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Over a few drinks of red wine Janice began to open up more and more. They spoke of a lot of things that day, it was Janice that did most of the talking while Andrew and Dianne added their opinions but most of the time they just listened and nodded as Janice spoke. One particular topic that arose was blowjobs, Janice had never enjoyed the act and especially the thought of having a man ejaculate in a women's mouth. She had heard about it but never seen it or even contemplated doing it. Andrew had jokingly added that from what he had seen earlier that day he was sure Janice was a woman who loved sucking sock and did it very well.

"On the contrary, I have always disliked oral sex and what you saw was part of the process to help me enjoy it and learn different techniques, Dianne has been a great teacher" she added.

"And how do you know you would not enjoy having a man ejaculate in your mouth if you have never tried it?" Andrew asked curiously. "Did Dianne tell you that she once thought the same as you do now?" He added looking towards Dianne, who was sitting there with a look of pride that she has now mastered the act and enjoys the taste of her mans cum or any mans cum for that matter as we discovered later.

Janice was a little lost for words; she knew Andrew's comment was correct. She looked towards Dianne then to Andrew hoping for answers.

"What am I supposed to do! She finally responded sarcastically. Am I supposed to just walk up to my husband and say... hey babe how about I suck your cock for you and you can cum in my mouth so I know what it's like!" There was a sudden silence in the room, all three eyed each other but no one said a word. Dianne burst out laughing, Janice and Andrew followed seconds later.

"How about you let me cum in your mouth Janice, then you'll know what it's like" Andrew blurted out in between laughs.

"Yeah! How about I suck your cock right now and everything will be great" Janice responded adding to the joke. Dianne stopped laughing and followed suit with her own comment, difference is her comment was in a serious tone

"Hey! Why not!" Thinking it was a joke Janice laughed even harder.

"No! I'm serious guys!" Dianne meant every word, she had taught Janice everything she knew about sucking cock from the use of fake cocks. Now it was time to proceed to the next level and what better way to learn than using the real thing she thought. Janice looked up into Dianna's eyes; she could see that Dianne was dead serious. She flopped back into her seat the big grin across her face changing to a big O; her eyes grew wide in astonishment and utter surprise. The room was silent for a few seconds as each one pondered their own thoughts. Andrew slouched back in his seat.

"I'm just going to sit back and let these two girls work this one out, who am I to argue if my wife wants another women to suck my cock? After all it is for a good cause, if it's going to help save another couples marriage then hey bring it on"

He grew hard at the thought of Janice's mouth around his cock. And the thought of his wife looking on while she did so made his cock grow even bigger in the confinement of his pants. Andrew and Dianne caught each other's eyes and they both grinned knowing that this would not be the first time they have had another women suck Andrew's cock as Dianne looked on. They both hid their secret well, but Dianne was bursting to tell her friend about their open marriage. Andrew on the other hand was a little reluctant in revealing the skeleton in their closet; the time would come though when one of them would give in and spill all. More sooner than later Dianne quietly thought to her self.

Janice sat with her hands tightly clasped together between her knees; with her head bowed she spoke softly but thought out load.

"That would be like cheating right? I mean say if I did suck Andrews cock to learn more about oral sex, would that be counted as cheating on my husband?" She lifted her head, her eyes darting from Andrew to Dianne as she waited for a response.

Andrew and Dianne both looked at one another waiting for the other to speak. Dianne spoke first. "Look Janice, Andrew and I can't answer that question for you. At the end of the day it's all up to you, you're an adult and it's your marriage that seems to be in trouble here." Andrew looked up at Dianne and nodded in agreement. "All I can say is this. Any thing that takes place here and now, with your consent of cause, will remain our secret. The choice will be yours if you decide to tell your husband."

Janice slumped forward and placed her elbows on her knees, resting her chin on the palms of her hands she let out a big sigh as she pondered her next move. Diane and Andrew looked on both grinning with anticipation on what Janice's decision might be.

"Andrew, could you please get me another glass of red wine while I think about this."

"No problems, coming right up!" Andrew got up to fetch Janice her fourth, or was this her fifth glass of red wine.

Dianne put an arm around Janice's shoulders and offered more words of comfort. "You don't' have to do anything your not comfortable with, you know that don't you? Just remember that I'm here for you if you ever need me.

Janice leant towards Dianna resting her head on her shoulders. "I know that, it's just that it's such a big step. If I make the wrong decision it could ruin my marriage. But on the other hand it could help me open up sexually and be more adventurous like Gavin has always wanted".

At that moment Andrew walked back into the room with a tray of two wine glasses and a scotch for himself. Each one reached for their glass as Andrew placed the tray on the marble table. "Ok! What have we decided then?" Andrew quizzed as he sat down beside Janice. Janice took a big sip of her wine before answering.

"Well! What the heck, I have always been honest to Gavin about anything. But if he was to ask question or I felt that the time was right then I would suffer the consequences and let him in on our little secret". Sitting up strait Janice added in a serious tone. "Today I have decided to suck your cock Andrew." It was meant to have been a serious moment but all three began to laugh making Janice feel more at ease.

"Put it this way, when the next time you suck on Gavin's cock he will surely know that something has changed. When you take his hard cock deep into your mouth and let him spurt his seed down your throat he's going to wonder what happened to his prudish wife. And I bet my life you will not hear one complaint from him!"

Janice began to feel a little flushed as she listened to Dianne speak. The picture formed in her mind of Gavin reclining back as she took his cock into her mouth sucking, licking and kissing the head. The mental picture together with the fourth glass of wine making her hot, she could feel her heart beating and the warmth traveling from her head down through her body to that most intimate spot between her legs. She was ready!

It was an awkward moment as they sat wondering how this was going to start out. No one wanted to take the first move in case of offending the other. It was left to Andrew to make the first move. Reclining back on the sofa besides Janice he held her hand gently and placed it on the ever-growing bulge in his pants. With her hand still in his Andrew slowly passed her hand over the length, he repeated the action a few times, his cock would twitch every time her hand rubbed over the bulbous head covered only by the thin material of his pants. He looked into her eyes as he let go of her hand; she stopped for only a second before continuing without the aide of Andrew. Janice could feel her heart beating even faster than before as she traced the outline Andrews cock with her thumb and middle finger. She gave it a squeeze and it responded with a pulse from her gentle touch. It felt big and long. She had to see for herself.

With shaking hands she undid the button of his pants then slid the zipper open to reveal a white pair of boxer shorts underneath. She notices a circular wet spot had formed just above where the head of his cock was resting. To make it a little easier Andrew lifted his body off the sofa and pushed his pants down together with the boxer shorts. His long cock stood out strait and rigid, the head was pink in color with pre-cum oozing from the tip. Janice gingerly reached out and wrapped her fingers around the base like she was holding an ice-cream cone. She began to slide her fingers up and down the length, moving sideways, back and forth studying it as if it were the first time she had ever seen a cock. It wasn't as thick as her husbands but the length was very similar she thought.

With Janice's fingers still around his cock Andrew bent over and removed his pants and shorts completely, he sat back and spread his legs wide to give Janice a better view of his manhood and the large balls hanging between his thighs.

Well! Here goes Janice thought to her self, there's no turning back now! Janice stuck out her tongue and reluctantly licked the oozing pre-cum from Andrews cock head. It wasn't as bas as she had expected, the taste was sweet but yet a little salty. Moving forward now she closed her eyes and all the cock sucking lessons came flooding back. She wet her lips and encircled the cock head with her open mouth. She started slowly at first sucking on the head and licking the around it as she gently slid her hand up and down the shaft.

Dianne sat back and watched with excitement as her willing student went to work on her husbands cock. As she watched Janice taking a little more of Andrew's cock into her mouth she began to feel moister down below. Dianne slid her hand down between her thighs to her cunt, she felt a little shiver run through her body as she felt the wetness seeping through her panties. Dianne opened her legs wider and slipped her panties to one side exposing her shaved pussy. She was so worked up as soon as she slid a finger between the folds of her pussy lips she had a small but well needed orgasm.

Janice was getting right into it now; she was beginning to feel more relaxed and confident in what she was doing. She had the job well in hand so to speak. She was so engrossed in pleasuring Andrew with her new found talent that all the feelings of guilt and apprehension about cheating on her husband, the possibility that her marriage could end if he detests her for what she is doing. And not forgetting the feeing of repulse when placing a cock in her mouth, and another mans cock at that, were all replaced by the feeling of lust and sexual pleasure. She was now in control of her feelings and she loved it. She opened her eyes for the first time since taking Andrew's cock into her mouth; she looked up to see Andrew staring down at her smiling with content. Looking to the left of Andrew she was surprised to see Dianne lying back with her legs wide open fingering her pussy furiously. She too was looking down at Janice with a huge smile on her face. The site of Dianne fingering her pussy only inches away from her face and her mouth full of cock sent Janice into a frenzy. She gripped Andre's cock by the base and began to lick and suck every inch of it with sexual abandonment, all the while never taking her eyes off Dianne's finger's sliding in and out of her pussy.

The room was filled with the sounds of lustful moans and groans; muffled moans also came from Janice as she took Andrew's cock deeper and deeper into her mouth. She could feel Andrew's balls began to tighten, at the same time he was raising his hips up to meet her downward assault on his throbbing cock. She knew what this meant; he was going to cum. This was the moment of truth, would she allow him to cum in her mouth. She closed her eyes and let the inevitable happen, Andrew's cock began to throb and his moans became loader as a large volume of cum spurted forth into Janice's mouth. She closed her lips tighter around his shaft as another glob hit the back of her throat. She could not keep the liquid in her mouth any longer; she took a deep breath through her nose and swallowed hard drinking it all without gagging.

Janice opened her eyes at the right moment to see Dianne push three fingers deep into her now dripping cunt, Dianne came with a shattering orgasm that sent her body into convulsions. Andrew's body went limp; he slumped back into the sofa and watched as Janice tenderly sucked his cock dry. Janice took her eyes away from Dianne's pussy to stare up at Andrew; she took his length deep into her mouth for the last time. She glared up at him with her large brown eyes as she slid her lips along the shaft, his cock head slipping from her mouth with a pop.

All three sat and discussed the events that had just taken place. Janice assured them that she felt fine and that she was no longer concerned with what may eventuate if or when her husband Gavin learns of her cock sucking lessons. If anything she was more confident than every before that this was the beginning of her rejuvenated married life with Gavin. She knew her life with Gavin would never be the same again and she was adamant that from now on she was going to keep the flames burning bright between the her and the man she dearly loves.

It was during these discussions that Dianne and Andrew broke the news to Janice about their open marriage. Janice sat and listened in awe but not overly surprised to hear of their swinging lifestyle. She felt more at ease to hear Dianne speak of her own insecurities when she they had first arrived in Australia. She went on to speak about how things had changed for the best when other men began to notice her. But most important of all was how the strength of the love a respect between her and Andrew had allowed them to delve into the swinger's scene without hurting their marriage


I wasn't sure how to react after hearing Janice explain how she became to enjoy cock sucking. My mind was clouded with the image of Janice taking a strangers cock into her mouth, not only that but allowing him to cum down her throat. The weirdest part of it all was that I wasn't in anyway angry or jealous, I was very turned on by everything I had heard. My throbbing cock was proof of that. I glanced sideways to see Janice looking up at me with puppy face look waiting fro my reaction. At that moment I had nothing to say, I had other things in mind.

"Why don't you come her and show me what your learnt!" I said with a sly grin.

Janice sat up smiling. "Aren't you upset?"

I took her hand and guided it to my raging hard on. "Not right now, we can talk about it later"

Nothing else was said for the moment as Janice proceeded to take Gavin's cock in her hand and enveloping his cock head with her soft lips. She worked his cock deep into her mouth, for ten to fifteen minutes she licked and sucked every inch of his meat until he was ready to explode. Gavin took her by the shoulders and swung her around. She read his mind; straddling his hips she took hold of his cock and pressed the head at the entrance to her pussy. She dropped her body down onto his pole impaling it deep within her; she let out a deep grunt as it hit the back walls of her cunt. They looked lovingly into each other eyes as she began to ride his monster cock. Gavin knew he wasn't going to last long, he took hold of her hips and started to pound upwards as her body came down to meet his thrust.

Janice could feel her own orgasm building, leaning forwards she rode him like a jockey racing to the finishing line. Within seconds they both came together, his cock throbbing deep within her as she slumped forward over his heaving, sweaty body. She lay there for what seamed like hours listing to the sound of his thumping heart echoing through his chest. With her body resting comfortably against his she placed her head on his chest, eyes closed she thought back to when all this transformation had begun. She smiled to herself as she remembered the day Dianne had walked into her office and into her life. Janice wrapped her arms around Gavin's neck in a tight embrace; she softly kissed his face, his neck, forehead and lips. She opened her mouth and her tongue met his. She broke the kiss for only a second to look into Gavin's eyes and utter the words

"I love you my darling!" Gavin hugged her tight.

"I love you more than life it's self my darling wife" He responded. His softening cock that had slipped out of her wet pussy came back to life, prior to this night he would have been fast asleep by now. But tonight was different, he felt more alive then ever before, like he was back in his late teens when he found it more difficult to get his ever-rigid cock to go down rather than up.

They made slow passionate love that night till the sun began to peek over the horizon and through their bedroom window. Janice and Gavin reluctantly left the comfort of their bed to take a shower together, something they had not done for many years. They helped each other to wash away the sweat and the evidence of their love making from their weary bodies. They kissed and cuddled under the warm flowing water, holding each other tight not wanting for this moment to end.

They draped their bodies only in bathrobes as they made breakfast, not much was said as they sat across from each other at the table as they ate to their hearts content. Most of the day was spent lying on the sofa in each other's arms watching TV and talking. They talked a lot that day, about their love, their marriage and of cause Dianne and Andrew. It was Gavin that brought up the subject; Janice was hoping to avoid the topic for a while but Gavin thought best to get it out in the open while it was still fresh in his mind. Janice new it would come up sooner or later, she was hoping it was later rather than now though. Although they had never met, Gavin felt like he knew them already.

They spoke for hours about the other couple, about the relationship Janice had with Dianne, Janice now considered Dianne to be her best friend, her confidant, someone she could truly trust and be open with. The cock-sucking lesson with Andrew was also brought up in discussion. Janice felt a little uneasy discussing it; yes she did spill the beans and tell all while in the throws of passion but now that things had settled she was feeling rather hesitant to bring it up again. There was not much more to tell but men being men Gavin had to know every thing.

"Did you enjoy it?" He asked, did you like his cock better than mine?" All the questions that a man would ask to reassure himself that his woman thought he was the better man of the two. Janice answered all his questions as truthfully as she could as not to deflate his ego, not that there was much to tell. Gavin was beaming inside as he listened to Janice compare his body and cock size and shape to Andrews; by the sounds of it Gavin was the man. But after hearing all the compliments Janice was giving him, being a typical male he still had that little niggling thought at the back of his mind that Janice was only saying all those nice things to make him feel more at ease.


Life went on as usual for Janice and Gavin; their sex life had changed for the better and their love for each other grew stronger as times passed. But other than that life was normal, or as normal as could be. Gavin finally got to meet Andrew and Dianne, all the inner insecurities he had about Andrew flew out the window as soon as he got to know him. They got on like a house on fire like two best mates meeting up after a long time apart. Dianne and Janice were like two long lost sisters. They were inseparable at most times; they went everywhere together and did nearly everything together. The four of them became so close that Andrew and Dianne stopped visiting swingers clubs or meet up with other couples they had met online. They had a new friendship now, new play mates. They had become a foursome and they enjoyed every moment of it. Maybe I'll write about that another time...

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