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Cedar Hill Cheerleaders Ch. 12

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Chantelle & James on an island of nude natives
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Part 12 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 11/02/2016
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For the last few days the skies had been clear, completely devoid of clouds; so the residents of this Swiss ski chalet had spent their days either skiing or looking after those who were skiing.

Between sunset and a suitable hour for repose, a group of us men sat in front of the large log fire and exchange stories.

One of the men speaks up, "Wayne how about telling us more of the lives of Chantelle and James? Did anything unusual happen to either of them once they graduated from Cedar Hill high school?"

I thought for a while and then replied, "Well there was this one interesting incident; but to put it into its correct context I will have to go back a generation."


Jody Dubois and her friend Marion Johnson were on holidays in Greece. While shopping in the Athens market place, they became separated.

Marion yelled out "JODY! ... JODY! ... WHERE ARE YOU JODY!"

A short while later a handsome man approached her. She asked him, "What do you want?"

The man replied, "Didn't you just call out for me? I'm Joe... Joe D Spiros." He took her hand and kissed it. Just then Jody found them. "Who's this?" she asked Marion as she glared at Joe.

Marion replied, "Jody, I'd like you to meet Joe... D... Spiros... Joe, this is my best friend Jody Dubois." Joe took Jody's hand and kissed it.

A few months later Jody and Joe were married in a small Greek wedding; well, it was small by Greek standards.

Two years later, early one October evening, Chantelle was conceived. By this time Joe had received his residency visa; and he, Jody and their young daughter Amelia had settled into a modest four-bedroom cottage in Cedar Hill.

On one island among a group of small uncharted tropical islands in the mid-Atlantic Ocean; the Chief of the Char natives saw an unusually bright falling star at the exact time of Chantelle's conception. Later that night the Chief again dreamt that that their God would visit their island. However, this time he also dreamt that the arrival of their God would be announced by a beautiful white angel.

A few months before, the whole tribe had seen and heard a meteorite as it passed over their island and crashed into the sea. This corresponded exactly to the time of James Taylor's conception, also in Cedar Hill. That night was the first time the Char Chief dreamt that their white God would visit them, falling from the sky in a ball of fire.

The natives had migrated to these islands many generations before. There were four families who were forced out of their homeland along the Amazon River. Each family settled on a different island within the group. Each family or tribe became known by the main form of makeup they used; and these were determined by the resources of each of the islands.

On one island and only that island grew a shrub which had bright red berries; so the women of this tribe used the juice of these berries to paint their lips and their areola.

Another island had a shellfish with a blue lining in their shells. The blue from these shells was used as eye-shadow and for other markings on the body.

The natives on the third island made a dye from the grass which grew in an open area in the centre of their island. This dye was a bright lime green with a bleaching quality. The women, and especially young unmarried women, used the dye to lighten their jet-black hair leaving it with lime streaks.

The Char tribe's island had the highest mountain peak and it was the only place that was ever struck by lightning. They used the charcoal which was left by the fires the lightning started; it was believed to have mystical powers compared to the charcoal from their cooking fires. Mixed with the pure white clay that existed on only one of their island's headlands; they were able to create all the shades of grey. They exaggerated their eyebrows with the charcoal and painted small pictures on their hips with the various shades of grey and white.

Each family of the Char tribe lived in a separate hut. There was also one long hut for the men and women who had reached maturity and were still single. The men slept up one end and the women at the other end. To reduce in-breading, the sexes were discouraged from mixing. Single men wishing to start a family would raid the other islands looking for a partner; this sometimes resulted in inter-island warfare.

All four tribes worshipped a single God, and each island had a life size nude male statue to remind them of their God. These statues were coloured white using the white clay from the Char Island combined with the sap from trees on one of the other islands; this sap acted as both a bleach and a sealant.


Fifteen years after the birth of James and Chantelle, there was a small boat carrying a group of tourists on a big-game fishing expedition east of Bermuda. One of the passengers was a priest; the others knew this because for some strange reason he was wearing a dark suit along with his priestly collar.

As the hours passed a storm came over the horizon to the west. None of them initially noticed because they were completely engrossed in their battles with either a marlin or a tuna. When the storm made itself blatantly obvious, it was too late.

However as soon as the skipper saw the approaching storm, he checked that they all had on life vests.

One rogue wave washed the priest overboard. One of the others immediately threw a self-inflating life-boat to him; but by the time they found a rope and prepared to throw it, he was already in the life-boat and it had been swept away by the wind and waves.

Two days later he landed on Char Island.

The natives knew that he was not the God of the prophesy, because he did not descend from the sky in a ball of fire and he had dark skin like them. He was in fact a native of Africa who migrated to England as a child with his parents. It was there that he trained as a priest.

He spent some time hoping to be rescued. He stayed on a small hill just inland from a fisherman's hut which was located on the edge of the beach. He kept a large fire burning continuously; during the day he made smoke with green leaves, and at night he made sure the fire had large enough flames to be seen from a great distance out to sea.

What the Priest didn't know was that the islands had a high concentration of iron at their core, and this was magnetised such that compasses were deflected many miles away. The result was that the searching ships, which navigated according to their compass, travelled around the islands without ever seeing them.

Due to the heat and humidity he quickly discarded his coat and shirt, although he did continue to wear its collar backwards. He also converted his trousers into shorts.

Finally, he gave up hope of being rescued and moved to the main village of the island.

He had decided he must learn the language of the natives so that he could live more easily amongst them.

The first thing he did was put together an alphabet that suited the sounds he had heard in their language over the previous days.

When this alphabet was ready, he sat down among a group of young natives. They were all completely nude except for one or two pieces of ornamentation; for the females this was often a belt or anklet of woven fibre. Most young men wore a tight string across their forehead. One had a small feather stuck under that headband; the Priest later discovered that he was the son of the Witch-doctor.

Years later he learnt that the older women wore a wider belt to keep their stomach flat, whereas the young girls wore a thin belt or none, just to show that they still had a sexy flat stomach.

The natives were not self-conscious of their nudity, as seen by their actions; for example, the men, women and children often stood or sat with their legs spread apart. This led to another of his observations: none of the natives of any age had pubic hair; he wondered whether this was genetic, or did they all just shave regularly.

So this group consisted of four young ladies and two young men. The Priest pointed to himself, "Juan!" And then he pointed at the nearest young girl.

"Char Lotte!" she responded happily.

Again he pointed to himself, "Juan." Then he gestured to another one of the female natives.

"Char Issa." She whispered timidly, and then she looked away.

When he looked at the boy with the feather in his headband, that boy spoke boldly, "Char Ley." Char Laila, one of the other young girls, whispered "Guapo", meaning handsome, to Char Lotte; at this they both smiled.

Next the Priest placed a banana in front of him, "One banana." He raised his eyebrows and gestured enquiringly with his hands; that is with his forearms out from his body and his palms up.

Char Lotte spoke first, "Frutas."

Then the Priest added a second banana to the other and muttered, "Two bananas."

Again Char Lotte answered, "Dos frutas."

From this the Priest had what he thought were the words for 'banana' and the number 'two'.

Next he placed a single coconut in front of them, "One coconut," he said and again he gestured.

Char Lotte answered his unspoken question, "Uno frutas."

"No no no!" He shook his head in disgust. Then he thought for a moment; 'Banana and coconut both can't be frutas... Ah; unless that's a general term for food or fruit.'

So he placed a single banana beside the coconut. "One banana," and he pointed to it; "one coconut," and he moved his hand to indicate the coconut as he said this. Then he gestured inquiringly at the banana again.

This time Char Issa spoke, "Uno saging ug uno lubi," pointing to each in turn.

And so it was that he learnt their language and produced a dictionary. What he didn't realise initially was that as he learnt their language, they were learning English.

When he landed on the island, he had on him a pocket bible and a small hymn book. It was a King James Bible that contained only the Psalms and the New Testament.

When his command of their language was sufficient, he began to act as a missionary: teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic to the children; and preaching the word of God, and baptising the converts. Thus he became known as Juan the Baptist. They gave him the tribal name 'Char Beato' which roughly means 'blessed among men'; however he was always referred to as 'Father', 'Juan' or both.

When he had sufficient followers, he had a house of God built behind the statue of their White God.

As the English of the Bible was virtually the only English he used, the natives soon learnt and spoke archaic English.

As he preached about Christ Jesus, the son of God, who came to live among man many moons before; they told him of the prophesy of the previous Chief, 'that God was going to come to their island in a ball of fire'. The Priest said that what they believed would come to pass, and to support his assertion he read to them St. Luke 21 verses 26 to 28.

"26 ... :

"for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

"27 And then shall they see the Son of

"[God] coming in a cloud with power and

"great glory.

"28 And when these things begin to come

"to pass, then look up, and lift your heads

"for your redemption draweth nigh."


As the years passed, James and Chantelle grew up in Cedar Hill.

They had not been friends until after that Saturday when James caught Chantelle walking naked in the hall of the Cedar Hill high school. They were both seniors at the time. James was a science geek majoring in audio/video arts. He had been editing video clips in the A/V lab when he noticed there was someone else in the school. Chantelle was one of the school's cheerleaders, and James' friends had commented how well dressed she always looked; which made seeing her naked even more remarkable and stunning.

After a few fiery sexual encounters, they became a steady couple.

Immediately after graduating from high school; Chantelle, with James' encouragement, started an X rated web-site especially for exhibitionists. It was called 'High School Fantasies' and it primarily included public nudity and public sex, often in and around high school buildings.

It soon became obvious that the web-site need new material. So a summer trip to Europe was planned. Chantelle obviously invited James as the photographer. Skye McDougal was invited because of her extraordinarily large inner labia, and her boyfriend Greg Arden was also asked along as his manhood was truly massive.

James wished to bring so much filming and editing equipment that in order not to have excess baggage on the flights, they decided not to take any underwear, sleepwear or coats and jackets. They took only a few shoes each and had to wear their heaviest pair onto the plane; which for the boys was their formal lace-up black leather ones. For the two girls, it meant they each had to wear their only pair of ankle boots.


In Europe they soon found that filming in the capital cities was difficult because of the crowds.

Instead, they went to the smaller towns, often the ones frequented by tourists. The locals tended to ignore the girls as they walked about nude, however the tourists would stop and stare and even filming the girls, which added a voyeuristic aspect.

Skye and Chantelle were filmed either separately or together strolling through the main esplanade or mall of whichever town they were in. On one occasion the two girls even danced and splashed about nude in the fountain of the town's central square.

Chantelle had dyed her long dark hair honey blond to contrast with Skye's short black boyish cut.

On some occasions Greg walked with Skye, both of them being nude of cause. On these occasions the response of the shoppers and tourists was more pronounced, but not as amazing as when Greg walked nude on his own, especially if he had a partial erection.

They both had become more brazen as their holiday had progressed and no one, not even the police, had complained about their escapades. They were however warned by one policeman to stay in the main thoroughfares and avoid quiet narrow laneways where their safety could not be guaranteed.

They travelled between towns by train. Both girls would wear a short thin dress or skirt and no panties. On the platform and/or in the train they would spread their legs and allowed the other passengers a clear view. The boys filmed the reactions of the onlookers interspersed with shots up the girls' legs.

On one occasion when the only other passengers in the carriage were a young couple who were kissing; James became aroused by an accidental glance up Skye's legs as she kissed Greg. She and Greg sat opposite James and Chantelle. Her legs were slightly parted and he saw her pendulous labia dangling down a few inches between her legs; you see she no-longer tucked her labia into her cunt. It was the fact that his up-skirt view was stolen that seemed to excite him so.

He knew that Chantelle would allow him to touch her wherever and whenever he wanted to without complaint; so he reached up between her legs and commenced to stimulate her clit. Immediately she spread her legs to give him better access and leant over and they kissed. From then on, Greg took a video and Skye captured occasional photographs.

When Chantelle decided she wanted his cock inside rather than his fingering, she stood in the isle and bent over. James positioned himself behind her, dropped his shorts and then took her doggie style.

Chantelle braced herself by holding onto the seats either side of the isle, while James held her hips as he thrashed his cock about within her dripping wet cunt.

When the young girl saw James and Chantelle at it, she spread her legs and placed her boyfriend's hand under her panty. As he explored her slit, she kissed him, but this time with a great deal of passion, her tongue flicking around his lips and into his mouth.

She unzipped his pants, thrust her hand in and eagerly pulled his throbbing cock out into the open. She stroked the shaft lovingly with her fingers almost completely encircling it.

It wasn't long before they heard his warning, "Oh gee... I'm about to come."

His girlfriend had reached her pre-orgasmic plateau and did not hear him, so his first load of cum shot high into the air and landed on the seat in front of them. Two more globs of cum followed, although they did not fly so high and so they landed on the floor between his feet.

Some more sticky cum ensued; it oozed from his cock and dribbled down its shaft and was spread by her massaging fingers. His girlfriend bent down, and using her tongue, she dutifully despatched the cum that coated his cock and her hand.

Bruges was the last town on their itinerary. In the corner of the park in Bruges, behind the windmill and overlooking the canal, they even went so far as to video Skye and Greg having sex.

They started with heavy petting while still dressed, progressed to oral sex; then they undressed completely and engaged in intercourse.

There were close-ups of Greg's massive cock spreading Skye's pendulous red labia as he entered her dripping wet cunt.

Skye lay on the grass with her mouth agape, moaning contentedly as Greg's 9 inch cock massaged the entire length of her cunt. It wasn't just his length that pleased her so, but his cock was fat as well, being all of 2 inches across.

Chantelle and James were too intent on filming to notice the barge of tourists glide by; even the loud applause of the tourists on seeing Greg screwing Skye went unnoticed, except by the microphones on the video recorders.

On their last day in Bruges they decided to be even more adventurous. James filmed Skye as she walked nude toward the city centre. Chantelle videoed a nude Greg as he approached from the other direction, his flaccid penis swinging sideways as he walked. When they met, they embraced and kissed passionately; mouths open, their tongues flickered in and out of each other mouth. Greg's cock swelled quickly, pressed against Skye's pubic mound it slid up toward her navel.

"Are you ready?" Skye teased as she looked down between them at his rising stiff.

Greg smiled in response to her unfounded tease; his cock was now fully erect and painfully rock-hard.

"Yep! Let's go in," was his confident reply.

"OK." Then they walked arm-in-arm into one of the nearby pubs. The one they had visited earlier that day. It had a small stage where a band played each Friday and Saturday evening.

None of the patrons seemed particularly distracted by Skye and Greg as they entered completely nude; this was strange given Greg's monstrous erection and Skye's very pendulous inner labia that hung down a couple of inches from her pussy.

Greg followed Skye onto the stage. They laid down facing each other and played with each other as they kissed. Skye stroked Greg's cock while he massaged her clit and labia. Chantelle and James took up positions on either side of the stage and continued filming the nude couple.

When Skye was ready, she rose to a sitting position, bent over and licked Greg's huge cock. She ran her tongue along its under-side before kissing the tip and taking it into her mouth. She repeated this process, but each time she took more of his hard-on into her mouth, until his whole cock glistened with her saliva.

As she swung her leg over Greg, he rolled onto his back. She held the base of his slippery cock with her hand and guided it between her labia and into her equally wet cunt. She moaned softly as she rode up and down his massive shaft.

Chantelle legs were spread as she bent over the table she used to steady her video recorder. Her short skirt only covered the top of her arse; below that her sexy butt cheeks and pussy were fully visible. It was obvious that she wore no panty.

One very drunk patron decided to take advantage of Chantelle's position. He dropped his pants and under-pants to the floor and approached Chantelle from behind. Despite his drunkenness, he had sufficient erection and good enough aim as to penetrate Chantelle as he lunged forward. This startled Chantelle and she cried out. It wasn't because she didn't want to be fucked, but just that she had not expected it.

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