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Curious Girls Ch. 27


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"I'm not cheating on Tamara," I insisted. "If I were single, I would consider being with you in a heartbeat. I promise." I hope a little stretching of the truth would appease her. I really needed her to leave before Tamara returned.

"I don't believe you anymore. I can't believe I wanted a relationship with you."

"So you understand now that my feelings are only for Tamara?" I asked, urgently trying to hurry things along.

"Oh, I understand. But you don't need to have feelings for me to repay me for toying with my emotions all this time."

"What? I never-"

"You owe me."

"Owe? What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"You're going to do for me what I was about to do for you."

"What? Y-You don't want me to do that. I'd be terrible."

"You're kidding, right? I've wanted to feel you between my legs for years." Her admission shocked me.

"I've never even done that with Tamara. There's no way I would-you'd just end up disappointed," I tried to reason with her.

"What?! You've never gone down on another woman?"

"So, you see what I mean, right? You'd be better of with your fantasies rather than ruining it with reality."

"You're kidding, right? I am so freaking hot right now, that it doesn't even matter if you know what you're doing. It won't take much to push me over the edge. Heck, just breathe on me right and I would probably lose control."

"Amber, don't do this." I protested as she wiggled of her jeans.

As her butt came into view, I momentarily wondered what it would be like if Amber sat on my face. Would it do the same thing for me as Tamara's ass? I didn't actually find myself wanting such a thing, I just found myself curious. Her butt was much smaller. Could that be why I would rather think of my face under Tamara's ass? I shook my head. No, it was clear my only attraction was to Tamara. I hadn't realized until this moment that my sexual feelings toward women seemed isolated to her. At least when comparing between Tamara, Amber and Sonya, all of whom were objectively attractive women, I only found myself wanting to be with Tamara.

Of course, my inability to feel attraction for Amber might also be related to my repressed emotions-this feeling of deja vu I just couldn't shake. I was terrified of what she was going to try and make me do even though I couldn't place exactly why I felt that way. I somehow knew she was going to force me to go down on her, and I somehow knew it wouldn't be the first time. Did that mean she was trying to take advantage of my amnesia by pretending we didn't have a past?

As Amber slid her panties to the floor and climbed back onto the bed, I turned my eyes away. I felt guilty even looking at her naked body, no matter how nice it looked. She crawled forward until she was hovering over my chin.

"Are you ready to show me how you plan to keep your girlfriend happy?" Amber grinned, lowering her mound inches from my lips. She was mostly shaven smooth with a dark, but well-groomed landing strip. I was transfixed. All I had to compare with was Tamara's hairy mound, but I loved the way hers looked. I hadn't ever realized I had an opinion.

"Just pretend I'm Tamara if that helps," Amber urged.

"I don't want to pretend you're Tamara," I said, repulsed by what she was trying to force me to do. "Tamara would never make me do this to her."

"That's OK, I'd rather you think about me anyway," she smiled, running her hands through her short hair. Despite her slender frame, small chest, and gorgeous body, I just didn't feel any attraction for her. And I had absolutely no desire to put my tongue anywhere near her. Although, if I did have to give in, perhaps imagining she was Tamara would make it more tolerable.

"No. I love Tamara. I want to be with her and only her," I said firmly. "She's the only one I want to please for the rest of my life, and the first time I'm with another woman, it's going to be her." I surprised myself a little with the conviction of my own admission. Did I really mean that or was I just trying to convince Amber?

"You're cute. Now shut up and put your tongue to a better use," she laughed. I had never felt more determined to resist something in my life. I would never cheat on Tamara. She meant too much to me. I trusted that she would never betray me, and I would make sure I would never do anything to betray her. Just then, I heard the front door open.

"Amber," I whispered in a panic. "You have to leave. Now."

"Shit," Amber grumbled, sitting slowing back onto my chest. I breathed a sigh of relief as her mound lifted away from my lips. "I'll tell you what. I'll give you time to think about my offer. We can talk it over when I come back tonight, say midnight? Then you can decide whether you're going to choose me and let me show you a night you'll never forget. Or if you're going to choose Tamara and show me a night I'll never forget."

"If you leave now, Tamara doesn't need to know about this," I counter-offered.

"She will know about it-if you don't take one of my offers tonight. And she'll know about you and Sonya."

She would really sell me out?

"You wouldn't-" I protested, my mouth dry. What would I do?

I didn't want Tamara to see me in such a compromising situation. I needed to not only get Amber out of the house quickly, but I needed her stay away for good.

"Sara, I'm back," I heard Tamara yell. "I'm just going to get comfortable, and then we can finish what we started."

"I'll just tell her what happened. She'll believe me over you," I whispered defiantly.

"Oh? And what will she believe when I tell her that I saw you and Sonya making out at dinner the other night?" Amber asked as she hurriedly pulled her panties and pants back on.

"What?" That wasn't-We didn't-" I stammered. That whole kiss had been Sonya's impromptu decision for the sake of making Amber go away. It had worked wonderfully at the time, but was now coming back to bite me in the ass. What if Tamara didn't believe me when I told her the truth? Or what if she did and fired Sonya?

"Amber, I didn't want to tell you this, but the reason I can't be with you is because I'm going to propose to Tamara tonight."

"You're going to-tonight?" Amber asked, skeptically.

"That's why I didn't mention it earlier. The timing is too big of a coincidence, but it's true. Tamara and I are going to get married. I hoped she wouldn't see through what felt like such an obvious lie. And even more, I hoped it would dissuade her from pursuing me.

Amber finished her fastening her jeans, shoes in hand as she opened the window.

"I'm not sure I believe you, but we don't have the time to get into this right now. I just hope you don't do anything hasty you'll end up regretting."

Amber was halfway through the window before abruptly reversing course. "Damn. I almost forgot," she exclaimed as she darted toward the bed. She snatched Tamara's panties off the floor and pulled them quickly over my face before diving back out the window. Tamara's scent immediately overwhelmed my senses. The panties made it hard to see again, but I could tell it was a close call by how soon I heard the bedroom door open after the window closed.

"Hey, baby! I missed you."

I was still a little stunned by what happened and awash with feelings of guilt. I felt like I should have tried harder to stop Amber. Even though Amber hadn't gotten her way, I couldn't help feeling a little guilty remembering how Amber's wet lips had been only an inch from my face not five minutes earlier.

"I missed you too," I replied, shaking off my confusion. I couldn't tell her what happened. I just couldn't. "I couldn't stop thinking about you the entire time you were gone."

"Aww, I thought about you too," Tamara smiled.

I felt awkward with Tamara's panties still on my face, but I was also feeling incredibly horny again. As much as I wanted to figure out what to do about Amber's threat, I was too turned on. I needed release, and I needed it now.

"I got your birthday stuff. Now it's time for your birthday surprise." Tamara smiled, pulling the panties off my head and climbing onto the bed. She was already naked from the waist down.

Her scent was much more powerful now. I'd never given much thought before to what it would be like to be with Tamara in that way, but after my encounter with Amber, I was having trouble not thinking about it. In fact, I was craving her something fierce. It was all I could do to hold true to my convictions. Eventually, I was able to push the thoughts out of my head by focusing my attention completely on Tamara. Tamara wiggled her ass against my head, pushing my face deeply into her ass cheeks. I felt her weight crushing my head painfully, and in that moment all my concerns melted away.


An hour and several orgasms later, I had exhausted myself enough to be able to think rationally again. And my thoughts again returned to Amber. What was I going to do? I couldn't risk Tamara being in the house if Amber really was coming back tonight, but there was no way I was going to let Amber continue to blackmail me. If I did that, there was no guarantee she would ever give up her control over me. Where would her demands end? No, I wouldn't let myself be subject to her whims anymore. Even though I still didn't have all of my memories back, I was determined that I wouldn't lay down and take her abuse. I would stand up for myself and do whatever it took to have my happy ending with Tamara.

Tamara had released my handcuffs, and she was laying in my arms. Both of us were so exhausted that we were content simply to lie next to each other, kissing tenderly. I couldn't help starting to stress again as I pondered my options. There was absolutely no way i would ever give into Amber's demands, so that left me few options. The most immediate option was to get Tamara away from the house so that she wouldn't be here when Amber came around. Should I also try to call Sonya so we could get our stories straight? I didn't want to have to lie to Tamara, but it was important that Sonya be on board if it came to it. I didn't have her phone number, so that was out. Plus, I didn't have a phone. I hadn't really needed a phone since I'd gotten out of the hospital. I'd have to talk with Tamara soon about getting myself a new one.

"Hey, Tamara," I smiled at her as I kissed her lips softly, running my hands through her hair. "Wanna get away tonight? Maybe dinner and a late movie?"

"That sounds nice, but do you know what sounds nicer? Staying in bed with you for the rest of the evening," she laughed.

"I agree," I smiled. "I just thought it would be fun to get out for my birthday."

"But, I bought you cake-," Tamara protested. "And I thought we'd order pizza in."

She wasn't making this easy. Worse, with all that planned, we'd likely still be up when Amber had promised to return. What would I do then? She might think I was avoiding her if I wasn't available when she'd demanded. What if she told Tamara? What if she came to the window when Tamara was in my room? Fuck. This was bad.

"What's wrong?" Tamara asked, eying me.

"What? Nothing!" I exclaimed, resuming the intensity of my kisses against her lips. I focused on exploring her mouth with my tongue for a while until my thoughts drifted back to my dilemma. Why was Amber doing this to me? More and more, I was starting to remember bits and pieces, jogged by Amber's blackmail. This wasn't the first time she had done this. I had thought the situation was familiar when she was sneaking through my window, but more and more I was starting to remember. She'd been sexually harassing me for months. She'd been trying to get me to go down on her all this time, and I'd resisted her. At least, I thought I had. The details were still fuzzy, but most of it was clear enough for me to know Amber was trying to take advantage of my amnesia. I hesitated. How would Amber even know about my amnesia? Perhaps Tamara told Krista about my memory loss and she had told Amber? No matter. What mattered was that Amber was trying to force me into doing something I had no desire to do. I forced the thoughts out of my mind. I would find a way out of this situation once and for all. I refused to let myself be bullied any longer.

"If you keep kissing me like that, you're going to have difficulty convincing me to leave this room," Tamara grinned broadly.

"Alright, alright," I laughed. "Let's get out of here."


"We have a lot to celebrate," Tamara raised her glass. "You're almost entirely healed, it's your birthday, and things have never been better between us-as we observed this afternoon."

"Tamara!" I blushed. I couldn't help feel flattered, excited, and a little aroused. However, it was hard to feel too enthusiastic knowing that I still had the Amber issue to deal with. I did my best to put it out of my mind so I could enjoy my birthday dinner.

I couldn't help just staring at Tamara as she ate. She was so cute and sexy at the same time, and her eyes were like emeralds. It was just because of the conversation I'd had with Amber, but I couldn't help thinking about what it would be like to be married to Tamara. It was a nice thought, but at the same time I couldn't shake the feeling that something about it that didn't feel right. Physically, we had grown very close. We had plenty of chemistry, and she was so beautiful. Yet, something didn't feel quite right. It was hard to place my finger on it. It was like there was an invisible wall between us that was keeping me from knowing the real her. I always had this nagging feeling that she was hiding something from me-that we were somehow not connecting emotionally as much as it seemed like we should. I mostly chalked it up to my own insecurities, but the concern still lingered.

Or was the issue all on my end? Was I having trouble connecting with Tamara because of whatever Amber had done to me in the past was holding me back? I wished I could share my feelings, but it didn't seem like something I could really talk to Sonya about and I definitely wasn't going to tell Tamara. Or, should I? Telling Tamara could be emotionally liberating. And I would have an ally. Yet, the fact that I couldn't entirely remember what I had done with Amber left me with too much uncertainty. What if I had cheated on Tamara with Amber and forgotten about it? What if Amber had forced me to do things to her or done things to me? I was too afraid of losing Tamara if she were to find out I had betrayed her in the past.

It was half past midnight when we finished dinner, so I was comfortable with Tamara's suggestion that we skip the movie and call it a night. Even if Amber had stopped by the house like she had promised, she should be long gone. Besides, Tamara and I still had some birthday celebrating to resume back in the privacy of my bedroom.


As the car pulled up into the driveway, I was shocked and horrified to see Amber sitting on the doorstep. Noticing Amber, Tamara turned off the car. "I wonder who that is at this hour."

"Tamara, wait," I grabbed her arm.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful," Tamara assured me as she climbed out of the car.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I climbed hurriedly out of the car and chased after Tamara.

"Hi, can I help you?" Tamara called to Amber before I could stop her.

"Oh. Hi, you must be Tamara. We haven't officially met, but I've heard a lot about you. I'm Amber."

I swallowed, terrified of what Amber was going to say to Tamara

"You've heard about me? How did you know where we lived?" Tamara eyed her suspiciously, looking from Amber to me and then back to Amber again.

"I ran into Sara at a restaurant the other night. She gave me the address," Amber lied.

"Oh, well it's always nice to meet a friend of Sara's. What are you doing here so late?"

"Well, I guess I'm here to congratulate you on your engagement."

"Engagement?" Tamara asked, confused.

Amber continued. "When Sara told she was going to propose to you tonight, I have to admit I didn't actually believe that she would go through with it."

"You were going to-?" Tamara looked at me with shock. I'd never seen her eyes so wide.

Hell, I'd never been more stunned myself. This wasn't supposed to get back to her. What could I say now? That I'd lied to Amber? What possible reason could I give for lying about proposing to her?

"Uh-Well, I-I was going to-" I had no idea what to say.

"Oh, baby. Yes! God, Yes!" Tamara squealed, jumping into me and wrapping her arms around and legs around me, kissing me all over my face. I staggered to maintain my balance under Tamara's weight in my arms.

"Fuck, I-she didn't ask you?" Amber stuttered from the side.

My whole world was spinning, I could barely focus on anything that was happening. It was all too surreal.

"Oh, my God. You've got to get a picture of us," Tamara exclaimed as she handed her phone to bewildered Amber. She looked as confused as I felt.

"Uh, sure. Yeah. No problem," she took the phone.

Tamara cupped my head, pushing her soft lips back against mine as she posed for the camera. After a few photos, Amber handed the phone back.

"Thank you so much!" Tamara exclaimed putting her feet back on the ground, but still holding onto my arm.

I cared a lot about Tamara, but marriage? Should I say something? She was just so excited. I had to at least wait until we were in private.

Tamara pulled me toward her, holding both of my hands in hers, and continuing to kiss me excitedly.

"I-I'm sorry. I should go," Amber stammered awkwardly, clearly no more certain how to respond than I was.

"No, no! Don't apologize! I'm glad you could share in this moment with us! However, I'm going to need to take my fiancée into the house so we can celebrate properly."

I didn't like the way she emphasized the word 'fiancee.'

Tamara dragged me into the house, leaving Amber behind, still slack-jawed.

Before I could explain to Tamara the miscommunication, her lips were already back on mine. It was hard enough to get a word in edgewise with her lips continually mashing into mine every other word, but by the time she started pushing her tongue into my mouth, I knew getting her to listen to me was a lost cause.

And when her shirt dropped to the floor, I stopped trying. Perhaps tomorrow would be a better time to tell her. She was clearly not going to hear anything I had to say right now. Tamara guided my lips to her full, supple nipples. I tried to relax so I could enjoy myself, but couldn't help feel guilty. I knew I should tell her. Keeping the truth to myself would be taking advantage of her, wouldn't it?

The fact it was my birthday coupled with the excitement of impending engagement sex meant I should have been in paradise knowing it was going to be a long, long night of sexual pleasure ahead. I knew I should be happy or excited, yet all I felt was dread.

To be continued...

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kastanie26kastanie26about 7 years ago
Still waiting

Five days have passed since you uploaded the new parts. And the desperate waiting goes on! Literotica do not torture us any longer!

precipiceofoblivionprecipiceofoblivionabout 7 years agoAuthor
Anonymous #8

You have great timing! I actually submitted chapters 28 and 29 a little over 24 hours ago (the same day as your last comment, coincidentally). Now it's just up to the powers that be when it will be posted. I expect it should be available within the next 24-48 hours. I hope you will find it worth the wait!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

The first 6 months author had 8 chapters finished, now we are lucky to get 2 every 6 months. I think this is more to do with the author having no idea where to take the story than the supposed work delays.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Waiting... and Waiting... Annnd waiting

Soooo. It's been awhile since your delays post and I'm normally not one to complain but I really have to ask how everything is going and what's taking so long 😂 I'm dying for the next chapter, and I really hope her sister has a bigger part in this one, anyways post the next chapter already.. PLEASSEEE

kastanie26kastanie26over 7 years ago

I'm glad you're okay! I am now reassured and looking forward to the continuation. Thank you for this wonderful story, which has been accompany me for a couple of years and always inspires me!

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