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Joe's Spa

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Massage with confidence and in confidence.
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This story came about because the author jaFO posted in the forums suggesting a multi-author Anthology, possibly situated around a shopping mall. The anthology hasn't really taken off but I still wrote this piece. Anyone who would like to write a story feeding into or off of my story, please feel welcome. Also I think Joe's Spa could go in many directions, any feedback or suggestions for future chapters you might like to read are appreciated. Enjoy x

Joe Green nearly had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. With the support of his wife, he'd given up his good, salaried job and taken a chance on running his own business. He'd only been at it a few months but things were going well and now he had a reporter from the local paper coming to interview him and do an article on his new business.

He normally didn't open till 10am but had arranged to meet the reporter, Justin, at 8.30. Promptly at 8.30, there was a knock on the door of his shop. Joe opened the door and pretended to be a little surprised to see an attractive young lady not much older than his teenage daughters standing there.

Joe put out his hand "Justin, right?"


Joe smiled his best apologetic smile and shook her hand, her petite hand lost in his big paw.

He showed her into the shop and offered her coffee and the croissants he had picked up specially. As they sat down Justine was looking around, a quizzical, unsure look on her face.

Joe smiled his friendliest smile "You look like you want to ask me something already."

Justine blushed a little, "No, it's just that, this and, more particularly, you, are not what I was expecting."

"What were you expecting?"

"I don't know exactly. When I heard that a man was running a salon specializing in facials and lymphatic drainage treatments I think I expected him to be." Justine paused a moment "Umm gay."

It wasn't the first time Joe had heard this and he couldn't help but tease her a little, saying in an almost offended tone "How do you know I'm not gay?"

Justine momentarily had her doubts before realizing that Joe was teasing her, "You just don't have that vibe. What are you 6'4'', 240lb?" Joe nodded "You look more like a retired footballer than a beauty therapist."

He heard this or similar before but still smiled, enjoying Justine's straight talking.

"So how did you come to be running a beauty business?"

"Is this the interview begun?"

"It is, but I'm genuinely interested. I do a lot of interviews with businesses in this mall, it's part of our paper's role to promote small local businesses. Hopefully they'll reciprocate by taking out ads. Being the junior reporter I get to do all of these pieces and most of them are boring but this is more interesting. So tell me, how did this all come about?"

Joe had lots of answers down pat but Justine's genuine interest caused him to pause and think about his answer.

"Well I'd start by saying that it isn't just a beauty treatment, there are proven health benefits to lymphatic drainage. It also happens to leave the skin looking and feeling better."

"Do you only do the face?"

"I'm trained to do lymphatic drainage for the whole body but at the moment and in this salon I'm concentrating on the face, neck and upper chest."

"How did you get into it?"

"Well I've been a nurse for nearly twenty years, in fact, I met my wife at nursing school. I was always interested in the power of touch and massage. I've seen some patients nearly half their pain meds after having regular massage or reflexology. That's another service I offer here, reflexology."

Justine nodded, checking her phone to check that it was still recording. Joe carried on.

"My wife loves massage and encouraged me to practice and qualify, her obviously getting the benefits of most of my practice. She always said I had magic hands and a wonderful touch. I have regular clients now who say the same. Anyway when the pandemic hit I was still nursing and like everyone else I got busier than ever, in fact feeling completely burned out by the end of it. That feeling of burnout and disillusionment was the catalyst for setting up this business."

"Wow, that's so cool. Does your training as a nurse help with your treatments?"

"In as much as it taught me about people, how to listen. You build up a relationship, a trust. With some clients it's like going to confession, they like to get everything off their chest, not just lymphatic fluid."

Justine was listening intently and didn't at first realize that Joe had made a little joke, smiling along with him when she did. "What sort of things do they share?"

"I couldn't and wouldn't tell you. It's private between me and my clients."

Joe had a twinkle in his eye and Justine felt if she pushed him she might get some juicy gossip, "You can't leave it there, tease me and then not give me any gossip."

Joe wasn't giving up his secrets too easily but Justine felt he would if she persisted. Eventually he gave in but made a big play of her not telling anyone, leaning in a bit closer as if it added to the confidentiality.

"Well I'll tell you a few things but as I say, you mustn't tell anyone." Joe paused for effect, as if deciding what to say. "You know that strip joint at the edge of the mall?"

Justine nodded

"Well, two of the dancers there just had breast augmentation."

"You mean a boob job?"

It was Joe's turn to nod, "Anyway they come to me because by massaging their boobs in the right way I can help to reduce the swelling and they heal quicker. They like nothing more than telling me who are the best tippers and who are the sleaziest douchebags."

Justine was expecting that he would share this information with her but instead he moved on to another story. "And you know Suzy Halliday who owns the lingerie store?" Justine nodded, her ears pricking up, thinking this could be something juicy. "Well Suzy was here last evening for her weekly appointment. I told her you were coming this morning and she said you'd written pieces on most of the businesses here. She said it was like a perk of the job for you that many businesses would give you a free sample of their wares so you could write about them more accurately."

It was no great secret but Justine still felt a bit embarrassed. Before she could say anything Joe continued.

"She told me that you had chosen a particularly beautiful, if a bit risqué, set of red underwear."

Justine's mouth fell open, anger welling within her to overtake the shock. She glared at Joe, but he just stared back, no smirk as she'd expect, but his mouth and eyes began to gently smile as he said "You see it wouldn't be nice for me to share any of the things people tell me in confidence."

Justine knew she'd just had her ass handed to her on a plate and had an inkling that she'd been had, Joe controlling this whole interview. She even realized that him calling her Justin at the beginning was a deliberate ploy. Nevertheless she found herself smiling along with Joe, if only she knew some of the other things Suzy had said about her.

Joe spoke, breaking the spell "In the time honored tradition of these things I'd like to offer you a free facial and massage if you have the time that is."

Justine did have the time but felt a bit flustered, not sure of what to do. She really wanted the massage but found herself making excuses. "It's a new summer dress and I have an expensive bra on, not the one from Suzy I might add, I'd hate to get oil on them." Oh my god, what was she doing telling this man about her bra, she turned her face trying to hide her blushes.

"That's no problem, there's a changing room attached to the treatment room. There are towels in there that you can wrap around you, you'll be fully covered." Out of excuses, Justine found herself walking through the treatment room to the changing room.

The treatment room had nice lighting and a nice smell. The changing room was well appointed and Justine noticed the big fluffy white towels. "Shit, what am I doing?" She said this out loud to herself, remembering what she had on. She had her shoes, her knee length summer dress and her bra, nothing else. It was a warm day and she was meeting her boyfriend after work so had thought no panties would be a nice surprise for him.

Joe was only going to massage her face, her neck and her upper chest but she couldn't leave the bottom half of her dress on. This would also give her a chance to challenge Joe, see how he behaved, maybe give her some salacious gossip. She held up one of the towels, they did look big. Taking a breath she kicked off her shoes, took off her dress and then, looking at herself in the full length mirror, she removed her bra. She sucked her abs tight and stuck her chest out, giggling as she said "Not bad if I do say so myself."

She always enjoyed standing nude in front of the mirror but this felt a little naughty, causing her tummy to flutter and her mind to wander. It wasn't her mirror and Joe was just the other side of the door.

She wrapped the towel around herself and was pleased it covered from her boobs to just below her ass cheeks. Somewhat sheepishly she opened the door and entered the treatment room. Joe was arranging some oils on a table, the same friendly smile on his face as he looked at her.

"Great. I've been thinking, when we were talking you had slight sniffles, do you suffer with hay fever or other nasal problems?"

"I do, I take a tablet but it doesn't stop it totally."

"Well rather than lying down on the table and getting more congested we can do the therapy in this reclining chair, which will enable me to work on your sinuses and drain them."

Joe was indicating a large chair in the corner which he soon brought to the center of the room, telling Justine to take a seat. Whether he realized that she was a little hesitant because of the length of the towel she wasn't sure but he nonetheless went and stood behind the chair, so his view was obscured.

She sat down cautiously, only having to tug the towel down a little, her boobs still covered but the tight towel now showing a nice bit of cleavage. At least her manicured bush, that she had spent ten minutes this morning perfecting, was covered.

"Right Justine I'm just going to tilt the chair back until you're at about 45 degrees."

She felt the chair smoothly recline, her back going down and her legs and knees coming up until Joe's smiling face came into view. Unthinkingly she found herself tugging at the edge of the towel, "Don't worry, you're fully covered."

Joe was looking directly at her legs and tummy, his expression not changing as he spoke, no smirks or dirty grins, just the calm, professional persona that he'd exhibited throughout. Justine thought she had great legs and found that she was a bit disappointed not to get at least some reaction. Was he truly that professional or was he just a good actor?

As Justine was thinking about this, Joe spoke again, "Just let your arms relax by your sides or on your tummy. Close your eyes and take a slow deep breath in, good, now let it out. I'm going to put my hands on your face now."

Joe loved his job. He had male and female clients and worked hard to give them all the best experience, but if he was honest, he preferred female clients. He would never be anything but professional but being up so close and personal with beautiful women was certainly a great job benefit. Being able to bring this cocky young woman down a peg or two was a bit of fun that he was also going to enjoy.

Joe laid his hands on Justine's face, his hands completely covering her forehead. She could immediately feel their warmth and strength. "Just take slow, deep breaths, feel yourself relaxing and sinking into the chair." His voice sounded deeper and even more calming, Justine found herself doing as she was told.

Joe's hands moved lightly across her face from her hairline down to her neck and back up again, her skin almost tingling as he did so, her body relaxing and her mind clearing.

Joe loved this part of the massage, when he could feel and see the client visibly relaxing, their body opening up and allowing him to work his magic. He looked down at Justine's body, her breathing steady, her hands now floppy by her side and her legs, which had been held tightly together, now relaxed and slightly splayed, causing the towel to ride up a little. He rarely got aroused when with a client but he couldn't help but smile as he felt the hardening in his pants.

He placed his fingers either side of her nose and applied gentle pressure, holding the pressure and gently massaging at the same time. Justine could feel the fluid dripping past her nasopharynx and pooling in her throat, fighting the sensation to gag.

"Swallow it." His voice firm and commanding.

Without questioning or thinking, she swallowed, gulping at the foul tasting thick fluid as it slid down her gullet, the horrid sensation bringing her to her senses. She went to open her eyes and complain but his hands had moved back to her jaw and neck, gently massaging and kneading as if helping the fluid on its way.

"Breath, relax." His voice kind and reassuring

She went with it again, feeling his hands travelling across her face, gently flicking the skin, her whole body, her whole being feeling wonderful.

Joe couldn't help but smile at his own boldness. Normally he'd offer a client a bowl or tissue to spit out into but found he was taking a perverse pleasure in controlling this young woman, making her swallow. There was always an energy between the practitioner and the client, but this session felt extra charged and he was loving it.

He was now concentrating on her neck, initially stroking upwards as in a normal facial but now stroking downwards towards her chest, his hands moving ever lower. He was pushing down onto the chest and outwards in smooth, even strokes, his thumbs applying slightly more pressure as they found the spaces between her ribs. Justine had smallish, firm breasts that sat high on her chest and he found his hands going under the towel as he drained the lymph glands.

The pressure on her upper chest felt just right. She'd worked out yesterday and her pecs were sore, this felt wonderful. With each stroke he would push deep with his powerful thumbs and then release the pressure, causing her to hold her breath and then sigh. She felt the towel loosen as his fingers probed lower, only just above her nipples. Would he go further? She didn't think so but she wanted him to. His touch became lighter as he worked his way back up to her face, her breathing normalizing as he gently brushed her skin.

"Would you like me to massage your feet, do some reflexology?"

"Umm, yes please."

Before she could think about the consequences of this he had moved his chair and was now sat at her feet applying oil to his hands. He was smiling up at her, his expression as calm and reassuring as it had been throughout, as if he hadn't noticed that her naked, slightly moist, cunt was directly in his eye line. He hadn't done anything wrong but she again felt she'd been played, as if he'd controlled everything to end up in this position. 'Well fuck you mister, two can play at that game.'

She fought the urge to clamp her legs tightly together, making herself relax by breathing slowly and deeply, as he'd told her. His eyes trailed slowly down from her face to her feet, did she notice his lip quiver as he looked at her cunt? She wished she could see his groin, he must be hard, was his dick as big as the rest of him? She silently chastised herself for thinking this way but couldn't help the silly grin that was on her face. As it was she'd have to concentrate on his hands, put him off his stroke as it were. Make him sweat, maybe get that lip quivering again.

This was fun. He didn't normally play the 'I'm a dirty old man pretending to be professional' game, but now couldn't help himself. He'd fully expected her to clamp her legs together, freak out a bit and say she didn't want the foot massage, planning to apologize and act innocent when she did. As it was she had stared him down and then closed her eyes, letting her body relax, her feet together and her knees apart, the moist lips clearly visible. The towel was covering nothing below and had loosened even further up top, now barely covering her nipples. He wondered whether she'd cover herself if it slipped further.

He took her right foot in his hand and held it, ensuring her knees spread a tiny bit further apart, the view making his mouth go dry. He knew he had to do a full, proper reflexology session to maintain the pretence but he also genuinely wanted Justine to enjoy it, believing passionately that touch and massage were the most marvellous thing. He also knew from experience that certain pressure points elicited more sensual responses and that was what he was going to give Justine.

She'd planned on catching him out, but the one time she'd opened her eyes he was smiling at her rather than perving at her pussy. She couldn't help but smile back, her body tingling and responding to his touch. She knew her legs were further apart than they should be but she really didn't care, a silly thought entering her head, making her smile more 'If he can make me feel this amazing just by stroking my face and rubbing my feet then he deserves his perks.'

She was tingling to her core, her pussy moist and her nipples achingly sensitive. She started taking as big a breath in as she could, making the towel rub her nipples as she stuck her chest out, then hoping it would fully open so he could see what he was doing to her. Her smile widened as she thought 'he definitely already knows.'

Joe was amazed at Justine's response. He'd often gotten clients, at their request, to an aroused, happily sexual place, even having some couples come to him and say he's done wonders for their sex lives, but Justine was on a different level. Her whole body seemed alive to his every touch, Justine whimpering and moaning along with each stroke of his hand.

Any thoughts he'd had of power plays were gone, now he just wanted her to enjoy every minute of it. He even wondered if it was possible to make someone orgasm through reflexology, a silly smile passing his lips as the thought passed, but he had to find a way of pushing this further.

"Are you enjoying it?"

She wasn't expecting him to speak but didn't even open her eyes when replying "Ummm."

"Let your mind and body go wherever they want, do what you feel like doing, touch yourself."

"Oh god, I want to touch myself, is it ok?"


Justine's right hand moved slowly to her lap, her own fingers teasing her as they brushed her thigh, then finding her soft lips. Her middle finger traced slowly up and down, making her abs tighten and her buttocks clench. She spreads her legs further, wanting Joe to see everything, his face only inches away, his strong fingers still stroking her foot.

Her left hand found the knot in the towel and she undid it, the towel falling to her sides and leaving her fully exposed. Her fingers found the hard nipple and she gasped as she pinched it, giggling dirtily as she released the pressure. She did it again and again, harder and harder, the thumb of the other hand now on her clit and her middle finger curled deep inside her, hardly breathing as she opened her eyes and watched Joe watching her, that same smile and that same even pressure on her foot.

That same calm voice, "Put another finger in yourself, good, and now another." She obeyed and arched her back to scoot her bum forward to the edge of the chair, her legs splaying and the back of her hand nearly touching his nose, her whole sex now on wanton display to this man.

It's too much, the release fries her brain, her body reacts, her legs draw up to her chest and she cradles them, she wants to cry. From nowhere Joe produces another large towel, unable to resist one last look at her glorious cunt and glistening asshole before he lays it over her, tucking it in as he gently brushes the hair from her face. Always the professional.


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