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Intrepid Pawns Ch. 02

Story Info
A lieutenant is captured by hostile honey-brewing fey.
4k words

Part 2 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/07/2015
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Goblin's Note: This is a continuation of "Intrepid Pawns". In the previous installment, a crack team of quarrelsome agents was assembled to journey to the central hive of the Thriae fey. While making their way through a rocky desert, Trys, their best fighter, noticed movement in the enchanted faerie fog overheard.

This story contains non-consensual stuff, aphrodisiacs, hypnosis, lactation, degradation, and bees. The bees themselves aren't sexy, though. Don't make this weird.


"To your arms!" Okino whisked out his longsword and sprang up onto a jagged rock, staring up into the mist. They were up there. The disturbances in the pinkish fog were evidence enough of that. How many, though? His group could handle four; maybe five with some luck. Otherwise... "We're under attack!"

"We got that, sir," Yathi said, raising her bow and shooting straight up. A second later, the arrow fell back and thunked into the ground at her feet. "Hey, wizard, by the way, this may be a crazy idea, totally spitballing here, but do something about this damn fog!"

Brist was raising his arms, perhaps to try and do just that, when the Thriae descended into view.

Immediately, Okino's head was filled with buzzing. He clutched at his ears, struggling to keep his sword in hand. The hum filled his head, obscuring every thought, every shout, everything but what he could see right above him: Six so-called 'meadbrewers', each mounted upon a bee the size of a small horse. Such beasts would be too small to carry humans, of course, but the Thriae were not human. Oh, they were not.

One was drawing near him now as he stared up at them. She looked almost entirely human, with deeply tanned skin, flowing golden hair, and shining yellow eyes. But it was always the inhuman aspects that drew the attention, and somehow, those made her even more beautiful. Two delicate pairs of gossamer wings flapped gently from the small of her back. Her luscious lips and tongue were pale amber. And most strange of all was her impossible hourglass figure—the Thriae's breasts and hips jutted out to frame a ridiculously narrow wasp waist. It was the image of pure, raw sexuality, and the scant 'armor' she wore—little more than metal undergarments, really—only served to accentuate it.

The Thriae fey stood casually upon her mount's head and swung her hips, letting Okino see all of her. Okino was enraptured. His hands fell from his ears. He stared at her in wonder, and she sent a dizzy smile back at him.

"Okino!" The voice of Trys filtered through the hum. "Snap out of it!"

He started to attention, and before the Thriae could capture him again, the lieutenant raised his sword. He slashed at the bee, but it swerved out of the way.

His would-be seductress scowled. She raised a hooked blade of her own, dripping with shining honey, and leaped down straight towards him.

Okino backed away, but the airborne fey didn't even slow. He parried two strokes, then lunged with his buckler, clapping her across the cheek. Her eyes burned. She lunged again. To evade, he jumped down to the ground.

Ia was right beside him, her back almost pressed against his. The young knight had loaded a stone into a sling. She was currently using it to beat her own attacker over the head repeatedly.

He looked around. Nearby, Brist and Trys had teamed up against two more. Brist was shooting fireballs out of his fingers, though in his panic most of them were missing the nimble fey, and Trys was wielding a large axe in his defense. She had already cut one of the creatures, but it took a lot more than that to bring one of these things down.

And Yathi...Where is Yathi?

He saw her. Lying against a boulder, eyes half-closed, two Thriae hunched over her. The Thriae were each drawing out little clay pitchers and giggling between each other. The captive scout was giggling back.

"Yathi!" he cried. He ducked under a swipe from the Thriae attacking him and slashed out, cutting into the fey's narrow waist. She gasped and fell back, and he took the opportunity to rush away. He had to stop them. Had to...

But he'd forgotten about the bees.

Most fey had connection to certain types of wildlife. Dryads were close to specific plants. Nymphs were close to habitats, such as glades or pools. Catgirls were close to cats. Sprites were close to each other. The so-called meadbrewers Okino now fought were close to bees, and could breed bees as big as elephants if they wanted. And the bees were more than just mounts.

Okino was knocked to the ground as he felt something very strong ram into him from above. He rolled on his back, slashing with his sword, only for it to be grabbed in a pony-sized bee's mandibles and yanked away from him.

The bee lowered for a moment, and he felt a tiny pinprick in his side. Then the bee rose up and flew haphazardly away. He felt his body growing...tingly.

And then the next thing he knew, he was staring up at the two most beautiful eyes he had ever seen in his life.

The owner of the eyes giggled, leaning in and kissing him on the lips. He tasted something sweet. "Hee! She's really loaded you up, hasn't she?" The sounds of fighting had suddenly halted. Or they'd been gone for a while, and he'd just...just...

"Uuuuh..." He gave a big, stupid grin. A beautiful woman with yellow lips and golden hair had just kissed him. He reached up weakly, trying to grab onto her and pull her down for another.

"Whoopsy!" The girl pulled up out of his reach. And then he realized his arm was too tired, anyways, and it flopped back down. "Down, boy, down!"

"Well, not all of him." He heard another giggle from his left. "Look at his 'brain', girls."

He blinked. They weren't looking at his brain. His...his...top body part thing. They were looking at something lower. Something like...like his...

Oh. He giggled, and they giggled back gleefully. He got it. Funny!

He reached down idly and fondled his hard cock through his trousers. He was feeling really horny right now. The giggling got even louder.

He had a good feeling about this.


"He's worthless like this," Kentri said. She watched the human's feeble attempts to pleasure himself and stifled a laugh.

"Aw." Her second-in-command, Tsimpi, gave a pout. "But he looks like so much fun!"

"We can't carry him." Kentri concealed her shared disappointment—the dark-haired human did look scrumptious, especially with the venom enhancing his cock. "Perhaps, if he had his strength, and we'd been able to subdue him...but no, not even for a lieutenant. Not when we're missing one of our bees."

"Stingy died nobly," sighed one of the women nearby. She was currently sitting on top of a twitching young soldier. That one—a wild-haired warrior who'd badly clubbed Tsimpi with what appeared to be a rock in a strip of cloth—had been particularly difficult to restrain, but the honey had tranquilized her almost instantly.

"Ooh, yeah, he bought us time to get the hot one under." Another one of them twirled an empty clay pitcher, grinning.

"Mm-hm." Kentri licked her lips, eying the captive scout. 'The hot one', calling herself Yathi, had come dressed in skintight leather armor that concealed everything and yet disguised nothing. It was like she'd been trying to get their attention. And it was working. Kentri was looking forward to feeling that one's tongue between her thighs later. "Well, anyhoo, we can't lift this guy." She drew out her barbed blade.

"Wait!" Tsimpi leaped in the way. "I just got the best idea ever, Kentri."

Kentri paused. All of Tsimpi's ideas were good ones. They were also all motivated by her being horny as fuck, but those weren't mutually exclusive for a fey. "Oh, yeah?"

Tsimpi grinned evilly. "We'll give him...to Ytheri."

Kentri blinked. Her head cocked. "Really?"

"Ooh, yes." One of the girls gave a long sigh, rubbing her captive wizards' crotch through his robes. "I love visiting the sexy sorceress."

"I don't," Kentri said.

"Liar. Liar!"

"Okay, I love it, yeah, duh." Kentri rolled her eyes. "But she's scary. And she's a human! We shouldn't risk visiting her unless we totally have to."

"Then we'll just drop him at her doorstep." Tsimpi gave a slow shrug. She leaned in, draping an arm around Kentri's shoulder. Kentri gave a low groan as she felt Tsimpi's rough tongue running along her neck, taunting her, tantalizing her. "C'mon. I hate killing these hot horny humans, you know that. I'll make it up to you later."

Kentri knew she couldn't resist. Tsimpi evidently knew it too, because she smiled, kissed Kentri's neck, and sauntered backwards.

"...fine," Kentri said lamely.

Tsimpi bounced into the air with joy. "Oh, thank you! You're such a smart, sexy leader, totally commanding and in control of your crew and stuff."

Kentri waited.

"...of couuurse," Tsimpi said, "as long as we're doing that..." She crouched, reached behind her, and grabbed the human's belt.

Kentri rolled her eyes. Of course. "Just make it quick, Tsimpi. We've got better things to do than watch you fuck this barbarian."

"Oh, sure you do." Tsimpi winked as she turned to her captive lieutenant.

Kentri bit her lip.

No, I don't, she thought, leaning back against a rock. Her hand reached down and crept beneath her panties as she watched Tsimpi remove her own.


Okino was still lying there, dimly trying to pleasure himself, when he felt something grab his belt. This didn't stop him, but it did cause him to squint in an effort to see his assailant.

The gorgeous blonde reappeared in his field of vision. He felt her doing something by his waist and let out a small laugh. It tickled a little. The blonde beamed at him, raising something. His belt.

He watched, eyes widening, as she reached down again. He felt soft, delicate fingers grasping his right hand and pulling it away from his crotch and gave a mewl of protest.

"Oh, hush." The blonde winked. "Can't you think of more altruistic things to do with that?" The way she slowly enunciated that word made his cock throb, even though he couldn't quite remember what it meant right now. The dazed lieutenant felt his trousers slowly sliding down his legs. "Tasty, wonderful things to sweet little Tsimpi?"

A hand grasped his cock through the thin fabric of his underwear. He wriggled beneath her firm grip, moaning.

Tsimpi leaned in. "Tasty little 'lieutenant'. Look at you." She lunged forward, licking along his neck. "You're a hot mess. Mmm."

He shook helplessly. He desperately wanted—needed—to touch himself, but her other hand still held his. And her beautiful amber eyes held him, too.

Tsimpi pulled up, staring straight into him and, it seemed, straight through to the dust and rock below. She smirked. "You humans think you're soooo special. But really, we know who's doing the thinking, right?"

He frowned, trying hard to think.

She gave his member a slight squeeze, causing him to cry out in pleasure. "Cocks and pussies!" she sang out. "Clitties and dicks and tits and balls. Hee! The difference between you and us is thatwe're in charge of our horniness, 'cause we know it's there. Remember that: Fey are smarter than humans. I'm gonna make you scream that before we're done."

She started pulling down his underwear, and his cock sprang free. God of brick and mortar, it was enormous. Okino stared across at it as it pointed straight up at the sky, right at Tsimpi's tiny waist.

She giggled, reaching back and pulling off her 'upper armor'. Two huge breasts sprang free, bouncing together like...like...Okino couldn't think of similes right now. He just wanted to stare up at those big, gorgeous breasts all day. "Ooh! Do you like my boobies?" Tsimpi giggled again, taking the 'boobies' in both hands and jiggling them together. He stared at them, mesmerized. "Don't you like the way they...bounce...bounce...bounce..."

"Bounce..." he whispered.

"Oh, yes, you adorable little human, they bounce, and you just can't take your eyes off them, can you?"

Something within Okino was stirring, telling him he was in danger. The venom's effects on his mind were fading, though he could still barely move, and he knew something was off here. Something was...was definipples off here; no bounce abounce it. He squinted, trying again to think through the haze.

"Oh, but you can't close your eyes, silly boy. Open them. Wide." The breasts jiggled rewardingly as he found himself obeying. "Good boy. You can't close your eyes. Because you just have to keep watching, don't you? Juuust have to keep waaatching the beautiful boobies. Can't think of anything but the boobies. Nothing but boobies. Say it."

"Nothing..." Okino slowed just a moment as he struggled to resist, struggled to think. "...nothing but boobies."

"Heehee! Butt. Boobies. Ooh, are we having trouble making our little mind up, boy?" Okino heard giggling all around.

Okino frowned. "N...no...I said—"

"Aw, poor boy. Don't think."

He felt his mind clearing. He lunged at stray thoughts, but they were all slipping away like minnows in a stream. "Yessss. Just watch the boobies. Watch them bounce. Watch them jiggle." Was it just him, or were those boobies moving closer? "Watch them. Don't think. Smell them. Just give in. Taste them. You can't resist. Worship them, you adorable, pathetic little..."

And then Okino's lips were fastened firmly around a nipple and he was licking, he was sucking, and it felt so good. He felt the hands touching his cock again, running along the smooth shaft, lubricating it in something slick and gooey.

"Oh...oh, yes, you silly stupid tasty human. You can't resist. You need this. Feels so good to obey. Y-you neeeeed it now, human."

He did. He just wanted to suck and suck, to keep hearing her beautiful, giggly voice, but he had to resist this, had to fight the hypnosis.

"You...you can't fight, you don't w-want to fi—oh goddess, keep doing that..."

Through the haze, Okino knew her hold on him was failing. She'd been too hot. Too horny. The hypnosis wasn't fully set in yet, and now she couldn't muster the brainpower to maintain it. He just had to resist.

"Yes, you can't...can't even...oh, yes, yes, just keep sucking! Suck my boobies, oh goddessessss—"

Okino felt the fog lifting. The venom was clearing, his mind was coming back, and as good as this felt he could not possibly—

And then he tasted it.

It was even sweeter than he'd ever imagined. He'd known the 'mead' would be sweet, but this...and yet he couldn't think of ever tasting anything else. It was the best thing he'd ever tasted.

"Oh...oh, yes—

He leaned closer, immersing himself in the soft, bouncy breasts. Fireworks and faerie songs were going off in his head, filling him with hunger and need beyond anything he'd ever imagined. More. More.

"Yes, that...oh...don't stop, oh, don't EVER fucking stop, just taste me. Taste me, lieutenant, taste me, taste it, drink it, taste, taaassshteoooooh..."

He clutched weakly at the breast and felt Tsimpi reach out to hold him up, to hold him against the breast as he sucked and sucked and drank and drank, filling his mouth and stomach with that wondrous amber nectar that was the Thriae's honey. Her fingers ran along his cock, stroking him towards a building orgasm, stoking his lust higher and higher. It was like throwing dragon spittle on a bonfire. She pressed him close to her chest as he felt her heartbeat accelerating.

"Mm, gotta, gotta k-k-keep—keeeeee—OOOH. OOOH! OOH, GODDESS, TASTE ME! DRINK ME! DRINK ME, 'SOLDIER'!"

He trembled and writhed against her, his cock spurting in her hand as he felt her own juices pouring onto his legs. Tsimpi's screams started to devolve into a strange buzzing as the throws of ecstasy took her, and he felt his mind going totally blank. For what felt like hours, there was nothing but honey, and breasts, and lust, and sex, and the buzzing. Nothing but sweetness.

Then, abruptly, it stopped. He could still taste the Thriae's secretions on his lips, but his mind was...almost clear. He could still feel the honey in his head, swamping his brain, squelching when he tried to think like he was trying to walk in waterlogged boots. He looked up, staring up into those gorgeous gold eyes.

His homeland had been at war with the Thriae for only a short time now, but they had been at-odds for much longer. Somewhat embarrassing, therefore, was how utterly the Thriae had become sex symbols in the city. Advertising used their iconic looks for everything, from restaurants to whorehouses to smithies to daycares. Their national insect was the honeybee. Standards of beauty had changed to fit them—hourglass figures, blonde hair, bubbly personalities, yellow-themed makeup, and, of course...the eyes. Meadbrewers were sex, as far as the city was concerned.

All of it had made their soldiers sadly unprepared to resist these creatures' charms, Okino knew. And he knew it well now as he stared up into the eyes of a mistress and, like so many before, was lost to them.

"Good boy," Tsimpi cooed. "We're so happy and horny now, aren't we?" She stared at him, waiting. When he hesitated, she leaned in and kissed him on the lips. He tasted the honey on her tongue as it entered him and writhed in his mouth like a questing serpent. He reciprocated the kiss and tasted the honey in her own mouth, causing him to moan hungrily.

She had to be the one to break the kiss. She pulled off and looked at him expectantly.

"Yes," he whispered. He couldn't resist her—nor was there any point in lying.

She smiled. She patted him on the chest. "Just like a human should be. Thinking with your proper thinky-bits, right?"

He didn't hesitate this time. "Yes," he whimpered.

"Ooh, but don't worry, I haven't finished with my treat yet," she whispered. "I think you deserve one more taste before we throw you to her."

He blinked. His cock still pointed straight up, as big around as an ogre's sword hilt.

She turned around, facing another one of the Thriae. This one looked to be their leader—his counterpart, not that Okino was feeling particularly equal to her right now. In fact, he was feeling rather more equal to a polished, phallic piece of wood. "Well, Kentri? Can I? Can I?"

'Kentri' was looking rather flushed. She gave a slight nod. A pool of Thriae honey had collected on the ground between her legs.

He heard Tsimpi gave a cackle. Then she was lifting up, still facing away from him. He was given one look at her wide hips and full, round ass cheeks before she lowered back down, and Okino felt his cock pressing between her cheeks, against a tight hole—

He let out a low moan as he penetrated her ass, but it was drowned out entirely by Tsimpi's scream of bliss. She lowered slowly onto his shaft, going lower than he could believe, then lifted back up. She was so tight, almost unbearably so, and yet he could feel the honey-like lubrication on his cock doing the trick.

She slid on. She slid out.

Tsimpi paused, glanced over her shoulder back at him, and grinned like a demon.

She started to bounce.

He couldn't take it. He started to buck. A cry escaped him.

"Oh, yes!" she sang. "Scream for me, human! Say fey are smarter! Ooh, say it!"

"You're—" He gasped as he felt movement around him, felt multiple sets of arms lifting him up, kissing along his skin, "—you're smarter!"

"All fey!"

He came face-to-face with a nameless Thriae soldier. She giggled and grabbed him in a passionate kiss, forcing the honey into him. He moaned, trying to taste as much as possible. Then he was wrenched away and shoved into a breast. He licked and sucked at it, listening to the moans as honey began to gush out. Then he was licking someone, licking between the legs and it tasted so good and Tsimpi was so tight—


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