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I'll See You in Dreams

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A father saves daughter from an abusive marriage.
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It was like my normal Saturday I was out cutting the two-acre lot with a push lawn mower for my dad's boss. It was an eight to ten-hour job back then which paid me a whole ten dollars. At ten years old I thought it was good money. This year was my third and last summer. I was now getting fifth teen dollars. The boss's wife said I was getting too old. My dad had even paid for the gas. It would take me years before I found out why.

The boss's daughter who was about my age would often come out and sit on a chair on the patio and watch me work. I kind of found that odd. If I needed a drink of water, I would get it from an outside water hose. I never knew her name I never asked. I was a working stiff just like my dad and she was considered part of the upper class. Her fathers' home was built on snob hill where all the rich families lived. When I was done, I would knock on their back door and one of the kitchen staff would call my dad to get me a ride home. The following Monday when my dad got home, he always had the money for the job I had done.

This Saturday it changed. I saw her head into their swimming pool and not come up. I ran into the area, divided into the pool fully clothed and pulled her out. A few pushes on her chest brought her around, and she started to cough. Water bubbled from her mouth. Her mother came running out in a panic accusing me of molesting her young daughter. I, in her eyes, was an evil animal. Although the girl tried to explain to her mother she wouldn't listen. She was lying. As a result, I got fired on the spot. I would finish the job that day and not come back. The sun-dried my clothes off as I finished the yard. Keith McKibbon's daughter watched me from the upper balcony.

For the rest of the day, I dreaded having to face my father. On the way home I told my father what happened. He said he believed me. Keith Mckibbon's wife he said was just looking for an excuse to get rid of me. She's a woman who has mental problems and she never leaves the house my dad said. As a result, her husband Keith had to do everything. On Monday when he came home from work my dad brought me a huge fifty dollar bill. It was the first one I had seen in my life. At the age of thirteen, I thought I was rich. When I asked him why my dad said it was a bonus from his boss for saving his daughter's life. Remember son that what you say and do can be verified by someone else. It was the truth that won out in this situation.


Keith Mckibbon noticed the bruises on his daughter's body that she was trying to hide. They had started appearing about six months after her marriage to Evan McBride. Evan was a brute of a man born with a silver spoon because his family was old money. Evan was smart he never hit her where it could not be hidden by clothing. He himself had discovered what was going on by accident. Evan could never appreciate the value of an honest day's work.

His daughter Irene was as stubborn and mule-headed as he was, and she would not admit even to him what was really going on. The simplest of things could be the trigger that set Evan off. Everything he did went to the extreme. He thought he was above and better than anyone else. It was noticeable in everything he did. Keith has sworn a vow to himself he would get his daughter out of the nightmare she called a marriage. He saw it for what it was enslavement. The question bothering him for weeks was how could he accomplish it?

What she had seen in him he did not know but no matter what she was trying to stay in the relationship that she didn't deserve. She was old school; she had made her bed and would stay in it. Sadly, she had learned that value from him because of his walk in life. What she needed was a white knight to push her thinking and change her point of view. He knew of one but that had been years ago. Since then they had drifted apart not by choice but by the circumstances of life.

His former wife had seen him as nothing but someone with no class and had treated him as nothing more than a servant. He had wondered how a boy so young could take it stride while doing the job he was hired to do for so long. He was the only boy he had ever hired to cut his lawn that he did not have to follow up with the Weed Wacker to trim the edges.

It came to him during the darkness of night. He woke up with the knowledge staring right in front of him. The white Knight from his daughter's childhood was single and working in the capital according to his father. His father was a group leader in one of the plants he owned and was one of the shop stewards for the Union. He had worked his way up from a floor sweeper over the years and was a valuable employee. Everyone in the plant respected him.

He would promote Bill Davis to management and throw in a five year paid membership to the Meadows Golf Club which was needing an influx of fresh blood drastically if it was to survive. Once a month the club held a free dinner to welcome the new members and their guests. It would be easy to suggest that Bill should invite his son. It was a gamble but one worth trying.


I never saw Keith Mckibbon at his home I had only met him a couple of times in my life. We both had gone on with our lives. I was working in the capital of the state in a junior accounting position with a national firm having graduated from university three years ago as an accountant majoring in corporate mergers. Like all newbie's I was stuck doing the grunt work behind the scenes.

It was the last day of the week when I received the unexpected phone call from my father. He wanted to know if I could come home to attend a function at the Meadows Golf Club. The exclusive club was for members only and their guests. To get a membership you had to be approved by the board. For years it had been my father's dream just to see the inside of the building. Membership fees were about two thousand a year back then. For him, it was a lot of money. He could never see himself justifying the expense as raising his children came first. I knew for him this was big.

I asked him how he got into that place. My dad said Keith Mckibbon has just promoted me to management and it comes with a fully paid membership. Dad and Mom were expected for a welcome dinner for new members and their guests at seven tomorrow night in the club's restaurant. Afterward, it was assumed they would attend the ballroom dance. Formal attire is required so please can you come. I was tickled to be asked but I had other plans. It would be my first date in months.

My dad said your Mother and I would like you to be our first guest. I gave in. I said I would leave as soon as I got my formal suit and dress shoes from my apartment letting him know I would be home around midnight. I felt proud of my father's success. His years of hard work and dedication was finally being rewarded.

I would learn later that the years had not been kind to Keith Mckibbon as he was now wheelchair-bound and divorced. His date for the night was a longtime friend. The sister of his brother's wife. When I first got there with my parents before I had even sat down, I had seen him. Keith was a proud man and deserved to be treated accordingly. Out of respect for the man I had walked right up to Keith to shake his hand. His lady friend asked me how I knew him. I replied you never forget the man who gave you your first job. That seemed to bring a big smile into his face. Keith and I got into a great chat about things. I guess I helped make the dinner successful for him. His date said in a private moment while we were dancing, I have not seen him in this good of mood in months. I think it might be because of you.

We were in the ballroom that was only used about once a month. I like my father I was in awe of everything. It was an honor to be allowed into such a regal place. I had danced numerous times with both Keith's date and my mother. I was escorting my Mom back to our table when the unknown lady walked in fashionably late.

It appeared to me that everyone in the room was looking at her just like I was. I asked who is the lady that got the room to stop? My mom said that's Keith's daughter Irene. I wonder where her husband is, she said very softly. Speaking so no one would hear she added I wonder when she is going to smarten up and dump her husband 's worthless ass. Irene is just too good for a man like him. It sounds like your saying he has problems I whispered. He does the rumor is that he likes to use his fists on her when he has had too much to drink which is quite often. Just hearing that made me want to kick the shit out of him because no woman ever deserved that.

Irene was already at our table by the time we returned. I could have never had imagined that the scrawny kid I had known when we were young would turn out to look this good. I could not help to notice how she brought sunshine to her father's face. She was the type of woman that could capture your attention for the rest of the night. Leaving you wondering where the hours went when you said goodbye. Her father's date went to introduce me. Irene cut her off saying Jamie you never forget the man who saved your life. I would recognize Thomas anywhere. Irene got up and walked around the table towards me, so to be polite I stood up. I was just a bit taller than she and I wanted to take in as much of her as I could. To me, she was just that beautiful.

Taking my hand, she said, "You were about to ask me for a dance weren't you Mr. Thomas Richard Davis.

I smiled and said of course while asking myself how I could be so lucky. I led her to the dance floor. I got the impression that there were a lot of jealous men watching us. It was a nice two-step, so it was easy for me to keep a respectful distance. As soon as it over I wanted to head back because I felt outclassed, but she said one more. Then she leaned in unexpectedly giving me a gentle kiss on my cheek.

"I still will have to thank you for what you did back then. My father made me realize how much of a personal cost it was for you" Irene said. "I've thought of you often over the years Tom."

"I just happened to be there at the right time, that's all," I replied just as the music started.

Irene moved into me pressing her hot ripe body next to mine. I couldn't help it as we danced the slow waltz, I found myself getting aroused. The scent coming off her sensual body was sending me signals. As a result, like any normal man, I couldn't help responding.

Irene in heels was just over five foot eight, had long blonde shoulder-length hair, with a body that was built for comfort more than speed. I was never attracted to females who were skin and bone. I liked them like my mother with a bit of meat. Her perky full breasts stood right out as the dress she was wearing allowed one a view of the fullness of her cleavage. She was a full-figured healthy woman with all the curves in the right spots and it showed. Her blue eyes when she looked at you seemed to invite you in.

I tried not but I knew she could feel it pressing against her. She smiled in response and whispered in my ear as we danced; thank you for making me feel like a desirable woman again. She loved it when I blushed and giggled about it for the rest of the night. When we went back to our table, I felt something had changed but I did not know what. I guess I thought she was just being polite. Keith's face was glowing. My dad would say later that he had not seen Keith that happy in years.

During the first break of the band, Irene explained how I had saved her life when we were young and had been rewarded with it by being fired by her mother because she believed I was assaulting her. It seemed that Keith's former wife had developed a fear of men and then had divorced him when she decided she was going to become a nun. I had started to go through adolescent puberty that last year and that was why I was let go. I had gotten too big in her eyes. Since then it had been just him and his daughter.

Irene and I got into a bit of a discussion about what I was doing with my life. She asked if I had married, I said no not yet. I just had not found the right one yet and was not seriously looking. I explained about my degree and that I was working for a corporate accounting firm. Irene said it's been nice having an honest conversation with a man that treats me like an equal. Keith's eyes perked up and a smile came across his face. I could see his mind turning. For some reason, he seemed interested in our developing relationship.

"I'm now the CEO of the board that operates this place. Our comptroller is retiring in three months. Would you be willing to send us a resume," Keith asked? "So, I can let the board look at it."

"I said sure." Figuring he was just being polite. "Providing I can tour the place to see what I might be applying for with someone who is not in management."

"Why?" Asked Keith in curiosity.

"By looking at the little stuff underneath the glamour I will have a strong idea of what wrong and what's right with the whole operation. Before I would jump into anything new a few things would have to be brought to an understanding." I replied. "I won't go into something blind. I learned the hard way not to after cutting a two-acre lawn for almost three years."

That brought out a mutual laugh from Keith and my Dad.

'As soon as the music started Irene had me back on the floor. The rest of the night I spent my time when dancing going back and forth with Jamie and Irene.

Keith Mckibbon had handed me his business card with his email address on it.

"I've arranged a personal tour for you tomorrow at one with one of the security guards," Keith said.

I spent four hours the next day going through the underbelly of things. I learned that a lot of little things did not add up. The current comptroller was nickel and diming everything to the extreme I decided to do a few background checks on a few things. I ended up being glad I did.

I sent my resume to him as per his request a few weeks later figuring I'd never hear from him again. Boy was I wrong. My superior at the firm called me into his office one day.

"Are you not happy here. Thomas?" he asked.

"What brought that question up?" I asked.

"I got a phone call about you from a Keith Mckibbon inquiring about you. He was doing more than a background check on you. He asked a lot of questions during our hour talk. What's this all about?" my superior asked.

I spent the next half hour in his office explaining both my dad's and my relationship with him and his family.

"Well I checked out Keith Mckibbon, He's an important man who owns his own manufacturing steel company. His five locations are running three shifts. Thanks to the President's favorite view of the steel industry he is expanding to six. Most who have been checked out by him personally learned later that he had already decided to hire them." My supervisor said. "Be prepared for the offer that is about to come and give it some serious consideration. Those who have gone to work for his company have had very successful careers as he's as loyal as they come."

Based on what I knew I began researching everything I could that went into running a country club. I was glad that I did. I was surprised at how little I really knew. A friend's grandfather had been a major player in golf and thought I should talk to him. He got me talking directly with him and I found myself liking him. We burned the telephone lines up quite a few nights. There wasn't a question that he would not answer. What I learned from that older man was worth its weight in gold.

It took a couple of weeks before Keith's offer to come in. My supervisor had been right. I would be a fool not to consider it. It more than doubled what I was making. The board wanted me to become the new comptroller of the Meadows Country Club. It was a job offer that I could not refuse. I gave my notice to the landlord. I told my supervisor after he read the offer that if they would meet the offer I would stay. He didn't have to say a word I saw the look on his face.

"After fifteen years with this firm, I don't even make that much. This offer would put you in the same wage as my supervisor in this company." My supervisor said. "Take the offer and run. Use the sign-on bonus he's offering you to put the down payment on a house."

Two weeks later on a Friday night, I slipped into my parent's home using the same key I had owned since being a teenager. My items in my apartment having been given to goodwill. I didn't own much because most of what I earned went to pay down the costs of my education. I had spent the last three years living as cheap as possible. As a result, my education debt had come down fast. The rest which was not much beside clothing was in my used car. On Monday I would start my new career. Not wanting to disturb my parents. I went to sleep on the living room couch.

Mom and Dad were surprised to see the following morning and insisted that we would go to the club for dinner and stroll into the lounge afterward for a few after-dinner drinks. I excused myself around one explaining I had an appointment. It was with the bank that backed the club. It was a long three-hour heated discussion which ended up with me signing over my sign-on bonus as security.

My parents had no clue why I was home. They were just happy that I was there. We were headed into the restaurant part of The Meadows Country Club for dinner. As we went through security, I was recognized by the same security guard who had given me the tour. I was given a temporary staff identification card. Which I promptly slid into my wallet.

The security officer informed me that the club had no bartender for the lounge tonight. The general manager had been contacted and was considering shutting it down. I said call him and inform him that no we won't. It was my bartending license that got me through university for four years I explained. I turned to my parents excusing myself from them by saying that I would explain things later. I said to the security guard please lead the way so we can get it set up.

One of the two security guards lead me to behind the bar together we found everything. I quickly looked around and was shown by one of the staff how they kept running tabs. Even this system was old and needed major upgrading. Things were as bad as I had expected. There was going to be a three-person band playing tonight and the dance floor area was just about the right size for the number of seats. I introduced myself to the service staff as the replacement bartender for the night. I took off my suit jacket and rolled my sleeves up but left my vest and tie on.

I served those at the bar and kept the waitress busy with the quickness of how fast they got their orders. For some reason, the staff told me it was busier than normal for a Saturday night. I personally thought it was slow. I was busy serving customers at the bar when I heard loud cursing and swearing coming from the dance floor. It had caused the band to stop playing. I slipped out from behind the bar and ran out to the floor just as a huge man was going to slap some woman in the face. He was holding onto her tight while cursing her out while raising his arm. I forcibly grabbed his arm spinning him around forcing him to face me. It happened so fast that I could not see who the lady was. A face filled with anger and rage was now confronting me. I prepared for what I knew was about to come. If typical he would respond without thinking it out. I was facing a lot of problems because there was no way to know what the man would do.

"Sorry, Sir I can't allow behavior like this in this establishment. What you were about to do could put us in a possible lawsuit." I said. "You will have to leave and come back when you have gotten control of your anger issues."

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