahahahahah

Herk9Herk910 months ago

Well done Depravio! I’m going to echo the sentiments of the other comments here, this is without question the best story I have ever read on Literotica. I look forward to your future stories.

I’d also love to know this; how true is this story? Is it a fantasy of the perfect life Carl (you?) and Maria might have enjoyed, or did this really happen?

Once more, well done, an excellent piece of writing!

malejktmalejkt10 months ago

This is the stuff great novels are made of. The series is one of the best stories I have read.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This is just a masterpiece!!!! I’m crying so much!!!! You deserve an award for this!! Now I will daydream about this for a month! Thank you

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great story. Nice to see how you changed.

HB38HB3811 months ago

Thank you so much for finishing this. Excellent work; a real masterpiece.

LechemanLecheman11 months ago

Loved it, well done.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I've never cried from an erotica story before. This was too beautiful and sweet. Bless you

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I'm glad you came back to this story. A little mistranslations here and there but love the story. Looking forward to more of your stuff.

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