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Decorating Donna Pt. 03


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Hide led Jim into one of the bedrooms. Once inside she turned and started stripping his clothes off. She laughed as she did so, "this is one of the advantages of my wardrobe. I don't have to strip for sex. I just unzip my crotch."

Jim just laughed. He was too excited to come up with a clever response.

Once naked, he quickly hugged Hilde to his chest and began kissing her as his hands explored her latex covered body.

He broke off the kiss when he reached her hips, and lowered himself to his knees in front of her. He continued to massage her body as he worked down her legs. At her ankles he stopped and reaching back up, applied himself to the zipper that hid her sex.

Enjoying his attention, she spread her legs to make it easier for him to open her, front to back.

As soon as he had access to her pussy, he applied his fingers to her wet sex, and she started moaning and squirming in pleasure.

She didn't wait very long before she grabbed his head and pulled him up to his feet. Then she stepped back and they crawled onto the bed, together.

On the bed she maintained control and laid him out flat on his back, as she knelt and straddled him.

His cock was hard as she lowered herself down on top of him, taking him fully into her. She leaned forward and rested her hands on his shoulders as she began pumping up and down on his member.

He reached up and resumed rubbing his hands on her latex, massaging her through her slick covering.

He held out as she had her first orgasm, but only just. She slowed her pace for a while to recover, and to allow him to regain a bit of control.

When she resumed the rhythm, she knew that he was close to cumming, so she picked up the pace and joined him, in orgasming, together.

Afterwards she collapsed onto his chest. He loved it, as he was really enjoying the feel of her slick body on his skin. Even the smell of the latex, coupled with her perfume and the aroma of their sex, seemed exciting and unique.

They laid for quite a while just enjoying the contact, before she got up and went into the bathroom to clean up. When she came out, he went in.

Back in bed, they picked up almost where they left off. Jim enjoying her covered body, and Hilde enjoying his cock.

She slid down and took him, still limp into her mouth and slowly brought him back to near hardness.

As he started to grow, Jim moved out from under her and he took over applying his tongue to her pussy. He was able to bring her all the way to another orgasm.

As she was relaxing, afterwards, he crawled on top of her and before long he was able to get his cock to a state where he could push it into her.

Slowly and gently he was able to bring his cock back to full hardness and they each had another orgasm, before collapsing, totally spent laying face-to-face on the bed.

Jim kissed her and whispered, "that was fantastic. You were fantastic. And I love your body and it's covering."

Hilde chuckled, "yes, it felt really nice. More than nice. It has been a while and I loved the feelings. Thank you."

They drifted off to sleep, with Jim's hands still casually kneading the latex.

In the morning, Hilde left Jim half-asleep in the bed as she ducked into the bathroom.

He dozed in place, until she came out clean and fresh in a new, pink catsuit; and looking happy and fantastically beautiful.

Jim just watched, as she bent over and kissed him before running out of the room. He sighed, both contented and disappointed. He would have been happy if she would have crawled back in bed.

He retrieved his overnight bag and took a quick shower, before dressing and heading out to the kitchen, where he found Hilde hard at work preparing breakfast for everyone.

He came up behind her and ran his hands up and down her sides. She shivered, but kept working.

"Why do you do this?" he asked.

"Do what? You mean why do I cook?"

"Yes, why do you do all of this domestic stuff for Lena? You're pretty and intelligent and I'm sure you could find a husband any time you wanted." He knew he was sounding like a chauvinist pig, but he was really curious and also concerned about her.

"Because I love her, and this is my job. I really do enjoy it." She then ground her ass into his crotch, "and it allows me to wear my latex. And have great sex."

He laughed and backed away. He wound up sitting at the counter, just watching, until first Lena and then a few minutes later Donna strolled in.

Both of them looked happy and fresh. Donna's hair was still wet, and she was combing it as she strolled in.

"Good morning." All of them said at the same time. Joining in common laughter afterward.

Lena poured herself a cup of coffee before sitting down next to Jim.

Smiling devilishly, she asked, "so Jim, how do you like latex? Are you thinking about buying some for Donna, now?"

"Oh great, give him even more ideas for tormenting me." Donna laughed.

"Well," he said, smiling, "I think I'm learning to love it. Hilde, where do you buy all of your outfits?"

Before she could answer, Donna spoke up, "never you mind. I have enough erotica to deal with."

Everyone laughed. But Jim continued, "but you have a lot less now, don't we have room for something new?"

"No. Let me be, at least for now." Donna scolded him.

"Oh, stop you two," Hilde joined in, "breakfast is ready, grab a plate and I'll dish it out."

The three of them lined up, dutifully and Hilde filled their plates.

They all moved into the dining room, where Hilde joined them with her own food.

They ate and chatted comfortably around the table, before Jim and Donna, admitting to being exhausted after their busy nights, began their farewells.

They all promised to get together again before the two of them left for their return to the US.

They spent quite a while exchanging loving kisses in the doorway, before Jim and Donna headed out to their car.

Everyone smiled and waved as they drove away.

Back in their hotel, and with the 'Do Not Disturb' sign hung on the knob, they stripped and dove into bed.

They spent several minutes kissing, professing their love and thanking each other for the wonderful evening, before falling deeply asleep.

The few remaining days of their vacation were spent enjoying themselves and the city and countryside around it.

Jim and Donna met their friends a couple more times, during their remaining days in Germany. They had a nice lunch with Lena and Hilde in the huge Tiergarten central park, at a traditional and fun outdoor beer garden. The four of them had a lot of fun, and drew a lot of attention. The other beer-guzzling patrons openly admired the sexy ladies. Many of the men were obviously envious of Jim, surrounded as he was by beautiful and erotic women. They sat at a long table, with several other couples, ate pretzels and drank the great German beer. Everyone bought rounds for everyone else.

On their last night in town, they met up with Lena and Hilde, as well as with Giselle and Rollie at the club where they first met their kinky friends.

Lena was, spectacular in a leather corset dress. It was tight to her knees, and exposed a wide expanse of her breasts at the top. Of course, Hilde was in a pure white latex catsuit with matching boots.

Rollie was dressed in a silly schoolgirl outfit with a white blouse and a short plaid skirt. She had ribbons in her pigtails. She did look darling, but she was obviously humiliated by the outfit. Giselle was, of course, stylishly and sexily dressed in a pin-striped business suit - white shirt, jacket and tie, and a matching mini-skirt.

Both Jim and Donna laughed, but deep down felt sorry for poor Rollie. Giselle explained that she was being punished for some, unnamed infraction.

The two of them had another great time. For a change Donna wasn't the center of attention and she really loved the situation.

By night's end, all of them were quite drunk, tired from dancing and equally happy.

They said their farewells in the parking lot before jumping into their respective cabs. Drunks never drive in Deutschland!

Jim promised Lena that they would return again as soon as they could. The kiss exchanged between Donna and Lena drew applause from the others, and the cab drivers, too.

Donna and Jim flew home, tired but happy.

As is so often the case, they spent a lot of their time on the airplane in self-examination; reviewing their trip and contemplating their future.

Both of them day dreamed of the fun and erotic times they spent with Lena and Hilde, as well as the bouts with Giselle and Rollie. They knew that they'd be thinking of them a lot over the months to come.

Jim was content with the removal of Donna's most extravagant jewelry. He could see that she was so much happier without all of it, and that made him happy also. He had enjoyed the games he'd played with her and her decorations. But he now accepted that that stuff was over - out of his system, at least for the most part. He still loved the decorations on her face.

Donna was actually looking forward to getting home. She felt that with only her facial jewelry remaining, she'd be able to rekindle her previous life with many of her old friends. She accepted the decorations as part of her now, and loved Jim for backing off from his overdone fantasy fulfillment adventure. It had been an adventure for her, too, but not one she really enjoyed.

She was relieved that Jim had given up on his public bondage campaign. She hoped he could be satisfied and happy with just her facial decorations. She did still find it to be an issue, the bell continued to annoy her and cause her endless trouble while eating, but she decided it wasn't so very bad, when compared with all of the other things he'd experimented with.

Donna sensed that her husband was, in fact, content with the way things were. During the flight back, he had confessed to having had a talk with Lena, and coming away with a new understanding of his overblown desires and their trying effect on her and their relationship. He refused to go into any deep details of the discussion, so she left it at that. Appreciating the result.

As they relaxed on the last leg of their flight a notion occurred to Donna. She elbowed Jim to get his attention, "I think we need to throw a party when we get back. To celebrate our anniversary and our return. And it will give me a chance to reconnect with my old friends."

"Didn't a bunch of them shun you?"

"I'm hoping that they will be better, now. I would like to reconnect, and I think with all of the jewelry gone, they will be more accommodating."

Jim looked at her to make sure she was serious and being realistic. "OK, if you want to. GO all out and make it a big one."

Donna smiled and sitting back, started her planning process.

Serenity and Contentment

After catching up on sleep, and luxuriating in being able to do it sans the collar and heavy nipple jewelry, Donna focused on the plans for her party. She decided to make it a '2nd Anniversary' as well as a 'back from Europe' celebration.

She assembled elaborate invitations with a photo of the two of them standing in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. She picked one that showed that her neck was now bare and her hands free of their chains. She hoped that her old friends would see that she was, at least somewhat, back to normal.

She sent out a couple-dozen invites and hoped to see around forty people, mostly couples, attend.

Food, music and large amounts of drink were laid-on, for the Saturday evening event at their house. Happily, the weather forecasts looked to make it conducive to spending a lot of time on their large patio.

Jim, busily getting back into the swing of things at his office, just stood back and allowed Donna to execute her plans as she saw fit. He was pleased to see her so energized. And he hoped that their friends and neighbors would all show up and have a good time, while rekindling their friendships.

He came home, a couple of days before the event with a collection of tools, and made Donna sit quietly while he began working on her jewelry.

She's at first confused, then fearful, and then relieved and pleased.

First, he cut the cursed bell from her nose ring. He placed it in her hand, "I think we've had enough of this." He said.

"Oh, God yes!" She replied, smiling from ear to ear.

He then proceeded to cut and replace the over-sized hoops in her ears with smaller, 2" versions. The two chains connecting her large nose ring and her ears remained.

"What do you think? Will this be OK? Can you live happily with only these decorations, my beautiful wife?"

"Oh Jim, yes. I'll keep them. They are such a part of me, now." She kissed him. "And I'm so happy to be rid of the bell, and the big hoops, too."

"Notice, I didn't say anything about 'trophy' or 'Barbie', or even 'sex object'. You're so much more than that." He said, kissing her. She responded by grabbing him and holding him so she could return his kiss with more passion.

Soon they were in bed, and the sex was a good as ever. Jim didn't miss all of the heavy jewelry at all, and Donna was happily able to use her hands, with their long nails to sexually torture him for hours.

Things were good.

The party was a huge success. Almost everyone showed up and all of them, women and men too, were clearly pleased that Donna's decorations were much more subdued. Several commented on how exotic she looked with just the chains on display.

The men showed their appreciation of Donna's new body, and breasts, and several spent much of the evening just hanging around her, content to admire her.

A couple of her female friends were curious and even jealous of her implants.

The crowd ate and drank and mingled for hours, and everyone undoubtedly had a good time.

Whenever Donna looked at Jim he was standing back, enjoying all of the attention she was drawing. Amused, she thought he looked like a proud parent, or more accurately a proud husband.

Both Jim and Donna spent a lot of their time describing their adventures in Europe and the wonderful and fascinating sites. They made no mention of their kinky friends, though.

On a couple of occasions, to a select few, Donna opened up and told of her modifications and their removal. She admitted that they kept her horny, and Jim even more so, but they were also difficult to live with and humiliating in public.

"All in all, I'm happy to be rid of them." She concluded.

The general consensus from her friends was that they were happy too. A couple of them did comment that her remaining jewelry was pretty and erotic.

After everyone had finally departed, Jim and Donna collapsed onto a couple of chairs in the kitchen, and surveyed the mess left behind.

"That will wait until morning," she sighed.

"Absolutely," he replied, "did everything go as you had hoped? Are your friends back to being friendly?"

She smiled, "yes, I think so. Several of them invited me to lunch or to go shopping to a new store or a favorite old one. The things we used to do together."

She paused, "and a lot of the husbands seemed to enjoy themselves."

Jim barked a laugh, "yes, I saw. Jerry and Bob, in particular couldn't hide their bulges."

Donna laughed.

"Honey, I want to thank you again for removing all of the jewelry. It was kind of fun; it did make me horny. But it was also very annoying, and embarrassing. I don't think any of those folks would have been so warm if I had still been wearing it all."

Jim kissed her, "Lover, you do look like a Playboy model. Albeit an exotic and erotic one. I loved you when you wore all of that jewelry, and I love you now too. I'm happy that things have returned to a more normal state. I got carried away, and I'm sorry."

They kissed and hugged to seal their conversation and then headed off to bed. Too tired for sex, but defiantly in the mood for it. They knew that it would be good when the time was right. Soon.

The End

Yah, I know, 'and they lived happily ever after - blah, blah, blah...' Sometimes it does happen that way.

From the Author: Please comment on my stories. All thoughts, positive or negative are welcome. If negative, please extend the courtesy of providing constructive criticism. Thanks.

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clearcreekclearcreekabout 2 years ago

On page 2 you had the name Brooke in your story. It doesn't sem to belong

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
An injection of realism

I’m a firm believer of realism in most of my fantasies, if it’s realistic then it’s more than just a fantasy, it changes from an impossible fantasy to a highly improbable but still achievable fantasy. The other kind of Impossible fantasies are still fine and again for preference they tend to be alt reality/ sci-fi/ supernatural/ dystopian based fantasies.

For me the conclusion of your story brought your story from a mildly erotic horror story to something more mainstream in terms of kink. When you’ve actually lived in real life something that others write about as their erotic fantasy it give an entirely different perspective to stories on this website.

As a piece of writing it’s very good, you’ve set the scene, given various POV scenes and created relatable characters that reader can empathise with. I didn’t read chapter 2 because it really isn’t my kind of thing but I decided to skim the end of this chapter to see how things turned out. It was such a massive change of direction and tone that I decided to read the entirety of this chapter. The change in plot line made the entire story so much more plausible. It’s still not my kink but best of luck with your writing.

Tess (UK)

ChangeYourPasswordChangeYourPasswordover 4 years agoAuthor
Thank you for the comment.

I appreciate the feedback. I’m afraid I find that a story line runs its course, and I can take it no further. I also find that although I develop an outline before I start, I’m all too often hung up for an interesting ending (as I implied at the end of this one – I’m unsatisfied with ‘happily ever after’,) Alas, I’m no mystery writer, ready with a fascinating, surprise twist to finish off my tales.

I do write based on my collection of favorite, personal fantasies, and perhaps I’ll build another one involving public bondage – no promises, though…

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Slightly disappointed

I must admit I’m slightly disappointed, that you didn’t go further and for longer with the jewellery and bondage theme before you ended it.

To me it was slightly anticlimactic, it is fantasy after all and you brought a little bit too much realism back into it.

Maybe in a future project you could build on the public bondage aspect but make it more hidden and less obtrusive so that she becomes more and more helpless and restrained while at the same time appearing normal to anyone looking at her... but that may not be interested enough for you, you need to write what you like.

I do hope you don’t mind my criticism, it isn’t meant in a bad way, I just feel like a kid that has been given vegetables instead of chocolate.

I love your writing style and would happily read this story again I just feel the end let it down.

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