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Caught by the Rain

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She gives an unwanted wet t-shirt show.
948 words
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(Phone ringing).


"Hi Sheryl, it's me, Mandy. How's life?"

"Fine. Hot. Spent all day at the pool. How's your day been?"


"How so?"

"Oh, just been out a bit on this hot day."

"Hot it was. What've you been up to?"

"Well you know this afternoon, I had to go get some groceries. And it was a really hot day, you know, so I dressed light."

"Of course. I've been in bikini most of the day."

"Not that light. I'm not going to walk around the mall in bikini."

"That would be a sight."

"Too much of a sight! Anyway I walked out, in the hot sun, but halfway it was suddenly raining. Really hard, you know, and no shelter. I was soaked by the time I got to the mall."

"Really, I haven't seen any rain. Just a cloud or two."

"Lucky you. Now I was soaked to the bone, totally wet."

Sheryl laughs, "Mandy, the wet t-shirt girl!"

"Yes, pretty much. A thin white one, for that matter, nice and cool in the hot sun. It was still raining so I just ran into the supermarket, and you know it was freezing in there. They had the a/c on full blast, and I was wet, you know, really wet as in water dripping from my hair and running down my legs and so, and I felt like I was being frozen."

"They always make it too cold in there don't they?"

"Goosebumps all over."

"I got you."

"And then I see all those people looking at me. It's not like I wasn't the only one that got hit by that rain, but no, all looking at me."

Sheryl laughs again, "Wet t-shirt girl, you must have been a sight."

"Oh yeah you bet. It was a sight you know. I told you I was hot, right?"


"So what not to wear when it's too hot?"

"OMG don't tell me you didn't wear a bra?"


"Now that must have been a sight!"

"I was so ashamed! You know they could see everything."

"Sorry I missed it."

"It was the perfect disaster. Thin white shirt, soaking wet, cold air... I was afraid my nipples were going to punch holes in that shirt! And it totally clung to my tits, I was like naked."

"Oh my that must have been a sight."

Mandy laughs, "You would have loved it, I guess."

"Sure I would! And I bet the rest of the shop loved it too."

"Man, I felt so ashamed, all those eyes on me. Really everyone looking at me. Looking at my tits mostly of course. As if they had never seen any before."

"Now how often do you see a girl walking around in nothing but a soaking wet white tee?"

"Yeah, yeah, not often. But still they don't have to look at me like that. It was so embarrassing."

"So what did you do?"

"Couldn't do much, you know. It was still raining a bit, so going out wouldn't do much, and I had to get my shopping still. Best I could do was to cover my tits with an arm."

"I would have turned around and ran out. That's too embarrassing."

"I was thinking of that too. My face must have been so red, I really felt ashamed. And I had quite some shopping to do so really needed both arms to hold it."

"Poor you."

"Yeah well then actually I got over it. I realised there was nothing I could do about it, just had to let them look."


"Of course, what else could I? Just stand tall and smile. And you know the fun part started then."


"Yes, fun. You know those guys all looking at me, they all tried to make it not so obvious. But have you ever met a guy who can ogle a girl without being obvious?"


"Of course not. Anyway I just started looking back at them. And smile, showing them 'hey I know what you're looking at, dirty man!', and then they would all turn red and look away. Couples were even better, the woman would usually look angry at her man."

"Oh god, you actually enjoyed it?", Sheryl exclaimed.

"That part I did. I just had to get over my own shame. After all I don't look that special do I? Nothing to be ashamed of I'd say."

"That's true."

"And you know it was actually quite exciting. Knowing I was being looked at kept my nipples hard, and kept them looking."

"I didn't know you're an exhibitionist."

"Me neither. And you know the best part was the check-out."

"How so?"

"Well I chose my line with a young male cashier, I guessed he would be most fun. And when I was standing there and he really didn't know where to look. And he had to look down for my shopping so my tits were really in his sight."

"You really enjoyed it didn't you?"

"Indeed I did. It was actually really fun after I got over the embarrassment."

"And then?"

"Well I got my groceries and just walked home. The sun was shining again, and halfway my walk home my shirt was pretty much dry again. It was getting dry already when I got out, so the fun was over."

"So next time you're going to dress proper?"

"What you mean? I wasn't dressed properly?"

"Don't tell me you're going to do this again."

"Well, maybe I would..."

"No, you wouldn't!"

"I'll invite you."

"I may come watch."

"As long as you mind the dress code: thin white tee, no bra, and a walk in the rain."

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trace_ekiestrace_ekiesover 11 years ago
A fun read

I like dialog. I enjoy having the characters talk about themselves - what they are doing or what they have done. This was particularly well done. Believable and readable!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Normally 'conversation' stories sound forced and do nothing for me. Yours however managed to be quirky without being crass. Well done.

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