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It Started with His Bass

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Brother and sister reunite after several years.
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Easton is an entirely fictional town which if it did exist would be in the UK, all the characters featured in this story are over eighteen. This story is to be in no way reproduced, for profit or otherwise, without my written consent.


It all started the day mum bought him that bass guitar, that was the day my brother changed. Five years ago and he was a regular asshole of an older brother, all reclusive and whiney just because mum and dad liked me better. I was thirteen at the time and I have to admit a bit of a 'daddy's little princess' but still, no need to get so worked up about it. Then one day out of the blue he asked mum for a bass, we heard no more about it until mum actually bought him one, dad was outraged figured it was a waste of money, that he would never actually play it.

Boy was he wrong.

Sam played that thing constantly, six or seven hours a day, seven days a week, and it didn't take him long to get really good. Turns out he had a massive talent for music, could play anything he had heard a few times, not to mention his fingers were like a blur sometimes the ridiculously complex stuff he would play, he loved to see how complicated a tune he could play. That thing made noises I've never heard from any other instrument. Ever. But anyway, he changed.

He got really nice, all understanding and chilled, when our parents split up three years ago (I was fifteen he was seventeen) they told him and he just looked up and went "I guess it's for the best" and went right back to playing. It was like the thing sucked all his worries right out of him. Not that I was upset, before we hadn't exactly been close (read: not close at all) but after he cheered up a bit we got along better than we should really, I loved to listen to him playing almost as much as he loved to play and the two of us barely seemed to leave his room on the weekdays after school. Then came the day he left college, he had no interest in going to university and our parents had no interest in letting him loiter around the house playing his bass. So he left our sleepy little town for Easton with nothing but a few hundred quid, his bass and the promise of a job behind a bar when he got there. Not that it bothered him at all, he just shrugged and chimed a cheerful "bye then" before he disappeared. For the next few years we exchanged emails and tried to keep in contact but we never really spoke to each other or saw each other face to face, that was until I got a place at Easton University. I mentioned it to him in an email, and in passing said I hadn't found a place to stay yet. A few days later he sent a message back asking if I wanted to stay at his place, I was ecstatic, I would get to see my big brother again and he offered food and board for free. So I told mum and dad and a few weeks later was packed and ready to go, on my way to my brothers place to see him for the first time in two years.

And that's how I found myself here, driving through Downton Street, which I swore was the most expensive part of the city, looking for number twenty three and completely unable to believe that my brother lived here. The houses were almost twice as big as our house at home and the cars were so expensive that I felt bad driving my beat up Honda anywhere near them.

Seeing twenty three I pulled up, cautiously, into the driveway, stopped just in front of the garage and hesitantly walked up to the large polished door, my hand hovered just in front of the imposing oak as I fought with my disbelief. Sam had said Easton, and I was in Easton, he had said Downton Street, and I was at Downton Street, he had said twenty three, I was at twenty three. Gulping I knocked lightly on the door, there was a terror filled pause before I heard someone yell.

"It's not locked."

I nudged the door open and was immediately greeted by a gentle tune, one that I recognised, and hadn't heard in nearly three years. I knew without a doubt that I was in the right house, and burst into the nearby living room with a huge grin on my face.

"SAM!" I shouted happily as I saw the figure on the couch in front of me, they barely batted an eyelid at my noisy entrance, who else could it be but my brother?

Sam paused, pulled his bass off his shoulders, and stood up in front of me. "How ya been Sis?" he asked grinning at me and pulling me into a bear hug.

After a moment we pulled away and I looked at him properly, it was then that I noticed two things. One, he was shirtless. Two, he looked hot! I don't know what happened to the stick insect that left two years ago but he had beefed up, his torso was muscular and sleek and although he didn't have a full six pack his abs were much better defined then they had been. Add that to his cute puppy dog grin and short sandy blonde hair and I realised my brother looked, A lot, better than he had when he left.

Realising I was staring I pulled my eyes up to his face, mine came up a fraction of a second before his and I realised that while I had been checking him out he had been doing the same to me! I fought a blush, but embarrassed as I was I couldn't help but wonder if he liked what he saw.


Man April looked good! The second I had looked at her that fact had become apparent, before when I left the house she'd looked younger than she was, underdeveloped, but now! She had matured and had gone up a few cup sizes in two years, she now had a pair of gorgeous ample C cups, luscious long legs and hips that should be in the encyclopaedia under 'hourglass figure' or maybe just 'Perfect' add in her silky sandy blonde hair and she looked better than a lot of models.

My eyes slid over her body before flitting back up to meet hers, she could tell I was staring so I didn't bother denying it, instead opting for a more direct route. "Wow April," I said. "Looking good."

She looked taken back for a moment before laughing, "Thanks bro, I have to say you're not looking so bad yourself. What happened to the stick insect I used to tease because you could see his ribs if he lifted his arms up above his head?"

"He got a lot of free time on his hands and decided to start exercising more." I replied shrugging.

"How much free time can you possibly have if you can afford this?" she asked amazed, motioning around us.

I shrugged again, "You'd be surprised."

"So what'd you do?" she asked, "Win the lottery or something?"

"Doesn't matter," I said simply. "Come on let's get your stuff in from the car and then we can put your car in the garage."

She looked at me mischievously. "What, you got a secret or something? Do you really think you can get away with not telling me Sam?" She asked.

"Nothing you can say or do will make me tell," I replied laughing as we made our way back to her car.

That was the wrong thing to say, for the entire half hour we spent unloading her car she said six words, over and over again. "Where'd you get the money Sam?" it got to the point where I was begging her just to say something else, anything else.

"Alright, Alright." I said wearily laughing as we finished unloading the car and she climbed in the driver's seat and switched the engine on, "You beat me, I'll talk."

"Damn right you will" she replied smirking as she hung out the window of her car, scowling light-heartedly at her I flipped the switch for the garage door, "An Aston Martin?" she shouted as my car came into view, "you have to have robbed a bank."

"No quite" I replied laughing as she reversed into my garage, "come on into the house and I'll tell you."

As soon as we were in the house she shoved me onto the couch and threw herself down next to me, snuggling into my shoulder. Without warning I became painfully aware of her breasts pressing against my body, I stifled a moan as I felt her hands slide across my midriff. This was how we used to sit, with her wrapped around me, I have no idea how I coped with it before but to my horror I realised I was starting to get an erection. Not wanting April to find out I wriggled out of her grip and lunged off the couch, grabbing my bass and throwing myself back down afterwards, albeit with my body safely away from hers this time.


Was he avoiding me? I wondered as he fell back down on the other side of the couch, I had heard him moan when I touched him before; no. It couldn't be. I grinned as I realised, I was turning him on. Stifling a giggle I decided to tease him a little, just for fun. He didn't seem like he was going to tell me what he did until I pressed the matter further, having lapsed into a tune on his bass, so I stood up and asked where the bathroom was.

"There's one downstairs, through the kitchen over there." He said pointing, "and out the far door."

I smiled, chimed a "Thanks." Before I strode away, wiggling my hips just a little as I did. I didn't look back to see if he was looking, I didn't want him to know I was teasing him just yet, a few minutes later I emerged from the bathroom. Having shed both my jacket and slipped off my bra, I was wearing nothing but jeans and a thin tank top.

I sauntered into the living room and threw my jacket down on one of the armchairs before throwing myself down on the couch with my head against his leg, I could almost feel his eyes on me with the intensity of his stares. After a few minutes of idle chatter like this my nipples were rock hard and nearly poking holes in the front of my top, yawning I twisted over and got an eyeful of his erection before he managed to hide it. I smiled and slid towards him, wrapping myself around him once again, "So tell me bro, where'd you get the money for this house?" I asked, trying to make it seem like I was buttering him up.

I could see he wanted to pull away from me and I was revelling in his discomfort, slowly I slid my head onto his lap and felt my check pressing against his rock hard cock. I could feel his body twitch and shudder every time I rubbed against it and I could feel the heat between my own legs start to build as well, he was just so hard! He had to have been at least eight inches and if it got any hotter it was going to burn a hole through his jeans.

I turned my head so I was facing upwards and looking directly at him before rubbing against his cock with the back of my head, he shuddered slightly at the contact and I grinned at him. "I didn't realise this cushion was heated," I giggled grinding my head against his cock again, "getting a little excited are we?"

"I could ask you the same thing sis." He replied smirking and motioning towards my legs, I twisted and gasped when I realised I was soaked, there was a visible moist patch on the front of my jeans.

I giggled and looked up at him again, "I'm never usually this wet," I remarked sliding my hand over my moist snatch, "I must be a total pervert."

"Well then we're a pair of perverts," he replied pulling me up so I was sat on his lap, "Because I've never been this hard before."

There was a pause, I felt myself leaning towards him and he was doing the same, our lips were just barely touching, I could feel the heat of his breath caress the edges of my lips. The heat from his cock radiated and mingled with the heat from my own body. It felt good. My heart was pounding fiercely in my chest as our lips gently brushed together, I knew it was wrong but I couldn't stop myself and slowly our lips pressed together.

His tongue pushed its way into my mouth and met mine, our tongues twisted and wrapped around each other as our bodies pressed and slid across each other, our hands sliding over each other's bodies. The kiss was burning with desire and couldn't have failed to arouse us further. Locked in our passionate embrace we didn't hear the doorbell, but we did hear someone shouting "Hey Sam are you in there?" from the other side of the door.


"Jesus," I muttered pulling away from April. "Yeah Danny I'm coming!" I shouted as I approached the door pulling on the shirt I had discarded on the floor of the living room, I cursed as I realised my erection had only become more visible and glanced over at April. It was clear from the look on her face that the prospect of getting caught like that by someone else had snapped her back to her senses, as it had with me.

What's wrong with me? I wondered as I approached the door, my dick was at one o'clock and I was wearing baggy cargo pants so I hoped my raging hard-on wouldn't be visible to Danny.

I opened the door and Danny was standing there tapping his foot on the floor, Danny was probably my closest friend and someone who I saw a lot because of the kind of work I did, he was a good person to have as a mate because he always had your back and was always willing to go out of his way for you. This time he was bringing me the latest project I had been a part of.

"Here you go man," he said handing me a bag with two DVDs in it, "enjoy it." He paused for a moment and looked me up and down, "looking a bit flustered there buddy" he said jovially. "You got a girl in there?"

I fought against panic and grinned, I had no intention of him ever having so much as a single inkling of what had just happened. "Yeah man, her name's Righty," I replied waving my right hand in front of his face, "and she'd like my full attention if you don't mind."

He grinned and nodded at the bag, "Well I'm sure she'll appreciate at least one of those DVDs then" he said turning, "Enjoy!" he shouted as he clambered into his car and started the engine. "And get a girlfriend before you wear Righty out!"

I laughed and shut the door, returning to the living room where April had flopped into one of the armchairs. I took that as a sign not to talk about what had just happened, for a while I just sat on the couch opposite her; my mind in shambles. I had no idea what to make of what had just happened, I'd never seen April like that before and it disgusted me how aroused I had been by her. Both of us were keeping our distance and I could tell things were going to be awkward between us for a while, I was broken out of my daze when April spoke up.

"So Big Brother what's in the bag?" she asked, stressing the words 'big brother' and I could tell she was reminding herself of our relationship just as much as she was reminding me. We were brother and sister. That was it.

"You asked what I did right?" I replied pulling out one of the DVDs and putting it in the machine.

"Burning Fortunes?" April read as the menu screen for the DVD appeared on the screen, "I saw that at the cinema as few weeks ago it was pretty good, I didn't realise it was out on DVD."

"It's not," I replied smugly, "but I asked Danny to get me an early copy" I skipped through the movie and stopped on the credits, scanning the names in fast forward. "There we go!" I exclaimed happily pausing the DVD, "I doubt you stayed this far into the credits at the cinema but check out that name there."

I grinned as April squinted and scanned the screen, "Soundtrack composed by..." she read. "Samuel Gregory!" there was a pause and then she turned to me and grinned, "That's awesome bro!" she shouted staring at the screen in shock, "that's so cool, how'd it happen?"

I stumbled trying to come up with a convincing lie and she saw straight through me, "What happened?" she demanded a knowing smile on her lips. "What did you do? Fuck someone important?"

"Someone important's sister." I mumbled avoiding her gaze.

April laughed and fell back on the couch, I glanced away as her unburdened breasts fought against her tank top; fighting against my own arousal. "You dog," she said, "So you guys together or what? When do I get to meet her?"

"We were together for a while but we split a few months back." I said shrugging, "She got bored of me and I was never really that attached to her anyway." I paused for a moment then grinned at her, "She was pretty hot though."

"Hotter than me?" April asked cocking her head to one side and smiling at me innocently.

There was a pause, and I said what I was supposed to. "Yeah, sorry sis." But I knew she could see in my eyes I was lying, Leah hadn't even compared to April.

Suddenly I saw her reach for the bag and the second DVD, I lunged forward to stop her but was too slow. April snatching the bag away from me and fishing the DVD out, her eye widened as she read the cover.

"Double D Debra's Dallas Debut?" she read grinning as she waved the DVD in front of my face. "Don't tell me you..."

"Yeah," I said going red, "I compose the music for porn sometimes as well. But it pays really well!" I insisted trying to defend myself.

April laughed and stood up, heading for the door. "Well I'll leave you to get acquainted with the fruits of your labour. I've got some stuff to pick up before I go to university tomorrow, have fun."

She left before I could come up with something witty to say in response, and after I heard her car pull out of the garage and down the street I fought with myself for a moment before sticking the DVD in the machine and tried to masturbate. Two orgasms later and my cock was finally flaccid, but I had discovered the DVD was pointless, no matter what I did I always seemed to be thinking about April when I came.

I groaned and fell back on the couch, pausing for a moment before pulling my cargo pants up and lying there still for a while. I needed a girlfriend, I decided pulling myself up and propping my head against my arms, I was obviously just sexually frustrated; there was no other explanation for why I was so attracted to April.

I pulled the phone towards me and rummaged around in the drawer underneath for a number I knew I had, it belonged to a violinist named Kathy I had met while I was working on Burning Fortunes and she had given it to me a few days ago after we met in town. I hadn't intended on calling her but I had no other choice, "Hey Kathy?" I said as someone answered the phone, "Yeah it's Sam, yeah I know sorry about that but I've been really busy. Do you want to get together some time?"


Die Bitch. I screamed over and over again in my head as I watched the stupid girl snuggle up against MY brother on the three person couch while I was stuck sitting on the far end with her in between me and him. We were watching Burning Fortunes and they were doing nothing but babbling on and on about stuff that had happened during production, apparently the stupid girl played violin for the soundtrack or something, groaning I downed my fifth glass of wine and reached forward to refill the glass again.

"Take it easy sis," Sam said glancing in my direction, "you trying to get smashed or what?" there was a look of concern on his face.

He so sweet, I thought as I smiled at him, he worries about me so much.

"Yeah April," laughed Kathy, "the way you're downing it you'd think you were an alcoholic."

Don't get chummy with me you bitch, I forced a smile in her direction, I hope you go die in a fire. "Don't worry about me," I chimed looking straight at Sam and trying to block Kathy from my vision, my voice slurring just a tad. "It'll take more than a little wine to get me smashed."

Kathy seemed satisfied and turned back to the movie, but Sam's eyes remained fixed on me for a little longer. I could see in his face he wanted me to take it easy on the wine, nodding I put the glass down and leant back. Sam smiled happily when I did and I nearly burst into tears as he turned back to the movie, why her? What did she have that I didn't?

Her boobs were much smaller, she had a flat butt and she was just generally plain. So why was Sam wasting his time with her when I was right here? If he was horny then I would let him fuck me if he just put in a little effort, I gasped in horror as that thought passed through my head, would I really let him fuck me? I don't know if it was the alcohol but I knew I would if he wanted to, and maybe even if he didn't.


"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked concerned as Kathy swayed slightly in the doorway, "I can drive you home if you need me to." I told her.


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