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Cassie Gets Stripped

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Cassie gets into a mock fight with her girlfriend.
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My name is Cassie. My girlfriend Melanie and I are sort of infamous amongst our friends. A reputation built ever since the first days of college.

You see, the two of us get into fights a lot. Well we don't really get into fights, but people think we do. It's hard to explain, and kind of weird, but I'll do my best.

You see, I'll do something or say something, or sometimes Melanie will. The other then will get mad, and we'll start to bicker or get really angry, and sort of draw a lot of attention to ourselves.

You see though, it's all on purpose. I mean not so much trying to make each other angry, we aren't actually usually angry. We're acting out more so. We're making a scene on purpose. The fights aren't usually planned or scripted between us. Yet it's sort of fun to be all emotional and stuff and have people watching, in a weird way.

Yes, I'm a bit of an attention-whore and a weirdo. Yet trust me when I say that Melanie and I both enjoy it a lot. There's more to it too.

I'm a bit of a submissive to. It's not just about people paying attention to me. I also just in general like my girlfriend bossing around, getting mad at me, and trying to be controlling and stuff. I'm a bit of a submissive, and setting up a scene where I get to be bossed around by her is fun. It's a bit exhibitionistic too to want an audience, but it's just sort of a kink I picked up over the years. I don't quite get it myself either.

Melanie also is the sweetest thing ever! She's almost always the controlling jerk in the situation. Sometimes it's rightfully so, I can be quite a brat when I'm trying to get her to act out against me. Heck, it's most of the time that's the case; she's almost always in the right. Yet like I said, she's sweet. She honestly would never get angry at me for doing something I did want to do. She'd never be controlling of me in a bad way. She'd also never lay a hand on me or get violent! She's quite tame and gentle really. It's because she's so kind that she does this stuff with me. Well also I know she enjoys being a bit of a Domme as well.

So by playing out these little scenes, we have some fun. People get confused really. They wonder why we're still together. Only our closest friend know it's all for show. People will see us being lovey-dovey one day, but then yelling at each other the next.

Sometimes when people ask how we're still together, I joke that, "the make-up sex is amazing!" I then insist that it was just a little spat.

Which I have to say, is half true. Although the fights aren't real, but when we get home after a fight, we typically have a hard time even finding our way to the bed before we're on each other.

As I said, it usually scripted. I'll just usually do something I figure isn't something a good girlfriend should do, and if she's in the right mood, she'll pick up on that, and we'll be going at it.

So with a party coming up soon, I started to devise a plan to really get one going. I'll admit to being a bit of exhibitionistic. I don't normally dress too sexily, but I thought maybe I'd wear something that showed a bit more skin than usual. See if I couldn't get all flirty and make Melanie act all jealous and angry at me for it. With a couple of friends and strangers around, we could make quite the scene too I figure, a way to liven things up.

I have to say, that things definitely did liven up once things got rolling!

The outfit I had on was quite risqué in my opinion. The top hugged my chest pretty well, and the straps for the shoulders were pretty thin. I even had to go with a bra with no shoulder straps, which was fine since I had a lot of my upper chess on view. I made sure I was even showing some cleavage. It was short too, leaving a lot of bare midriff.

The skirt was short and tight. It was made of a stretchy material that hugged my hips. It came down to a couple of inches above my knees, but typically even walking made it ride up to at least to mid-thigh. I had a lot of my legs on show, and I admit I was feeling sexy once I started to look at myself in the mirror enough. I don't know if I wanted to be in it for long, but Melanie would hopefully get the fight going early and we'd just get to go home earlier then.

I arrived to the party a little earlier than Melanie could. She was at work. I'd told her ahead of time that we'd just meet up. This would allow me to shock her a little with it. If she saw me leave for the party like that, she wouldn't have an excuse to get suddenly mad.

So I get there, find some friends and talk a little. I keep a close eye on my phone though. My face practically lights up when I see the text from Melanie. She's on her way. It was time to get started.

I find a girl sitting alone on the couch. A bit of a cutie, and I figured would be fun to talk to. I of course wasn't sure if she'd be into me or anything, but I just had to stall things until Melanie was there.

So I sit next to her and start some small talk. She's quite nice and friendly, and we get to laughing and talking about a few things.

I check the time, and see it should be time soon. I excuse myself to go get a drink for her and I, and I get up.

That's when I stall in the kitchen a bit. I want to wait till I hear the door open. I'd then walk back, hopefully Melanie is too far away to approach me, and I can start my show.

The doorbell rings, and I hear the host call out that she'll get the door. That's my cue!

I grab the drink and head back to the living room. I see Melanie at the door, on the other side of the room. She's scanning the crowd, and for a moment our eyes meet. I wink and turn away from her, trying to pretend I didn't see her.

I think my outfit shocked her for real, because I was still able to see her just stare for a bit. Things were going right!

I sat on the couch. Melanie was probably now approaching, so I turned my head away, and began to pick conversation back up.

"You know that dress looks super cute on you!" I say, now louder than I was before. I figure Melanie could probably just hear it. Hopefully she wouldn't approach me right away. If she's as good as she is some nights, she probably would be able to tell from my voice I was using a bit of my bratty tone already.

"Oh, thank you," the girl responds.

"No, I mean it! I bet all the guys have been hitting on you, some of the girls too. Picturing you with the little thing pooled at your feet," I say. I almost can't help but laughing at myself. I was being a tad over the top, but I had to make it a little obvious to Melanie. "I know I am at least."

The girl blushed and looked at her toes. I took a finger and made circles on her exposed knee. The dress was longer than my skirt, but it did look good on her I thought. I saw a bit of a smile though on her face, so I could at least tell I wasn't making her feel too uncomfortable. I didn't hear Melanie trying to get my attention yet, so she must be watching the scene I was setting up still.

I pictured her standing there, with a friend maybe with her. I pictured them both shocked that I was flirting with another woman, the friend knowing where this could lead. I trust Melanie trusted me enough to know I wasn't doing this seriously, and that she was just stalling to come up with a plan.

"You look good too..." the girl says timidly. She actually eyes me up, making me shiver a little. I remember just how much I have exposed. Yet it makes me a little happy to hear the compliment too.

"OH, you think? I wasn't sure about how long this is, but I figured, what the heck, show what you got, right!" I say, as I run my hand up and down my leg. I then re-cross my legs, my skirt inching up my thighs a little. I know I'm nearly showing my panties at this rate, I really am on the edge of exposure. Yet I'm in control, and I plan to keep it that way.

"You wouldn't happen to be interested perhaps seeing me without my clothes..." I begin to say. That's when it happens!

"Cassie!" I hear Melanie sharply say. I know she's probably standing a foot to my side. My heart actually skips a beat, but more from excitement. This was it! I'd done it!

I change my coy face to one of shock. I try to make it look like I'd truly just been caught. I slowly turn my head to Melanie. She is standing there, hands on her hips. I can tell it's her mock anger look. I try my best to hide a smile. I oh so love her when she looks this tough.

"Oh Melanie!" I say in a fake panic. I look around. "This isn't what it looks like!" I say.

Melanie grabs my wrist and pulls me to my feet. I worry a little about my skirt, but it stays in place enough to hide me. Yet that isn't much my concern at that moment.

"Cassie, what is the meaning of all this?" She asks.

I decide to play dumb, "all of what? What crawled up your shorts?"

"Well firstly, who is this girl?" she asks. She firmly points to the girl on the couch. I can tell the girl practically wants to curl up or run. I feel a bit bad for putting her into this position, but I'm sure Melanie will be smart and divert all blame to me.

"Just a friend!" I say.

"Oh?" she asks. She looks the girl over. "I know your friends, and I don't recognize her. What's her name?"

I realize I never did find that out. I'd just been using her to set this up. I almost laugh at how perfectly guilty I've really made myself look, and it was even on accident.

Me not giving an answer for a bit is all she needs. "And what about this outfit! You left the house in something like this?!"

I could feel my skin tingle. She was drawing attention to the outfit, which made me legitimately blush, but I also loved just how angry she sounded. I was being put in my place, and I loved it.

"It's just a little something! You're not the boss of what I can wear," I argue. I start to sound a bit poutier. Always best to put up a little bit of a fight, even if I wanted her to win.

"Oh? Well you can wear what you want, but I'm not having my girlfriend flash her panties to just anyone! I don't care how much you want people to see or to flirt around, but if you're going to be with me, you're going to practice some modesty!" She demanded.

I looked around. A few of our friends were watching. One of them even rolled their eyes, as if they'd seen scenes like this one too many times. The people I didn't know seemed more hushed. All around us now people were watching our argument grow. It's amazing how well I was able to hide my joy!

"I can show off what I want Mel! It's my body, and I want to show a little leg, I will!" I say as I lift the side of my skirt up, nearly to the waistband of my panties. I turn my wrist towards a few people, giving it a little bounce even to draw attention.

While I'm turning, and my back is turned towards Melanie, that's when things really got going and she started to do something I didn't expect!

"OH, you want to show off, huh?!" She asks. I don't turn towards her right away, acting too smug for my own good. Well that was a mistake, because I didn't see her hands coming towards my hips.

In a few brief moments, she grabs the sides of my skirt. She then pulls the hem right up! In a second it's around my waist! My little white, frilly panties with a little pink bow are out in the open for everyone to see!

Cassie Gets Stripped

Part 2

By Jappio

"MEL!" I suddenly screech as I start to fight her hands for control of my skirt. The screech was real too. She's never done something like this before.

All around me people watch as I fought my girlfriend to get my skirt down again. The whole time the cotton that I hadn't planned on anyone but Melanie to see was now there for public viewing by the whole party. My face was instantly red and I began to feel flustered.

I eventually got away from her grip, my skirt pushed down some. "Are you mad?! Why would you do that?"

"You're the crazy one. You wear a skirt that tiny and expect no one to be able to see your panties? Besides, I think I heard you asking the girl there on the couch if she wanted to see you naked, so why not do it."

My heart was beating fast now. Was she serious? I began to be a little afraid. Melanie is always in control though; I trust she wouldn't go too far. I didn't back away for a moment. She'd tell me that she was leaving or something, and I'd excuse myself then too...

"And this top! You have it held on by the tiniest of threads! Hoping someone just comes by and tears the thing from you?" She asks me. Again, without any sign of warning, especially thanks to me not expecting it, Melanie grabs the straps to my top and pulls as hard as she can. They snap instantly!

The ends fall loosely. I feel my top sag a little; luckily it's tight enough to hold itself up some. I still grab hold of it, and stare down my girlfriend. "What the heck Melanie?! You ruined my top!"

She just chuckles. "I don't even know if you have a bra under that thing you little show off. For all I know you were just dying to show off a bit more skin!" As much as I wasn't sure where things were going, I have to say, I was honestly into this a little bit. Melanie was acting so strong.

I noticed that things were quieter around us. The party goers watching had grown too. I was embarrassed they'd seen my stripped, but I was feeling deliciously like the little bratty girl getting her punishment too.

So feeling too much in the roll of the brat, I decided to lash back. I think Melanie would have dropped the fight there probably, begin to wind it down, but I wasn't thinking straight, I'd gotten light headed. "I'm sorry if you're so jealous you don't have quite the same amazing looks to show off!" I say, and then suddenly grab the ends of her blouse. My fingers work into the ends, between the buttons, and pull suddenly.

A button or two go flying. The shirt is now wide open. My girlfriend's pink bra, encompassing her gorgeous breasts, is now exposed. Her eyes are wide, a bit of fear in them for a second. I then think about what I did.

I bet everyone around me could see the sudden switch in my eyes. One moment I looked indignant. I had been so confident in my choice to do that to Melanie. Yet then the color of my face disappeared. My yes rapidly looked up and down at my handiwork, at the area I just exposed. Normally I would love the sight, but I realized what it meant.

I looked up at Melanie's face. She's taller than me, and in general stronger than me. She was the dominant one, if our personalities didn't dictate it, our size sure did. She was lean and beautiful, and I usually loved it.

Yet at that moment, I worried I was the one who stepped a line. I had maybe done something I shouldn't. It seemed fair at first, but it's like I realized what the punishment could be. Not even so much that I was worried that Melanie would be hurt. Yet I could see her shocked expression change to one of anger. I knew that I just pissed off the hornet's nest, and I was going to get stung for my actions!

In a blink of the eye, Melanie grabbed me by my shoulders. I didn't even fight back as she pulled me to the ground. I felt sorry, ready to repent, but couldn't even say anything at first.

Melanie was so dominating in those moments. She had me lying on the ground, sitting on my torso. I knew I wasn't going anywhere, and had my brain not been so scrambled in that moment, I'd have realized just how much of a turn on that was. My girlfriend was actually holding me down for my horrible behavior, right there in the middle of the party.

So when she said, "Oh, so you like showing bras off, do you? Why doesn't everyone see what you have on, if you do that is!" I didn't even say anything or fight, or realize what she planned. After that, her hands were digging into the bottom of my top!

Her hands easily found my bra. Thanks to the lack of straps on it, she gave it one tug and it began to lower on my body! It was a bit rough coming down, but I was too shocked still to stop it or anything.

Everyone saw the white material slip out from the bottom of the shirt. Melanie adjusted it until she could find the clasp and undid it. I was now catching on that she was possibly going to actually strip me all the way possibly! IN the very least I was down my bra, which I knew was important to hiding my breasts. In the small top, I knew their shape was obvious. I was too busy to notice though that my hard nipples were also obvious thanks to the lack of bra now.

"Melanie, please!" I beg. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I don't know if I was playing a roll anymore, or if I was trying to fight back, worried that she was going to strip me.

"Hm, what does everyone else think? Should my flirtatious girlfriend here be let go? Or should I help her out with showing off?" she asks.

Well, just as you would suspect from a crowd at a party, they chanted, "show off, show off!" I probably honestly deserved it. I was an awful tease, I was flirting when I already had a girlfriend, and I had ruined her shirt. I was in the wrong.

So Melanie stuck with the show. She suddenly turned around, so her back was to me. She still hadn't closed her shirt; she didn't seem to care much, as she grabbed my skirt again. She found the zipper and undid it.

I began to kick my feet and fight back. She was going to take my skirt off! I wasn't about to spend my time at the party walking around in just my underwear below my waist! I was even able to almost get free, but I only managed to flip around so I was lying on my stomach. The struggle made Melanie lose a little balance, but she was able to stay stable enough to stay where she was.

She had the zipper lowered on the skirt, trying to push it down my legs. I felt my pantied butt come into view, people hollered at the sight.

I reached behind myself and I grabbed at her shirt, trying to pull her. I lowered it off her shoulders a little even. That gave her the excuse though to do what she did next.

All you could hear was a loud ripping sound. I felt the tight fabric that had been around my waist loosen. I could still feel it under me though. Everyone else watched on in amazement as they saw my skirt get torn!

My Gf had pulled the two ends of the zipper hard, tearing the skirt at the seam at the bottom and all the way through. The ends fell to either side of me. My bare legs up to my panties were exposed. My panties themselves were exposed, and half my back wasn't even covered by my top, which wasn't going to help me cover up at all!

My girlfriend actually stripped me of my skirt at the party! I had nothing I could wear to hide my lower half now! I was actually stripped like this in front of everyone. Melanie had proven her dominance over me in front of everyone.

"Ohhh!" I moaned out, half of it in fake anger and frustration, part of it from the excitement of the situation. I looked around and saw all the smiling faces. I doubt a single person wasn't watching right now. It was downright embarrassing to have my underwear exposed, but there wasn't anything I could do about it now.

My girlfriend swiped the ruined skirt from me and tossed it away. She then again turned to face me. She saw my red face, and smiled. I knew some of it was sincere, that she was actually enjoying our skirmish, but I know she was meaning it to look like a look of victory. I struggled some more, and again the best I could do was flip over so I was on my back again.

I felt absolute undressed myself. The top was small, and it felt so light on me. My breasts were clearly shown off in it. My girlfriend on my stomach didn't really allow me much ability to use my hands to hide my panties either. Best I could do was kick my legs a little, but my bare thighs and cute panties were stuck with being exposed.

So now with me on my back, my girlfriend leaned forward. "So, you wanted to show the girl over there your body? Showing off your cleavage, your bare legs..." she said, her fingers grabbing the bottom of my top. They began to pull it upwards.


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