by Literotica
Congratulations on this awesome milestone! Literotica is an amazing place to post and read excellent stories. Thank you for this wonderful platform! Here's to many more years to come.
I still have that original phone app, it still works... kinda
Congratulations on a quarter century of bringing erotica to the people
Happy 25th Anniversary. Thanks not for only making this site, but also improving it over the years. All the best for the next 25 years. I really hope to see it bring joy to millions and millions of people.
Who knows how many people have changed their lives and lifestyles after reading a story on Literotica (one, a hundred, a thousand).
One was me, no doubt. Credit to the single author of a precise single story (about...21 years ago!), but also credit to Literotica. I don't know if you people realize how great an impact you have had.
Thank you very much.
Happy 25th Birthday Literotica. Hope there is more till even after I have passed away. You are a awesome website of stories!
Happy Birthday, it has been a sincere pleasure. We have had our ups and downs. It was such a challenge to get my first story published. Since then I've sent you 46 more stories that you have published and at this moment I have another 7 in drafts and ideas for more every day in addition to the nearly 100 "Dear, We have to talk" stories I want to do yet. I can't wait to fully retire to be able to spend some real time writing. I used to read that one adult magazine, "Penthouse Stories" that always was fun. Then from another web site "the experience project" but is no longer available telling about people's experiences, like the magazine. Now I'm here. I'm not that educated, but I'm so old I don't see attempting to learn more now. LOL Thank you for your service to the Literary world of adult themes, where the average guy can tell a story that someone else might enjoy, maybe even get wood. LOL Thanks Buster2U
Congratulations, and thank you for being here. For all my quibbles about site features, it's agreat place.
Happy Anniversary & Congratulations and thank you for proving such a great service!
This site had effects on my life. I got to write, meet people I never would have met otherwise, and just got to read things that are good story telling and erotica. I also get to comment and get comments. Some of the emails I've gotten have picked me up when I needed it. Thank you for all of it. ♥
Happy anniversary and congratulations on twenty-five years. It was pure happenstance that I stumbled across Literotica. It's been a reliable source of heartwarming, funny, exciting, and thoughtful stories that have entertained me for years. It even inspired me to submit a few stories of my own, of which have been well-received and made me feel like I'm a part of a family of like-minded individuals. Love you all and here's to twenty-five more years!
Thank you so much for creating and maintaining this extraordinary platform for readers and writers alike. What you have achieved is utterly staggering. Congratulations 👏🎉🎆🎇🎂🎁🎀🎈🎉🍾🍻🍺💥🎊 on a wonderful, wonderful job!!!
I was reading here for years before I finally made an account and started adding my own stories. Thank you for all the work you've put into making this site what it is.
Thank you for being here, for keeping it simple, and keeping it free. This has been a welcome oasis of creative, thoughtful, honest content for me and I can say I have been a loyal fan since 2000 <3 maybe one day I'll stop being so lazy, make an account, and start uploading stories XD
Huzzah! Happy anniversary and congratulations. Literotica is truly an innovation of a lifetime. I'm really grateful for this space. Cheers to the next 25 and many, many more!
Thank you for creating such an open and welcoming space. It has helped me to expand my sense of who I am and what is possible for me and for others, to open my heart and mind and - of course - body.
Happy 25th Anniversary and thanks to all the authors and countless readers making this website active.
Happy 25th Anniversary and thank you for keeping me entertained over so many years. My only wish is there is a forum where we are informed of the current status of authors who have stopped contributing here. I miss people like Ashon, StangStar06, Qhml1 and many others.
Literotica has given us so much pleasure as a place to place our erotica. With the advent of video porno on the internet, publishers stopped publishing erotica, and self-publishing was a distribution nightmare. Then you folks rushed in, and the world was once again a happy place to live in. Thank you!
Thank you for keeping your nerve and going forth with a safe place for readers and writers alike. Happy 25th!!! I found you in the early 2000's.