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Earl and Mom Ch. 05

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Mom shows son her pussy.
7.3k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/10/2016
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This story jumps in right after Earl enjoyed his mom's panties and right after she told him that she asked a guy for $500 to sit on his face.


So there I was. I had just came right after my mom told me that she asked a guy for $500 to sit on his face until he came. Was she kidding? Was she telling the truth? Regardless, I found the idea of her squatting over a guy with her pussy in his face fascinating.

"You're getting better at that each time honey," she said looking at my still hard cock and my cum that went everywhere.

"I guess practice makes perfect." I said not knowing what else to say.

"Feeling any less guilty?" she asked me with a wink. Actually, I was feeling zero guilt and 100% curiosity about her story. But I decided to ease her fears and let her know I was making progress.

"Yes, I think a bit less." I said as I looked back down at her panties. "But I think we could still use a few more sessions like this."

I took her panties and looked at them again.

"I'm glad your making progress." she said as she sits back on her chair. If she would just open her legs a bit, I might be able to see up her dress.

"Thanks for sharing your panties again." I told her as I pulled them tight so I could see the crotch area more clearly.

"Your welcome honey." she said. "I'm happy to teach you about women.

"I've learned a lot today." I told her as I lifted her panties to my nose yet again. I looked at her while I was smelling them to gage her reaction.

"Yes, I would say you have." she said and a kind smile.

"How does this make you feel?" I asked her and I kinda feel the tides of the conversation turning. In fact, she might be blushing a little bit now.

"How does what make me feel honey?" she said. Ok, she is avoiding the question. She knows exactly what I'm asking.

"How does seeing me smell your pussy make you feel?" I said and took another sniff while looking right at her.

She giggles a bit and looked away.

"And not only smelling, but tasting them also." I said and at that moment, started licking them for her to see.

"Ahhhh, honey!" she said like a schoolgirl.

"Your pussy is delicious." I told her between licks.

"Thank you honey." she said still sounding a bit like a schoolgirl.

"Does this turn you on?" I asked her with a smile. "It's okay, you can tell me."

"Honey!" she giggled. "Yes, I guess a little." She squirmed in her seat.

"Oh really?" I said as I smiled at her. "I bet your pussy is as beautiful as your scent and taste are."

She looked up at me. She knew right away where this conversation was headed.

"Can you show me your pussy?" I asked her not really believing I had the guts to ask. Guessing the wine was giving me this new courage.

"Honey!" she said and giggled some more.

"Please, I bet your pussy is fantastic" I said in my friendliest voice. "Anything that smells so good and tastes to incredibly good has to be out of this world.

"Honey, I," she said and trailed off. She then moved her right hand down her right leg and to her knee. She then moved it between her knees and she starting moving it up the inside of her legs.

"Damn it honey, you are good at seduction." she said with only half a giggle. She moved her hand a bit under her dress. Her legs parted just a bit to make room for her hand, but any view that I might have gained with that opening was blocked with her hand.

"Please show me." I asked her as my eyes were locked on her moving hand that is now half way up her thigh headed to paradise. As her hand traveled up, her legs parted a little more to make room for her hand. She rolled back a little in her chair and lifted her legs up. With her other hand, she pulled her dress up. This would have given me a full and open view of her pussy if she only did not have her hand in front of her.

"You're so sexy." I tell her as she held her hand in front of her pussy hiding everything from clit to ass. From what I could tell she had no pubic hair at all. Her skin was soft and tight looking. I could see a bit of a tan line showing me the parts of her the sun never kissed.

"Is this what you want to see honey?" she said with her hand hiding everything I really wanted to see.

"What I want to see is under you hand." I told her as I sat straight up for a better view. I then leaned forward resting my hands on the side of the ottoman parked between us.

"Stay on your side of the ottoman tiger." she said to me seeing my advance. That made me feel a bit scolded and embarrassed. But what every, I was not going to sulk then and there. Instead, I accepted the new no fly zone and stayed behind it just about 3 feet away.

"I promise to stay right here" I told her hoping to make her feel confident that I was not going to lose control and jump her bones right there and then.

"Good boy." she said as she moved her left hand down to join her right hand at hiding what she had left to show me.

"Are you ready to look honey?" she said. I could tell she was looking into my eyes as my eyes were still focused between her legs. I broke my stare and looked up to meet her eyes.

"Yes, please!" I said without hesitation remembering that the hesitation had cost me this morning.

She slowly moved her hand up. She really wants to make this a production. She moves her hand up at maybe an inch after 10 seconds of movement. But with the inch, I can see the crack of her ass starting from just below where her ass hole must be to where she is sitting on the chair. This puts the end of her fingertips right below her asshole. In fact, she was likely touching her asshole now to hide it.

"Do you want to see this part also honey?" she said as she started to ever so slowly make a small circle around over her ass hole. At most the radius of her circle was an a tenth of an inch, but it was enough for me to detect.

"Yes please!" I said again without hesitation.

"Yes what honey?" she asked wanting me to be more explicit. "Tell me exactly what you want to see."

I really could not tell if she was giving me a difficult time or if hearing me tell her I wanted to see her asshole is something she wanted to here to turn her on. Regardless, I was not going to hold back, so if she wanted to hear me talk like that, she was going to hear me talk like that.

"Please show me your ass hole," I said with some hesitation but also with some growing confidence. After I said that I gave her a semi-smile and looked her in the eye.

"Oh honey," she said and closed her eyes a bit. "You want to see my asshole?"

"Yes, please let me see it," I said to her.

"It's not really a sexual part honey." she said as she opened her eyes again and looked at me.

"I know, but please let me see yours." I said almost begging.

"Okay honey, here you go." she said and moved her hand up just enough to so me but still to hide her pussy.

My jaw dropped and my eyes opened wide as he hand moved up revealing to me her perfect butt hole. The outsides of her asshole was just a few shades darker than the surrounding area. She had zero hair around her butt hole that I could tell and it looked absolutely edible. In the very center was a dark slit that separated the outside of her ass from the inside. It was the most inviting thing I had ever seen.

"What do you think honey?" she said looking right at me. Feeling her stare, I break my stare on her butt hole and look back up at her. She was waiting my answer.

"Very sexy!" I said. "Edible in fact"

"Edible you say." she said. "I didn't know you where such an ass man."

"Neither did I!" I said returning my gaze to her butt hole.

"Ahhh, you're too kind honey." she said as she move her left hand down to her ass. She then takes her middle finger and starts to circle her butt hole with it.

"That looks amazing mom!" I told her feeling my cock jump back to life. I would have grabbed it right there, but it would have forced me to change the way I was sitting and thus lose a bit of my close view. So I was content to just watch.

"Ahhh, you like watching me do this?" she asked knowing I was watching her finger circle her asshole.

"Yes, it look amazing," I said.

"Tell me what you want me to do honey." she said with an inviting voice.

"I a, I don't know," I said as I stumbled over my own words. What I wanted her to do was to insert her finger in her ass. But I was having a difficult time asking her.

"You don't know honey?" she said. "Are you sure you can't think of anything?"

"Can you stick you finger in for a while?" I said. There, finally I got it out.

"Oh honey, you want me to stick my finger up my ass for you?" she said and winked at me.

"Yes, yes I do," I said and now with some confidence for having said it once, I added, "I want to see you stick your finger up your ass. I want to see you make it feel good."

"Honey, you want me to finger bang my ass?" she said in a breathy voice.

"Yes, finger bang that ass if yours," I said letting my anticipation fuel me with courage. "Finger bang your ass like I wish you would let me bang it."

"Oh honey, you want to bang my ass?" she said with a smile as she brought her finger up to her mouth.

"Yes! I want to bang your ass!" I told her not realizing how much of a confession I was confessing.

She smiled at me for a second. She thing brought the hand that owned the finger that was playing with the outside of her ass to her mouth. She then gave that finger a couple of quick licks and returned it down behind her back and then up to her ass.

"So if this wet finger was yours,, you would put it into my ass like this honey?" she said as she inserted her finger into her ass. She inserted it all the way in as far as it would go. She then pulled it out about an inch and then pushed it back in all the way?

"Yes," I said watching her slowly finger her ass.

"Well that would be very nice of you honey," she said. "A lot of girls really like this."

"Do you like it?" I asked?

"Oh yes honey, I am a fan." she said as she slowly pulled her finger out of her ass.

"A fan you say?" I said with a grin

"Yes, honey," she said with a bit of a giggle. "You're mom like anal every now and then." We both giggle a bit.

She then move her right hand up just a bit and then stop at the very base of her pussy. In fact the tip of her index finger was at the bottom of her pussy. It was tantalizing to see this.

"Do you still want to see the rest honey?" she said.

"Yes please!" I responded even quicker than before.

She bent her middle two fingers and they both sank into her pussy. As the tips of her fingers disappeared, they were replaced with the folds of her lips closing behind them. She moved her fingers around inside her and then pulled them back out. As the emerged from her pussy, her lips parted to make way and they surfaced with a shine of pussy juice wetness all over them. She then sank them in again and then time, deeper, giving me more of a view the her lips the caved in behind her. And what lips. Much larger than average. So many of the girls I had seen online have small lips. At most a half inch wide. And at most, an inch. But from what I'm seeing now, my mom must have lips that are maybe an inch and a half long. They were amazing. Do all real women have lips like these? Maybe porn stars have smaller than normal lips? Regardless, from what I was seeing, I was loving them.

"Oh wow, your lips are amazing!" I heard a voice say and then realized it was mine.

"My lips?" she said. "Oh, honey, well thank you. So you like big lips honey?" she said with a smile

"I love big lips?" I said and corrected her. I really did love big lips. And my mom seemed to have big lips, plus some more just to be safe. I could not wait to see more.

After telling her this, she seemed to gain a bit of confidence.

"You might like mine then." she said as she pulled her hand completely away giving me a perfect unobstructed view of her most private parts. Her lips were gorgeous. As she pulled her hand away, they were just laying there lazily. Her lips looked to start off thin from the base of her pussy and then gain thickness as the extended. They also gained in color as the ends of her lips where a little on the darker side. On top of her lips was a full size clit. It was longer than average and wider. In fact, I would call it a large clit. Hot huge, but for sure on the larger end of things. I think if we were talking percentiles, her lips where in top 5% and her clit was in the top 10%. She would have made for a perfect medical journal model as everything was perfectly symmetric and large enough to point out all the parts.

"Oh wow!" I said. "You are so beautiful. Can you spread your lips a little?"

She reached down with her right hand and expertly opened her lips like shutters on a window. She had the type of lips that were the same width from top to bottom. In fact they looked a bit like window shutters. In between her lips was a truly gorgeous site. Her vagina was open to the world to see as the way she was sitting opened her up even more. If I had a flashlight, I could have seen way up into her.

"Any question honey before I put it away?" she said.

"Can you touch yourself? I said. "Please show me how you touch yourself."

"Touch myself?" she ask?

"Yes, please show me how you make yourself cum?" I said figuring this would be the perfect time to ask.

She moved her finger to her clit and started to move them back and forth slowly?

"Like this honey?" she said?

"Yes." I said.

"Stand up honey and move the ottoman way." she said. Oh my, where is she going with this?

I stood up pushed the ottoman way. She then re-positioned herself in the chair placing her feet on the seat part of the chair and on either side. She then leaned back giving me a perfect spread eagle view of her pussy. She moved her hand down to her pussy to cover it up just a bit and to play with it at the same time.

"Stand at the end of the chair honey, but no touching, okay?" she said and looked at me. She looked so incredibly sweet laying back with her dress up and her pussy out. Two of her fingers where now slowly disappearing inside her.

"Okay!" I said quickly thinking that this is the best thing ever. My cock was hard yet again and wanting it's 4th release today.

"This is kind of crazy honey." she said looking up at me. He fingers deep inside her pussy.

"This is very educational, I'm learning a lot." I told her. I would have told her anything to increase the odds of her moving forward and at the time, that was the best I could come up with.

"So this is just educational, right?" she said taking on a bit of a librarian tone.

"Yes, I've always wondered what it would be like to watch you play with yourself." I told her still not knowing what to say or what not to say.

"You think about me playing with my pussy?" she asked and winked at me. "It's okay to watch me honey. It's okay to watch me play with my pussy if that's what you want."

"Ah, yes I do." I told her.

"Something tells me you're playing with yourself when you wonder about me playing with myself." she said.

"How did you guess?" I said with a bit of a laugh.

My cock was at full attention now and my eyes locked back on her fingers digging in her pussy and back out. Watching my mom masturbate was incredible. So off the chart exciting I could not believe it. And oh my, as I took a deep breath through my nose, I could make out her scent that I first just smelled this morning. It was incredible erotic.

"We'll, might as well go ahead and stork that thing now also honey, " she said as she looked at my cock. "It's not going to jack it's self off."

I did just as she said and started stroking. I was breathing heavy, but did my best to only breath in through my nose so I could smell her pussy.

"Oh honey, you can smell me, can't you?" she asked as she was now moving two fingers in and out of her in a slow rhythmic nature.

"Yes, I love it!" I said trying to keep my composure.

"Love what honey?" she asked.

"I love smelling your pussy." I told her as I started stroking faster.

"My too!" she said and pulled her fingers out and started rubbing her clit with her other hand. She then brought up her fingers to her nose that were in her pussy. She smelled them and then placed them in her mouth. She then started rubbing her clit very fast as she started sucking on her own fingers. I could tell she was about ready to cum. At least I really suspected she was based on her movements and what I had seen girls online do right before they came.

She took her hand out of her mouth and back down to her pussy for some more. She stuck her middle two fingers deep inside her again. She stopped rubbing her clit as it seemed that she was concentrating on the sensation she was giving herself on the inside. I on the other hand did not pause at all on my stroking as I was going to town on my cock. Having came three times already that day was giving me some staying power that I did not normally posses.

She then pulled her fingers out and brought them back to her face. Her fingers on her clit started rubbing again and now quicker than ever. She was seconds away I thought as she started moving her hips up and down. She then arched her back.

"Ahhhhhh!!" She screams. "I'm cumming! Oh my, I CUMMING. Watch me cum honey. Watch me cum!"

She screamed loudly. She was cumming and cumming hard. I could tell she was trying to be calm, but the feelings she was feeling could not be contained. Her fingers moving across her clit hard and fast. She arched her back and lifted her pussy up to be higher off the chair higher than her head as she did a bit of a back bridge type of move. That was incredible to see and it also gave me a great view as she almost lifted her pussy up to my face. At most it was only 2 feet away from me. I could now see even the smallest of detail of her pussy lips. I could also see the bottom of her pussy gaping as her climax opened up her pussy. I could also see a few drops of creamy pussy juice that hand dipped from her pussy and running down to her asshole.

With a deep sigh, she lowered herself back down to the chair and covered up her pussy with her hand.

"Oh wow honey." she said still disoriented from her climax. "Oh wow."

I had stopped stroking my cock and just watched the show she was putting on. I could smell her pussy in the air and even a hint of my cum that was still all over the place. And there my mom was on the chair enjoying the afterglow of just having cum right in front of me. It was surreal to say the least.

She started to laugh. Slowly at first and then it grew to an all out laugh. As laughs are sometimes contagious, I join her in her laugh without really knowing what we were laughing about.

"What is so funny?" I asked her. She just kept laughing for a bit until she tried to stop long enough to speak.

"Honey, that was crazy!" she said and started laughing some more.

"Yah, but I thought it was pretty awesome also." I said back to her wanting her to know how much I liked it. What I really did not want is for her to label this as horrible and never ever speak of it again.

"I know honey!" she said. "It was wonderful! Fantastic. One of the best climax I've very had."

"It looked like it felt good." I told her.

"Oh honey, it felt amazing." she said as she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Thank you for letting me see that." I said with a very thankful voice.

"Honey, thank you for watching me." she said with a smile. "I mean, that's what made it so good."

"Oh!" I said.

"Yes, and that's why I was laughing." she said. "I guess I just realized how silly it is trying to hide sex all the time. It's so much better to get it out in the open."

I just listened to her. Hearing her words and thinking I liked where the conversation was going.


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