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His Control Ch. 02 Pt. 02

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The dwarves fall under Eric's control...
11.5k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/21/2020
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.


His Control

Chapter Two

Part Two

The battle was as rough and as bloody as anyone could have possibly have expected, although the goblins' lair had been trickier to infiltrate than even Daphne anticipated. She was coy and brash in her execution but the goblins simply did not have a fine art about them when it came to murder, their life and lies intertwining as they burrowed barely under the skin of the earth to make their lairs. A stockade blocked them in but the cave system beneath was weak and suspect to caving in, what they took of their lives above ground coming with shrewd looks and scampers, the beasts small and shrivelled, mostly going unclothed. They had no need for such things of modesty when the world bowed to their will each and every day.

At least, that was what they thought. They thought that they were invincible, that any of their number that they lost could be replenished, brought back through the next generation, their kind breeding quickly and furtively. Being smaller, they would have lived longer too if they did not anger so many around them into cutting down their population, their escapades and kidnappings being just what led them into needing to reproduce so quickly. In a way, it was sad to see such a race fall prey to greed and debauchery in exactly the opposite way that Eric had brought it all into the forefront of his life and the lives of those in his village.

Daphne, however, was extravagant and joyous in how she executed the mission, cutting through hordes of goblins as if she was a magical arrow let loose from a bow that had been drawn taut, waiting for its purpose. Her helmed head could be seen even from a distance, marked with the leadership symbols of her clan, and Eric had to focus to not lose himself in the mass of destruction, the goblins swarming and swirling around him, a green and brown, grey and tan, swathe of angry, squealing bodies.

They did not speak their language but Eric was able to control them, however briefly he needed to, sending them into the paths of the dwarves. In that way, he was able to ensure that both he and Asha stayed out of harm's way, although the soldiers of his village performed admirably too. There was little of note to him, however, when it came to the men fighting when he could otherwise be watching the pleasure of women using their bodies in ways that he had never before considered, Daphne's face contorted in battle delight as she cleaved in a goblin's skull and hustled on her way to her next victim.

There was no rest and there was to be no pause in the fight, although he had to respect the dwarves for how deadly they were. If not for his mind control and their inclination to not concern themselves in things unless they were paid, he would have worried that they would have been a threat to his village and his home, although he could still have easily have controlled their minds. The only true risk in that regard would have been bursting in through the doors of their minds and wiping them out in that manner, although it was not something indeed that Eric would have been all that concerned about if it had come to pass. His men, however, were a little more in awe, visibly so, than he as to how ferocious the dwarves were, easily cutting down swathes and swathes of goblins, moving lightning-quick and slamming them into the ground before they even had a chance to retaliate. Their fearsome nature truly came through in battle and the light droplets of blood touching Daphne's face only, strangely, made her all the more attractive to Eric, imagining the heat of her body, how hot and sweaty she had to be getting, power coursing through her from physical means alone.

Bragging a little magic, Asha assisted in the fight too, using her magic to open up ditches that merely swallowed the goblins up alive (for their crimes, it was a fate worthy of them), aiding the dwarves by sending them flying up into the air too, as light as a feather and yet raining steel down onto the goblins like deadly rain. There, seemingly, was nothing that could stop them, although Eric caught her eyeing him side-on more than once, looking at him out of the corner of her eye as if she was wondering if he was watching her, noting her own prowess. But Eric could never have possibly have set Asha aside regardless of what was going on, her love and passion shining through in the delicately deadly lines of her body. Her robe flowed around her and yet it still managed to shape her form, imply the outline of her breasts, allowing her a full range of movement and adequate protection, although she had declined any armour. The village, regardless, had not had any armour for women. That was something that he would have to rectify if he was, indeed, to continue keeping his people and her too safe.

The battle was as smooth as it could have been, almost frightfully so. The time it took was merely due to the flood of goblins, their grizzled faces contorted as they screamed in their languages, blistering and assaulting the eardrums of their foes with what simply had to be a stream of obscenities. They didn't know and they didn't need to know what was coming out of their mouths, casting them aside as Eric took their lives too as simply as one would snuff out a candle. In a way, it was frightfully easy with the massive fighting power of the dwarves to push him on to victory.

All in all, it could only be described as a massacre and it was only when the dwarves had delved down into the tunnels themselves and emerged covered in dirt with tired but satisfied expressions did they declare the mission to be complete. It was a hard graft, harder still than labouring in the fields, and Eric regarded them with new respect, though they were mere pawns in the palm of his hand now, tools to be used and ones that could go about their work with deadly precision in life and death.

He was glad he had them on his side.

Back in the village, for the in-between was but a blur of trudging steps and Asha trying to use her magic to relieve at least a little of their exhaustion, though that attempt was met with varying levels of goodwill and success. The dwarves wore their tiredness like a medal of honour, murmuring songs and tunes to one another as they paid reverence to a battle one, the lives sent to the afterlife and all the judgement that would rain down on them there. No longer were the goblins, at least in that rudimentary tribe, the problem of the living but they all had the powerful might of the dwarves to thank for that, the warrior women who had sent them back to whence they had come with no more than a passing glance for the lives they had led.

In the council chamber, the room could not have looked more different with the dwarves lined up in there, waiting on their reward, the payment that they had been promised. Of course, there had been no reason to take so much coin for their payment out onto the battlefield, even if it was a self-made battlefield, with them ruling the field. No, they collected their payment afterwards and, with all the power and muscle at their disposal, they had no reason to suspect, of course, that it would not be paid out.

It would be paid out...in a way.

"What in hellfire is this?"

Daphne scoffed at the paper and shoved it back across the table at Eric.

"We agreed on coin, man! If I may even refer to you as such... You are no man. I suggest you produce it, human, if you don't want to see your village cut to shreds!"

His advisors quailed - well, all but Magrathe. She was a tougher sort than them, though her lies and traitorous acts in prior times had set her up well for difficult negotiations at least in part.

Eric merely smiled.

"Have you read it yet?"

She eyed it suspiciously, although his control pulled at her, drawing her eyes down the neatly inscribed lines of text, reading slowly, comprehending even more slowly.

"This..." Her eyes widened. "Human, you jest with me. This is not payment at all but slavery! In what hell do you expect me to get down on my knees and pledge service to you as your maid?"

The dwarves growled and muttered among themselves, restless even out of their armour as they flanked Daphne, although she needed no such protection. They were, however, there for back-up and would provide her with the support and muscle she needed to get her way - or, at least, that was what they thought. Truly, they didn't have any reason to think any differently, based on how they had conducted business in the past, taking what was owed to them and not caring about anything else.

Eric tilted his head to the side, enjoying the moment. He could tame their bloodlust just a little, make them softer members of society. There was no sense in constantly going out after blood-money, coin tainted with the death of those who had fallen before them. Of course, the goblins had had to go and that was a clear-cut case but he had heard more and more talk amongst the dwarves of assassinations that they'd carried out, able-bodied and law-abiding communities wiped out because of them - and all for money. Whereas Asha had been desperate to save someone with her attempted assassination of him, that had all been set to rights and the dwarves only did it to continue their lavish lifestyles, drinking and spending all on the luxuries that were fleeting in nature, to say the least of their passions.

"This is a contract to be my personal maid," Eric said calmly, although it was all he could do not to dance with glee, letting her frenzied, furious mind slip more and more under his control. "You will enjoy it, I assure you, and I will treat you very well in my service. You will not be a servant but will be paid in kind and cared for. The dwarves may also reside in the village, if they like, for I am confident that you all will be an asset to our home."

Daphne spluttered; in any other situation, it could have been considered amusing to see her practically apoplectic with fury.

"You obscene, imbecile, foolhardy... You shlwarvish!"

Eric had to assume that that was a dwarvish curse but Daphne was not done yet, pounding her fists on the table as she roared and went for her blade.

"This is a humiliation! This is how you treat a rat - and we are far from rats, you fool, not to be stepped on and squashed into the gutters! Whether you feel it is your place to give us our dues or not, we will see that we take it by force!"

Her pretty lips contorted into a snarl and something in Eric's chest fluttered and jumped, although it did not feel like anything his heart should have been doing.

"Everyone in this village will die," she vowed, lifting her blade high, for Daphne felt no need to be on-guard and at the ready when there were no warriors present in the meeting chamber bar Asha. "We are not females to be trifled with, boy, and we will decimate all that you hold dear, kill all, sweep clean all, purify...purify...purify..."

Her words trailed off and Eric smirked, fiddling with her mind. Her rage had given him just the opening he needed to slip back into a mind that was as guarded as her heart, armoured and plated for protection. Maybe it was just the way of the dwarves but he did not mind the challenge of it as he took her old personality delicately in mental hand and snipped away at it, cutting loose the threads of the person she had once been. Her old personality would still be there but she was less and less of herself, unable to reach for it, as her jaw fell slack and her eyes greyed vacant, blade dropping as if she simply no longer had the strength to hold it in her hand.

The dwarves clustered around and cursed but not even they could have known what was happening as Eric cast his net wider, drawing them into softening compliance.

"Be still."

No one from his village considered anything to be out of the ordinary as Eric, very aptly, demonstrated power to them that they could not understand - it was not, after all, as if he had ever thought to explain it to them. They just knew him as their all-knowing leader and he was showing them another way that he could keep them safe.

Bit by bit, he re-built Daphne's personality with what he had laid in situ, waiting for the right time to pull her into her new life. There was much to be done and her being his maid was only the start of it, turning her from being a proud and fierce warrior into a dwarf woman who wanted to be at home, lusting after him, cooking for him, caring for him. He needed that, after all, and it had been her different body and stature that had caught him in the very beginning. He adored her muscle but her feminine nature had to come into play, driving down the rough edges of her soul and bringing her into a lighter state of being.

"There..." He breathed. "It's okay. You don't have to fight so hard anymore. You'll be able to fight when you need to, of course, but now it is time for you to relax."

Slowly, her life slipped through her fingers, placed firmly and securely in the hands of another who better knew how to use her and her life. Daphne thought of nothing else but cooking and cleaning, caring for a master, one that she wanted to please above all else. She could dress him, lay out his clothes for him in the morning, ensure that even his trousers were neatly pressed like those of the nobles. His shirts would be of the highest quality, her bartering with the merchants gaining her an upper hand, and she would sew his clothes lovingly to rival the designers of the royal, using only the best thread and the tiniest of stitches.

Fighting? What was that? She shook her head. Maybe the thought would come back to her another time, yes: another time. It was nothing to worry about, nothing at all, and her face broke into a beaming smile as she clasped her hands together before her breasts, the dwarves turning, as one, to smile at Eric too.

"Oh... Oh, I would be so very happy to accept this!"

Even the tone of her voice changed as Eric sat back in his chair and smiled, the tall back making him feel every bit the part, intimidating and imposing.

"Very well... Sign at the bottom, please. We have provided the ink and quill for you."

Yes... Yes. There would be nothing better for her, nothing at all, she was quite sure of that. Even as she lunged a little too eagerly for the quill, her mind was already running rampant with ideas of what she could do for him. What was wrong with her hair? Oh, that would have to be grown out, yes, something nice for him, nice for her master. She could show him the dishes from her homeland, the sweet-meats that melted on the tongue. She could style her new hair for him, applying rouge to her cheeks, shade her eyelids, shape her eyebrows... Everything that a feminine soul did could be hers to wield in a different way, battling only to earn the approval of her lord and liege for the rest of her life.

Darkness pulled her away and down - down and down and down. Much like Eric falling when he had first experienced the failure of sharp and decisive mind control with Asha, her world shifted and turned, her body a pawn and tool within it. Spinning and swirling, she held her arms out for the blackness to take her, trust enveloping her heart.

"Take me!"

It was as if but a moment later that she woke, standing in exactly the same place as she had been before, before a table of humans and dwarves that were suddenly both strange and familiar. She scratched the back of her neck, shifting her weight. What had changed? Had she changed? But she was the same, still the same Daphne, was she not? Was there... Was there something different about her?

The armour. Suddenly, it didn't seem to sit right on her body, awkward and clumsy, a clunky accessory that her fingers itched to rip from her form. Scowling, although it was a pretty sort of scowl, she grasped at it and tore it away, piece by piece, removing it as if she was intending to strip down to her undergarments, although there was little even there to cover her up, her armour coming with so many layers, the leather beneath the iron for protection too, that she kept going and going, breasts heaving as she moaned.

"Oh... Oh, someone help me!"

It was not that she was helpless, of course, but she felt like she was in the moment as Eric nodded to Magrathe and she rushed in, narrow, sharp fingers getting into tougher cracks and crevices, working the laces of her jerkin loose, helping her reveal her breasts. The muscle on her body could not be denied, even though even that seemed strange to her, something that she wanted to change, something that needed to be cut down, stripped down, made nothing of what it was before. Whimpering, Daphne even struggled to allow Magrathe to help her, chest heaving and breasts shuddering, the pertness of her nipples showing through the final layer of cloth.

And yet she was still not as pretty and as feminine as she wanted to be, her body not matching up to how she saw herself in her mind. The rounds of her breasts were all well and good but Daphne's arms felt hard, too hard - too firm with muscle even to her. And it was all very weird to stand there with clothes on too that didn't fit her, everything seeming to hide her form from the eyes of those around her rather than accentuating it. Even as Magrathe tried to assist, to relieve her of the scratchy, itchy cloth that was damp with sweat, she whined and wriggled away, blinking as if her very mind had been taken from her.

She knew where she was and yet the hall was foreign, the men around her standing as if they knew that they held power over her. Her eyes could only go to one though and Eric smiled to see her conundrum, tweaking her mind just a little to make her knees quiver: a fine little trick that he had picked up from playing with Magrathe, the one who he could expend every last one of his perverted, kinky little desires on. She was lovely, she was, but there were more women in the world for him to dominate and control, to tease into his sexual fantasies and turn them into a living embodiment of such too. That was just what Daphne would become and she didn't even know it.

How delightful was that?

Quivering and whimpering, Daphne's head rolled back as Magrathe's fingers, perhaps more than merely accidentally, tweaked her nipples, rolling one over the back of her finger as she fumbled with the laces down her front.

"We will look after you," she breathed, hushing the dwarf with a softly commanding tone reminiscent of her days leading the local church district with a cold fist. "Now, quiet yourself. It will all be well. All comes to pass. You shall be comfortable soon, child."

Of course, Daphne was no such child at all to her but she may as well have been, her mind shifting into a body that was both hers and not hers at the same time, everything twisting and turning around her, broken and connived. Everything was wrong, all wrong, and not even the base layer of rough cotton could soothe her form, cold air licking her skin as she whimpered and simpered, something new inside her bidding her to bat her eyelashes. She was not a whore in a brothel but her legs trembled apart all the same, even though it looked more like she was bracing herself for battle rather than trying to show off something that was between her legs.

Down there... Daphne panted softly, lips breathily parted, and locked eyes with Eric, the only other person in the room that truly mattered to her. Down and down and down... She needed to be with him, to care for him, to please him, to look after his every need and then more too. Something pulled her to him, a gravitational force that was not as simple as magic, and yet he rooted her in place too with the pool of shivering fire in his eyes, the smile on his lips quirking up, purely heartbreaking.

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