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Fourth Year After Ch. 03


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"Not for having sex with Maria, or for loving her someday. Hurt her, on the other hand, and we'd have a problem."

"I would expect no less."


April 10, 2016

The next birthday on our calendar was Mom's 46th, on a Sunday. She made us swear that we weren't going to give her a surprise party, so we just had a standard party.

My Dad's family was invited, but only Uncle Tony and Aunt Mimi attended, Angie apparently having some club activity, and Grandma Marion was in some kind of snit once again, but wouldn't say what it was about. I had no idea why Uncle Dave didn't show up.

The surprise element was that the party was also doubling as an engagement party for Ginger and Maria, who were totally caught off-guard.

As an early wedding gift masquerading as an engagement gift, the six of us gave the happy couple a honeymoon trip to Mendocino, California. Not to the same inn where Mom and I first made love, but to another one closer to Mendocino that was highly rated for honeymooners. Ginger was familiar with it, having stayed at a neighboring property back when she and her husband had lived in California, during the period when Mona was her patient.


April 16, 2016

Patti and I decided to take the kids over to the neighborhood park for their first experiences with the baby swings. For a change, we weren't packing the kids off to the Taylors, and would have them in Center's nursery for our "family night". Mom, Henry and Amber were all working, so Toni watched two kids while studying and Patti and I took the other two to the park. We had already taken Kyra and KJ and were returning from taking Gavin and Sharon when we saw a young woman, probably in her late teens, at the door to East House. It was about 4:30.

The house was empty, but my Mustang was sitting in the driveway, so this woman obviously expected someone was there. She was ringing the doorbell alternating with banging on the door, and loudly muttering, "Shit, shit, shit, please be home, please be home."

Once we reached the driveway, I called out, "Miss, can I help you?"

She turned to face me, and there were tears on her face. In a trembling voice, she asked, "Do you know where Antonia Kannady might be? This is her address, right? I really, really need to talk to her."

I said, "Actually, I do know where she is, but first, who are you?"

She looked at the four of us, trying to figure us out, before saying, "My name is Eden McGuire, and Antonia is my aunt. She would know me by the name Faith. You say you know where she is?"

I could see the family resemblance as soon as she said that, and it clicked in my head. She looked just like a smaller and younger version of Toni, except for a pixie nose. "You're the niece who was taken away when her sister Mona died, aren't you? Toni's been hoping you might come looking for her once you turned 18, and here you are. It's what, only two weeks since your birthday?"

Eden's eyes widened, then she nodded. "You must know her pretty well, for her to share that. I guess it's my turn to ask - Who are you?"

I stepped closer to her, and extended my hand, which she shook, hesitantly. "Hi, I'm Drew Barnes, and this is my wife Patti, our daughter Sharon and my little brother Gavin. This is our home, but Antonia did live here for quite a while, as our guest. She's sort of my aunt, too, because she dated my uncle for ten years. She likes to be called Toni. She's actually living two doors down from here right now, and is babysitting for my other daughter and stepson. C'mon, we'll take you over. We were headed there, anyway. She's going to be blown away."

As we walked down the sidewalk, I said "You're lucky you sought Toni out now. We recently started construction of a new home and will be moving later this summer, and you might have missed us."

As I took out my keys to unlock the front door of West House, Eden asked, "This is your house, too?"

I chuckled saying, "Legally, our family co-owns all three of these houses, so I have keys to all of them, and Toni's a member of the family. The house that we just passed in the middle was originally owned by my Mom and Dad, but Mom lives in this one now with my stepdad Henry, Toni and my little brother. It's a long story, that can wait until after I reunite you with Toni."

As we came through the door, I could hear the sound of play coming from the nursery upstairs. I called out, "Toni? It's Drew and Patti. If you're not sitting down already, do it, right now." I then guided Eden up the stairs towards the nursery, while Patti dealt with getting both kids out of the strollers.

Toni called out, "Drew Barnes, you better not be setting me up for..." and that's when we reached the door to the nursery, and she spotted Eden and froze.

I smiled at her, and said, "You know how you've been hoping your niece would come looking for you? Well, her name isn't Faith, it's Eden McGuire. We found her looking for you over at East."

Tears immediately started flowing from Toni's eyes, before she began shaking and sobbing. She couldn't speak, but extended an arm toward Eden, who walked into the room, and knelt in front of the rocking chair Toni was sitting in, clasping Toni's hand to her face.

Eden looked up at Toni, and said, "Hi, Toni. I've been waiting 4 hella long years to come looking for you. When I turned 14, my adoptive parents told me most of the story of how I wound up being taken away from my mom and dad and put up for adoption, and how I still had an aunt, but they refused to give me actual names until I turned 18, to keep me from running away from home, that's how much they knew I would want to find you. Once Mom gave me your name on my 18th birthday, it didn't take long to find the address down the street, but I couldn't come up with a phone number. I suppose I should have written a letter, but I took a flight here instead, because I didn't want to wait a minute longer to be with you."

Toni's sobbing slowly eased and she got out, "Oh, Eden, baby. I've wanted to know you your whole life. If I had been there when you were born, maybe none of what followed would have happened. I'm so, so sorry. You should know, Drew and Patti know everything, they know you're actually my half-sister, as well as my niece."

"They do?" Eden said, turning back to me, as Patti walked into the room, holding Gavin and Sharon on each arm, then set them down in the playpen to play with Kyra and KJ. "You know about the incest, and that doesn't bother you?"

Patti said, "Not in the least, Eden. We happen to think that incest is only a biological issue, not a moral one once everyone is adult and able to consent, of course. Even though your conception resulted from your father being intimate with his daughter, it doesn't make you a bad person. Does it bother you?"

"At first, I was ashamed of it," Eden admitted. "But over time, I came to realize how strong the desire to be together must have been, for that to overcome the taboo. Now, the idea of it actually turns me on, and I imagine myself in Mom's place with Dad." She turned back to Toni, "Or in bed with Mom, or with you, my sister. You were involved with them, weren't you? My mom said that was the rumor within CPS."

Toni softly said, "Yes, but only for part of the summer just before you were conceived. Mona got jealous of me, I backed off and went back to college, and your Mom gave birth to you while Dad and I were both out of town, and everything fell apart. They both wound up dead before I could do anything to stop it."

Fresh tears flowed down both of Toni's cheeks, and Eden reached up to wipe one away.

"If I asked," Eden whispered, "would you make love to me?"

Another tear rolled from Toni's face to replace the one Eden had wiped off, before she answered, "Yes, baby, I would. Gods, yes. I've loved you your whole life, even not knowing where you were. How could I possibly turn you down?"

Toni slipped from the chair to kneel facing Eden and kissed her, softly at first, then with increasing passion. When they stopped and sat back on their heels, holding hands, Eden turned back to Patti and me, and asked, "You're still okay with this?"

"I think we can trust you, Eden. You're not the only family with incest in its tree," I said, picking up Gavin. "I told you out on the street that this is my brother, Gavin. He's also my son, conceived with my Mom. Just like you, but with the genders reversed. My mom Tina and I have been sexually involved for three years, and Toni's discovery of that fact led to her revealing her own incest and eventually becoming part of the group marriage Patti and I formed with Mom. There are six of us now, with a father and daughter joining us, Henry and Amber. Henry's legally married to my mom and I'm legally married to Patti, but we all consider ourselves married to each other. To the outside world, it's two polyamorous triads. Also, Amber's daughter Kyra over there is mine, while her son has another father."

"Oh, wow," Eden said. "Toni's also your wife, then? That makes you two kinda my brother-in-law and sister-in-law?" Eden asked.

"We think of the non-legal relationships as brother-in-love and sister-in-love, but you've got a much bigger family here than just your sister, if you're ready for it. You're always welcome here, if you had any doubt."

Toni asked, "How long are you staying, baby? Is this your school's spring break, or was that at the end of March, along with Easter?"

Eden answered, "Break was the last week of March, between Easter and my birthday. I tried to get my mom, my adoptive mom Sarah, to give me the information to find you before break, so I'd have a chance to find you during it, but she insisted I wait until my birthday to give me your name. I had to come as soon as I could, though, instead of waiting any longer. Monday's a teacher work day, so my flight home is Monday afternoon. I plan to be back over the summer, though."

Toni said, "I would love to come out to California for your graduation first. I want to meet and thank your adoptive parents for raising you. Is that okay?"

Eden said, "I think they'd like that, sis."

I heard a car door close, and looking out the window, saw that Henry and Mom were home, and saw Amber's car pass by on its way to East. I said, "The other half of the family's home. Let me prepare them, alright?"

I sent a quick text to Amber telling her to come over to West for a surprise, and headed downstairs.

"Hi, sweetie," Mom said, as I reached the bottom and she came through the door. "Have a good day with the kids?"

I grinned. "Today is a most excellent day. But I want to wait until Amber gets over here to tell you why." Mom pouted, but I kissed that away.

It took a couple of minutes, but Amber arrived, asking, "What's the big deal, Drew? What's this surprise?"

"Brace yourselves. Toni's sister is here," I answered, causing three gasps. "Her name is Eden McGuire, and she's aware of the incest in her background, so I shared ours, to show that we were okay with it."

It took a few moments for them to absorb the news, but Mom spoke first. "Is she upstairs?"

I looked back up the stairs, and from my vantage point could see Eden peeking down from the landing next to the master bedroom, Toni by her side. "Eden, why don't you come on down and meet the rest of your family?"

Toni and Eden walked down the stairs, hand in hand, and when they reached the bottom, Eden gave a little wave and said, "Hi, I'm Eden. Pleased to meet you all."

Henry, Mom and Amber each came forward to introduce themselves, and each gave Eden a huge hug. Patti had joined us downstairs by then, and Eden grabbed both Patti and me into a big hug, whispering, "Thank you both for being home today. I don't know what I would have done, otherwise."

We all sat on the couches and chairs in the living room and Eden said to all of us, "I can't believe you six are all married. How'd that happen?"

We took turns walking Eden through our family histories, how we wound up with the three houses, how we publicly portrayed ourselves as two triads and on and on.

We finally stopped to get dinner into the oven, and Toni and I took Eden on a tour. We walked her over to Center House via the back yard route, explaining the privacy fencing and gates, then walked through Center House, showing her the double queen, then took her by East to show her that as well. I said, "This bedroom is officially for Amber's sister Sandy, who's in college. You're welcome to stay here this weekend, or in the equivalent bedroom over in West."

"If that's where Toni's going to be, that's where I want to be," Eden declared.

Toni said, "Saturdays are usually the night all six of us use that big bed in the Center house to make love together. I'd understand completely if you'd rather not participate, given that you just met all of us today. If you say no, I'll be where you are instead, in either East or West."

Eden considered for a bit, then said, "You're right. I need to get to know everyone much better first. Maybe over the summer?"

We headed back to West, ate dinner, then five of us headed to Center for the night, while Toni and Eden stayed at West with the babies.


As we were getting ready to make love, it occurred to me that this was going to be the first time we had ever done a five-person grouping with both Henry and I. Meaningless, really, but it's just what popped into my head.

Henry and Mom started out together, with a straight missionary position, while Amber and Patti rode my face and cock, respectively. My mind was on Toni, though, happy for her to have Eden back in her life, but wondering what it meant for the six of us.

After the first round of lovemaking, Mom asked, "Do you think they're making love over there?"

I answered, "I don't know. The way Eden asked about it today was to say 'If I asked', but I never actually heard her take the hypothetical away and actually ask. I think it would be better for them not to rush into it and have Eden regret it somehow. I'd hate to see her never come back again."

"That would crush Toni," Patti said. "She's waited so long for this. She has had so much sorrow and guilt over her sister and father dying, thinking she could have prevented it. For her to lose Eden too? I would rather not find out whether Toni could survive that."

"The two of them need each other," Henry said. "This has clearly dominated Eden's life, too. She has such a look of joy on her face when she looks at Toni, I can't imagine her feeling regret about being intimate too soon. She's waited 4 years to be here, thinking about making love to Toni for some part of that. I think it's just as much a maternal love, though, seeing Toni as a substitute for Mona."

"Do you think there's a place for her in this marriage, Dad?" Amber asked.

"I don't know, honey," Henry said. "Her bond could just be with Toni. Are you prepared to add her to your triad, to turn it into a quad?"

"I think that would look suspicious, right away," Amber answered. "We're probably better just introducing her as Toni's long-lost-sister or niece, whichever is more comfortable for them, rather than jump straight into adding her into our public grouping. Whether we could make it look organic for her to appear involved with the three of us would certainly take some time, but adding a third relative of the older triad might simply be too risky."

Henry and I swapped placed, and I fucked Mom in a spoon position, while Amber rode her father's cock and Patti was licked by him. We fell asleep after that.


Up next: Aftermath of Eden, and some new old faces arrive on the scene.

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LeenysmanLeenysmanalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Babies vs toddlers: When this chapter begins, Gavin has just turned 15 months and the others are within a week of that milestone. So, yes, they're toddlers. But, have you never heard a parent still refer to their toddlers as babies even after that? That's all this is. They do wind up drinking breast milk to about the 24-month mark, but it's increasingly in sippy cups instead of from bottles or the breast by then. Moving from cribs to toddler beds and beginning potty training are both mentioned as something the family plans to start, after moving to the new house.

That said, the raising of these kids isn't the main focus of the story, so I don't keep checking in with every developmental milestone that they achieve, don't do four separate "first word" or "first step" scenes. But I did do reasonableness checks where I do involve the kids, like the scene where Gavin calls Drew "dada".

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

some of these babies should be toddlers but remain babies in this story

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 3 years ago

This series keeps getting better and better. Since the introduction of Toni into the series, I hoped she would meet Eden; however, in real life, I have found these meeting to be rather cold, awkward, and seldom successful. Hopefully, this one will work out better.

LeenysmanLeenysmanabout 7 years agoAuthor
Cast of characters

The problem with composing a cast of characters without being a spoiler to the plot is that it would need to change practically every chapter, as more characters come "on-screen" and the relationships change.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago


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