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Inverted Intimacy


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Jake smiled. He was clean, warm, and fed. Also, he realized, he was loved. "All better. One hundred percent better. One thousand percent better!"

Anna giggled. She couldn't seem to stop smiling.

"Remember when I first asked if I could show you my breasts?"

Jake nodded. "I'll never forget."

Anna pulled her robe open. Jake happily looked down at her beautiful breasts, familiar now but no less appealing to him, with their tender little slits where her nipples hid. He was about to say some silly compliment about her breasts when she kissed him.

It was not Jake's first kiss. He had dated a few women and experienced some nice kisses. But this kiss was so impossibly more intense it may as well have been his first. Through her lips he felt Anna's warm affection for him. Her eager desire for him. Her boundless love for him. Too soon, she pulled back. She was still smiling.

"You're in love with me," she said. It wasn't a question. Jake nodded. "You've been in love with me from the moment we met." Jake nodded again. "You've been lovingly caring for me this whole time while I refused to believe you thought of me romantically. But you do." Jake nodded vehemently and leaned in to kiss her again.

When their lips met for the second time they both had their mouths open and their tongues found each other. Anna pulled his robe open and pushed it off his shoulders, and then put his hands on her warm breasts. He lovingly squeezed them while she pulled her own robe off and then spread her legs and pulled his hand down between them. His fingers found her familiar cleft, but it all felt different to be kissing her at the same time. Through their kiss it was like he could sense how good his touches felt on her. Already her clitoris was firm beneath his finger as he stroked it. She was incredibly wet, far beyond what he had experienced before. Everything felt slick and warm and sensual as she moaned into their kiss.

Without breaking the kiss, she gently pushed him back on the bed and straddled him. He was already erect, but when her fingers wrapped around his shaft it grew even harder. She had touched him there often, but never with this eagerness and never when he was this hard. She stroked gently up and down his length briefly and then dragged the tip up and down the length of her cleft. He felt her heat, her wetness, her desire.

Still kissing him, Anna guided him to her virgin opening and pushed down. They moaned together as he entered her. Jake had no idea his cock could experience so much pleasure, and then she pushed more, and it was even better. Relentlessly she pushed until he felt her hips against his and he was fully buried in Anna, in his love.

She refused to break off the kiss as her hips lifted and pushed back down with a cry. Jake realized he was far past the point of no return. She lifted her hips once more and pushed down just as he felt his hot eruption surge up the length of his shaft and deep into her. Jake's hips bucked wildly against her as an unending stream of pent-up affection poured into her. Never had an orgasm felt so right, so perfect.

After what seemed like ages of pumping and straining to give her every last drop, his awareness fell back into their kiss. She did love him. She was in love with him just as much as he was with her. He could feel it. He knew it.

Slowly, so slowly, Anna pulled her face up to look at him. The moment their eyes met, they said at the same time, "I love you."

Anna giggled and gave him another kiss.

"I noticed," she said.

Suddenly reality came crashing back in on Jake's mind. "Did I hurt you? I didn't mean to hurt you. I exploded so fast. I should have given you some pleasure first. That was selfish. I should have worn a--"

Anna stopped his talking with another kiss. Feeling her lips on his, he forgot what he had been saying.

"Stop talking nonsense," she said with a smile. "Now let's see. No, I'm not hurt. It was uncomfortable at first, but then it felt wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. And you don't have a selfish bone in your body." She giggled. "Or a selfish bone in my body, for that matter. That was perfect." She kissed him again. "Absolutely perfect. I wouldn't change a thing. If I could do it all over again, I'd want my first time to be exactly the same." She kissed him yet again. "Are you telling me you honestly have regrets?"

Jake smiled and shook his head. He moved his hands down to her bottom, and felt himself slowly shrinking inside her. He wanted to stay inside her forever.

"And no," she continued, "You should not have worn a condom. Is that what you were going to say?" She shook her head and rolled her eyes while she smiled. "First, I've been on the pill for years to help with period cramps. Second, we're going to be together forever and if that means babies then I welcome it." The love in her eyes shone intensely. "Third, well, the truth is I wasn't thinking about any of that."

Anna stroked the side of his head and took a deep breath. "This morning I woke up in your arms feeling warm, secure, and loved, but all this time I had convinced myself you didn't love me 'that way.' That you weren't 'in love' with me. But you were having a dream. Such an intense dream. You kept mumbling 'I love you' over and over. And then you called out my name--you practically screamed it--and then I was covered, absolutely drenched with--"

"I'm so sorry!"

"NO! Let me finish. I was covered, absolutely drenched with... the truth of your love. And it felt magical. The realization hit me I've been an absolute idiot this whole time. You've been lavishing me with love and affection while I refused to accept the truth of your feelings for me. Only by getting a peak into your dreams did it finally get through my thick skull."

"I made a mess on you," Jake said.

"I loved it!" Anna said. "It was amazing. It was incredibly intimate. And honest. And pure. It was beautiful. And it smelled sweet too. Like a switch flipped, I was no longer intimidated by your penis, your cock. I was no longer afraid of it. All I could think was I needed you inside me as soon as possible, I just wanted to be filled with your love."

She thought his dick and what it did was... beautiful? Anna, the person he loved most in the world, his best and closest friend, the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, she thought that? Jake's cock, feeling wanted, and desired, and loved, started to grow within her.

Anna moaned happily. "Oh, I feel that." Her hips started moving in circles, and soon he was fully hard again. "Oh god, Jake it's just so good. I love your cock. Your beautiful, beautiful cock inside my happy pussy."

Anna slowly brought her legs out and her knees up, careful to keep him inside her, and then sat upright on Jake's hips. She looked dazzlingly beautiful, smiling down at him from above. Jake stroked up and down her sides, admiring her.

"You're looking at me like you think I'm beautiful or something," Anna said with a giggle.

Jake nodded. She pulled his hands onto her breasts.

"You make me feel beautiful," she said, and then pulled him up toward her and kissed him. After some careful shifting to stay inside her, they were arranged upright and facing each other, with Anna sitting on his lap. Jake's face was halfway between her face and her breasts. Anna kissed him, and then looked down between them.

"It's beautiful to see where we're joined," she said. He looked down with her and saw her smooth outer lips wrapped around the base of his shaft. "I love having you inside me." Anna held a breast up to his face.

"Kiss my beautiful nipples," she said.

Jake had done a lot of fun things with Anna, but he had not yet touched his mouth to her breasts. His cock jumped with excitement inside of her, and she giggled with delight.

"You like that idea, do you?" she said with a smile.

Jake nodded and brought his lips down to the breast she offered him, softly kissing around it before kissing her inverted nipple directly. He could feel its firmness beneath his lips.

Anna sighed. "Suck it."

He surrounded her areola with his lips and swirled his tongue around it while gently sucking.

"Yes, that's it," Anna said softly. "Harder."

He sucked harder and felt movement as her nipple emerged between his lips. After all this time feeling like her bare breasts brightened the room, her shy nipple seemed to taste like warm sunshine radiating into his mouth. Anna gasped in delight. He held it in his mouth and explored it with his tongue.

Anna stroked his head. "You found treasure there, didn't you, my love?" she said. "It's just for you. All for you. Now see if you can find the other one."

Jake gently released it and pulled his face back to see. For an instant her nipple stood out, larger than he had expected, and then it collapsed back inside to hide. He put his lips on her other nipple and found it just as easy to pull out. Lovingly he stroked its firmness with his tongue.

"That feels amazing," Anna said, her breathing getting faster as she stroked the back of his head. "I've never felt anything like this before. They're so happy in your sweet mouth, my nipples that only come out for you."

Jake moved his hand down to where they joined. After stroking her outer lips to get his thumb nice and wet, he gently brought it against her firm clitoris. Anna gasped again. The angle was different from what he was used to, but he soon found the right way to touch her. He switched back to the first nipple and coaxed it out into his mouth again while Anna writhed and pulled on his head.

"Oh god, oh Jake, oh god," Anna cried out as her body jerked against him once, twice, three times. He could feel the pulsing pleasure flow through her as each spasm clenched around his shaft and then flowed up through her body. Slowly he released her nipple from his mouth and brought his hands up to hold her as she sagged into him.

After a moment she sat up and pulled his face to hers with a kiss. He felt her wet tears on his face before she pulled back to look at him with a smile.

Wiping the tears away, she laughed softly. "You made me feel so good. So... loved." Anna stroked his face. "I didn't know my breasts could feel like that. You make me feel so beautiful. You make my breasts feel so beautiful. So special." She kissed him. "My breasts are wonderful, aren't they?"

Jake nodded. "Absolute perfection! They radiate beauty and warmth to all who behold them!"

Anna giggled and hugged him, pressing her warm brilliant breasts against his chest.

"Jake," she whispered in his ear. "Jake, I feel something wonderful inside of me. Do you have any idea what that could be?"

"I hope it's the sure knowledge I love you with my whole heart," he said.

Anna laughed again. "It is! Though I can't help but notice it's a hard truth I'm feeling." Jake strained inside of her. "A very hard truth. I wonder if what I really need is for you to drive the point home."

Anna smiled and slowly fell backwards onto the bed. Jake regretfully pulled out of her so he could change positions, but quickly arranged himself on top of her and she guided him back in. Her hair stretched out on the bed behind her head forming an arc like blonde rays of sunshine emanating from her smiling face. Anna's hands on his hips pulled him into her and she sighed happily.

"Did your hard truth say something?" she said. "I couldn't quite hear. I think you need to push harder."

Jake pulled out part-way and pushed back into the warm embrace of her love.

"Harder, Jake, harder! I need to feel that truth deep inside me."

Happily, Jake thrust hard into her. Anna's amazing breasts bounced crazily, her head turning side to side as she writhed in pleasure beneath him. He felt the delicious pressure building within him as he pumped furiously. With a final effort he pushed as deeply into her as he could and froze, straining, as all the muscles in his body squeezed as one. It felt like an ocean's worth of love coursed through his shaft, each droplet leaving a wake of joy on its journey of a thousand miles across his every nerve before flooding into Anna's boundless, loving embrace.

When there was nothing left of him to give, Jake found himself collapsed on top of Anna. She was stroking his head, her warm breasts against his chest shining sunlight directly into his heart.

"I love you," Jake said.

"I heard you," Anna said. "All the way inside me, I finally heard you."


* * * * *

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Rapierwit24601Rapierwit246018 days ago

A lovely story. The slow burn was a bit too lengthy in a not unprecedented twist of author’s self indulgence, but the payoff was worthwhile.

I haven’t read the 100+ comments to see if others have commented on the inverted nipples, but I have first hand experience.

My ex-wife had an inverted right nipple. Her un-aroused nipples weren’t noticeably asymmetrical, but after extended passionate foreplay the left one was as hard and erect as any nipple I’d ever seen, but the right one remained seemingly unchanged. I made no mention of it the first few times we fucked - it was insignificant in the main.

After we’d become regular lovers I asked about it. She replied that the right one never seemed to emerge. Feeling challenged, I waited until she was insane with precoital arousal. I then attacked her heretofore “uninterested” nipple with a massive suck. That nipple emerged immediately as erect as her twin. Moreover, her arousal increased exponentially and she came with mere manual stimulation, something she hadn’t done so rapidly before.

In the following years of our marriage, sucking her right nipple was a one way switch to automatic spread legs.

Our sex life was great. Unfortunately, that was the best part of our relationship as she slipped further into psychosis. Was she really disturbed? Well, I obtained custody of our children, so that’s a clue.

In retrospect, I wonder about Anna’s sanity. Aren’t women supposed to have a greater insight into human emotions? It seems she’s lacking in that ability. Where else in their relationship will her facade crumble?

AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Yo this shi is fire

doctorwesdoctorwes22 days ago

Magnificent in every way.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Very beautiful actually. Given the hangups people can have about their bodies I didn’t think it was all that far fetched. My virginal bride was bullied in high school - about her large breasts. I think I have successfully convinced her that her D-cup boobs are beautiful and even spectacular! I enjoy them no end! We have been married 30+ years and I still adore her lovely breasts! And believe it or not I taught her how to masturbate! I gave her her first orgasm on our honeymoon and we did not have full PIV sex on our wedding night. Once we did the floodgates of pleasure were opened! Plus I even now constantly remind her how beautiful she is and I show her sexually how much I love her frequently!

So I would have had the couple married before sex but waiting patiently and working up to it actually made perfect sense to me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I loved it. It was truly a unique direction that took the two of them on their journey to find love. In truth, I'm jealous. Thanks for letting us into your deeply intimate love story.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


AndrewMarxAndrewMarx4 months ago

The story was great! A little bit of a slow burn, but definitely worth the wait! Well done!

PoppyisanerdPoppyisanerd4 months ago

Wonderful story.

DickMarksDickMarks4 months ago

Beautifully crafted. Thank you.

NotHemingwayNotHemingway5 months ago

A beautiful story, superbly crafted. If you don't write for a living, you should. Now I have to read all your other stories.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A beautiful story of love and sexual fantasy

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This is spectacular. I came here for porn and ended up reading legitimately great romance? You nailed the deeply human, all-but-lost feeling of sex as not a corruption but a beautiful exchange of knowing, lasting love. The binding of souls.

Totally not what I was expecting. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I was hoping for a wonderful consummation like you finished with. Great story of two completely inexperienced people discovering the joy together. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The slow build was perfect and couldn't wait for the next page,well done!

lastboyleftlastboyleft8 months ago

To the author if you ever read this. I think i know the amount of cringe you might have suffered writing the last leg of this beautifully crafted masterpiece among all the arts present here for ahow and deserves a spot right above on top with stories like imperfections. An extremelly well done job

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This is by far the best story I’ve read in this website

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

So cute. Sexy and charming. This is pure fantasy but nice to read the paroxysme of the seduction. So slow, it's a dream.

Bernardmac47Bernardmac478 months ago

Probably the best story I've read. You deserve 10 stars!!!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This was a beautiful story. It pulled me in and refused to let go.my heart jump3d for joy when it all came to fruition, loved it loved it please keep writing

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Not enough stars here to rate this masterpiece!!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

very good story and well written. thank you

TulipfuzzTulipfuzzabout 1 year ago

Well crafted story of healing, devotion, and love.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story!! I love the way that you mention how most people are very insecure about their bodies, and the way the characters actually comfort each other and their insecurities. The best story I have read in my 2 years of using this site!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AndrewMarxAndrewMarxover 1 year ago

You're writing style is very good. It's slightly unbelievable that these two people could spend so much time in intimate setting without ever being intimate. But you did a great job of creating the building blocks of what would end up being a very solid love for each other. The last scene was by far the best. Not just because it involves sex but because it felt very real. Jake's insecurity was a little bit over the top. But I understand why you needed that element in the story to develop it the way you did. Keep writing, you're doing a very good job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Perfection! No other word can describe this story. This is what love should be and so few actually get experience it to this level.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice to see a true love theme

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is an amazing love story. I feel jealous of Jake. Thank you for writing and sharing this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Reading this has made me feel love in a way that I have never experienced or, at least, had forgotten how it can feel. The love that fills your entire soul, which we humans are capable of feeling, but in my case, I had forgotten was possible. Just like Anna, I feel like I had my first orgasm, but of pure love in my whole body. I will remember the experience I had reading this when life tries to erase the love in my soul.

Thank you, so talented are you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Omg! What patience Jake had w Anna as he helped her get thru her doubts. Rarely have I read such a porn story as a love story. Kudos over n over. Would love to read more🌈👍👍

TheNotoriousDUDETheNotoriousDUDEover 1 year ago

Indubitably the absolute best erotic story I have ever read. It's not even a contest; this is a masterpiece! <3

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I loved this beautiful sensual sexual story.

The characters were so real I deliberately took three days to read it all.

It was so tender to start. You built up the sexual momentum until………..well I enjoyed my happy ending with the Happy couple Anna and Jake as they discovered

Their own “happy ending” too.

Wow what a trip!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Now that was a truly great story! Seemed so real. No mention of a “big fat 10 inch cock”, none of the BS, just a real, sweet genuine encounter between 2 people. Loved it! Probably one of my favorites of all. Thanks and keep writing.

Rambling_ChantrixRambling_Chantrixalmost 2 years ago

What I want to know is: who taught Jake how to treat a friend so tenderly? XD

That was a lot of fun. A bit silly, in a not-bad-way. Thanks for sharing. <3

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Beautiful story!

Justfiction101Justfiction101almost 2 years ago

Great story and beautiful ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago




AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This story is the reason I read Literotica rather than watch unrealistic porn. The story kept me enthralled and longing for the next page. I found myself tearing up in the big finish and wishing I could trade places with Jake from the start. Well written and well titled.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wow!! That was so nice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very warm, feel good story. Probably a story line not found in real world, but it was beautiful fantasy. Great job

Ilovetophoto68Ilovetophoto68about 2 years ago

One of the best I have read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This was a great story. It was reminisent of my first real love, I was a senior in highschool and she was a junior. Crazy as it sounds, she was and is 6 months older than me and we were both virgins! We had dated all thru my junior and senior year; we went to the local youth center to dance and hang out with friends, we went to movies, roller skated, and went to the lake with my folks. Nothing out of the ordinary for the early 60's.

When I graduated, my folks asked what I would like to do to celebrate, since I already had a decent car, a good job where she & I worked together,and had been accepted to a local engineering college I asked to go deep sea fishing. My parents said I could ask a friend to go along, so asked my girlfriend. Since we would be chaperoned by my mom her parents agreed. The trip was a success beyond our wildest dreams, we discovered each other sexually and carried on a rather adventurous romance for more than two years.

I don't recall why we drifted apart,but we went our sererate ways but got back together after her first marriage ended up on the rocks several years later. We have stayed in touch on birthdays, a phone call or two, seen each other at class reunions and remained friends for more than 60 years.

We agree that had we ended up together we would have killed each other. She has met my wife of 50+ years and we were able to meet her husband of many years before his untimely passing.

In our time, we learned a LOT about life, love, sensual pleasure and we will most likely love and respect one another as long as we draw breath on this earth and beynd.

owlman1959owlman1959about 2 years ago

Well paced story that I just had to keep reading, the shaving sequence reminded me of my first wife and I when younger.

TabiRaiderTabiRaiderabout 2 years ago

I've read alot of fiction, both professionally as in part of my job and privately, in my own time alone, and your story has made me feel both happy and sad. Happy because of the way you built up Jake and Anna's story and love they shared . . In Anna's case, EVENTUALLY came to realise, and sad because I won't ever get to feel the one thing I have wished for most of my life, the love and feeling of someone's hand in mine. Alot of things happened in the last couple of pages but that only goes toward the reality of finding out that you are loved . . Truly loved . . by someone unexpectedly and how quickly thing either fall into place or fall apart.

Thank you for giving me 'the feels' . . however much it saddens me.

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