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All Comments on 'How Sex Really Works'

by blozo

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nthusiasticnthusiasticalmost 7 years ago

Bravo, blozo! Well done. I very much appreciated the refreshing dose of reality. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I have often spoken of the exaggerations in Literotica stories. The average volume of semen is about a teaspoon.... not ropes and ropes and certainly not splashing all over. Semen does not taste good, pretty yucky, really. Women do not have ejaculation - you know - after I ate her out and she cum, my face could be soaking wet. No, women's vagina does not taste good, like honey... most women do not like to do oral... maybe 25%. Most men do not prefer a bj. There is health risks in oral sex.... proven.... Cum is not scalding hot, it is the same temperature as the human body and she cannot feel it when he cums in her. Most women do not orgasim with vaginal penetration. Porn degrades women... they do not want gangbangs, etc.In my opinion, porn and literotica writers generally make women to be distrustful (husband cheat more often than wives), to be ready to cheat, etc. Thanks for the good information. I would love to find a site where the stories are more realistic and I despise porn, 5 * RKM

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Well done, but ...

You might want to mention the small volume of semen produced for each ejaculation, and the fact that is not hot, but in fact cooler than body temperature. Can you comment on the supposed "thin membrane" between the rectum and the vaginas, which is mentioned in most analysis stories? Thanks for putting out the right stuff.

luedonluedonalmost 7 years ago
An interesting approach, Blozo

Your open acceptance of exaggeration in comparison with anatomical correctness was an approach that I found interesting.

You say: "You can NOT shove your dick though her cervix in to her uterus, unless something has gone HORRIBLY wrong. Nor can you just smash your dick in to it, yank on her ass, or any of the other devices I like to use to get your cum to shoot straight in to her womb."

So, Blozo, while you say "this is the factual anatomical situation," you also say "I am happy to include anatomically impossible actions in my stories for effect." I can see that is fair enough in the way you explain it.

I have occasionally railed against authors including anatomically ridiculous things in their stories. Maybe I should reconsider. But somehow I would like some sort of warning that an author is playing a fantasy game and not merely being ignorant of human anatomical structures (as so many appear to be).


blozoblozoalmost 7 years agoAuthor
The Author here

I see good points being made. If you wish to post in these comments other things that are incorrect and annoying about some author's stories, I will check you for accuracy and if you are correct in your assessment, leave your post up.

I wrote this because a troll gave me a fake anatomy lesson and it irritated me.

I had intended to disable commenting, but, since so far you all seem to be providing the reader good information, I'll leave it up.

To the earlier commenter's point, there is not a thin membrane between the vagina and the rectum. The wall of the rectum, while thin in fact, is thick as far as these tissues go. As is the wall of the vagina where it parallels the course of the rectum.

Occasionally, due to disease or injury, a passage, or rectovaginal fistula, can develop between the rectum and the vagina. There is nothing sexy about a rectovaginal fistula. Consult your doctor immediately if a fecal odor or discharge from the vagina is noted.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Well done.

It is great that you have taken the time to put reality in front of impossible fantasy.26e5

blozoblozoalmost 7 years agoAuthor
Volume of the ejaculate

Anonymous is correct, the volume of the ejaculate averages around 5 cc, although, exceptions occur. 75% of men do not eject the semen an appreciable distance from the opening of the urethra, rather it just flows out. Men who do spurt their semen a good distance are not the norm, however, they are not uncommon. See any porno movie with a tight shot of the urethra at the moment of ejaculation. If you see a man having and enormous ejaculation in a video, and the entire glans around the urethra is not clearly visible in close up, you can bet it's fake, as are almost all the enormous "Cream Pie" videos. (There's a tube on the other side of the penis from the camera pumping fake semen.)

The temperature of the semen does not exceed body temperature and in many cases is actually a small amount lower.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

After reading this maybe I don't want to take Viagra. What about Cialis? Thanks for the informative read.

LordGeoffreyLordGeoffreyalmost 7 years ago
A great essay

Thank you for this information and the humorous explanations.

sirwoodcuttersirwoodcutteralmost 7 years ago
I almost agree with everything

Hi Blozo, I too have been annoyed when reading how a character has pushed his 14" cock into a womb, such crap.. I would disagree about the spurting not being real as you mentioned in your comments, I’m in early 50's with a girlfriend 27 years younger, and she always enjoys the visual show of being covered in cum. I think it started from her not wanting it in her pussy, to enjoying seeing it squirted across her body. After a week of sexy phone calls between us, and no abusing oneself for a few days before we meet, I know I have pulled out and in excitement have spurted considerable content across belly, breasts, head and further, often hitting the wall at the top of the bed, at least 4-5 feet away.

The oozing you mentioned is after the third or fourth time on the same day, not much left.

blozoblozoalmost 7 years agoAuthor
You are in the 25%

25% of men, myself included, back when I could, ejaculate in that manner. Most do not.

Another commentor stated that the woman cannot feel the man ejaculate. These two subjects are linked. Women can and do feel the penis of men who ejaculate in this manner throb as they ejaculate.

For the other 75% of men, the woman can't really feel the ejaculation per se, but is likely to realize what is happening from other cues.

Go to any porn tube site and search for throbbing creampie, As I stated earlier, this manner of ejaculating is not the norm, but it is common enough.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
'The average penis size was just under 7" last time I checked'

For an article which purports to set the record straight this seems extraordinarily sloppy, which is a pity because you chose to make it your first 'fact'. Perhaps you should 'check' again? I know of at least one international condom manufacturer who would be quite surprised by this 'fact'. It is well-established that there are differences between some races-you could easily have 'checked' on condom sizes sold in the far east, for example. You categorically deny that black penises are bigger but make no reference to the (very limited) New York study on this subject which suggested that the difference is small but real.

'The last time I checked' sounded like that famous academic cop-out, 'I found absolutely no evidence that...' which has caused much hilarity over the years.

seniresenirealmost 7 years ago

This is really helpful and informative

blozoblozoalmost 7 years agoAuthor
Penis size

About ten years ago I used to give "The talk" to 5th grade boys for the local school system. That was the last time I checked for the answer to their most common question. My information came from a large study out of Walter Reed military hospital and was considered the most authoritative study to date.

You state your study was small, that's a problem. You further do not state who funded your study and why. I stand by my words.

gxnngxnnover 6 years ago
very down-to-earth

A good work of writing should be based on facts or something that looks like facts, so your essay is a good support for our reading, I much appreciate your work. We must have our feet on the ground, not have them in the air, to make the writing look like a fairy tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Great article! Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
2 Thumbs Up

Great article...!

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 6 years ago

I have railed at several authors and commenters who believe in the ‘continuous tube’ arrangement of the vagina and uterous ... with a narrowing as the dividing line.

What you do NOT mention, that I think is of interest, is that human female orgasm is adaptive to the primary function of the reproductive system. It provides a muscular spasm in the cervical area that repeatedly dips the cervical area into the pooled semen (assuming a ‘male superior’ position.) Essentially, it favors the sperm donor who pleases Sweetie over other semen donors who do not. (Lover edge over Sugar Daddy)

mitchawamitchawaover 6 years ago

A great unrealistic story. The original and not this educational white paper. I never mention penis size and the squirting stories are laughable. I spend a lot of time on breasts, but even there the largest I've ever used is 36 D bra. Thank you for providing the information in this paper, and I hope a large number of authors make use of it.

Finally, the truth wills out!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I wish it were impossible to access Literotica stories unless you first read this article by Blozo. Maybe the comment by Anonymous signed RKM, also. New to me was the data on the divider between rectum and vagina.


I had to Google to find that 5 cc=1 teaspoon.

I knew from my investigations going back to before the Internet era that average penis length was under 6". I just now checked WebMD which referred to a 2015 medical journal article that surveyed 17 studies involving a total of 15,500 penises, which were measured by medical professionals using a standard procedure. Average flaccid length -- 3.6 inches. Erect -- 5.2 inches. Circumference (around): flaccid -- 3.7 Erect -- 4.6 (this is about 1.5 diameter/across).

I would be interested in blozo's comments on hymen/cherry placement. After reading comments on stories, some time ago, I checked online, finding the hymen at the opening /mouth of the vagina. This would mean that Literotica stories with the penis 1 or 2 inches into the vagina before hitting the hymen, would be incorrect. Although blozo allows for medically incorrect in his stories for the sake of fantasy. I suppose Literotica would be boring (or less interesting) if everything were medically/biologically correct.

Also needed in this biological realism discussion is female breast size. I just now Googled and found a chart giving average breast sizes for U.S. and many European countries. With two exceptions they were all B (eg U.S.) or C (eg United Kingdom). However, myself, I wonder if bra sizing is consistent among different countries. Interestingly, WebMD says fat determines breast size. My daughter and son-in-law are both medical doctors. I wondered about breast size affecting milk production (is the baby of a small breasted woman shorted?). Their view was that the milk producing part of breasts is about the same regardless of breast size. (In other words, more fat in the breast does not increase milk production.)

Thanks for a much needed dose of reality to Literotica.

Paul in Oklahoma

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago
"Thin Membrane"

While the "membrane" may not exist, as you say, "the wall of the vagina where it parallels the course of the rectum."

So doesn't that mean that a penis in the vagina could feel a penis or dildo in the rectum through the vagina wall?

blozoblozoover 6 years agoAuthor

Yes, assuming the penises are of sufficient size and are positioned at similar depths in their respective orifices.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

"Many men (and women) are curious about the average penis size, but Dr. Abraham Morgentaler took it to the next level. He conducted a study on over 15,000 men to create a chart of the average size – and the good news is, you’re probably better off than you think.

The study found that the average length during erection is 5.16 inches (13.12 centimeters) and the average flaccid length is 3.6 inches (9.16cm). As for the girth, the average value is 4.59 inches (11.66 cm) when erect, and 3.66 inches (9.31cm) when flaccid."

Pretty much every study ever conducted has 5 inches to 5.5 inches as the average size. Those of us 7+ inches are in rare terrority, not the norm.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
My Dream is to be average Size

I wish I had a 8 inch piece of Meat .. I went to Highschool with a Guy who could have been a Porn Star .. Sadly My Locker was next to His ..

AverygoodlayAverygoodlayabout 6 years ago

knew most of this but learned a lot more thanks, I do wish you would have put something in about the hymen as there are so many that don't have a clue where it is

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

That makes me feel so much better about my grower which is a mushroom cap when soft and a whopping 4" hard. FML.

donaldelliott11donaldelliott11almost 6 years ago
This is very helpful. Now, how about my ass?

I have the tiniest imaginable experience with things in my butt. I know that anal sex is a big deal in porn, but I wonder if some reality is in order.

I have experimented, fewer than a dozen times, inserting small dildos into myself. One was penis-shaped, and no more than 5-6 inches long; the other was a "prostate stimulator" that was skinny and short, but had a knob on the end that was supposed to rub my prostate. I've done this because it is supposed to be sexy, but the little pleasure I got was hardly worth the effort.

I think I learned 2 things: nothing goes nicely without lots of lube, and something small, moving in and out VERY slowly, feels kind of interesting; but longer, wider, and faster in-and-out feels terrible.

Do long penises actually pass entirely though the rectum and pop out into the colon? Is that a good idea?

Does the sphincter suffer permanent damage, or loss of function, if stretched too often, too widely, by sex?

One reads that some women never orgasm vaginally, and some men don't orgasm when blown. How many men and women would not likely ever orgasm from being butt-fucked?

Inquiring minds want to know! Thanks in advance.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

It's hard to find such a well written essay on this topic. Good job!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Thank you for this essay. You probably broke some hearts with it but it should be a big help to most folks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Good stuff

I appreciate your knowledge base - your fiction’s good, but nothing wrong with cutting through the formulaics and offering some facts. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Observations of an old lady...

Thank you for writing this. I have no formal medical training, but owning (a very nice) vagina (when I grew up everything was called the vagina, cause us girls were just holes or boys missing something) I was interested at a young age on how she worked.

How correct you are that people write without knowing what they are writing about. To me reality is really really hot.

The sex organs develop in utero long before they differentiate. Boys and girls start out with all the same parts, and a set of tubes they don't need. Boys have analogues to my girl parts, my head, my shaft, my spongy bodies, and to my Bartolins and Skenes that nourish and lubricate sperm.

Get a girl nice and excited and blood will rush to those glands and she will produce lots of lube. Get that muscle around her Skenes to spasm (as in an orgasm) and the lube will be expelled. My own field (actually mattress) tests show every girl I know can do it but quantity and force vary. It's quite tasty, but have an empty bladder unless you like champagne.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Input from a retired nurse and x-ray tech!

The one that always makes me laugh, is where the guy shoves half his ten inch dick in, and is then blocked by the virgin's hymen.

It's hard to take someone seriously when they know so little about female anatomy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Glad I Learned the reality.

Thank you, this information was interesting and well written. You’re right some of the miss information is very titillating and sexy even if we know the truth.

Drgnmstr97Drgnmstr97almost 4 years ago

I rarely give a 5 for anything but for you good Sir, in honor of your public service, take my 5 and my thanks! Good on you for bothering as this may be the only sex ed some degenerates on this site ever get. And I use the term degenerates lovingly here and not in a derogatory fashion as I am one of those degenerates.

thomas_deanthomas_deanalmost 4 years ago

A Simple Biological Function

"This business of love. You have devoted much literature to it. Why do you build such a mystique around a simple biological function?" ~ Star Trek Episode "By any other name."

Nurse Blozo takes us beyond the myths and bawdy locker room banter and exaggeration to present a fascinating exposition of the biological basis of erotica.

orater1orater1over 3 years ago

Cool - THANK YOU for helping us normal people feel...a little more adequate!

shadrachtshadrachtalmost 3 years ago

I have to say - I loved reading in your story when they're talking about pulling out (Daddy didn't pull) that all of the pre-cum fluid already contains enough sperm to impregnate someone. That little bit of detail and realism, along with the fact that they hymen isn't some mystical barrier a couple of inches inside, but rather a quasi-elastic membrane right at the entrance really make the other "suspension of disbelief" items much easier to accept.

bottovarnisbottovarnisalmost 3 years ago

interesting stuff. thank you.

StimtheoneStimtheoneabout 2 years ago

Honestly, it's good to have a realistic take on things while acknowledging that YES... we break away from reality. And yes, I know what women really squirt out. Nice reminder of how the inside of a vagina is like... forgot. This is what ten years without being in one does to you. Might use that.

But good to have a take on it. Still gonna break a lot of ideas about reality in my stories. Also, as a fun little thing, there are these sort of "regimens" guys can do to have bigger loads. Usually by taking supplements. Might love to hear a comment on why zinc can make them blow some outrageous loads. Seriously, I've seen some vids where guys with average equipment can fill a couple of shot glasses.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago
Very much needed sexual information! Thanks.

Your information sure shoots down most sex stories. However it is important to have real information. Your mind can still visit the porn stories. The mind can take us places where no other goes, can't it?

However, I do have real 38DDs. I guess I'm a real exception!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I know a lot of these things in some amounts- like how the vagina becomes erect like the penis does and it's considerably shorter until then- but you did a really amazing job explaining them clearly and concisely. (Though I do also fall on the side of if it makes me horny who cares if it's accurate lmao ie yeah. I know the womb is a bloody fleshy place but something about even a "sacred" party of the body being intruded on is kind of hot) (I'm also irrationally enjoying teaching AI how to do sex bad)

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Your info reflects your professional career, EXCEPT for the part about penis size. WHO (World Health Organization) has carried out extensive measurements of penis lenght and girth world wide as part of the effort to combat AIDs and other sex-linked diseases. This info needed so they can provide condoms of the correct size range for local populations around the world. They have metadata analysis studies, all using the same method of measurement, that provide penis length info by nationalilty and by ethnicity in most parts of the world. This is not new data or info.

Maybe a key point is in how one is measuring. Using their method, the large studies of average penis length for white USA males show average lengths between 5.25 and 5.75 inches. Black US males average 0.1 inch longer but with a greater standard deviation. In other words, a larger proportion of black males are longer than average AND an equally larger proportion of black males are shorter than average (compared to the distributrions around the average for white US males).

Their size distribution curves for all US males show my 6.5" (measured their way) is at the 89th percentile. If you are 8" (measured their way), you are in the greater than 99th percentile.

Just check the actual studies. Readily available.

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