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Family Barbecue

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Horny aunt helps sulking nephew enjoy a family barbecue.
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Linda's eyes blinked open as her phone blared Wham! and she reached over to her bedside table with a groan to swipe it to silence. She had thought it was clever when she'd set it up, but now she fucking hated that song with every ounce of feeling in her heart. Bed was her favorite place and "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" was the siren that forced her from it every morning. Unforgivable.

She rubbed her bleary eyes and looked at the phone screen. She'd left her alarm set to the weekday time even though it was Memorial Day: the family was coming over for a barbeque and she wanted time to get set up. Now, though, she felt the familiar stirring that was the real reason for her reluctance to leave bed. Not sleep. She reached down and rubbed herself between her legs. Woke up horny again. She could feel the wetness from her pussy that had nearly soaked through her panties overnight. If only she could remember her dreams, they must have been good ones.

Rolling over and propping herself up on an elbow, she looked down on her sleeping husband, Mike. Long gone were the days when his chiseled body made her panties wet. He stopped caring around the time Tim was born, and now he was fat and saggy. Linda could see the years and the two kids when she looked in the mirror, but she still looked damn good if she could say so herself. A little softer than college, but not too much—and the tits she'd bought herself a few years back, partially in hopes of rekindling Mike's sex drive, gave her an edge on her younger self in at least that respect.

He was still sound asleep. Figured. Just give me this, Linda thought to herself. She didn't want to rub one out in the shower yet again: she wanted to get fucked, to feel a cock inside her, to taste hot cum, to feel it on her body, on her face, in her pussy. She thought about how long it had been since she'd felt any of those things and, with a growl, reached down under her husband's waistband and grabbed his soft cock. She nuzzled his neck as she squeezed and tugged, gently nibbling the lobe of his ear as she coaxed an erection from the penis that by rights belonged to her.

"Mmm, honey, I'm trying to sleep," Mike mumbled. He rolled over, onto his stomach, his not even tumescent organ slipping from Linda's grasp. She just stared down at him then, with an exasperated sigh, got up and went to the shower.


The annual Memorial Day barbeque at Uncle Mike and Aunt Linda's was a family tradition that had been going on for all of Theo's life, and even though he was now an adult, having just finished his first year of college, and should have been allowed to go to one of his high school friends' parties—which would have been delightfully debaucherous, he was sure—his father had informed him in no uncertain terms that he would be coming this year as well. His twin, Eddie, had just shrugged at him at the culmination of that argument. Their sister Chelsea had laughed at his self-righteous rage and reminded him that he had the whole summer free after this one family party.

Sure, he thought, I've got the whole summer, but so does Sarah Martin. They'd had a fling the summer after graduation, until he'd had to leave in August for school, but they'd kept in touch, texting and occasionally sending each other pics. They hadn't had sex that summer, but Theo was determined to make it happen now. Problem was, the party she was going to was going to be populated with plenty of other dudes and he was worried if he didn't strike while the iron was hot she'd have a new summer fling before he got the chance to start theirs.

He had failed to convince his father of the urgency and importance of his cause, though, and so he found himself climbing out of the family car and walking up the drive to his aunt and uncle's house. It definitely was a nice house for a pool party, and Memorial Day had proven once again to be a beautiful day to spend in the sun. As his one available outlet for protest, Theo had not worn swim trunks. He was planning on sulking the entire time, with a beer from the cooler and a burning desire to confront the first person who objected to his underage drinking with a full listing of his drinking accomplishments of the past year.

He stood a few steps back from his father, brother, and sister, pulling out his phone in the hope that Sarah would have responded with extreme regret to his message that he wouldn't be at the party that night. Nothing. His sister rang the doorbell and a few moments later the door swung open.

"Chelsea! You look wonderful, what a beautiful top! God, you're more gorgeous every time I see you!" gushed Linda by way of greeting. "Come in, come in, Mike's in back on the grill. They're all back there. Ron, you brought your famous potato salad, wonderful, just set it on the kitchen counter on your way through and I'll take care of it. Eddie, I see you're ready for the pool—you'll find your cousins beat you to it."

As his dad and siblings smiled and said their "hi"s in response to Aunt Linda's exuberance they filed past her into the house. Theo brought up the rear, ready to meet Linda's greeting stone-faced. He looked up at her and his breath caught.

He'd always thought his aunt was hot, and in puberty she'd been the star of more than one of his fantasies. Today, though, she was breathtaking. Her blonde hair was cut short, the loose curls falling just to her shoulders. Her blue eyes shined brightly, lit by her genuine and welcoming smile, but he met them for just a moment before gravity drew his eyes back down. She was wearing a one-piece swimsuit, but it didn't waste any fabric. Two swoops of bright red cloth contained her big, fake tits and tied behind her neck, but they only covered about two-thirds of her bosom's ample surface area. The suit pulled her breasts together into a wide oval of cleavage which it seemed to be struggling to contain. Since Linda was almost a foot shorter than Theo, he couldn't help but stare down into that lust valley and admire the flesh it offered. Just below her tits the suit was tied with a wide black sash, but he could tell the suit cut in at her belly and only widened again at her hips. He could see the sides of her breasts protruding from the suit, which meant that the bare-backed suit and the skimpy covering would offer a bounty of side-boob. As a bottom she was wearing a light blue, loose, thin, flowing skirt. He caught himself drinking all this in far too late, and shot his eyes back up to Linda's face.

"You like my outfit?" she asked with a playful smile. She gave a slow twirl to show off. Yup, acres of side-boob. Theo felt himself hardening. He usually went for the athletic type, but Linda's voluptuous body was getting to him now. She turned back to face him.

He tried to reply, found his stomach in his throat, cleared it, and said, "Oh yeah, Aunt Linda, it looks very comfortable. Um, hh-mm, how've you been?"

"Wonderful, honey, now that you're all here!" She stepped up to stand beside him, turned, wrapped her arm around him and squeezed, leaning her body into his. He felt the warmth and softness of a breast pressing his side. His cock throbbed closer to hardness. "Now come in, come in! This is going to be the best family barbeque we've ever had."


Alone in the kitchen, Linda sliced up some watermelon for snacking now that the whole family had arrived. As she moved the wedges and slices from the cutting board to their platter, she looked out the wide window above the kitchen counter that looked out onto the back yard. Mike was at the grill, flipping burgers while he chatted with his brother. Valerie was laying on her stomach on one of the chaises that circled the pool, her string bikini untied, working on her tan. Linda was proud of her daughter in many ways, but not the least of those ways was her undeniable beauty. She had inherited the same hair and complexion as her uncle had from her grandmother: dark red hair and naturally fair skin that tanned a bit but freckled more. The freckles, in Linda's admittedly biased opinion, made her even cuter than your average tan. Aside from those natural traits, Valerie had been gifted with athletic grace and she used her talent to keep fit and toned. From her father's family she had also inherited full, natural breasts of which Linda could not help but be jealous, even now. Pride outweighed her jealousy though, and not by a small margin.

In the pool, Linda was happy to see, Tim was playing with his cousins Chelsea and Eddie. He was an extremely shy and awkward boy, and wiry thin despite Linda's many years of attempts to get some meat on his bones. He was just barely 18, still a boy in Linda's mind, but with plenty of time to fill his spindly frame.

Though if Tim's a boy at 18, Linda thought, how can I see Theo as a man at 19? She had been turned on to catch him checking her out, she couldn't deny that. To be fair, she was still full of unreleased energy from that morning and from the past decade plus of building unfulfilled sexual needs of a physically defunct marriage. Mike was a good man, a good father and husband in every other way, but with the kids now grown... Linda pushed the thought from her mind. They had been high school sweethearts; she'd never been with another man, and to think of leaving him now that she was nearly 40 was literally unimaginable.

But where was Theo? Not in the pool. Eddie and Chelsea had shown up in their swimsuits, as the kids usually did, but Theo was wearing jeans when he showed up. Tight enough jeans for her to have seen him tenting when he was checking her out at the front door, she thought to herself with a smirk. Then she spotted him, sitting on a chaise he'd dragged from the pool to the shade in the corner of the house. He had his phone in one hand and a beer in the other. So, she thought, he clearly doesn't want to be here. And that beer, that's either a sign of too much freshman year partying or an act of defiance about getting dragged here.

She lifted the tray of watermelon to take out to the patio table. Well, she thought to herself, I have my project for the day. Theo's going to enjoy this barbeque whether he wants to or not.


Theo became slowly aware that his intentional and aggressive solitude were being deliberately violated. He looked up from his phone and found Aunt Linda standing over him, smiling down at him. She looked pointedly at the beer can in his left hand and he followed her gaze and then took the opportunity to slowly lift his eyes back up to meet hers, coincidentally lingering on the overhanging underside of her magnificent rack.

"What?" he said when his eyes once again met hers.

"How's the beer? Mike always buys those expensive craft beers that are way too bitter for me, and I don't imagine you college kids go for the expensive stuff."

"No, it's mostly Rainier and PBR at the parties. Sometimes my buddies and I get some nicer stuff, though, just to try 'em out. This's pretty good." He took a sip and grimaced at the hoppy bitterness.

"Mm-hmm. You didn't spend too much of your time drinking I hope."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it's a bit after 11 and you're drinking a beer at a family gathering even though you're still underage. You've either developed a drinking problem or you're trying to provoke a confrontation because you don't want to be here."

"So what if I don't? I shouldn't have to be here if I don't want to! I'm 19 now, I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions." He looked away and took an aggressive sip from the can. Fucking IPAs man.

"She hot?"


"This girl you're pining after, who I assume you're wishing you were going to see tonight instead of spending all day with your dumb family."

"I, she, yeah, I guess. She's pretty. Pretty attractive. Kind of an awkward question, Aunt Linda."

Linda laughed, tossing her head back in amusement and setting her tits to jiggling. Theo was mesmerized. "I guess it was, Theo, sorry."

"It's okay."

"She hotter than me?"

Theo froze and realized that he'd still had his eyes on his aunt's cleavage ever since she'd started laughing. He looked back up at her face and saw that she wore a sincere expression there, though a smile still played on her lips. His aunt was flirting with him, not mad that she'd caught him brazenly checking her out, basically giving him permission to admire her curves. No harm in it, he thought. She looks fucking hot, and it's not like we're actually blood-related.

"I'm just kidding, Theo, don't have a heart attack."

"Yeah, okay, I mean, no. She's not hotter than you, I guess, if I had to say one way or the other. You look great in that swimsuit."

"Thanks Theo! I'm blushing. But where's your swimsuit? You didn't plan on sulking the whole day, did you? It's beautiful out, you've gotta enjoy the pool and the sun!"

"Actually," Theo said, regretting what he now realized was his childish strategy that punished no one but himself, "that was kinda the plan."

"Kind of a shitty plan, huh Theo?"

"Aunt Linda! I've never heard you swear."

"And I've never seen you with a beer in your hand. Come on, follow me upstairs, I bet I can find one of your uncle's old pairs of swim trunks that you can wear. No one has a bad time at my barbeques!"

She turned and started to walk back toward the sliding kitchen door. Theo watched the ample curve of her ass sway under her thin skirt as she walked away, then shook his head, put down his beer, got up and followed. His dick had gotten a bit of a chub while he was checking out Linda's jiggling juggs above him, and it chafed uncomfortably as he walked. He couldn't adjust it until they got back inside, though, away from the family's eyes. Once safely inside, he adjusted himself so that his tumescent shaft was pressed up against his abdomen, but as he finished the maneuver Linda turned back to say something and her eyes shot down to his hand on his crotch.

"It may take a while to find a suit that'll fit you," she said, her eyes coming back to his. "It's been a while since Mike was your size."

"What about Tim? Does he have an extra swimsuit?"

"Oh, honey, I'm sure he does, but we'd have a better chance of finding the Holy Grail than of finding anything in that boy's room."

"Well I can wait down here while you look, I don't mind."

They were at the foot of the stairs. Linda had already gone up a couple of steps, and now they both paused, Theo hoping to get out of the awkwardness of standing around while his aunt rooted around in boxes, probably complaining about how fat Uncle Mike had gotten. She turned around, her tits right at eye level, and Theo felt his cock pulse against his abs as Aunt Linda's cleavage offered its bounty to his eyes. He indulged himself for a beat, imagining himself diving right into the valley, and then looked up at his aunt's face.

"You might not mind, young man," she said, "but I do. Don't forget, I'm doing you a favor here. It's not my fault you decided to come here to sulk and not have fun. You're going to help me look, come on, we've got boxes of old clothes in the guest room closet." She turned and started back up the stairs, her hips swinging her ample ass and taking Theo's mind to images of burying his face in another valley. Damn I'm horny, he thought. Snap out of it, man, that's your aunt.

Theo followed Linda up the stairs and down the hall past the family's bedrooms to the guest room. Linda went to the closet and beckoned Theo to come over. "Come on, Theo, I need you—I need your height to get these boxes down. Looks like we've got two labeled 'Mike', I'm sure there will be a pair of trunks that'll fit you in one of those."

He walked up and stood inches away from his aunt in the narrow opening of the closet doors. He could feel the heat radiating off her body, smell her shampoo and sunscreen. He reached up and grabbed the closest 'Mike' box, bringing it down to hand to his aunt. She took it over to the bed, leaning over it to open it up and immediately start looking through. She'd set herself up so that she was standing sideways to the closet, and to Theo, and he stood transfixed as he watched, through the wide side opening of her swimsuit, her breasts sway and jiggle as she pulled out clothes and tossed them onto the bed.

At this point he was practically fully hardened. He pulled his gaze away from his aunt, turned to pull down the second box, and as he did his shirt lifted just enough to reveal an inch of his abdomen. Linda had just pulled out an especially egregious example of '90's fashion and turned to show it to Theo as he was raising his arms to grab the second box, as his shirt was lifting, and as her sideways orientation to him revealed her goods, so did his sideways orientation to her reveal, for a moment, the engorged head of his penis sticking out of his waistband.

It was just a momentary glimpse, but his purple head seared its image into her mind. She wasn't sure what to think, but her body was quickly forming an opinion. She'd noticed him adjusting himself on the way to the stairs, and she'd certainly noticed him checking out her tits, multiple times now, but she'd just chalked it up to men and their hang-up on breasts. Now, though, she could see that he was aroused, and her body was responding. She could feel warmth in her loins. This was interesting. But no, she thought. Man or no, hot or no, horny or no, Theo is your nephew, so the answer has to be no.

"Theo," she said, brandishing a neon shirt with scattered geometric shapes, "Can you imagine your uncle in this?"

"Nope, but not for fashion reasons. I'm not sure that'd get past his neck." Unaware of his exposure or Linda's internal conflict, he brought the second box to the bed and set up across from her to start looking through it.

"Hey, that's mean. You wait until you're forty, see how easy it is to keep that body."

"You don't seem to have had the same struggle."

"Was that a compliment? Thank you. But I know I'm a little thicker than I used to be. I used to be a tiny little stick of a thing. Did you know I was a gymnast in high school? State champion. Can't imagine myself doing some of those things now."

"I didn't know that, that's cool." Theo had pulled out a lot more god-awful shirts, but still no swimwear. "Thick's not necessarily a bad thing, though."

"Theo, I'm blushing. I had no idea you were such a fan of my body."

His face turned immediately crimson. He looked up from the box of clothes. "I didn't mean, I'm not—"

"Don't worry Theo," Linda cut him off, laughing, "I'm just teasing you. Don't ruin it by taking it back, I'm flattered and touched. It's nice to be admired. Sometimes at my age, as a mom, it feels like people forget that you weren't always this way. I mean, jeez, I'm not dead!"

"That you are not," Theo said with evident relief, and turned his focus back to the box, trying to will away the erection that was growing even more prominent, having taken to heart his aunt's apparent permission to exist. For a few moments they pulled out clothes in silence, until Linda laughed.

"Theo, look, I found a suit for you." Theo looked up. It was a Speedo.

"Yeah, no."

"Come on! Humor me. This is your price for coming to my barbeque and sulking. Go into the bathroom, try it on, then come back out and model it for me. In the meantime, I'll keep looking for something a bit more...more." She tossed him the Speedo. It looked impossibly small in his hands.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Aunt Linda."

"Of course you don't, that's why it's going to be hilarious for me to see how embarrassed you are wearing it. Be glad I don't frog march you out to the pool in it! Now go, before I decide that's an even better idea."

"Alrighty then," Theo muttered, and went into the bathroom. After closing the door behind him, he looked at his crotch in the mirror and thought, as hard as he could, GO AWAY. Of course, his penis didn't respond. So he took a few deep breaths and tried to relax, tried to not think about anything, tried to just ignore away his erection. He took off his shirt, his shoes, his socks, slowly and deliberately, folding them neatly and setting them down on the counter. Then he pulled down his pants and stepped out of them. His dick was still mostly hard, and his head was still pushing out of the top of his boxers' waistband, pressed against his lower abdomen. Another deep breath, and he picked up and folded his jeans with equal, deliberate care. Then he pushed down his boxers and stepped out of those.


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