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Hannah's Pony Ch. 13

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Cody finally gets some down time.
2.2k words

Part 13 of the 19 part series

Updated 07/11/2023
Created 12/19/2021
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Normally the pony owners would start getting the ponies ready before sun up. However that particular morning the sun was already up before Cody saw Alex walk into the barn holding Candy's hand.

"Good morning little brother," Candy giggled as Alex opened the cage and brought Cody out.

Candy watched Alex closely as he bent Cody over the enema bar and started filling his ass with water. She caressed her brother's head as he was forced to bend over and be filled. "He really hasn't been allowed to orgasm since he has been here?" Candy asked curiously.

"That is right," Alex said as he drained the first enema and started the second, "Hannah is very strict with him. I honestly don't think she will ever let him cum."

Cody whimpered loudly as he heard Alex speak. "But ponygirls are forced to cum?" Candy asked.

"Definitely," Alex replied as Cody was being filled again, "They are giving hormones to intensify their sex drive and increase the potency of their orgasms. There is a ponygirl here named 'Stacey' who literally cums over thirty times a day and still craves more."

"That sounds so intense," Candy said still caressing her brother's head, "I would love to experience that, but I still feel sorry for Cody."

After Alex drained Cody for a second time, Alex slipped the ponyboots onto Cody, then put a leash on his collar. "Unfortunately there is no way to let him cum with the cage locked around his cock," Alex said as he and Candy were holding hands and leading the ponyboy out to the shaded corral.

Alex opened the gate to the shaded corral and unhooked the leash on his collar. Alex slapped Cody's ass then closed the corral gate behind him.

Although Cody was still cuffed, locked in chastity and had to wear the ponyboots he was relieved to relax in shaded coral. It felt great to relax in the sun and not worry about pulling a cart or being whipped.

He also had time to reflect on Michelle and wondered what she was doing and if she was even thinking about him. His questions were answered when he heard the gate open. To his surprise Cody saw Michelle walk into the corral. She was wearing skintight jeans and an almost sheer blouse with no bra.

Michelle took Cody into her arms and held him tightly. Although his caged cock was straining to get hard he was so thrilled to have Michelle hold him again. They looked into each other's eyes only seconds before they started to kiss.

Cody twisted wildly to bust out of his cuffs. He wanted to hold Michelle like a lover not a ponyboy. Finally Michelle let go of Cody and said, "I can't stay long. Alex took that girl back to his dorm probably to fuck and I am not sure when they will be back."

Cody nuzzled his face against hers trying to tell her that he understood. "I did some research on line," Michelle said, "I found it may be possible to give you a 'ruined orgasm' in your cage. It won't be a full satisfying orgasm, but it will at least be something. Is that ok?"

Cody couldn't answer because his vocal cords were glued and he couldn't nod because the posture collar prevented any movement from his head, so the ponyboy simply nuzzled against her face again.

"Perfect," Michelle said, " I wanted to do it tonight but the doctor came in today, so I will hide in the barn tomorrow and visit you tomorrow night."

Michelle kissed Cody one last time before she left.

The ponyboy was so excited to see Michelle again and even more excited that she found a way to make him cum. He never heard of a ruined orgasm before but anything was better than what he got now, which was nothing.

Cody relaxed alone in the shaded corral for most of the morning. However when Alex returned Cody was even more surprised than when he saw Michelle earlier.

Candy was walking behind Alex dressed or rather not dressed as a ponygirl.

She was naked revealing her firm runner's body with long muscular legs. Candy's wrists were locked together behind her back, which forced her 34C breasts to stick out further. On her feet candy was also wearing ponyboots.

Since Candy often wore heeled shoes, she was able to adapt quickly to the new boots. Around her neck she also wore a leather posture collar like Cody.

Alex led Candy by a leash into the corral with Cody. He smacked Candy's ass and said, "I have some paper work to do, so I will let you have some time together."

Alex kissed Candy deeply as he caressed her ass. Finally Alex pulled away and slapped Candy's ass before he left closing the corral gate behind him.

Candy was still a little unsteady in the ponyboots as she walked towards her brother. "It is awkward to be naked in front of you," Candy said.

Cody tried to speak but could only squeak. He wanted to tell Candy that he hadn't worn clothes in so long that in didn't bother him.

"Alex is a great guy," Candy started, "It was love at first sight with us."

Cody stood beside his sister and nuzzled her face with his. "He treats me with respect and the sex is awesome," Candy admitted and she pressed her body against her brother.

"I know it has only been a few days, but I love him dearly, and would do anything for him," Candy said still pressing against her brother as they nuzzled their faces together.

"I really want to please him and make him happy," Candy continued, "He said his last ponygirl left because her contract was up and that he is looking for a permanent ponygirl."

Cody pulled away from his sister and looked shocked at her. He knew in his mind what she was going to say and tried to speak but only squeals came out.

Candy had always fallen in love quickly. Not that his older sister was a slut but that she would give herself emotionally over to a guy almost instantly, which is obviously what happened with Alex. She had been burned by countless guys, who would get close to her then her use her and dump her leaving her an emotional wreck afterwards. So it didn't surprise Cody that Candy fell in love quickly with Alex, but it was a shock that she agreed to be his ponygirl.

"I have not had much luck keeping boyfriends for very long so the idea of being kept as his permanent ponygirl sounds very appealing," Candy admitted.

Cody's heart was racing as he heard his big sister speak. Although Alex was not as cruel as Hannah was, he was still a ponyowner and would just use her.

"Plus the idea of being forced to cum like that ponygirl Stacy sounds so insanely awesome," Candy said looking deep into Cody's eyes, "Alex said that if I became his ponygirl that he would keep me on the same hormones as Stacey."

Cody stomped his hooves trying to tell Candy not to do this. He wanted to tell her to enjoy her freedom and not become a ponygirl. Unfortunately Candy didn't understand the stomping and mistook it as Cody's approval. "I knew you would understand," Candy said with a smile as she kissed her brother on the cheek, I called mom and told her the news that I was going to be Alex's permanent ponygirl."

As the words lingered in Cody's brain he pressed himself against Candy and tried to comfort her. Again Candy misunderstood the signals and saw it as Cody accepting her decision.

"Mom was heartbroken when Hannah took you," Candy said, " but eventually she accepted the idea of you as a pony just as you did. She bought a new house and has a great comfortable life. So when I told her this morning about me becoming a ponygirl, she really didn't mind. Especially when I told her that Alex's family is going to pay her for me."

Cody pressed his body against Candy trying to comfort her even though she didn't know she needed comforting yet. Again Candy mistook the signal and began grinding her thigh against his caged cock. "I know that you are horny," Candy said, "I could never imagine how frustrated you must be. If there was anyway I could help I would."

Suddenly Candy squealed as Alex suddenly appeared and slapped her ass hard. "Maybe you will my delicious ponygirl."

Alex held onto Candy's collar and kissed her deeply. "I submitted your ownership papers and fortunately the doctor is here so she will start getting you ready this afternoon."

Alex clipped leashes on to the siblings and led them to the pony-walking corral. He hooked Cody's leash onto one end of the walker and Candy's to the other.

Alex relaxed under the shaded pavilion as she turned on the pony walker. By now Cody was used to being pushed faster on the walker, so the slow pace Alex set for Candy was nothing more than a cool down walk for Cody.

Several times Alex stopped them to give them each some water. After he watered Candy he gave her a deep passionate kiss. When he was giving water to Cody Alex caressed his ass and whispered, "Don't worry I will fuck your tight little ass a few more times before the end of winter break."

Candy and Cody were finally stopped by early afternoon, when Alex led them back to the barn.

Alex secured the bit gag and blinders onto Cody then secured his hands to the cart shafts. Once the ponyboy was secured, Alex led the ponygirl away.

When Alex returned alone, he climbed aboard the cart and whipped Cody's ass driving him outside.

Alex drove Cody to the stadium and drove him fast and hard around the track for most of the afternoon with only a few water-breaks.

Once Alex felt Cody had enough he walked the ponyboy letting him cool down. Alex finally got off the cart and led Cody by his reigns to a secluded corner of the stadium and bent him over still hooked to the shafts. He tethered Cody securely to a rail to keep him bent over.

Alex went between the shafts, when Cody felt his buttplug ponytail being removed. " I don't want you to feel neglected, "Alex laughed as he unzipped his jeans.

Moments later Cody felt Alex pressing his cock into Cody's ass again. The ponyboy could feel Alex invading his ass easily and sliding into him. It wasn't long until he felt Alex fucking him hard. Cody twisted his cuffs in frustration.

'It isn't enough that I have to pull him,' Cody sobbed to himself, 'he gets to fuck me without letting me cum. It isn't fair.'

Cody could feel Alex pounding his ass faster and knew he would be coming soon.

A few seconds later, Alex was grunting in relief as he shot his load into Cody. He pulled himself out and pushed the ponytail back into his ass. He slapped Cody's ass one more time before he climbed aboard the cart again and drove Cody to the coffee shop. So he could relax.

At the shop Alex enjoyed his coffee as the ponyboy was forced remained standing.

Eventually Alex decided to climb aboard the cart and drove Cody back to the barn. When they arrived, the doctor greeted Alex and said, "I did the exam and glued her vocal cords for you. She is locked her in her new cage. I can mark her when you get the registration number from the courthouse tomorrow."

"Perfect. Thank you doctor," Alex said and he unhooked Cody form the cart and locked his wrists together behind his back.

Cody was lead back to his cage and saw his sister in the cage next to his.

Alex removed Cody's pony gear and sponged him clean as he ate his slop. Afterwards he locked Cody in his cage.

Cody then had to watch as Alex pulled out his sister and locked her neck to her enema rail forcing her to bend over with her ass in the air. Candy opened her mouth to speak but only a soft grunt came out. The ponyboy had to watch as Alex began fucking his sister from behind. Candy and Cody looked at each other deeply as Alex pounded her pussy hard.

Within moments Candy was squealing loudly from her orgasm. It was only a brief time later that Alex shot his load into his new ponygirl.

After he had enough Alex released Candy from the bar. Candy nuzzled her face against her owner just before he locked her in her cage.

Cody and Candy looked at each other for a while in their separate cages. Cody starred at his sister's hairless pussy and wished he could fuck it just once. Cody was becoming more desperate with each frustrating moment. In the past Candy and Cody were close friends and he would have never thought of his sister like that. Now he could only look at Candy and think about her satisfying his sexual needs.

He looked around the barn and hoped to see Michelle. He wanted to feel a ruined orgasm. Any orgasm would be great!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

She took his voice. Why not his arms? Ponies do not need arms, they have legs to run and ass to be whipped. Amputation of arms or, at least, permanent reverse prayer cuffs would be very useful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hannah should buy Candy from alex and put her in the same cage as Cady..

TonyBeetsTonyBeetsover 2 years ago

Love this story. If I could meet with Hannah I'd suggest she modify Cody's appearance with tattoos and piercings, maybe hair dye, or plastic surgery. I'm sure it would add to her feeling of dominance and pride of ownership. Again, great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I agree with the other guy. Hannah should get Candy (that will be all juiced up and Hormones to make her sex crazed), to replace Stacey, face riding Cody’s face all night Long, just to mindfuck him that much more..

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fantastic story! Super hot!

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