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Izzy Nude in the Park

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Just how far is Izzy willing to expose herself?
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When last we had left Izzy, she was stuck naked in a movie theater auditorium. Well, except for her sneakers and socks. Her clothes had been taken by the usher and she was left stranded and wondering what to do next.

Well, before we continue that series of events, let's go back to the park, to 18 year old Izzy and her self initiation to the world of public nudity adventures.

As we had mentioned before, Izzy had ridden her bike to the park this sunny day, and had taken a break by relaxing in the dugout of the far baseball field. She was surprised to find the park empty on a day like this, but so it was! The park was set down along the lazy river that ran through her local town and city. This section near where Izzy lived was very rural and was never really "busy". The park itself was set back in and was basically surrounded by treelines from the back and right, then by the river in front of her, and way off to the left was a sort of highway that ran along, but that was up a high embankment. The park essentially was her own personal playground!

Izzy had responded to some urge that triggered her sexual curiosity while sitting there in the shade of the little dugout. She had slipped off her shorts and had stepped out into the shining sun. She was wearing her riding slip on sneakers, a t-shirt that cut off at about her belly button, and little white cotton panties with pink stripes. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She paused for a moment and looked down at herself. The sun shamelessly illuminating the fact that her bottom outfit was just her underwear. She felt a little spark and her legs gave out just a little, but she quickly recovered. Glancing quickly around the park she confirmed that she was indeed still alone in the open park. (Though at any moment a car or jogger or other cyclist might come in from the access road at the back of the park.)

Izzy's gaze landed at the home plate of the ball field in front of her. It wasn't that far from the entrance gate off from the dugout shelter. A little self-dare, she thought. Walk as she was to the home plate as if she was up for bat! (Maybe the town games would have some more interest if the players had uniforms like Izzy's!) The entrance gate that led onto the field was a few paces out from the dugout, then she's have to double back a little and walk out to where home plate was. There would be no quick dash open to her if she spotted anyone and had to get back to her shorts. Though, she was far enough away from where the park road entrance was, anyone coming in would likely not even notice her - and even if they did, would they even be able to tell what her state of undress really was? The excitement and arousal won out over the risk and she resolved to go for it confidently. She walked, openly and proud - even flaunting her appearance. And then there she was - standing at home plate. She spread her legs, stuck out her ass as she took up her imaginary bat and took a swing! Oops... the catcher must have had his eye on something else because he missed the ball entirely! Izzy laughed at the scene playing in her mind.

There was still no sign of anyone in the park. Izzy knew she was getting more aroused, and not only that, her bravery was solidifying even more as she remained uncaught. She looked out further into the ball diamond and her dare began to take new forms. She wanted to get to first base. But not like she was currently dressed. She needed to go further. Her heart instantly picked up the beat once she started thinking what she was thinking. First base; no shirt. She almost couldn't believe it as she grabbed the bottom of her shirt and hoisted it up and over her head. She balled it up and tossed it off over on the grass along the fence. Now she was ONLY in her underwear! Her panties and a sports type white bra top. She felt another zing work itself from her pussy and ripple out through her limbs. The hairs on her neck even pulled at the excitement! Then she stepped out, and was on her way down the line to first base. When she made it she gave a victorious twirl, showing off again to the invisible crowds cheering in the side bleachers. Did they want more? Did they? She traced her fingers along the edges of her bra top, then gave her breasts a squeeze through the material. They wanted more. SHE wanted more!

She curled her fingertips under the bra and peeled it up and off and with a toss, that too was now laying on the grass! Her hands instinctively cupped and cradled her now exposed boobs. They were not huge, but they were decent handfuls. She jiggled them slightly as she turned to display them to the rest of the still empty park. Her nipples were clearly excited to be out in the open air and sunshine as they stood firm and pointed outward. Looking down at herself as she began to make her way to second base. She was wearing now only her cotton panties, and her bike shoes. Her hands could not help themselves as she walked and they traced her curves, and found themselves moving down her waist and now had found her pussy. She was wet! She was so turned on being out here in the sun - in the open - in this park where she had frequented so often - wearing only panties! Her fingers started to move over her mound and trace over the slit of her pussy lips, gently teasing herself for the next step to come.

Standing now on second base, she was the farthest out now away from her clothes - which also were scattered along the diamond now. She turned out to face the open park and placed her feet apart a little bit. Carefully looking about to see if anyone had snuck in that she might have missed... And no, still all clear. Her heart pounded a little heavier at the thought of her next planned move, which would leave her totally exposed. She slowly slid her fingers inside the elastic band of her panties, and began toying with the fabric. She stretched and tugged and teased herself with them. She gathered the rear fabric together and tugged from behind, wedging tight between her butt cheeks and pulling into her pussy crack. Then letting back looe and tracing the elastic band back to the front, she pulled up hard and the fabric pulled tight and flossed itself deep in between her lips. She could feel the texture of the cloth rub and slide across her clit as she pulled. Looking down she could see her outer lips as they spilled and hugged the wedging underwear. But the time had come, and she now slowly pulled them down, and felt the last snap as the creases of her crotch released their final connection. Once past her knees, they dropped to the ground and she delicately stepped out of them and left them where they lay.

Her left arm and hand found itself cradling and caressing her chest, as her right hand found itself cupping her hot and wet pussy. If she was not careful, her finger may have easily found its way inside herself with as wet as she was, and as he was smoothly shaven as well. Izzy loved the look and feel of a bare, bald pussy. Smooth and glorious. But she pulled her hand away short. She was extremely horny, incredibly turned on, and this game she had been playing had her pussy begging for a release! But the dare must continue, and she wanted to prolong this feeling of aroused tension and anticipation.

She stepped out now, walking naked to third base. She pulled her hands behind her back and clasped them together, giving an unobstructed complete view of her nude front. She swayed a little as she walked and her breasts bounced and moved in response. The experience was incredible, the air and sun licking every curve and crevice of her body and skin, the pulls of longing from her clit and pussy! She knew then and there that she was hooked on this kind of activity!

Having reached third base now, she was headed for home. But there was nothing left for her to remove... except. Oh her shoes! Might as well complete the full ensemble and go 100% al fresco! Instantly the feel of the ground added a new layer of experience to her nudity. It confirmed her entire loss of clothing and that she was now very truly nude. But she had one more thing in mind for her final trek back to home plate. Slowly her hand found itself back to her pussy, and this time she started purposely massaging it. She teased and traced her fingers along her slit, working themselves in and as she moved towards home plate, she was full on masturbating as she went. Her first thoughts were to finish and bring herself to orgasm and cum right there at home plate - her method of "scoring". But, as she moved closer, something else caught her eye and placed a new idea in her horny mind. She resolved then to complete her run by masturbating all the way to home plate, but NOT to finish - even though her body was desperately crying for release.

What had caught her attention? What convinced her to push her adventure out further? Leaning against the end of the dugout, there was her bike. Seeing it again in her current state instantly pulled the question to her mind - What would it be like to ride her bike naked? She had honestly never even thought about that ever before, but now all she could think about was mounting her bike, placing her bare ass on the seat and peddling away!

Izzy walked back to the fence gate and circled back to the dugout where she had left her bike. She pulled it up from leaning against the wall and began to wheel it to the walking path. (There was a paved walking path that circled the outside of the field and led to the interior of the park and the other fields and pavilions.) The grass felt like a soft, lush carpet as her feet and toes tramped through it. Just before she got to the path though she stopped abruptly. Her clothes!! They were still strewn all along the baseball field! She had become so acclimated to just being naked here in public - she almost forgot what a big risk it actually was! But oh... it's been fine so far. She decided she was too excited for her ride, and would pick them up later.

Izzy arrived at the path and took one last inspecting look behind her... still clear. She took hold of the handle bars and lifted her right leg and swung it up and over the bike seat. She could feel herself getting more wet at the anticipation of the ride. She looked down to observe herself, straddling her bicycle - the top bar just a few inches below her pussy. She bent forward a little bit and allowed the narrow front part of the bike seat to bump up against her bare ass. Then, standing on her tippy toes she was able to slide herself back onto the bike seat. Oh god! She was wet enough that she really did slide onto it - the seat front perfectly pushed through right between her wet lips, they bisected and hugged the rounded, narrow front of the seat, and as she had slid back she could feel the vinyl seat grind deliciously against her clit! Before taking off she rocked back and forth and purposely grinded her pussy along the bike seat, sending waves of sensation pulsing through her already aroused body! This was going to be good.

She kicked off and started to ride. The pedals against her bare feet were a little coarse, but really only added to the whole tactile experience. The next thing she noticed was the breeze from riding - like silk sheets being continuously dragged across every inch of her bare skin, and it made her nipples even harder. She was fully into the experience and thought to herself - Holy shit! I am riding my bike naked in the park! Being careful to glance around every few moments to make sure she was still in the clear, she kept riding naked and was now approaching the far end of the outfield. Even on the bike, there was no quick way to get back to any of her clothes if she needed to.

Izzy didn't care. She could feel the bike seat pressing itself against her inner lips, and rubbing methodically against her clit - rhythmic even - keeping time with the motion of her peddling. She could feel her ass hole kissing the broader back end of the seat. And she noticed, something was building. The motion of her riding, the bike seat massaging her vulnerable pussy, she could feel the sensation building. There was no doubt, if she kept going like this, she was going to orgasm. And so she resolved, that would be her release. She rounded the outfield and was coming back to the dugout and she figured that one more lap should be enough to do it!

As if on instinct, her peddling picked up speed as the orgasm came closer and closer. She could feel the release coming. As she peddled she could adjust her sitting position to really focus the pressure against her now on fire pussy until her it was - - this was it - - it was upon her as she rounded again to the outfield and her orgasm came on explosively and she let out a very audible half scream half moan. She was cumming - cumming while naked on her bike! The waves of pleasure were intense and shook her to her core as she rode and pulsated with delight. Until finally, as the orgasm was waning off, she let the bike coast to a halt and slipped off the seat to stand on the path, still straddling the bike.

Her pussy was still on fire and she caressed it, calming it after such an intense and thrilling ordeal. Her heart was pounding and she was breathing hard. She stood there on the bike until she had finally calmed back down. Then, she sat back on the bike and pushed off to the dugout. She leaned the bike back against the outer wall and walked back around the fence to the ball field. Taking her time and strolling along, she collected her strewn clothing, but still did not put them back on yet. She enjoyed the dirt path of the base lines, as well as the cut grass on her bare feet as she moved again along the path of all the bases.

Well, I think we'll have to repeat this experience, she thought to herself as she slowly started to get dressed back inside the dugout shelter. But for now it was getting close to dinner. Izzy was getting hungry, and also had figured she had pressed her luck pretty hard today. She was a little sad to be ending the adventure, although she was more than fully satisfied with the results! As she hopped back on her bike and began her ride home, she turned onto the entrance road that connected the park to the outside world. As she did, she looked up and there was a car coming into the park! As it passed her she saw the driver looked like a cute boy, maybe freshman college age, and he had a dog in the back seat. Out to walk his dog I guess. Well he has no idea what he just missed, thought Izzy. And with a big smile, she peddled off home, her mind racing with thoughts of what her next adventure would look like!

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CheeseRavioliLoverCheeseRavioliLoverabout 1 year ago

Good story.

On a bike, you pedal, not peddle. Peddling is selling stuff, pedaling is propelling a bike. A salesman going door to door is a peddler; a cyclist trying to get uphill is a pedaler.

Little mistakes don't interfere with the building tension of the story. I just thought you'd want to know.

There must have been a really popular TV show on that night, to have the park and the roads all be empty. I bet she could have pedaled past a number of pedestrians without anyone realizing she was naked, or only noticing after she had passed.

babaloo92babaloo92almost 2 years ago

Loved this. Read it several times. Reminds me of growing up. Please writeore of this type.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Loved it!!! More please!

babaloo92babaloo92over 2 years ago

Fantastic. Reminds me of some of my own adventures. More?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

oh, yes!!!!.......outstanding!!!

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