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In-Laws Outlawed

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Family destroyed.
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I'd better just say there is incest in this story before the editors insist.


Kay Beaumont and I were married a year after we first met. She joined our company in Bournemouth as a receptionist after she had spent several years in the Navy as a Supplies Officer. She had resigned after several sexual harassment cases involving higher ranking male officers who, despite in every case being married, couldn't keep their hands off her. I was parachuted into the firm from Bristol as Financial Controller by our parent company at about the same time. My predecessor was "let go" after a series of disastrous decisions that had cost over a million pounds of losses to the bottom line.

We were formally introduced on my walk about and we immediately found that our newness in the company made for a mutual attraction. She was 25, blonde with a figure that screamed "fuck me"; no wonder she had faced so many sexual harassments episodes. I was a 27 year old rugby playing Chartered Accountant, single and looking for a long term commitment (maybe).

I asked her out on a date after about two months and the mutual attraction we originally felt quickly morphed into outright sexual magnetism. Our first date ended with a passionate half hour kissing on her doorstep; the second culminated in a frenzied naked copulation in my bed that lasted for most of the night. She was insatiable and demanding, her cunt needing to be filled over and over until exhaustion and sleep finally overtook us both.

The following morning, despite the excesses of the night, found me with a raging erection as Kay's lithe body was all over me. Her 36D breasts were almost suffocating me, pressing them against my face as she straddled my waist before she slid down and impaled herself on my throbbing cock. "Ooooh, I do so love a hard cock." She giggled, "Especially yours, baby."

"I think I must have died last night and gone to heaven." I whispered. "I've never fucked an angel."

"Well this one's going to fuck your brains out." Kay moaned as she pushed her hips down so hard that I penetrated her to the full extent of my 7" cock. She immediately began to slide her lithe body up and down my slippery prick, moaning loudly as she did. I was lifting my hips up to meet her downward thrusts, increasing the pressure to give her the very best orgasm I could; I wanted nothing more than to keep pumping my semen into her tight juicy snatch and give her as many climaxes as she was able to attain.

"I want you to use me." She begged frenetically. "My mouth, my tits, my cunt, my ass, however you want to keep yourself completely sexually satisfied." Her tummy was quivering continuously as she uttered her dirty thoughts, all at odds with her angelic face and beautiful body and, as she did so, her orgasm kept building. It felt exquisite. "I want you to use me in every way a man can use a woman. I want you to make me your woman and use me to take your cum whenever and wherever you like."

"Sounds like a plan," I grunted, "that appears to have everything I could ever wish for. Will you marry me?"

Kay stopped in mid stroke as my proposal sunk into her sex filled consciousness; then she screamed and her lips mashed with mine in a passionate gesture of acceptance. "Yes, yeeeessss," she answered, "I'll marry you tomorrow if that's what it takes to have your cock to myself."

I was introduced to Carolyn and Don Beaumont two days later and given their approval to wed their only daughter. They were both 46 years old; he was a stockbroker with a city finance house and she was his former secretary. Don was a former heavy weight boxer for his college, although the muscle had since turned to middle age spread. Carolyn was Kay, but twenty years older; which gave me a sense of what to expect as we too grew older.

My Mum and Dad were anxious to meet my new girlfriend; as Mum said, "I'd like to meet this girl who can turn my son's head!" So the next weekend Kay and I went to my parents' house for dinner. We all got on like a house on fire; Kay had Mum and Dad eating out of her hand before we'd finished dessert, and she and Mum bonded even closer as they dealt with the washing-up and making coffee.

So we were married and enjoyed a happy and sexually fulfilled marriage for three years, until that fateful afternoon when my life imploded.

I let myself in through the front door and dropped my briefcase on the floor; it had been a long two days on secondment to a small branch that had been experiencing problems with their reporting schedules, but I had finished sorting the problems in two days rather than the expected three. So I was early, standing, hanging my coat on the rack in the hall when I heard a gasp behind me. I spun round and saw my mother-in-law almost at the bottom of the stairs. "God, Andy, what are you doing home?" She had her hand up to her mouth in shock at seeing me. I couldn't understand what I was seeing.

I too was in shock; Carolyn, my mother-in-law, was stark naked, wearing nothing other than a pair of black high-heeled sandals, and seemingly unable to move; just like a rabbit caught in the headlights. I stared at her heavy breasts with her dark hard nipples, her shaved mound revealing the aroused lips of her pussy and the smears of cum over her belly and dribbling down the inside of her thighs.

"Carolyn, what the hell is going on? Where's Kay?" I paused for breath, and as I did I heard a loud shriek from upstairs. Fearing the worst I brushed past my mother-in-law, who tried desperately to pull me back, and rushed upstairs to the master bedroom. I pushed the door open wide and stopped dead in my tracks.

I had found my wife.

The shriek I had heard was not one of pain or agony; it was one of pure lust and sexual gratification. Kay was lying flat on the bed; face down, my father-in-law still thrusting his cock into her cunt as he shot the last of his semen into her wanton body. "Bitch!" I screamed as I dragged her dad off my wife; his cock was slick with Kay's juices and his cum was dripping out of the tip. I hit him, several times on his chin before I turned my attention to his cock and balls, landing a few more hard blows before I let him drop onto the floor in agony.

Kay had got to her knees and was clutching the bedsheet to her chest as she sobbed, tears pouring down her cheeks. "Andy, please; it's not what you think. Please, darling, I love you."

"Not enough to keep your dad out of your cheating cunt." I snarled. "Was your mum part of your depraved fucking session? Is that why she's naked and covered in your father's cum?"

"Andy, I love you, please listen to me; ple........." Her voice died as I turned and walked out of the bedroom. Carolyn was just coming in the doorway as I pushed her aside and strode off downstairs to the living room.

I sat down in my armchair stunned by what I had just seen. I hadn't had the least idea that my wife was being unfaithful; I believed, foolishly, that all was well with our marriage and now I found her having an incestuous ménage-a-trois with her parents. No wonder I'd been blindsided, what was more natural than a daughter popping home to visit her parents or them calling in to see her. All sorts of thoughts raced through my confused mind; was it always the three of them together; did Kay and her Dad have twosomes; did Kay and Carolyn enjoy lesbian trysts?

How many times had this happened; had it been going before our wedding? My brain was in turmoil.

I was still sitting motionless in my chair when Carolyn walked in. She at least had the sense to get dressed before she returned. My wife walked in a couple of minutes later; minutes that her mother and I had spent gazing wordlessly at one another, she nervously, me seething. Don was right behind Kay and they took a seat together on the sofa with Carolyn.

"Well, isn't this just cosy?" Sarcasm dripped from every word I spoke. "Stupid me and my incestuous in-laws; well, what do you have to say for your cheating depraved selves? Sorry? It won't happen again? It's all a big mistake? It wasn't meant to hurt you?"

I paused to draw breath and try to calm down.

Don looked at his wife and then turned to me. "Andy, I'm sorry you had to walk in on us like that. We didn't mean for you to find out."

I put my hand up. "Stop right there; you mean I would never have been told that you and my wife, your daughter, were fucking each other while your wife joined in as well? Let me live in blissful ignorance? Jesus wept; what a family!"

Kay slipped off the sofa and knelt before me with her hands on my knees. She looked up at me and I watched as the tears ran down her cheeks. "Please Andy, I love you; this was something that our family has always done since I left school, long before we met. Daddy and Mummy took me into their bed and showed me how to make love......"

Her voice stopped as I stood. "Make love?" I snarled. "I'm the one you should make love with, not sharing you with that fucker sitting next to your bitch of a mother. How many times have you had sex with them since we were married?" I paused and thought for a moment. "You visit at least once a week; you have done since we were married, so that's at least one hundred and fifty times. I bet you fucked more than once each time as well, so Daddy's been getting laid three hundred times or more while you've been married to me." I pushed her hands away and stood up.

"I think you'd best leave right now; you can take a day off from work tomorrow and pack your things. I don't want to see you again. God knows how I'll manage at work with you sitting in Reception; people are soon going to notice and start talking."

Kay was sobbing loudly as I walked out to the kitchen and put the kettle on to make coffee. Carolyn followed me and tried to hug me as I stood by the sink. "Please don't judge us too harshly," she pleaded softly. "Kay has always loved you, but her ties to her father are strong as well."

"He's welcome to her body; from now on, to me, she's just a toxic slut."

"She's not a slut," Don jumped into the conversation again, "since Kay is my daughter it's not cheating when I fuck her; we're just expressing normal father/daughter love."

"Kay is my wife," I growled in anger, "the only person who gets to fuck her while she's married is her husband; not her depraved father, even though her degenerate mother apparently conspires in the whole disgusting affair."

Carolyn burst into tears at the viciousness of my comments. "Is there no forgiveness in your heart?" She sobbed. "Your wife loves you."

"Forgiveness; after what I've just seen? What I feel now is absolutely NOTHING. You understand? Absolutely fucking nothing!" I reached down and lifted the hem of her skirt up and glanced at her thighs, "You haven't even bothered to clean your leaking cunt; I bet your slut of a daughter hasn't either. Like mother, like daughter, I reckon."

The whistle of the water boiling in the kettle demanded my attention and I automatically walked out into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee without even thinking. I sat down at the kitchen table and tried to drink my coffee, nearly spilling the hot liquid as my hands continued to tremble uncontrollably.

Carolyn walked nervously into the kitchen and sat down opposite to me; I ignored her completely.

Kay followed her mother and sat next to her, watching me carefully as the tears continued to trickle down her cheeks. She was still totally naked and my gaze drifted down to her erect nipples that were pointing straight at me. She gave me a weak smile when she saw the direction of my gaze. "I knew you would not be able to turn me away forever." She whispered.

I looked up at her face, noting the small hope that was growing there. "Kay, you are beautiful, you know that and you use it to your advantage, but now all I see is a beautiful exterior that is corrupt and dirty inside. I have no intention of ever putting my cock in you ever again. You'll be able to continue fucking your father without worrying about your sad husband finding out your incestuous depravity. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like you to get dressed and leave, taking your fuck buddies with you. Better pack a case, you don't live here anymore."

Kay screamed and collapsed against her mother. Carolyn mouthed "Bastard" at me, but I paid no heed.

"Get your slut out of here." I snarled. "If you don't get her clothes I'll simply throw them out of the bedroom window onto the lawn for anyone to take if they want. Your choice; I'm going for a drive to clear my mind."

She tried to get up again, but her legs faltered once more, so she simply slid to the floor on all fours, and started crawling towards the door. With her wet ass pointed straight at me, I watched her disappear, all the while Brad's creamy white cum dripped out of her.

Carolyn stood up wearily, "What are you going to do?"

"Divorce the cheating slut's ass for adultery and cite your husband as the co-respondent. That should get tongues working." I chuckled without humour. I walked out of the kitchen and down the hall and out of the front door. I didn't look in the mirrors of my car as I drove away.


"If anyone knows of any just cause or impediment why these two people may not be joined together in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace." The Vicar paused for effect, but before he could continue I stood up in the back pew I had slipped into unnoticed just as the ceremony began.

"I would like to speak to the Groom for a moment if I may." I looked at my ex-wife as her face turned almost as white as her dress. Her father left his pew and walked quickly down the aisle towards me. "Don," I put my hand up to prevent him getting any closer, "I don't think you want to do this. Remember the last time you tried to "deal" with me; it took nearly a month for your genitalia to get back to normal." He stopped.

"Now, as I was saying, Brian, do you know what you are getting into? I was married to Kay for three years and during that time I calculated that she was unfaithful to me at least three hundred times. You might like to think about that and then ask her father and mother about their family relationship. It will be an eye-opener, believe me!"

Kay collapsed, fainted on the altar steps and Carolyn rushed to catch her and cradle her head in her lap. Don turned back and walked up to his son-in-law to be. "Pay no attention to him," he gabbled nervously, "he's just trying to sow seeds of doubt in your mind because he's lost his wife to a better man."

I laughed hollowly as I smiled sadly. "I don't mind losing to a better man, but I never actually had her in the first place. She just continued having sex with you after we were married; and I was too gullible to see what was going on right in front of my eyes." I stepped out of my place at the back of the church and strode up to my ex-wife's crumpled body as she wailed at the unexpected turn of events. Her father moved to stand in my way, but I was incensed still by their blatant destruction of my marriage and roughly brushed him aside.

As he collapsed into the front pew I reached down and grabbed the hem of Kay's wedding dress, lifting it up to her waist to expose what I had known all along; she was naked except for her white stockings and a load of creamy cum running down the inside of her tanned thighs.

"I don't expect the cum is yours old boy." I smiled grimly at Brian's disbelieving face. "Maybe she'll tell you who she's just been fucked by!"

Carolyn and Kay both screamed "Noooooo......" as I stepped back and walked away. "Have a good life; I will now."

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ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon6 months ago

I've read a lot of stories on here that read like they were written by a meth-addicted monkey drunk off their third 8 ball of the day.

This tops them all. Incoherent, babbling drivel that gave me a migraine.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Maybe I'm a bit slow. But, I was under the impression that incest was illegal in most countries.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's an ok story. With the description of the father as a former heavy weight boxer, I really don't get how the groom was able to interrupt the wedding. "I don't think you want to do this. Remember the last time you tried to "deal" with me; last time he caught the father from behind and in coital bliss. Face to face pops would have whooped his ass pretty cleanly I think as a trained boxer with a good amount of size. That punching power doesn't go away with age

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If I discovered that my wife was involved in a menage a trois with her parents the shock would be cataclysmic: far too much so for me to be doing mathematical calculations as to how many times they'd fucked each other. What the hell is that nonsense all about? What difference does it make whether they've done it 73 times, 139 times or 453 times? The nett result is still the same. At least have your MC get angry about the things he should be angry about.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

1) Who is Brad?

2) Sexual intercourse between father and daughter is not a 'normal expression of father/daughter love', it is a depraved expression of sexual degeneracy, yet it doesn't occur to the MC to point this out when father in law tries to defend the family's behaviour.

3) How has their behaviour not become common knowledge and how have they escaped prosecution for their crimes?

OverconfidentSarcasmOverconfidentSarcasmover 1 year ago

"Remember the last time you tried to "deal" with me; it took nearly a month for your genitalia to get back to normal."

- Did they, though? Because, the way you wrote it, MC pummeled his face, cock, and balls, landing multiple blows on them, but five minutes later he was perfectly fine running around the house.

Other than that, really nice tale!

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

Oh I loved this, so sharp and so to the point, that ending was so good so unexpected

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Does the UK not have laws against incest? Why were they not put into prison?!?


AkSh4BloOdAkSh4BloOdalmost 2 years ago

Yes that's perfect.

This is the Perfect lesson for people who think Incest is ok.

Incest IS a Taboo for reasons like this.

Otherwise Incest wouldn't be a Taboo, it prevents unnecessary conflicts and Heartbreaks.

But people are too much horny and Stupid to see that.

WargamerWargameralmost 2 years ago

Now that needed to be a longer story, a way longer story. What a shame it was so short it was just starting to get real good. You could have done so much with this story.


26thNC26thNCabout 2 years ago

“It’s just normal father-daughter love” is one of the best excuses for cheating that I’ve ever read. Anonymous is right, Odiouser will excuse anything that includes cuckolding or unpunished cheating.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

As usual Odi is a stupid moron who proves once again he is wrong about most things.

Adultery is still allowed to be named in divorce filings in a majority of states in the US. Last I checked...English is the official language of the 50 states?

God...how does it feel to be such an idiot...and have it proven over and over again?

Leave it to him to try and put spin on an incest cheating story...as if anything short of divorce naming adultery and publicly shaming ex-wife and her parents for the incest is the right way to go...

Almost like he would have favored the MC not getting so upset about finding his wife fucking hero and dad...

Shit Odi...should he have just jumped right in with the family and not gotten so upset at getting sloppy seconds from his FIL from his wife and MIL?

Or maybe Odi would have been more interested in jumping in as the fluffer for his FIL...warming him up to fuck the women while he beats off in the corner? That sounds more like his speed.

groomleadergroomleaderover 2 years ago

Powerful story, really packs a punch!

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 2 years ago

Disturbing story, but a good burn.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

1 star - a really sick story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I'm really not sure what that was supposed to be. Different strokes as they say.

DhamakaDhamakaabout 3 years ago

Kind of funny dialogues but good ones

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I love it when the husband keeps tabs and never lets her ruin another man.

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartover 3 years ago

Good story if a bit abrupt. Not expecting a novel or anything mind you but definitely a story that could do with some fleshing out or a second chapter.

mainer42mainer42over 3 years ago

I just like the way the man stood his ground. The ending a bit over the top but a good read

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 3 years ago

Decent tale, though 'suspension of disbelief' was turned up to about 8. Cheeky to wear white for your second wedding when your own father was the correspondent in your divorce!

MightyHornyMightyHornyover 3 years ago

'Was fine.

As a lot have said previously, way too short to make much of an impact, though.

Honestly, the MC's BTB could have been way worst, given the circonstances.

But, bottom line: at least he didn't take back the slut.

BTW, gotta love Kay going through the standard 'Cheater Caught', but, really, is there really a justifiable way to EXPLAINED why a grown, married woman is having with her own parents? If there is, please leave your answer in the comment section - inquiring minds are intrigued at knowing is there's a genuinely good explanation to such an action... other than pure depravity, of course.

Not bad. Not much else to say. Thanks for the share.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

If you go to www,Gov.uk/divorce you will discover that in the UK you can sue for divorce on the grounds of adultery, desertion, separation of 2 years with consent or 5 years without, unreasonable behaviour (physical, verbal, drinking, drugs and even not paying for share of living expenses).

Don't criticise what you don't know.

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