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I'll Be Home for Christmas


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"Kitten, if you can make me cum before I make that little pussy finish, I'll give you whatever you damn please." His voice was different, almost strangled, as his arms trembled to hold himself up above me.

"Well then you better start fucking me faster, huh?" I teased. His hand tightened a little around my neck and I moaned, nails digging into his arm. It was at that moment that something must have broken inside him, because he pulled out of me and slammed back in, causing me to tighten around him and yelp loudly in pleasure and surprise. He thrust into me fast and hard, kissing me deeply even as his fingers wrapped around my neck and his cock pummeled my pussy. I knew the harder he fucked me trying to get me off, the faster he himself would cum, so I wasn't about to tell him to slow down. I had almost completely lost my ability to breathe, with my air being partially cut off and the intensity of his thrusts. I clung onto him for dear life, moaning as my hips met his, arching off the bed.

"Oh, fuck, oh Ryder..." I whined, getting closer and closer to my orgasm. His grip tightened again as he slid slickly in and out of me harder, still moaning about how tight I was. "Fuck me, fuck me, give it to me."

"You're playing unfair with the dirty talk, little sis." He groaned, "You want this, baby? You want to make your big bro cum?" I nodded and he kissed my lips fiercely as he pumped his cock deep inside of me, "I'm so close, Kenzie. So close." He reached a hand between us to rub my clit, pressing in hard circles, in an attempt to make me finish before he did. "Oh, fuck." He groaned as I tightened around him, hips pressing into his hand, "Fuck, kitten! Are you on the pill?" I shook my head and tightened my ankles around his ass, keeping him pressed inside me. "Oh no. Kenzie, no." Even as he said no, his grip on my throat didn't loosen and his thrusts picked up in pace. I nodded my head hard as I felt his body tense against mine. He pounded into my pussy, moaning as his eyes shut in pleasure, "Jesus, Kenzie, you're going to make me cum in that tight little pussy, aren't you? You're not gonna let me pull out!" I knew he could very well force me to let go if he wanted me to, so the fact that he was jackhammering into me still, and not pulling out, told me everything I needed to know.

"Yeah, Ryder. Your little kitten wants to feel you cumming deep inside her." I whispered, clenching tightly around him. I was on the verge of orgasm and I knew seeing his pleasured face as he came was the only thing that could set me off at this very moment.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck." He moaned, "Oh God, I love you." He growled, rubbing my wet clit in fast circles as he pushed deep inside me one last time, gripping my throat tightly as I felt him explode, spurting cum into me with incredible force.

"Oooooh, fuck." I whimpered, right on the edge of orgasm, watching his face and feeling burst after burst of cum inside me. I clenched around him as he still rubbed my clit, trying to get me over the edge while he was still finishing. Suddenly, the door swung open, "Dude you weren't answering any of my c-" Adrian stood there, looking down at something in his hands, cutting himself off as he looked over at the bed and saw what was going on. That was it for me and I couldn't help but start cumming all over Ryder's cock, biting my lip so hard it bled. The door slammed shut and I wailed my brother's name, coating him with my juices as I thrust my hips into his.

"OH SHIT!" he groaned, still thrusting his mostly hard cock into me as I rode out my orgasm. My hips arched off the bed and I ground my clit into his hand as he finally loosened the grip on my neck. Again and again, my pussy clenched down on him as my body was overwhelmed with the most sensation it had ever experienced. Breathing hard, I let my hips fall back onto the bed, pulling Ryder into me for a kiss. He kissed back half-heartedly, pulling away to look back at the door.

"I thought I fucking locked it. And I thought everyone was gone for hours! Why the fuck is he here?" I could tell he was torn between running after his friend to explain and not wanting to leave me like an asshole right after what we'd just done.

"I guess that's why he was calling you. Maybe he was bored and wanted to come home early. Obviously he's the only one who came home." I hugged him tightly to me as he relaxed, pulling us both onto our sides, not pulling out of me.

"Jesus, kitten. I just deflowered you, came inside you, and got caught by my best friend." I shivered and kissed his neck softly.

"Yes, yes you did." I whispered as I blinked back sleepy eyes. Maybe a nap wouldn't hurt.


Wednesday morning came quickly and Ryder announced he and Adrian had changed their flights back to school from Friday to Wednesday. Adrian claimed they were given a lot of homework over break and needed to get it done before school started again, but I knew they hadn't spoken since Christmas afternoon and Adrian had slept on the couch Tuesday night. My brother and I hadn't shared more than a few words since we'd fallen asleep in his bed.

My mom insisted with Ryder that she should plan a trip for me to fly out to visit him at school soon, since our visit was cut short and our "catching up" didn't last as long as we had all hoped. That would certainly prove interesting and definitely wasn't what I wanted to think about when we weren't even talking to each other. Again. The last few hours before they were going to take a cab to the airport seemed to drag by slowly. My brother and Adrian played video games on the couch, my parents were both at work, and I spent most of the time in the kitchen making Christmas cookies. I kept glancing over at the couch to see if he was looking at me, but all his attention seemed to be on the game.

By the time the cab had called to give a fifteen minute warning, the cookies were fresh out of the oven and I was packing a container up for Ryder to take back to school with him. I was pretty mixed up about what had happened and what would or wouldn't happen in the future, but I still wanted to do something nice for him.

"All my shit's outside for the cab." Adrian said, not even looking at my brother. "I'd give you a hug, Kenzie, but..." he trailed off, looking me straight in the eyes. "I don't think that's such a good idea." He scuffed his shoe against the hardwood a couple times before he looked away. "I'm gonna go sit outside. I guess I'm gonna have to talk to Ryder eventually on the plane, but I'm going to avoid it as long as possible." He walked out of the house, leaving Ryder and I alone together.

"Here." I shoved the package of fresh cookies in his hands. He stared down at me with pained eyes.


"Why did you change your flight? Why are you leaving?"

"I can't... This is too painful."

"Painful for you?! You took my virginity and you haven't talked me since then!"

"I'm sorry, babe." He reached up and cupped my face. "You're so fricking gorgeous. I'm so stupid. But this is wrong and being around you isn't going to make this any easier for either of us."

"What do you think I'm going to do? Do you think I'm going to tell the world?"

"I fucking love you, Kenzie. Please don't make this harder." He pulled me in close to him, kissing me sweetly, with his fingers sliding through my hair. A car horn blared outside and I could hear Adrian screaming for Ryder. He pulled away and looked at me for a few more seconds. "I' you."

With that, he was gone, and I would have to wait and see if and when he would call.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Pathetic story attempt. Seriously Pathetic.............. do you resemble the characters you wrote about, if so don't want to know you.............

Sunnyd63Sunnyd63almost 4 years ago

Awesome story! 5 stars. The continuation of the story is "CUM VISIT FOR SOME SUMMER FUN"

dikupinyadikupinyaalmost 5 years ago

"you weren't lying about being a virgin." while sliding 2 fingers inside her? all virgins i ever met had a blockage called a hymen. otherwise good story. keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I checked

There wasn't an ending chapter so this good story gets 1 star.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

You disgust me

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

What's with the bit about Kenzie getting excited over snuff films?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
It's not a bad story

But the characters both suck big time. Bro is a complete asshole and lil Sis is a moron for taking his abuse. Hey girl put on your big girl panties, get some balls!!! She needs to leave and tell Mom her little star boy is a fucking jerk and why...'s very well written 5 stars. Too bad a second chapter wasn't written.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I hated this story

bro was such an asshole it would be impossible for ANY author to turn it around so I just stopped at page three. bad story 1 star

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Loved this story from beginning to end

It's only a shame that you didn't or couldn't continue the story

kbishop27kbishop27over 7 years ago

I think this was very well written and i was hooked. I was sad that it wasn't continued. Please write more.

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623over 8 years ago

You have a great writing style! I loved the story, ignore the haters. Please keep writing!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago


It was the kind of tension I'd only ever felt when reading erotic novels or watching a particularly well made snuff film.


Snuff film?! Sounds like she has bigger issues than worrying about her brother wanting to fuck her brains out, rofl!!

The story was written really well! Very engaging! Brother is definitely a douche, lol! You'd think by the time she hit eighteen she would have figured out why her brother acts like that and other brothers don't, hehehe ;).

She lets him off the hook a lot too! 'You wanna tell mom I smoke pot? Knock yourself out! I'm sure she'd love to know her star number one child also smokes pot, takes uppers, downers, drops acid, does ecstasy, drops it in girls drinks, and fucks every skank he can get his dick in. Me? Im just an occasional pot smoking innocent lil' virgin, even if Im number two.'

Heh. Well kinda a shitty ending but I guess the proverbial hook is set for the next chapter! ...she shoulda snuck downstairs and hooked up with his buddy on the sofa! Hehehe ;)

SampkyangSampkyangabout 9 years ago

This story is too long for it to start with an IDIOT (her) and an absolute JERK (bro) is she beyond stupid? WALK girl END OF BAD STORY 1* just to vote

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Didn't like story brother was a jackass

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great story, but do you know what a snuff film is?

I just can't imagine little Kenzie not only finding that kind of thing but liking it? So I'd rather assume that at the time you wrote this, maybe you didn't have a complete picture of what the term means. Other than that, that was a really great story and I hope you keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

your one of the first ones to get a 5 star for a story .... good job !!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Best Story ever!

Look he/she is a good writer its nkt like most stotys that go straight to SEX it waited a bit and went to incest Thats what I like about best story ever :3

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
this was great

Your writing and grammar is fantastic:-) I am glad i read this peice of literature, it was very satisfying thank you;-) I hope this chaper has a second. I'll cheak in a few days please respond to Zell.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
"Fuck me, fuck me, give it to me."

"Fuck me, fuck me, give it to me." This is all story. Why you can write to long? All story like hardcore movie, If you wanted to become a writer, you have need a brain.

brosismombrosismomover 10 years ago

but wtf is the brother best friend doing in story,don't get why he needed to be there

ilikeitlikethat18ilikeitlikethat18over 10 years agoAuthor
hey everyone!

I have the new chapter/installment out for the summer lovin contest: // please vote 5 stars if you like it!

ilikeitlikethat18ilikeitlikethat18over 10 years agoAuthor

While I appreciate all comments and suggestions, leaving such a rude comment with no constructive criticism and all sorts of assumptions is just rude. It's perfectly fine not to enjoy a story. If something doesn't meet your personal taste that doesn't make it a poorly written story. I don't doubt my writing skills, I write for a living. And judging by how many people enjoyed and favorited my story, you anonymous commenter are in the minority. Think again before spreading such negativity.

Thanks to everyone who has enjoyed it. I'll write another chapter soon!

MORTMAINMORTMAINover 10 years ago

Absolutely Beautiful!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Pleass right the next part

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

please write the next part!! iv been waiting and waiting and waiting!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I just have to say.. WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW! Sooooo good. I want more. You are such a good writer. Dont let anybody tell you differently! PLEASE WRITE FAST! I absolutely loved it! Cant you tell? It was so sensational, just reading it made me wet. PS.


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

God dammit that was fucking hot. Write more now!

ilikeitlikethat18ilikeitlikethat18over 11 years agoAuthor

Everyone's support and enjoyment of the story is more than I could ask for. Thank you guys so much. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea and a lot of people see Ryder as an asshole, but please try to read into the more subtle parts of the story and understand! Either way, I'm glad so many people could enjoy it. I'm writing another installment of the story for the summer contest that just opened. Please keep an eye out for it and vote! xoxo

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