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Incest Hotel Ch. 02

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Father and daughter fall under the spell of the Incest Hotel.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/22/2019
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***Okay, so as promised, the Incest Hotel stories are designed to be shorter (well, a bit shorter), self-contained affairs. This chapter is intended to be just a bit of fun, very raunchy and perhaps a little bit silly and self-indulgent. As always, anyone in involved in any sexual activity is at least eighteen years old.***


Amber Thurston and her father would almost certainly have ended up fucking each other, even if they had never set foot in the Copeland Grand Hotel. They were -- to put it bluntly -- a couple of horn-dogs, that had been sniffing around one another for what seemed like an eternity. It would surely only have been a matter of time before the two of them had hooked up.

Doug Thurston -- Amber's dad -- was an insatiable pussy hound, and had been, pretty much from the moment the first pubic hair sprouted out of his balls. He'd been banging chicks since his early teens, and he was never happier than when he was buried to the hilt inside some hot, tight -- and preferably young -- cunt.

A devout connoisseur of gash, it was highly unlikely that he was ever going to ignore such a fine specimen of the female form as Amber, even if she happened to be his daughter. In truth, the fact she was his daughter, only added a certain piquancy to the attraction. Doug was basically amoral when it came to sex, and most other things for that matter, and was in fact no stranger to incest. He had been regularly nailing two of his sisters when they had all lived together as a family; they had even enjoyed the occasional threesome. And, although his older sibling, Erin, had now accepted Jesus as her personal saviour, and was no longer susceptible to Doug's charms; his younger sister, Lara, was always happy enough to drain his balls whenever they met up for family events. Having her suck him off under the mistletoe was practically as big a Christmas tradition for the two of them, as turkey, egg nog and watching Charlie Brown.

Doug fucked around whenever and wherever he could. If he ever gave the subject much thought, and thinking deeply about things was not one of Doug's favourite pastimes, he recognised he probably suffered from some sort of sex addiction. Every guy likes to fuck, but he really liked to fuck. It was a burning need that fuelled his every action and movement. If he was an addict, he didn't really view it as a major problem, since he almost always had someone to share his addiction with.

Doug was a tall, good looking man, with a great physique, and a big ol' cock. He had short, peppery grey hair, and a rugged, sexy appeal. He could be charming and gregarious. Women liked him and getting laid was rarely a problem. He was always on the lookout and his list of conquests was long and varied. His work took him out on the road a lot of the time, so there was ample scope for him to hook up with someone in a bar or a club.

Ideally, he liked screwing college girls, and his success rate in that regard was quite impressive. As far as Doug was concerned, there were few sights more appetising than that of a naked student, licking his ass or sucking his cock, before calling him Daddy, as he came inside them. He had pounded away at plenty of such girls in their dorm rooms. There had been a couple of occasions where he'd drilled two or even three of them at a time. University was supposed to broaden the mind; Doug found it worked like a charm.

But he was a man who never let perfection be the enemy of the good. Yes, younger, well-educated sluts were invariably his preference, but any hole's a goal was his overriding motto in life. If that meant lowering your sights every so often, so be it. Waitresses working the night shift in 24-hour diners, for instance, were always a rich seam to be mined. One minute he would be turning on the charm, giving a tired-looking woman a dazzling smile, the next he would have them bent over a garbage can out back, while he was fucking them in the ass.

This was Doug's life, a litany of casual hook-ups and one night stands; getting laid wherever the opportunity arose. He was reasonably careful not to shit on his own doorstep, almost all of his cheating took place a long way from home, and a long way from the attentions of his wife. He was good at compartmentalising things. Adultery, most of all.

Amber was very much her father's child. She had inherited similar tastes and appetites, although her preferences usually -- but not exclusively -- extended to cock rather than cunt. She was, for want of a better term, a total slut. Amber had developed quite the reputation at her high school. Her nickname was KP, which was short for knee pads. She was the go-to girl for a sloppy blowjob or a nasty, lunchtime fuck; and she wasn't even particularly discriminating about whose cock she was going to go down on, or spreading her legs for.

Sure, she fucked plenty of jocks -- she was a cheerleader and she earnestly and sincerely believed that the fucking and sucking of jocks was an integral part of the job -- but there were at least a couple of nerds she'd regularly jerk off in exchange for help with her homework. There was almost something sweet about her promiscuity. This was a young woman who just really, really loved sex. She loved to bone. And she loved to bone lots and lots and lots of different people. It was just so much fun, sleeping with all and sundry. Variety was very much the spice of life -- and lust -- as far as she was concerned.

Of course, it didn't hurt that Amber was a smoking hot, grade A fox. One of the reasons she fucked around a lot was because a lot of people wanted to fuck around with her. And while she may have inherited her father's libido, she had also inherited her mother's good looks. April Thurston was a total knockout, a complete and utter babe. She may have been a mother of two children, one of them a grown up, but she still looked no older than about 25. April had a mane of long, strawberry blonde hair, mesmeric blue eyes and the cutest smile you could possibly imagine.

And then there was her body.

She had such a perfect hourglass figure, you might imagine sand must be flowing through her, every time she bent over. Her legs were long and shapely, her butt and hips were thick and luscious. And her tits? They were like a couple of barrage balloons, squeezed together under the tight t-shirts that were her usual attire. Doug cheated on her relentlessly and shamelessly, but there were few things on earth he enjoyed more than sliding his dick between his wife's boobs and titty-fucking her until he was shooting off into her face and wide open mouth.

Amber looked more like April's younger sister, than her daughter. She was a tad taller and a smidge slimmer than her mother, but she was also blessed with the kind of hips and tits that made grown men weep. A glimpse of Amber with her top off, would be enough to reaffirm most people's belief in a divine creator.

One might imagine that having this little bombshell, blowing and hoe-ing her way through school, might attract some attention and lead to a few eyebrows being raised. Well, it did, and eventually Amber was brought to the principal's office for a serious conversation. That conversation lasted all of three minutes before Amber found herself sat on the principal's desk, her legs spread wide apart, while the principal was kneeling on the floor and enthusiastically eating out her pussy. The principal happened to be a 53 year old spinster -- and repressed lesbian -- called Violet Runciman, who lived alone and sang in her local church choir.

Then, when whispers of what might be happening at the school, reached the ear of the local superintendent, he immediately began an investigation. This investigation culminated with Amber spending an afternoon in bed with the superintendent and his wife. Amber particularly enjoyed fisting the older woman while she was being fucked in the ass. Yes, Amber primarily preferred cock, but, as her experience with Ms Runciman proved, she was never averse to a little lesbo action.

Everything seemed to sort itself out after that.

So, they made for quite a pair, this father and daughter. Both of them in possession of vast sexual appetites and almost no personal or moral restraints. He'd thought about banging her, she'd thought about banging him. But they had, so far, stopped themselves. The ideal opportunity hadn't quite presented itself, but there was also some internal resistance.

Incest is a big deal, however you look at it, and not something that should generally be entered into lightly. Even a couple of nymphomaniacs like Doug and Amber might have paused for a second or two. Chances are, they would've got round to it eventually -- the mutual draw was too strong and too intense -- but perhaps they needed a little push. A little encouragement. One last heave, to bring father and daughter together.

Well, if that was the case, they'd certainly come to the right place.


Doug was hot, tired and pissed. His wife had suggested they fly down to Atlanta, but he wanted to be Mr Economy, save a little money, and drive. A brainwave he now regretted with every fibre of his being. The air-con kept playing up, and for every mile they drove further south, the temperature seemed to go up at least a degree or two.

The kids were driving him insane too. They'd been fighting and bickering almost the entire trip. Although that was hardly surprising. Amber was nineteen, Benjy was only eleven. That was a mammoth age gap for two siblings, and the pair of them had almost nothing in common. He was mostly interested in the NBA, computer games and YouTube clips of people playing computer games. And we've already ascertained what Amber was interested in.

At it happens, in the years to come, as Benjy grew up to become Ben, a strapping young man, Amber's view of her younger brother would evolve considerably. The two of them would find themselves becoming a lot, lot closer. But that's a story for later. For now, he was just an annoying little shit, who she wished to spend as little time as possible with.

"Mom! Dad! Tell him to stop!" She piped up from the back seat. "He keeps picking his nose, and trying to wipe his boogers on me! It's disgusting!"

"I do not!" Benjy exclaimed. "She's bullshitting you, Mom!"

"Benjamin Thurston!" April shouted. "We do not use language like that in this family!"

"She does. She's always saying shit. And fu..."

"Benjy! That's enough! You two clearly aren't mature enough to get along, so we're going to have separate you. Your father is going to find somewhere to park, and Amber, you're going to sit up front with your Dad. And I'm going to sit in the back with Benjy. Okay?"

"Sure, whatever." Benjy said, sullenly.

"Fine." Amber replied, a little buzz of excitement building up in the pit of her stomach. The prospect of sitting next to her hunky father gave her a little thrill.

Eventually, they reached a run-down gas station, where Doug parked up, and they quickly rearranged themselves according to April's instructions. She climbed into the back with her son, and Amber rode shotgun with Doug. As she clambered into the seat next to him, he made zero attempt to hide the fact he was checking her out. Although, to be fair, you could hardly blame him; his daughter was quite the sight.

Her hair was up in a ponytail, a similar shade to her mother, although perhaps a little lighter in tone. She was wearing a skin-tight t-shirt, accentuating her impressive bust and showcasing a shitload of midriff. On the front of her top was written the word Juicy. Her stomach was flat like a washboard, with a little stud twinkling away in her bellybutton. And she had on the shortest, most revealing pair of denim cutoffs you could possibly imagine.

"Hey, Daddy." She said, making quite the show of getting comfortable, shifting around in her seat, crossing and uncrossing her legs.

"Hey, Honey-bun." He replied, practically devouring her with his eyes.

Amber smiled knowingly, more than aware of her father's lascivious interest. This was hardly the first time he had looked at her that way, and she was certain it wouldn't be the last. She knew he was attracted to her. She'd seen the same look on his face that she had seen on so many other faces in the last few years; ever since she was fourteen years old and her boobs started growing and her hormones started pumping.

She was a child then, innocent and unknowing; but now she was a woman. A spectacularly attractive woman to boot. And boy did she know it. Amber was powerfully aware about the physical appeal she held. She revelled in it. It was so much fun being hot. If men wanted to look, let them look. If her father was one of those men, so much the better.

The journey stretched out ahead of them, the morning became the afternoon. Benjy fell asleep, lying on the backseat, his head resting on his mother's lap. She stroked his hair absentmindedly as he snored away quietly. In the front, Amber had her feet up on the passenger side of the dashboard, as she tried to paint her toenails. Her long, shapely legs were stretched out, on display, and Doug kept glancing over from the corner of his eye.

"What do you think of the colour?" She asked him.

"What?" He replied.

"My toenails." She said, wiggling her toes at him. "Do you like the colour?"

He looked over, examining her feet for a second.

"Sure, it's nice." He said, his eyes still focussing mostly on the road.

"You can't see properly." She said, lifting her leg up and stretching it out, waving her foot under his face.

"Careful." He said, grabbing hold of her ankle and pushing her leg back downwards.

She let it fall to the seat, and Doug let his hand rest on her knee. He softly squeezed her flesh, and she smiled at him. Then he began to gently caress her thigh. Her skin was so soft and smooth. He trailed his fingers up and down, leaving little white lines with his nails.

"It tickles." She whispered.

"Do you like it?"

She nodded her head.

He carried on stroking her naked thigh. Her breathing deepened and he noticed her nipples had hardened. She wasn't wearing a bra and he could easily see her arousal through the thin material of her shirt. His hand moved further and further up her leg, until he felt his fingers rubbing up against the denim of her shorts. She grabbed hold of his wrist and held it tightly. He thought for a second she might pull his hand away, stopping his advances; but instead she pulled it closer, encouraging him to delve deeper, and grab a tighter hold of her inner thigh.

Amber looked up, peering into the rearview mirror. Doug looked too, seeing that his wife had joined their son in the Land of Nod. April was dozing away, her head reclining on the back of her chair, bobbing this way and that as the car moved along. Amber looked at him and smiled. A wicked, conspiratorial smile, which he returned in full. Then she slowly, ever so slowly, moved her hands to her waist and unbuttoned the top of her shorts. Next, she took hold of the zip and started tugging downwards.

It was quickly apparent that Amber was a) not wearing any panties and b) she was completely shaved or waxed down there, the soft tanned skin of her belly merging seamlessly with that of her abdomen and groin. He couldn't see her slit, but she was moments away from putting it completely on display for him. He rested his hand on her stomach, his fingers spread out, soaking up the heat from her body. In no more than a second or two, they would be inside her shorts, within touching distance of her pussy.

Amber was tugging on the bottom of her t-shirt, revealing more and more of her midriff. There were the occasional tantalising glimpses of underboob, as she peeled her clothes back. She placed her other hand on top of his, pushing it insistently downwards towards her cunt. She was biting her bottom lip, studying with great scrutiny the activity taking place around the centre of her body. Amber wanted her Daddy's fingers inside her, and that was what she was going to get.

He was so close... very close...

...but then...

"How far to go?" Said April, suddenly, her voice coming from the back of the vehicle like a foghorn.

Doug practically jumped out of his seat, almost yelping in surprise. The hand that had been laying flat on his daughter's belly, the hand he was about to use to finger her, shot back to the steering wheel, as if he'd been scalded. The car swerved sharply, as he briefly struggled to resume control of the steering wheel.

"Jesus, April! You gave me a shock." He bellowed.

"Okay, Christ, calm down! I was just wondering how far we had to go?"

"Uh...not that far, just another hour or so."


Doug gripped the wheel tightly, his heart racing. He looked over at Amber, who was sat there, smiling, with an eyebrow raised. She was quietly zipping herself up. They shared a knowing look for a moment, and then Doug returned his attention to the road ahead.


The Gods were certainly shining on the Thurstons that afternoon. Traffic was relatively light, and, almost exactly as Doug had predicted, within an hour they were driving into the grounds of the Copeland Grand Hotel. It was an impressive sight. The buildings had been immaculately maintained and expanded over the years, and the hotel would soon be celebrating its centenary.

They parked up outside the entrance and Doug went inside to check in. An attractive young redhead greeted him with a dazzling smile at the main reception. Doug's Spidey senses immediately clicked into gear and he made sure to check out the name badge on the front of her blouse. It said, Ruth.

"Hello, sir, welcome to the Copeland Grand, how can I help you today?"

"Well, that's a very leading question, Ruth. You don't mind if I call you Ruth, do you Ruth?"

"No, sir. That's my name." She giggled.

"It certainly is, and such a pretty name, too."

"Thank you, sir." She said, blushing.

He knew he was supposed to be on his best behaviour, what with April and the kids only being a few feet away in the car, but this was just the kind of girl Doug liked to target. If he'd been travelling alone, he'd have given Ruth the full court press, not stopping until she was skewered on his dick in his hotel bedroom. He knew from personal experience that these southern girls could be so fucking dirty. He bet Ruth would be dynamite in the sack, and he was tempted to take a run at her, but this was one of those rare occasions when Doug let his conscience lead him down the right path. Within a couple of minutes he'd checked in and was walking away with three keycards.

Ruth watched him disappear from sight. As it happens, Doug's appraisal of her was fairly accurate. She was pretty fucking dirty, there was no doubt about that. And, if she was being perfectly honest, she liked the look of Doug. She definitely had a thing for older men, and, if she had been single, she might have slipped him her number. But, for the first time in her life, she was in a faithful and completely monogamous relationship. In fact, Ruth was in love. The only complication was that the man she was in love with, happened to be her father.

It was only six months ago, when she had booked him in for a weekend stay at the hotel, as a birthday treat. It wasn't unusual for staff to take advantage of empty rooms, when the place wasn't too busy. She'd only been working there a few weeks, and this was the first time she'd made use of this little perk.

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